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Guitar Hero.

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It is awesome. It's fucking guitar hero.



Mine came with a whammy bar that didn't work. Poop. Plus, on wii, the graphics suck.


Looks fine on my HDTV. Besides.. graphics aren't that important for this type of game, really.

Seriously? I'm playing it on an HDTV (though I don't think it's even in 480p so an HDTV doesn't matter) and it looks just atrociously bad. I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter since you're looking at the fretboard pretty much the whole time, but damn it's got some terrible graphics. Even the menus and stuff are muddy and pixelated. Look at the text that pops up that goes "YOU ROCK" when you beat a song. How the hell do they make TEXT look so shitty? Does it suck as bad on the other systems or is it just the Wii version.

I don't really care, the game's fun as hell though.


The Wii version is 480p. It's been reported pretty much everywhere and even my TV's (Samsung with Game Mode) signal display states 480p. I think the graphics look fine. Looks a few steps up from the PS2 version which is what I was expecting. Either have shitty TVs or you set your expectations too high. :P

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It is awesome. It's fucking guitar hero.



Mine came with a whammy bar that didn't work. Poop. Plus, on wii, the graphics suck.


Looks fine on my HDTV. Besides.. graphics aren't that important for this type of game, really.

Seriously? I'm playing it on an HDTV (though I don't think it's even in 480p so an HDTV doesn't matter) and it looks just atrociously bad. I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter since you're looking at the fretboard pretty much the whole time, but damn it's got some terrible graphics. Even the menus and stuff are muddy and pixelated. Look at the text that pops up that goes "YOU ROCK" when you beat a song. How the hell do they make TEXT look so shitty? Does it suck as bad on the other systems or is it just the Wii version.

I don't really care, the game's fun as hell though.


The Wii version is 480p. It's been reported pretty much everywhere and even my TV's (Samsung with Game Mode) signal display states 480p. I think the graphics look fine. Looks a few steps up from the PS2 version which is what I was expecting. Either have shitty TVs or you set your expectations too high. :P

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It is awesome. It's fucking guitar hero.



Mine came with a whammy bar that didn't work. Poop. Plus, on wii, the graphics suck.


Looks fine on my HDTV. Besides.. graphics aren't that important for this type of game, really.

Seriously? I'm playing it on an HDTV (though I don't think it's even in 480p so an HDTV doesn't matter) and it looks just atrociously bad. I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter since you're looking at the fretboard pretty much the whole time, but damn it's got some terrible graphics. Even the menus and stuff are muddy and pixelated. Look at the text that pops up that goes "YOU ROCK" when you beat a song. How the hell do they make TEXT look so shitty? Does it suck as bad on the other systems or is it just the Wii version.

I don't really care, the game's fun as hell though.


The Wii version is 480p. It's been reported pretty much everywhere and even my TV's (Samsung with Game Mode) signal display states 480p. I think the graphics look fine. Looks a few steps up from the PS2 version which is what I was expecting. Either have shitty TVs or you set your expectations too high. :P

Seriously? I think it looks much worse than the PS2 Guitar Hero 2. It's not the TV since Zelda and other Wii games look great on it.

But whatever, like I said it doesn't matter one bit.


I also go the weird optical illusion after playing for a couple hours where everything in real life looked like it was scrolling up. Made me kinda sick for a little bit too.

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Okay, I've been playing for a full day now and have beat campaign mode on both Medium and Hard. So here's my final take.


The Good:

Awesome gameplay, can't really get much better than this(?). Pretty good online program, doesn't feel laggy. Good campaign mode. I love the battle feature! Many of the grievances of GH2 answered and solved in this version. The window for a note has been increased (thank god), but there isn't any decrease in difficulty.


The Bad:

Despite it's greatness, I would've like to have seen a stronger song roster. I'd keep about 70% of the songs, but the other 30% keep GH3 from being awesome. No "Free Bird"! I think that GH2 had a stronger song roster. That optical illusion thing. A lack of unlockables! You just pay for shit! That sucks! No real surprises. The characters pretty much suck as well. I was expecting more cool characters, but instead you get a lot of the same characters in GH2, plus a few unexciting ones.


The Ugly:

The fucking graphics. On Wii, they're absolutely sloppy. 360 and PS3 have great graphics for this game, but the Wii's look like it was built for the Gamecube or Dreamcast. Piece of shit. But you're really not spending that much time looking at the graphics. It's still a let down nonetheless.



A good damned game. Will keep me entertained for hours. I'll not stop until I can complete a song on Expert.

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Through the Fire and Flames on Expert wrecks my soul. It has everything in Guitar Hero that makes me cry, even with the even more lenient judgement system for hammer-ons.

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Well, i just spent my first half an hour or so playing. As I stated before, my guitar prowess in real life blows and i have all the rhythm of a kindergarten jazz band - so, with that said, it's been quite the challenge. I'm playing on easy too, and still have only passed three songs on my first try ("Story Of My Life", "Rock And Roll All Nite", and "Sunshine Of Your Love") ...Oddly enough, I got my highest score on Sunshine, a VERY dismal 89% which would have been higher if i was quicker on the strumming through the end section. Even more odd, I'd never heard Story of My Life before, and thought I'd have my ass kicked after barely making it halfway through Hit Me With Your Best Shot two or three times. The next section...well, I don't know a single song from it, outside of the names. That might go against me.



Either way, and even with my complete shittiness, I will enjoy getting better at it as time goes by. Everyone has to start somewhere.

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A lot of people are getting Invalid Slot Token. It was all over the forums over there, before their forums went down.


I'll try again tonight.

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Jumped right in on Hard difficulty, and didn't really have any problems until I came to a screeching halt on "My Name is Jonas". I'm terrible at hammer ons, and that's not a song you want to be bad at them on. That or "The Seeker".


In other news, I got my guitar synched up to my 360 (so THAT's what that little round button on the console is for!) but the blue button crapped out after about 10 minutes. I'm not happy, but at least I still have my Xplorer from 2 as my fallback until I return it. I'll probably just return the guitar version for just the game and some store credit that I'll apply towards Assassin's Creed or Mass Effect.

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Well, i just spent my first half an hour or so playing. As I stated before, my guitar prowess in real life blows and i have all the rhythm of a kindergarten jazz band - so, with that said, it's been quite the challenge. I'm playing on easy too, and still have only passed three songs on my first try ("Story Of My Life", "Rock And Roll All Nite", and "Sunshine Of Your Love") ...Oddly enough, I got my highest score on Sunshine, a VERY dismal 89% which would have been higher if i was quicker on the strumming through the end section. Even more odd, I'd never heard Story of My Life before, and thought I'd have my ass kicked after barely making it halfway through Hit Me With Your Best Shot two or three times. The next section...well, I don't know a single song from it, outside of the names. That might go against me.



Either way, and even with my complete shittiness, I will enjoy getting better at it as time goes by. Everyone has to start somewhere.


It just takes practice. Granted, I progressed a lot more quickly (with the first GH) than you have been, but I play the guitar for real and I still struggled with easy difficulty for a few hours when I first got the game. Once you get the hang of things, you'll never want to play easy again.

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Had a couple questions here:


1)Was the motion sickness optical illusion thing something people noticed in the past guitar hero games or is it new to this one? I've only played it in short bursts or taking turns at fiends' houses before so I've never had it before. I did play for almost 3 hours yesterday which won't probably happen again.


2)Is there a point to beating it on all difficulty levels? I started playing through on easy but it was really boring so I went up to medium (but I'll definately want to do hard and expert if I ever get good enough). Are there unlockables exlusive to each diffuculty or is it all done through the store?

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

One question before I go and buy the game


Are the GH2 controllers (normal and wireless) compatible with the game? Or is it best to buy the controller package?

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I'm still playing Easy, but I found it fairly easy to beat Slash whereas I had a hell of a time with Tom Morello. He whooped my ass. So I'm at the section past the jail now. And for what little they are used so far, I still suck at the whole HO/PO shit.


I think when I move up I'm going to be beating myself over the head trying to jump from blue to green or vice versa. I get confused way too easy with my fingers.

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1)Was the motion sickness optical illusion thing something people noticed in the past guitar hero games or is it new to this one? I've only played it in short bursts or taking turns at fiends' houses before so I've never had it before. I did play for almost 3 hours yesterday which won't probably happen again.



I also had it on GH2 (PS2) but only after for long periods of time without looking away from the fretboard.. I find that if you glance elsewhere every once in a while, it happens a lot less. It's the same idea as running full speed on a treadmill and then suddenly stopping.. you're gonna feel a little bit of vertigo. ;)

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The normal ones are, yeah.


Also, I wanted to mention that my Gamertag is MattYoung for anyone who wants to play GH with/against me. I saw AndrewTS and UTBroward on last night.



I noticed Thoth, if I recall.. sent me a message to play.. but with how they tuck the notification up in the right hand corner, I barely noticed it before it flashed away.


I'd be up for playing co-op with some people, if only to get the co-op only songs.. but I'll go on record right now and say that I'm not the greatest Guitar Hero player and would probably suck on Hard.

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<a href="http://www.scorehero.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18731#GH3" target="_blank">http://www.scorehero.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18731#GH3</a>


Link I found while rummaging thru GameFaqs...has a list of cheats for the various GH's.



So I threw in the "unlock all in quick play" code and tried Dragonforce and "One" on EASY... I passed the Metallica but only got through about 40% of TTFATF...again, on EASY. Holy shit that song is insane.

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I got the game on friday and played while I didn't have to work. I like it, but agree that the song selection isnt as great as GH2. Still, fun times to be had. Love the online mode. If anyone wants to play, my gamertag is deathbyburrit0 (with a zero at the end). I play on hard and expert, so feel free to invite me or whatever.

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The "optical illusion" has happened since the first game, it's from your eyes getting used to the motion of the board and then suddenly looking at something still (makes the walls look like they're melting). I always kind of thought it was funny to see my walls melt after a song.

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Where the fuck is Sabotage?


Also, is everyone still having issues with account linkage?


Yeah, as was mentioned, it is in co-op. I had a friend over tonight and we did the first tier of co-op. It was the first encore.


Also, I finished career on medium, and holy fuck, TTFATF was unbelievably hard. But playing "One" was everything I ever dreamed of. Love this game, maybe more than all the others preceding it. I haven't even tried the online modes yet.

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Wow, I must really be out of it because I only found out yesterday that there is a PC and MAC version of the game coming out in about 2 weeks time. I heard that its the same guitar from the GH2 360 version. Anyone know if its wired or wireless?

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I just realized yesterday that w/ the Wii version, the control stick on the guitar controls the hand pointer on the screen (when the Wiimote is in the guitar) when you are on the Wii "channel" menu. Now I won't have to take the Wiimote out of the guitar every time I turn on the Wii to play.

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Wow, I must really be out of it because I only found out yesterday that there is a PC and MAC version of the game coming out in about 2 weeks time. I heard that its the same guitar from the GH2 360 version. Anyone know if its wired or wireless?


It's wired.

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I'm sort of glad, Through the Fire and Flames is coming off as challenging as it is. I know they're hated almost as much as Nickelback for some reason, but I enjoy the Hell out of Dragonforce. Can't wait to pick this up.

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Dragonforce is awesome. They're hillarious and don't take themselves seriously at all (and have insane musical chops). I think that's why certain very vocal groups bash them. Cause if you're a power metal band like that you're clearly supposed to take your self seriously to the point of pretention.

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