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I joined the SJL on June 19, 2002. Happy 3 years writing wrestling matches to me!




(This is really a distraction from all the anger and tension stuff that is going on now.)



So yeah...how long have you guys been in the fed? Favorite moments in and out of character? Come on, give me something.

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I joined JUST before the Clusterfuck '04. FIRST EVA N00B TO NOT BE SJL FODDER~!


Favourite moment in character: probably beating Kibs in the Last Man Standing at 13th Hour '04. That's the match that made Toxxic.


Favourite moment out of character... god, I don't know. Probably marking out over a ??? return I guess. A lot of them have done that for me.

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Early 2001 (I think. It might have been late 2000). My favorite moment was winning the World Title at Genesis II, beating some IGN/SWF Legends in the process. I think like one person picked me to win out of the twenty that guessed. =)

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Uh, whenever it all started. 1987, I think.


Oh, yeah, I was the first person to post stats for his/her wrestler. Without me, you fuckers would be nowhere! I AM THE GREETEST!


Fave moments in character: Tossing Wilson off the triple cage at 13th Hour (But that no-selling bastard has since eaten all the copies of that match.) That time I did the stuff. Having beated some former/soon to be world champs, but only getting the big one by beating NTD. Coming off the short-end in a feud with Galatea.


Fave moments out of character: Galatea and his awesome promos. The old school stuff. A bunch of other stuff that could fill up pages and pages. Were it written really big.

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Early 2001, I think... I wanna say February? I joined like two days before the ML was formed, so if anyone can date that, there you go.


Favorite In-Character Moment: Pretty much any Carnival stable match - Crossfiyah 9-man, Snake Eyes, and Wargames stand out the most.


Favorite Out-o'-character Moment: Getting duped by the fake flamewar thread. I was one of the saps who thought it was all real. My reaction when it was revealed otherwise went something like this:


*huge sigh*


*dramatic pause*


*gets on AIM and swears a blue streak at the people who set it up*


Good times. :)

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Wow, I look awfully noobish in this thread. Ridiculously noobish, actually.


First match, beat Ced via submission on the March 30th Lockdown/Smarkdown. I can't be bothered to remember which. At the time, I didn't know he was a referee.


Fave moment in character: Beating the shit out of IL in the anti-climactic finish to the match that won me the Hardcore Title.


Fave moment out of character: This shouldn't be a fave, but realizing that I have yet to win a match in which my opponent has written. That struck me just now, and I find it funny.

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Too goddamn long.


I guess that means i've been here Too goddamn long + 2 weeks.


You'd think having been here close enough to four years would have been sufficient time for me to accomplish, well, anything at all, but i guess not. Maybe after my 5th or 6th year i'll get it together and finally do something.

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Started in July 2003. So that's almost 2 years. Shit.


Favourite In Character: Well, favourite match was the first one with Johnny on PPV, which I think was Ground Zero '04. Winning the Clusterfuck tops winning the World Title, even though only one other person showed.


Favourite Out of-Character: Being given main event for the last SJL show

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... Winning the Clusterfuck tops winning the World Title, even though only one other person showed...

I have it on good authority that at least two other people showed; I helped write one of those losing matches.

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I joined in June 2001, so I think my 4-year anniversay was sometime a couple weeks ago. Go me.


First match: A gigantic triple-threat matchup against Bo "The Body" Lewis and Seven. Neither of whom showed. Ever.


Biggest moment: There are a few different choices. I did a few different things: I was the second person to hold the IGNJL World and European Titles at the same time (and the only person to win the Euro AFTER the World), the first person to leave the Clan two times, my feud with Erek Taylor, and winning the World Title. However, I'd go with a tag match: Me and Stryke (members of the original M7 at the time) against Spider Nekura and Thoth during a Clan revival. We were heavy 'dogs, but we won, and it was the match that established me as an upper-card type of wrestler. Great moment for me.


Favorite OOC moment: I dunno, really. I guess serving as JLCC head and a WFCC member would be mine, since it was a lot of work.

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I joined August 2002 with a promo I had been working on for a few months.


First Match: I think it was against Blank, a skater punk heel. He was actually kinda cool and had an interesting moveset.


Greatest moments: 3 of them.


1) Winning the JL World Title in the Main Event of Countdown to Genesis against Thor, Fugue, and MVS. I don't think I've ever been as excited or nervous for a match ever. I was sick as hell, but I was in chat when I was watching the show come up and my response was "..." a dozen times.


2) Beating Frost and TNT as our first title defense. This was before we were a real proven team: We only had a default win and a cowrite to our name, and I was nervous we were not gonna make it, especially how we lost our first triple tag match. This was the true beginning of J&R.


3) Main Eventing Genesis. Even though I lost, going from the ME @ countdown to the ME at Genesis was one hell of a journey. I just wish I hadn't fucked up so much of it with personal shit.


OOC Moment: Tag match planning. Ejiro, Tom, Fugue, and anyone else who I've tagged with. I always found it immense fun going over spots for an hour or so and then just BS.

Edited by Justice

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Joined: mid-February.


First Match: A win vs. no-showing Danny Dagda. Decent enough since I was out of practicer having been out of efeds for nearly two years.


Greatest moment: Winning the International Title for the second time, as I didn't think the match was that good given the "no restholds" stipulation.


Favorite OOC moment: Writing my review of Battleground and trying to explain Janus' promo.

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Since the last IGNJL show. Somebody will have to fetch an almanac, because I'm bad with dates. Hell, I can't even remember what year that was.

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I belive my first match was posted March 9, 2002. It was against fellow rookie Danny Williams. I won, although Danno protested that I had used good writing to make a lesser match appear better.


In retrospect, it wasn't exactly stone-faced, as far as psychology goes. ;)


In-character, it's hard to say... possibly finally winning a ladder match by defeating Ann Onita and winning Allison, but most likely beating out ELM in the Ultimate Submissions match at ... Ground Zero, was it?, in 2002, that kickstarted my career as one of the top guys. That match felt like the transition between working with Annie and Ash over and over again for the US Title and the period when I started moving up the card.


Out of character, involving myself, there's got to be the first-person match I wrote against Thoth-as-Orochi. I was inordinately proud of that. One of the big ones, though, has to be watching Pretz win a match main-eventing a PPV, and watching Wildchild finally get a solo PPV ME win. I've enjoyed watching the fed develop from a non-participant's standpoint, and I'm looking forward to guys like Pretz and Zyon, who weren't around when I retired, stepping up and building the new base of the fed.

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Wow, that's really nice of you, Tom. Even though, you know... WC wrote the match. But I was in the main event, and that's something I can always mention when trying to convince people I don't suck.


I've been year a whopping four months, so I haven't done too much of note - but I would put that match down as my second favorite moment from my career so far. My favorite? Going over Pope Benedict XVI at 13th Hour, of course. It was truly an honor to share the spotlight with a figure so famous and respected.

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Ground Zero, was it?




I should have known better than to challenge you to a match that was your character. =)

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I think I joined September or October of 2001, Crusen/Axis soon folllowed, along with another friend of ours who didn't last long (The Worm). He beat Cyclone Comet with a recycled match! (No show of course)


I cannot remember diddly, but I always enjoyed Axis and Sacred's non-caring, never-ending feud. I hope that legs healed up by now.

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I think I joined September or October of 2001, Crusen/Axis soon folllowed, along with another friend of ours who didn't last long (The Worm). He beat Cyclone Comet with a recycled match! (No show of course)


I cannot remember diddly, but I always enjoyed Axis and Sacred's non-caring, never-ending feud. I hope that legs healed up by now.


"I'm sorry, I really am... but I'm enjoying this."

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I joined March 2001, and my first match I wrote was a loss to Lucky, who put me through a table. Fucker.


I won my next match, which was a four way.


My worst moment: Either Orochi, or giving Ash the TV belt.

Best moment: Either the first HiaC with Silent, or beating Flesher for my only World Title when he was in the middle of a hot streak.

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