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No, I did a lot of fighting. I just mean in RPGs I usually do as less as necessary. However I didn't get any sleep till I beat it, so Rando wasn't missing the mark at all.


Time to completion in hours:minutes?

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32:30 I think was the time of beating. Levels ranged in the 50-60 mark. Wish I could unlock more Dark Sun worlds (only got one), and frankly I'm stuck on the Cave of Ordeals. More or less unlocked most character classes (human/demon ones), working on the monsters.


Oh, and I got Chaos Soldier and he isn't Godlike, like Maijin was. Very adequate, but I hafta reget the class because I took the wrong save and saved over my save with aquired Chaos Soldier.

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Is it just me, or is the Item World particularly hard this time around? Maybe I'm just getting bad maps.

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Depending on the maps, it definitely is harder. Some are good, but there are some nasty random ones.


Oh and apparently you can get Laharl and Flonne into your party, but I'm unsure of how to do so. I'm thinking it hasta do with a certain bill you need to pass, but I'm not sure when it'll work.


Also if you kill Etna in Chapter 3, you get your title changed to Demon Lord. Which I thought was cool.

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Is Valkyrie Profile really worth its crazy price ? It seems you can't find the game for under 150 dollars, on eBay or anywhere else.


Not that I'd be willing to pay that much for only one game, but I'm just curious to see why this game is like the Holy Grail of RPGs. Is the PSP version the same as the PS1 version ?

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Valkyrie Profile is bad-fucking-ass. Apparently the PSP version is pretty much the exact same game, with some enhancements.


It and Suikoden II are the best games that no one can get ahold of.


Well, them and every good Saturn game. Wow, I sure want to play Panzer Dragoon Saga, Guardian Heroes and Radiant Silvergun.

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I played Suikoden II for a while and stopped (trying to get into the capital again to meet up with some people). I'm not sure why everyone raves about it...the story up to this point is very cliche-RPG.


Your father/mentor dies, you get exiled from your home, there's some evil prince out to do something very bad, you join up with a rag-tag group that is trying to stop him, etc.


What's different about Suikoden II? Does the story improve a lot later in the game? Right now the battle system is very repetetive...use the same combo attacks until everything is dead, magic in an emergency. Does that change at all?

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It isn't the greatest game ever or anything. The story and world don't seem as fleshed out as they should be.


What an exhaustive analysis.


Valkyrie Profile is excellent. The art and character designs are fantastic (although some of them draw on some obvious influences), the music is grand, and the gameplay is sweetness. The writing is very well done, and I actually enjoy all the cutscenes.


Gameplay works like this: dungeons are essentially 2D sidescrolling, but with multiple background layers, doorways that travel into and away from the screen to go to different rooms, and higher and lower levels that you can jump to like a platformer, and you even can slide under low areas. Enemies in the field are visable instead of you having to fight random battles. Enemies can also be zapped in the field to stun/detain them. You can attack enemies first to gain an advantage, as well.


If this sounds a little familiar, it should. In the field the game bears a lot of similarity to the Paper Mario games, except with wicked-good art and more mature storylines/characters.


When you enter a battle, your partner characters appear, and they can essentially attack in real time--no turn-taking necessary. You can hit a pair of buttons at a time (or more) to gang up on an enemy and do wicked combos, or attack one enemy at a time. You can also activate special attacks where you'll dish out tons more damage.


I don't know if I'd say it's worth 150 bucks+ (I haven't finished the game), but it's one of the best RPGs on the original PS1, and if you like RPGs at all it's an excellent reason to nab a PSP (or get a 2ndhand one, as I expect the prices on those to drop bigtime when the redesigns come in).


The fact that X___g____ got a re-release on PS1 and it took this long to get a Valkyrie Profile re-release is a sin and a shame.

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It wasn't so much the violence, but also the slightly risque nature (OMG women in nighties!) too. Night Trap was a major sham in every way (especially as a game), so I don't see why that's so shocking.


Night Trap was picked up as "that other game" to alarm parents and senators, because they didn't want to let the truth be known it was MK and MK alone they were going after. Thus they pretended that much more people knew and cared about Night Trap than actually did.

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They should have released a super-uncut version with more scenes and more gore added in, just to cash in. With a super-secret ending where Dana is doing crack.

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Guest Smues

Night Trap is quite awful, and yes I own it. I always got a kick out of how the game, if you make it all the way through, lasts like 30 minutes and yet takes up 2 CDs. All the protesting of that game made it super popular and is probably the reason I ever bothered playing it. "Wow it's been banned at Kaybee toys and Toys R Us? It MUST be good!" The video quality on that game is awful, but that was pretty much the Sega CDs staple, grainy video. Oh and I still to this day randomly quote the undercover dude who shows up at the door. "Excuse me but have you seen me boat?"

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GTA: Vice City Stories trailer


Playing as the late brother of Lance Vance is as decent a character as any other I suppose.


Like the use of music in the trailer.


he's dead? i assume that's something I must have missed whilst playing VC, but does that mean he gets gunned down at the end? Cause that would actually be cool.

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GTA: Vice City Stories trailer


Playing as the late brother of Lance Vance is as decent a character as any other I suppose.


Like the use of music in the trailer.


he's dead? i assume that's something I must have missed whilst playing VC, but does that mean he gets gunned down at the end? Cause that would actually be cool.


Unless this is a different brother, yeah, he's dead by the time Tommy runs into Lance in Vice City. When Vercetti berates Lance for trying to go after Diaz early, his reply is "He killed my brother. What did you expect me to do? Mow his lawns?

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