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Well, unlike SC2, SC3 doesn't already have an arcade release. Still, I expect it'll do better than T5, which I haven't gotten around to giving a damn about and so have many others.


I guess people really did just care about silly exclusive characters and not about the game itself. No surprise really. I kinda miss the hype though.


It was a brilliant marketing move, though, esp considering how hard it is to sell people on fighters these days (even good ones). It's not like tourneys allow the exclusives anyway.


(<--- Owns a version for GC because of Link, as well as a PS2 version because the GC controller sucks for fighters)


T5's bonus features, in comparison, were lame. Arcade versions of games I can get about 5 bucks each, but without the cool extras? You can put different hats on the game characters? *Another* crappy beat 'em up mode that is utter trash? Hotwhoopedydamnshi!


Then again, MKD had 5 special editions, kollectable kards, a bonus disc with MK1, the expanded konquest mode, a bigger krypt, a revamped roster with tons of old faces, puzzle kombat, chess kombat, ONLINE PLAY, and was still pretty much the same game only in some ways worse. Yet, it still sold like crap.

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You shouldn't need extras to get into T5.


Midway just annouced that MKD sold a million, so that's still pretty good.

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You shouldn't need extras to get into T5.


Stone age thinking. Who plays fighters for good fighting engines, anyway? And darnit, with online play T5 could have gotten an extra 1/10 point!


Midway just annouced that MKD sold a million, so that's still pretty good.


It look that long to do what DA did in about half of a month? That's sad. I had hoped it would have done worse, though.


GBA > crappy online play.

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Well MKDA was a big return for MK and Deception uses the same engine so it's not a big surprise DA did better.



It seems weird that Xbox 360 is coming out so soon. Do we even know what is exactly making launch or not?

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Who wants to steal an X Box 360 from Wal Mart?


or..Who wants to play half finished demo 360 games with bugs and glitches at Wal Mart?


Oh, and please be light on the "Insert your memory unit" jokes.


Didn't click the link, but I'm wondering- Major game releases which are sold out (unless you have a pre-order) at most game stores can often be easily obtained at Wal-Mart on launch day. I'm wondering if it'll be the same for the 360, because even if I have an extra $400 to spare by then, pre-orders are likely backed up for weeks by now.

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I downloaded this game that I liked when I was in elementary school called Cross Country Canada.


Cheesy as anything, but man, for elementary students, it was hard.

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On a similar subject, is there anywhere I can acquire any version of Oregon Trail? I've been saying for years that they really need to remake that for PC or, even better, consoles. Oregon Trail on Xbox Live wouldbe awesome.

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Personally, I'll get SCIII if it ever gets an Xbox release. Not until then.


As a huge SC fan, I was dying for Soul Calibur III to be playable on Xbox Live. Sadly, it's not even online for the PS2. However the demo I played at E3 was incredible, and the game if one of the main reasons I want a PS2.

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Who wants to steal an X Box 360 from Wal Mart?


or..Who wants to play half finished demo 360 games with bugs and glitches at Wal Mart?


Oh, and please be light on the "Insert your memory unit" jokes.


Didn't click the link, but I'm wondering- Major game releases which are sold out (unless you have a pre-order) at most game stores can often be easily obtained at Wal-Mart on launch day. I'm wondering if it'll be the same for the 360, because even if I have an extra $400 to spare by then, pre-orders are likely backed up for weeks by now.


It won't harm anything by waiting a number of months, un;ess you are a die-hard have-to-have-it-NOW kind of gamer, and you don't seem that way to me.

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SC3 not being online doesn't bother me. Until it's actually possible to make fighters play the way they're supposed to online, not having online is no big loss.


I think SC3 will be a worse game but sell better than T5. It's getting more hype, at least. T5 got a ton of hype for the arcade release, but the console release was way too rushed with way too little hype.


I'm so not ready for the next gen systems. I don't know if I'd ever be. This gen just seems totally fine to me, and everything I've seen so far from next gen systems could be done on this gen just without as pretty graphics. Yawn. But I might get an X-Box 360 anyway if DoA4 turns out well. It sounds like they're actually trying to make it into a decent fighter.

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Tekken or SC online would be a fun novelty but I can live without it since I always have people to play T5 with anyway.Besides it would probably be horrible. If it's anything like 3S online it'd just be tons of Christie mashers and using the gameshark to play Jinpachi.

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Who wants to steal an X Box 360 from Wal Mart?


or..Who wants to play half finished demo 360 games with bugs and glitches at Wal Mart?


Oh, and please be light on the "Insert your memory unit" jokes.


Didn't click the link, but I'm wondering- Major game releases which are sold out (unless you have a pre-order) at most game stores can often be easily obtained at Wal-Mart on launch day. I'm wondering if it'll be the same for the 360, because even if I have an extra $400 to spare by then, pre-orders are likely backed up for weeks by now.


It won't harm anything by waiting a number of months, un;ess you are a die-hard have-to-have-it-NOW kind of gamer, and you don't seem that way to me.


I'm a diehard, I-want-it-now-but-often-can't-afford-it-now gamer.

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I'm waiting in line at midnight for 360. Not sure why since I don't actually care about any of the launch titles....

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There's a link on the Xbox 360/Wal-Mart article about a third Legend of Zelda for the NES called Triforce Saga .........there was supposed to be a third one ?



I did a quick search on eBay and didn't find the auction, so maybe it's a fake.

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Does anyone know what ended up happening to Pennant Chase? It looks like they decided to wait until next year despite heavily hyping it, does anyone know otherwise?

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There's a link on the Xbox 360/Wal-Mart article about a third Legend of Zelda for the NES called Triforce Saga  .........there was supposed to be a third one ?



I did a quick search on eBay and didn't find the auction, so maybe it's a fake.


I'd heard some tidbits of info about an alleged 3rd NES Zelda that was pushed back indefinitely when the Genesis was starting to really take off. However, even those rumors were in the *maybe* 20% complete range. Supposedly it was more like the original LoZ (like Lttp), but I haven't even seen a screen shot of it so I doubt it got beyond the planning stages.


That cart has got to be a fake, for many of the reasons mentioned on that link. If it were real it would have likely been leaked and dumped a long time ago.

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It is speculated that Nintendo Pennant Chase was cancelled after it's indefinite delay. That kinda bummed me out because although I haven't really played (or at least been in to) a baseball game since Ken Griffey (the original, not the Winning Run stuff) for the SNES, I really wanted to create a stadium.

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Although I'm more than happy with MVP, I was looking forward to a new Nintendo baseball sim. Hopefully, they will release it next season.


Also, did anyone else notice that 2K Sports released a new version of their shitty baseball game? (and this is coming from a 2K devotee) It's called MLB 2K5: World Series Edition.

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I don't know about the glitch you speak of, but the game doeshave updated rosters and adds a new Pennant Race mode (not sure of the details on that, though). Unfortunately, it is $25. Maybe you could trade in your copy of MLB 2K5 for credit to knock that price down a bit.

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A group of fans from Japan have ported the entire Final Fantasy X game to the NES! To accomplish this, they took a ROM of the original Final Fantasy 2 game and replaced all the artwork and text. They even hacked in some original pieces of code, which made the Blitz Ball game possible! An English translation should be coming soon, since the whole English script is already available.


- http://www.gamersdaily.tv/






You can download it at the website. No emulator required. Probably worth waiting for the English version though.

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Is Call of Duty: Finest Hour any good? I keep hearing that it looks great and really gets the whole WWII atmosphere down, but the gameplay isn't up to snuff.

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Holy crud, that FFX thing is nuts. And I recall Andrew asking about the new Castlevania on the Jampack, and I got it. First, I haven't played any Castlevania newer than Dracula X or whatever it's called, so first off, playing Castlevania and not having some kind of whip bothers me, and it's just a hack and slash thing, no platforming as far as I got, just cutting up baddies with a CPU controlled partner called an innocent devil. Disappointing.

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Sorry, I just realized that he asked for reviews in the Castlevania thread, but oh well, there it is

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