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The Man in Blak

Dude, where's my board?

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So, yeah. I get to work early, click on my little bookmark tab marked "SNKT" and the page doesn't come up. I say "hey, the board's probably down", go grab some coffee, and click it again...and I get one of those "generic search" pages that domain naming services put up whenever you try to access a domain that doesn't exist. I check it at lunch and get the same thing. Looks like someone forgot to mail in the check for the electric bill.


Two years ago, I probably would have been so infuriated that I would have wrote a huge, embarrassing rant with zen quotes that would have taken you either thirty minutes to read or thirty seconds to ignore. I was pretty good at those. Nowadays, thankfully, I just smirk and laugh about it. I guess that's what happens when you grow up.


So, instead of reading through a melodramatic rant, I hope the following words will suffice: It's over, as far as I'm concerned. It's been over for a month and, when I aired out my concerns - the concerns that most uppity board owners have when things are going downhill - two months ago, I got a collective shrug from the rest of the admin crew. So, if you want to re-open the board, knock yourselves out. I'm not paying for or admin-ing (is that even a word?) a board just for the sake of nostalgia - it's boring.


I'd like to give an appropriate "thanks" to the people who've came by and made SNKT an interesting place...but, to do so, I need a domain name and a web service. So, in lieu of said appropriate sendoff, just play some Warren Zevon or something. I promise that, by the end of the song, you'll be over it.

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Huh. I was wondering what had happened, since I got that same search page.


Out of curiosity, does this mean the board and all its posts are gone?

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Are you going to change your sig?


For about a year, SNKT was one of the best boards I had the pleasure of posting at. The good times were good. The post/thread eater glitch was bothersome. The lack of posting was something that no one could change without there being a collective effort from a majority of the board members to start posting more. Consider this board a notch under your belt MiB. It had a solid poster community.


Happy trails SNKT.

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Guest HungryJack

Which was completely solid advice. I might even go so far as to say he could have been far harsher, and it would have been justified.


Let's ask Max what he thinks.

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Look, as I told The Man in Blak on AIM earlier, if SNKT had started an "Inc is Dead" thread like those nerds at WDI did a few months back, I pobably would've started posting at your board again, therefore extending its shelf life a few more months.

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I try to stay out of the mess, but it seems to me Stardust was just as bad as far as whining goes as CJ was with cutting people down, at least what i can tell from those two links...sorry for being out of the loop but is that chick even still around?

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