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Was surfing around YouTube and I found this piece of shit. Apparently this is Avril Lavigne's new single. So much for not selling out, eh?

No, seriously. Did you ever think she had any credibility? What the hell's wrong with you?


i never claimed she was credible. if anything she has gone from bad to shit.

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Nirvana was a breath respite; they ultimately did more damage than good, as far as commercial rock radio goes. It's not their fault, but they're still responsible for it, however indirectly.

I believe if it hadn't been them, it would have been someone else. Hair metal was on its last legs and I don't think an absence of Nirvana would have kept Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains or whoever else from breaking through.



On another subject, I'll take this Avril over the old one. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BABY YOU SEXY

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nirvana will always get too much praise and too much criticism all at the same time. i've went through every step of liking, hating, loving, being indifferent towards them. now i've hit a sort of middle ground. although i do respect what cobain was attempting to do with in utero. most rock stars are not that ballsy on the album after their greatest success. the album was ultimately better, too.

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That was just something else. Also, AntiLeaf is a moron.


how so? all I was ever talking with her "selling out" is that she was spending all this time when she started by claiming she was an anti-Britney (something that everyone could tell was a crock of shit) and then she does a cookie-cutter pop video.

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With a little image tweeking, Soundgarden and Alice In Chains would have fit it rather well in the eighties.

AiC was a hair metal band when they started. I'm pretty sure they opened for Poison in 1990 after Facelift came out.

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I think they're OK. But not great. My brother really likes them. He is a bro and primarily listens to the absolute worst mainstream rap. I don't quite get their decision to go ahead without Layne, but whatever.

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AIC is a bit overrated nowadays, Layne Staley in particular. There's no denying that the guy had pipes, but his lyrics were really bad in general and the band actually seemed to thrive when he was less involved near the end of their run. Given his state of health and overall "contribution" to their performance, the rest of the group might have preferred that Layne not even showed up for the MTV Unplugged concert at all.


What's weird is that their EPs are more interesting than their full-length albums. Sap had "Got Me Wrong" (which might actually be their most enduring track) and Jar of Flies was a decent departure from their usual stuff but, outside of those two, the self-titled LP is probably the only album I occasionally skip through nowadays, mainly due to the dissonant vocal harmonies they started adding on their later work, like "Sludge Factory" or "Frogs".

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The overmedicated zombie that resembled Layne Staley on MTV Unplugged was a pale imitation of the guy that ripped through songs just a few years prior. His voice was cracked, his delivery was haggard, and he couldn't hold onto lyrics. (If I remember correctly, many of the songs required multiple takes - I believe they had to take four swings at "Sludge Factory" before they finally got it right). He was just physically shot all to hell by that point; I don't know that the performance would have been much better without him, but the fans and the band deserved better than what they got out of him that night, in my opinion.

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I really hated "grunge" when it came around in the early '90s. I didn't get Nirvana, and I got so sick of hearing the same Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains hits non-stop. All of the slurred vocal hooks and droning guitar riffs bored me.


I can respect Nirvana now, and enjoy some of their music. The rest I can pretty much do without.

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Layne's horrible condition was THE emotional punch to that unplugged show. Beyond that it would have been just average radio-rock shit.

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As far as AiC goes, them and Soundgarden are the only artists labled "Grunge" that I could get into. That out of the way, Facelift really doesn't stand out too well. Their other albums (especially Jar of Flies) work better because it sees the band finding their voice. Layne was a great vocalist, but Jerry was really the heart and soul of the band.

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Layne's horrible condition was THE emotional punch to that unplugged show. Beyond that it would have been just average radio-rock shit.


I definitely won't argue that there was definitely an emotional punch at the beginning - when "Nutshell" opened the concert and each band member, one by one, took their places and joined in, you almost had to wonder if Layne was going to be there...and then there he was, disturbingly thin, wearing sunglasses, and looking like he might not even make it to the microphone. And to his credit, Layne gave about all that he could for "Nutshell" and even "Brother" (which was better than the Sap version, frankly).


But after those two tracks, the emotion starts to sour and it really begins to feel less like a triumph and more like an act of desperation as the performance wears on. Staley almost literally croaks his way through "Would?" and generally floats all over the place on pitch through the rest of the set, all while the rest of the band soldiers on, looking genuinely concerned for Layne throughout. When Layne says that it's "their best show in three years", it's a sad confession, rather than a poignant observation; the band didn't tour to support the previous album and they hadn't performed together live at all in that span of time, primarily because of Staley's health and erratic behavior.

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I was glancing through this thread, and noticed some of the "grunge" and Cobain comments. And, it always pisses me off. Yeah, Nirvana was a good band. Maybe even great. But, they are WAAAAAAAYYYYY over-rated. Cobain was a careerist...despite his "image"...it's like the line in Singles, his act is that he has no act. He would slag other bands, and just trudge along. In Utero was a great second album, but, how much ammo did the druggie have left? We never saw them suck. I guess it's just that easy. Make a good first album, a great second album (with TONS of MTV airplay and radio play, and DAVID FUCKING GEFFEN behind your hype machine), and a bitter ballsy third album. Record an Unplugged. Shoot self and let more talented drummer start new career being awesome. Instant. Legend.


So, I think I should start a band.


It takes more balls to live, than to die. I would much rather see a band stick it out, and burst through all the sludge. Name me one band from 1988-1996 that is still around, and consistently tours/puts out music and is worth seeing. I'll give nods to Pearl Jam (who Cobain owed just as much to, as they owed to them---at least Jeff and Stone), Radiohead, and, to a degree, Nine Inch Nails. One thing is for sure, there are more bands that did not make it, then did.

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Off topic; but does anybody know of any good 10cc singles collections that span their whole career? I'm really liking what I've heard thus far.




And I dismissed these guys as being generic 70s soft rockers for so long (Well apparently, they did become that later on but whatev)

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"The Very Best of 10cc" that came out in 97 on Mercury Records is about all the 10cc I'll ever need. It's got pretty much every good song they did and a few that aren't good, and it's got "Cry" by Godley and Creme.


As for Alice in Chains, I'll say that, in agreement to previous comments, all of my favorite songs are on their EPs and their last album, my favorite song of theirs being "Don't Follow".

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Thanks to viva, "Don't Follow" has become a favourite of mine too. I never really payed attention to the track.


Facelift I think gets a bad rap, or just its harder for some to get into. Its got some good tracks in there, like Bleed the Freak, Sunshine and We Die Young.

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To add on to the Alice in Chains discussion, I'm probably in the minority (at least I know I am among people that I talk to), but I really like the Alice in Chains/Pearl Jam side project Mad Season. The one album they put out, I think, is on par with anything Alice in Chains ever did, especially their first few CDs, but that might just be because I prefer the depressed Layne Staley to the angsty, grungy Layne Staley.

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$hamrock won the white rapper show competition for what it's worth. I don't know, I guess I just have this thing for VH1 reality shows LOL.

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