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NBA Playoffs

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For the Shaq argument, can you honestly say no other point guard couldn't have produced like Nash did with Amare, Joe Johnson ect ... playing with them? I can guartnee Wade, Marbury, Bibby would have produced the same results.

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Guest Vitamin X

Maybe Wade. Only PG I think could've done better would have been Iverson, probably. That would be a HELL of a fast-break team.

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Marbury w/Suns:


He faced the Spurs (eventual champs) with the Suns a few years ago, and lost a hard fought series in 6 games. That was with a rookie Amare, JJ being held back by Penny, no Q-Rich and Jake Voshkul as the starting center. It's not exactly the same team.

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Pierce really pissed me off tonight. He better come out and kick some ass Saturday night.


Good show by the Celts, really gutsy.

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Maybe Wade. Only PG I think could've done better would have been Iverson, probably. That would be a HELL of a fast-break team.

That's ridiculous to think about that team running.


And it worked because Nash is a good pass first minded PG.

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Good luck against the Pistons.


The Pacers weren't eliminated tonight.

Were they? I could have sworn they led the series 3-2 going into tonight

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Guest Smues

Boy did Dallas fall apart. 18-0 run for Houstin, and Dallas just can not buy a basket.

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Guest Vitamin X

Wow, Mavs just completely fell apart in the 4th there.


I love elimination games!!

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Guest Vitamin X

I hope they do, although this certainly feels like THE LONGEST FUCKING FIRST ROUND OF ALL TIME.


At least the ugly ones were eliminated early (Nets-Heat, Seattle-Sacto which is probably the worst one of all the past, current, and potential `05 playoff series, and Sixers-Pistons in 5 or less).

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Guest Vitamin X

Inside the NBA said that Stephen Jackson reportedly got into good ol' fisticuffs with an assistant coach, so all "isn't well in the Pacer locker room", as they say. Supposedly.


What is it with this kid and brawling?...

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Guest Flyboy

It's was JVG complaints about the officials... which we all know wasn't warranted at all. *rolls eyes* Maybe Johnson should start yelling at Mark Cuban, too.

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Inside the NBA said that Stephen Jackson reportedly got into good ol' fisticuffs with an assistant coach, so all "isn't well in the Pacer locker room", as they say. Supposedly.


What is it with this kid and brawling?...

I haven't read this anywhere. They did say he got in a arguement with someone when some coach told him that it was his fault and his fault alone that they lost, and seriously, thats just fucked up. Dale Davis said he heard the comment too.


I like how he is saying he is going to handle it though. He said if he doesn't come up big in the next game he would just be proving the person right, and everyone else that has called him a thug and said he shouldn't be in the league. So basically he plans on shutting them up by playing his best.

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Guest Redhawk

There are a number of point guards who could have played for the Suns this year in that system and put up the same numbers or close to the same numbers as Steve Nash, as well as played better defense: Baron Davis, Kirk Hinrich, Andre Miller, Jamaal Tinsley, Dwyane Wade, Sam Cassell, Jason Kidd, Stephon Marbury, Mike Bibby, and Tony Parker all come to mind. I look at it this way: Nash left the Mavs and they won more games this year without him. Shaq leaves the Lakers and they miss the playoffs. So who looks more valuable? Besides, it's bullshit that Shaq has been the most dominant player in the NBA for years but only has one MVP. I think voters are always trying to make the non-obvious choice, always trying to be different. That's why Michael Jordan doesn't have more MVPs.


As far as last night, Indiana blew that game after the Pierce incident. When they were in OT, down by 2 with a few seconds left, Reggie Miller should have taken the shot. Instead they run a play for Jermaine O'Neal, and anyone who's watched a Pacers playoff game in the last few years knows that J.O. should never even touch the ball in the last two minutes of a close game, unless he's getting a rebound.

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