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The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

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Good start to the season. Everyone's still on the show with something to do, even if it's in a lesser role. Shane and Lem gone should open up more for Ronnie to do.


Great ending with Vic and Shane. They need to square off this season in a big way.

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Shane needs to play the heel this year, not saying he can't join back up with Vic for a little while, he still has Terry's death he could use to turn Vic's life to hell. Lem needs to come back to the team.


Slow started, but I think they just had too much story they had to try and establish in the first episode. The action should pick up from here.


And I didn't mind Glenn Close as much as I thought I would. I just hope we don't get the "tough old school officer" routine that often.


PS. Commercials looked promising. FX is 3 for 3 on their dramas (and Lucky wasn't bad either)...now they have 2 new ones coming out.

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Shane needs to play the heel this year, not saying he can't join back up with Vic for a little while, he still has Terry's death he could use to turn Vic's life to hell. Lem needs to come back to the team.

Agreeed, they've been teasing the big Vic/Shane showdown pretty much since the start, I think it's time for it to finally happen.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

the ending was the shit. Actually the opening was the shit too, but not quite in the same manner.

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Aw, poor Lem. I miss him. His freak-out last season was one of the best builds the show has had.


I wonder what they're going to do with Dutch. Having him just be a dork with no respect again, getting cowed by Vic's lame dick jokes seems a bit off.

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Well Vc said at the end of last season he was gonna make Dutch a joke again....Now the question is, how long before Dutch can't take anymore and cuts himself away from Claudette?

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Guest Brian

Good episode, I hope they don't spread themselves too thin with breaking up the Strike Team. They're keeping Acevada through the whole season, right?

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Well Vc said at the end of last season he was gonna make Dutch a joke again....Now the question is, how long before Dutch can't take anymore and cuts himself away from Claudette?


To be fair, they may be dropping said plotline where Vic and Dutch are back at being enemies (which makes sense since it seems Vic is in the same boat as Dutch in terms of being in the doghouse during the six month gap between seasons). Which kind of makes sense seeing how they already did that storyline in season one in terms of Vic mocking Dutch until he proves Vic wrong and earns his respect.


The Season Preview clip makes it seem like Dutch and Claudette might get off the shitlist after they save one of the DAs from a mad gunman in what appears to be a "rippef from the headlines" style episode involving someone with a gun shooting people at a courthouse.


Either that or they'll run an storyline where Dutch sleeps with Glenn Close's character to get her to intercede on their behalf which iwll lead to Close's character stalking Dutch in the "Fatal Attractions" parody you just know they'll probably do before the season ends....


They're keeping Acevada through the whole season, right?


Yep and that he'll be a major player on the show since they are supposed to be playing up Acaveda having a major cow over Rawling's plans for Farmington.


the ending was the shit. Actually the opening was the shit too, but not quite in the same manner.


The opening segment was shit but the ending was good and went a long way to re-establishing Shane as something of a tragic figure as opposed to just being a generic asshole. Hopefully with them moving Vic towards the center towards being less of a loose cannon, they'll focus on Shane being a loose cannon and Vic's culpability in Shane becoming the nightmare he's become....

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Yeah, Shane is sort of a tragic figure. He was freaking out over being involved in Terry's murder, and that took form in violent outbursts and paranoia (Vic's response to, for example, Shane pissing on the guy seem to indicate these outbursts were new to Shane.) He CLEARLY just absolutely WORSHIPS Vic, and sought his approval through emulation, the clearest example being begging Vic to let him execute that administrator at the end of Season One. Without Vic he has nothing to hold him back, and he'll never be satisfied because now Vic will never see him as an equal. Mara being a psycho bitch constantly pushing him sure doesn't help.

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I thought it was a good first episode. They're already setting up the showdown between Vic and Shane down the road so when it does happen, it will be a defining moment for the show. My hopes for this season are a return for Tavon (it's a long shot but I'd love to see him get back in the mix somehow), and more screen time and lines for David Ress Snell.

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Close's character is named Rawling, right?


Is it just me, or is she making a big mistake trusting Vic to head up the new operation? Vic will not change, doesn't matter what is at stake, and this will come back to bite her in the ass in a serious way.


Good opener! I'm on board for the rest of the season, not sure about the other two advertised shows. Seems like too much too soon.

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Close's character is named Rawling, right?


Is it just me, or is she making a big mistake trusting Vic to head up the new operation? Vic will not change, doesn't matter what is at stake, and this will come back to bite her in the ass in a serious way.


Good opener! I'm on board for the rest of the season, not sure about the other two advertised shows. Seems like too much too soon.

I think Rawlings knows perfectly well that Vic will betray her/fuck things up in a manner that damages her reputation first chance he gets.


The difference is that unlike Acaveda, Rawlings is willing to not live with Vic being a bastard but also work hand in hand with him so long as he gets things done for her. And if Vic DOES get out of line, she has the fact that Vic is in the political shitlist (thanks to Acaveda) to dangle over his head by reminding him that unless he wants to be out of a job, that he'll be carefull not bite the hand that feeds him.


And without spoiling things for upcoming episodes, let's just say that Glenn Close's character can go head to head with Vic in the heartless bastard department and then some.

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I seem to remember in previous seasons FX aired a replay of the Shield on the weekends, but I don't seem to see a replay listing for Saturday night. Will they air the first episode to this season again? Help a brother out...

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Goddamnit. The TV Guide channel didn't show it as being re-played and I checked from 9-11 p.m.


EDIT: Midnight -- Damnit. Well, I'll just record it Sunday night...

FYI to everyone: New episodes of The Shield gets rerun at 10:00 PM on Sunday nights. Just remember to program your VCR/TIVOs accordingly to ensure you don't miss the endings when the episodes run long....

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Because I know you all were on the edge of your seat over this, I saw it Sunday night -- wasn't bad (I don't watch the "stay tuned for scenes" segment because I don't want to wait all week to see the rest). They had to tie up a bunch of loose ends/give a what-has-everyone-been-up-to, but that's ok. I think I'll like Glen Close, her line regarding the dead dog at the start of the show had me laughing.


Oh, I didn't read most posts in this thread that talked about the show itself until after I saw it, so I know I repeated a bunch of stuff -- too bad...

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