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I'm never going to be able to play the Dragonforce song:


Oh My God, that song has to be the closer because of the sheer difficulty of the song


Is that for real?

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Metallica's ''One" will be in Guitar Hero III!



As will "Through the Fire and Flames" by DragonForce, and "Raining Blood" by Slayer.






One ! I'm so there.



Is GHIII next-gen only or will a version come to PS2 ?

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I'm never going to be able to play the Dragonforce song:


I think I just shat myself.


That's like "Jordan" and solo B of "Get Ready to Rokk" level difficulty there, and it I didn't see any part that looked like a place you could relax and recover.

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Metallica's ''One" will be in Guitar Hero III!



As will "Through the Fire and Flames" by DragonForce, and "Raining Blood" by Slayer.






One ! I'm so there.



Is GHIII next-gen only or will a version come to PS2 ?


It is going to be released for the PS2 as well.

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I'm thinking that video for the Dragonforce song is got to be a fake. There is no fucking way there would be a song with notes like that, that would be that impossible to hit. I'm going with fake, that was just to insane.

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The interface in the Dragonforce video jives with the one presented in the videos on IGN, so if it is a fake, they certainly did their homework.


And Jordan on Expert is just about the same sort of guitar-destroying-frustration-note-madness as the video so it's not out of the realm of possibility for me to imagine they would put a song like that in the bonus tracks. And some people CAN beat Jordan on Expert, so you've got to throw a doom-track like this to cater to those people.

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I don't know about that. It does look like a combination of the worst parts of "Jordan" "Trippolette" and "Texas Flood" but it doesn't look fake. They may tone it down a little (I can't believe they expect you to play the piano/keyboard opening) but I don't expect it to be dramatically different in the finished product.

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It's not a fake. Neversoft flew some of the top GH players from the scorehero.com community to their studios to try out GH3 not too long ago. That song kicked their ass. Thankfully it won't be part of the campaign, just a bonus tune ala Jordan.

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It's not a fake. Neversoft flew some of the top GH players from the scorehero.com community to their studios to try out GH3 not too long ago. That song kicked their ass. Thankfully it won't be part of the campaign, just a bonus tune ala Jordan.


Of course it kicked their ass. They didn't play the same song 24/7 for a month straight.


Oh man what a waste of post number 10,000.

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"Through the Fire and Flames" alone has pretty much cemented me picking this up when it's released. That entire album ("Inhuman Rampage") is fantastic guitar work. Come to think of it, I would rather enjoy an entire Progressive Metal style of Guitar Hero game.

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I'm never going to be able to play the Dragonforce song:

Oh my God!



And they didn't even show the solo...


After seeing that video, I cant wait for this game to come out! That looks so ridiculously hard to pull off. I let a guy that I work with listen to "Through the Fire and Flames" yesterday, because he had never heard of Dragonforce. Upon hearing the opening guitar riff, he said fuck this.

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Was I the only one to sing "Goofy Goofy Goober" whilst playing "I want to Rock" by Twisted Sister on GH encore?

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I just got 8-'s today. I am loving it. The fact that DIO is in it rules all.

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So, I'm the only person to sing "goofy goober" whilst playing I wanna Rock, but am I the only person to think that the cover of Holy Diver was fucking dreadful on GH2 80s?

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I'm never going to be able to play the Dragonforce song:

Oh my God!



And they didn't even show the solo...


After seeing that video, I cant wait for this game to come out! That looks so ridiculously hard to pull off. I let a guy that I work with listen to "Through the Fire and Flames" yesterday, because he had never heard of Dragonforce. Upon hearing the opening guitar riff, he said fuck this.




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I'm never going to be able to play the Dragonforce song:

Oh my God!



And they didn't even show the solo...


After seeing that video, I cant wait for this game to come out! That looks so ridiculously hard to pull off. I let a guy that I work with listen to "Through the Fire and Flames" yesterday, because he had never heard of Dragonforce. Upon hearing the opening guitar riff, he said fuck this.






That's gold Jerry, gold!

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

That song looked up there looked easier to do than Jordan. Jordan doesn't really have discernable patterns.

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GH3 preview video.

I think they said they were using the XB360 game. And, hey, they play some Pearl Jam.


I can't wait to play "Evenflow". Favorite Pearl Jam song, and I love the opening. The graphics looked awfully unfinished, especially compared to the videos they've been showing that looked fairly finished. This one though, ugh. The closeup of Judy's hands as she's playing looked terrible. I know they're going to clean it up and get it ready to go, but the game is supposed to ship in a month. I don't work in the industry so I don't know how quickly graphical fine tuning can be done, but I would have thought a game that's a month away from ship would look more polished.

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Eh, you're right I knew it was October, not September. Dont' know what made me think that. That should be enough time to clean it up, but I'm still a bit surprised as to the roughness of it. I guess I'm just clueless as to the typical development schedule of an A+ title.

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I did not know this, but the Wii version will have online support. Downloadable content is unknown, though.

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God damn, for some reason Freya on expert kicked my ass. After about 20 attempts I finally managed to get through it.

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I FINALLY got through that goddamn solo on Because It's Midnite on Expert. You basically have to jam the frets and strum like a madman.

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