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ME for next month's PPV

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The main event on next month's TNA PPV is Raven & ? vs. Jeff Jarrett & Rhino. ? will likely be revealed tomorrow night. For those of you who keep complaining about being sick of Jarrett on top, well, prepare for a case of bubonic plague is all I can say. That is a disease that threatens the existence of entire civilizations, isn't it?


TNA is back to being the Jeff Jarrett Show. Again.

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well......HELL YES!!!!!!!!111


Don't worry this will result in Jarrett jobbing for Raven finally. He's a good man he will do it. Trust me.

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They should bring in The Sandman to be Raven's partner. But seriously, what company promotes a frigging Tag Match as their main event. This will be what, 3 PPVs where the NWA title wasn't defended?

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I'm guessing Joe/Styles as the final of the X cup may go on last, which would be a much more suitable main event given what the crowd likes and how over those 2 are.

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I'm guessing Joe/Styles as the final of the X cup may go on last, which would be a much more suitable main event given what the crowd likes and how over those 2 are.

Should Joe v Styles go on last? Yes, for the exact reasons you gave.


Will it go on last? Unlikely, given the ego of Jarrett.


Don't worry this will result in Jarrett jobbing for Raven finally. He's a good man he will do it. Trust me.


Those blinkers must be really welded on tight.

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Jarrett back in the ME makes me sad. Really Jeff Jarrett is the only thing that really, really bothers me about TNA right now. I can even stomach the crap that is 3LK/Outlaw storyline and some of the other drivel (think Lance Hoyt) over anything touching Jarrett. His involvement in this company makes me not want to invest much of my time and energy in this company.

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Jarrett back in the ME makes me sad. Really Jeff Jarrett is the only thing that really, really bothers me about TNA right now. I can even stomach the crap that is 3LK/Outlaw storyline and some of the other drivel (think Lance Hoyt) over anything touching Jarrett.  His involvement in this company makes me not want to invest much of my time and energy in this company.

Even people who like Jeff (note: not those who hero worship him), and know what they're talking about, again forgoing the hero worshippers, have said Jeff isn't the guy to build a promotion around.


TNA are going to have a hard time as it is trying to make it, but those chances won't be helped with one of their top guys being someone who couldn't get heat with a blowtorch in the WWF or WCW.

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I thought Dixie Carter finally came out and told him he's not the guy they want to build around? I know AJ requested to be moved back to the X Division, but they need to build around some of the new faces in the main event scene if they'll be taken seriously as an alternative, because to say "hey, our main events have Raven, Rhino, and Jeff Jarrett", casual fans aren't going to buy it.

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I thought Dixie Carter finally came out and told him he's not the guy they want to build around?  I know AJ requested to be moved back to the X Division, but they need to build around some of the new faces in the main event scene if they'll be taken seriously as an alternative, because to say "hey, our main events have Raven, Rhino, and Jeff Jarrett", casual fans aren't going to buy it.

Either Dixie lied or Jeff and Jerry managed to bullshit their way back into the ME scene. I'm guessing that later.


And yes, this isn't the ME scene to build an alternative to WWE around, but that's secondary to pushing Jeff as a star, which is what TNA was only ever meant to be.

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It's funny how you mention those 3 because to a lot of casuals, those 3 in particular have a "WWE Reject" stigma to them. None of them are real draws, although Raven has somewhat of a cult following. Rhino is damaged goods even if they push him and I don't need to get into why Jarrett is not a draw and never will be.


Zack, word from the latest Observer is Jeff and Jerry are working at trying to get the boys in the back to turn on D'Amore and the booking committee, but even Jeff's friends are seeing right through him. Jeff did not do himself any favors walking out of the King of the Mountain match last month and lost a lot of respect amongst the locker room.

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Hey HTQ, just so you know where i stand, all kidding aside, Jarrett should not beat Raven in any fashion. And Jeff needs to be taken out of the ME scene. Let him get some younger guys over in the ME and semi-ME.


I've said this many times. Get it through your thick fuckin skull, Jarrett should not be the #1 focus of TNA. True i like the man, and would still watch TNA, but i don't think it's good business for TNA to have Jarrett their #1 guy.


Now go back to fuming, thinking about how much Jeffy ruins your pathetic life.


Those blinkers must be really welded on tight.


Yes they are, can't you see my left turn signal?

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Guest TysonTomko420

TNA is riddiculus. a tag match as your Main Event? I get pissed off when they have the main event to Raw be some random tag match with the main eventers.


Just when they start to show some promise and put AJ as the champ they screw it up. Abyss, Monty Brown, AJ Styles, and Chris Daniels should be the focus of TNA and should be the only ones that Get the title in the next year.


Rhino and Raven are decent but they are both WWE Rejects. TNA should make a new belt like the US title and have guys like these fued over it and leave the NWA championship to guys like Abyss, AJ, Daniels, Brown, and jarrett (jarrett can compete or win for a month but no long ass reign)

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Just when we thought we were outta the woods. Having Rhino debut as Jarrett's crony was the first sign, but THIS? Jarrett doesn't just have no business in the ME, he has no business in TNA at all anymore. At this point, Jarrett would have to leave TNA for them to truly get anywhere. As long as he's around, he's dragging the company down out of deluded ego.

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Just when we thought we were outta the woods.  Having Rhino debut as Jarrett's crony was the first sign, but THIS?  Jarrett doesn't just have no business in the ME, he has no business in TNA at all anymore.  At this point, Jarrett would have to leave TNA for them to truly get anywhere.  As long as he's around, he's dragging the company down out of deluded ego.

You're not the only person to think that. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like those in power realise that, or, for some reason, don't care. Jarrett is death for TNA as long as he is pushed as top guy. He was seen in WWF for years as someone who couldn't get over a lick until the very end, and even then it took a cheap heat gimmick. And then he was seen as a top guy during WCW's dying days, which doesn't exactly make him seem like a major player to the masses. Quite how that stellar resume makes him qualified to be the guy to carry a company that is meant to be a potential competitor to WWE, I don't know, but there are those deluded enough to think that, both in and out of the Jarrett circle. I guess all we can do is laugh at those who worship at the altar of Jarrett, and enjoy the non-ME TNA stuff that will undoubtedly be good to great, even if it isn't enough to carry the company to where it genuinely as the potential to go.

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Since the last 2 PPV's that involved the champion in a tag match, the tag match WASN'T the main event. There is no reason this one should be or will be.


The right thing for TNA to do with this, is to have Raven vs Jarrett and have Raven go over. Since TNA marks and the Holy Observer worshipers would expect Jarrett to go over, it would be a nice turning of the tide in TNA.

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Verne Gagne...WCW...TNA...when will wrestling companies ever learn to not shove worthless shit down their customers' throats?

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Verne Gagne...WCW...TNA...when will wrestling companies ever learn to not shove worthless shit down their customers' throats?

When they're not co-owned by the people who want to push themselves as main event players, even though they don't have the ability for that position, despite what their family think.

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If this leads to Jarrett throwing people at Raven (Rhino, other rejects, whoever) and Raven going over them and then beating Jarrett, I'm all for it.



I doubt it will go down that road, though.

I'm guessing that idea is going to be presented to the booking crew by Jarrett and co. Of course, when it comes time for Jarrett to do the clean-as-a-sheet job, things will change.

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What good would do to throw Rhino at Raven as just some JJ lackey? Even it is for a Jarrett job down the stretch, they will have wasted a guy they can re-build as an over monster heel.

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What good would do to throw Rhino at Raven as just some JJ lackey? Even it is for a Jarrett job down the stretch, they will have wasted a guy they can re-build as an over monster heel.

The idea of Jeff and Jerry as always been to hold off that big clean job by Jeff, which he hasn't done yet (JJ marks, don't bother bringing up his loss to AJ Styles, as that was not clean and the only one put over was Tito Ortiz), until such time as they regain power, and it can get put off for good.

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Triple H has stopped putting himself over and he let Batista beat him three times in a row and now he's taking time off TV because he knows he shouldn't be in the spotlight anymore every show and he shouldn't headline every PPV. HHH got it, Jarrett is still putting himself in main events.


HHH > Jarrett

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Triple H has stopped putting himself over and he let Batista beat him three times in a row and now he's taking time off TV because he knows he shouldn't be in the spotlight anymore every show and he shouldn't headline every PPV. HHH got it, Jarrett is still putting himself in main events.


HHH > Jarrett

Hunter pulled himself from tv because he didn't want to play second fiddle to Hogan, and because he wouldn't have a program that wouldn't be comparable to the Hogan v Shawn deal. While it is good that Hunter is off tv, it wasn't done for unselfish reasons.

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See, the thing that bothers me isn't neccessarily Jarrett's involvement in the main event, but the fact that TNA are either wasting or putting off a Raven/Rhino singles match.


They dragged the most memorable Hardcore Title match of 2001 out of each other, so you'd expect them to be even more focused for a World Title match. Plus, it'd be Rhino's first big match in months. So you know he'd be determined to enter a great performance. Wasting that latter one on a tag team match seems stupid, unless Rhino isn't in condition to wrestle singles.

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Why don't TNA just have Raven vs. Rhino at the main event. I mean, the guys can have a good match, as proved at Backlash 2001. Why don't they just them go at it in a brawl like that one?


Instead, Jeff Jarrett manages to interject himself into the main event once again and will probably lead to Raven dropping the title to him.

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I probably won't be downloading anymore Impact shows on the Internet until Jarrett is out of the spotlight once again (whenever the hell that happens).


This is just fucking sad.

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The main event on next month's TNA PPV is Raven & ? vs. Jeff Jarrett & Rhino. ? will likely be revealed tomorrow night. For those of you who keep complaining about being sick of Jarrett on top, well, prepare for a case of bubonic plague is all I can say. That is a disease that threatens the existence of entire civilizations, isn't it?


TNA is back to being the Jeff Jarrett Show. Again.


To act like a baby like other people here, Id just like to say that I called it first in the No Surrender thread before I read this thread. Brown will be Ravens partner IMHO.


They should bring in The Sandman to be Raven's partner. But seriously, what company promotes a frigging Tag Match as their main event. This will be what, 3 PPVs where the NWA title wasn't defended?


I take it that you mean 3 out of 10 PPVs. There was the one with Savage right and Lockdown, ahh and this.


TNA is riddiculus.  a tag match as your Main Event?  I get pissed off when they have the main event to Raw be some random tag match with the main eventers. 


Just when they start to show some promise and put AJ as the champ they screw it up.  Abyss, Monty Brown, AJ Styles, and Chris Daniels should be the focus of TNA and should be the only ones that Get the title in the next year. 


Rhino and Raven are decent but they are both WWE Rejects.  TNA should make a new belt like the US title and have guys like these fued over it and leave the NWA championship to guys like Abyss, AJ, Daniels, Brown, and jarrett (jarrett can compete or win for a month but no long ass reign)


I agree. But Aybss is losing steam and AJ wants to be in the X Division. Come on, Raven and Rhino deserve to be in the ME, arguing that they shouldnt cause they are WWE Rejects is just lame, especially since you go on to say that JJ should also be in the ME. Both Raven and Rhino have much love from the IWC.


I say bring back the NWA North American Heavyweight Championship.


Just when we thought we were outta the woods.  Having Rhino debut as Jarrett's crony was the first sign, but THIS?  Jarrett doesn't just have no business in the ME, he has no business in TNA at all anymore.  At this point, Jarrett would have to leave TNA for them to truly get anywhere.  As long as he's around, he's dragging the company down out of deluded ego.


I will pass judgement on JJ after he the outcome of his rematch for the title (with Raven). JJ still has 1 final act to do in the ME and that is lose to Raven. Then shift him down to the mid-card. Thats the best you can expect, since JJ owns part of the company and all.


Come on Magus and calm down buddy, its not that bad, this can play out to Brown turning, Raven-Rhino and Brown-JJ at Unbreakabke and Raven-JJ and Brown-Rhino at Bound for Glory.


Since the last 2 PPV's that involved the champion in a tag match, the tag match WASN'T the main event. There is no reason this one should be or will be.


The right thing for TNA to do with this, is to have Raven vs Jarrett and have Raven go over. Since TNA marks and the Holy Observer worshipers would expect Jarrett to go over, it would be a nice turning of the tide in TNA.


Yes, it would be and signal the end of JJ.


I didnt get what you were saying about the last 2 PPVs that involved the champion in a tag match. Wasnt the Savage 6 Man the last match on that card. The Lockdown 6 man was followed by Abyss-AJ right.


The finals of the Super X Cup will and should close the show.


If this leads to Jarrett throwing people at Raven (Rhino, other rejects, whoever) and Raven going over them and then beating Jarrett, I'm all for it.


I doubt it will go down that road, though.


I'm guessing that idea is going to be presented to the booking crew by Jarrett and co. Of course, when it comes time for Jarrett to do the clean-as-a-sheet job, things will change.


I like the idea of JJ throwing everything and the kitchen sink at Raven, hopefully wearing him down. JJ hasnt got his rematch for the NWA World Title. Until he does, he will never leave the ME. Have them playing the fact that Raven has never beaten JJ and that everybody knows that JJ always has the last laugh and then bam, Raven standing over JJ still your NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World.


Triple H has stopped putting himself over and he let Batista beat him three times in a row and now he's taking time off TV because he knows he shouldn't be in the spotlight anymore every show and he shouldn't headline every PPV. HHH got it, Jarrett is still putting himself in main events.


HHH > Jarrett


Once again, HHH didnt put Batista over he jobbed to him. We should have like an induction course for posters to explain the fundamentals such as the


See, the thing that bothers me isn't neccessarily Jarrett's involvement in the main event, but the fact that TNA are either wasting or putting off a Raven/Rhino singles match.


They dragged the most memorable Hardcore Title match of 2001 out of each other, so you'd expect them to be even more focused for a World Title match. Plus, it'd be Rhino's first big match in months. So you know he'd be determined to enter a great performance. Wasting that latter one on a tag team match seems stupid, unless Rhino isn't in condition to wrestle singles.


Delaying it by 1 month is wasting it? If anything, it give it more time to evolve and more heat. Rhino hasnt explained yet why he has aligned himself with JJ. Is he using for example? Raven-Rhino will be a brawl, havent we just had a brawl for the NWA World Title? Could it be that Rhino is a bit rusty, hence the breaking him in slowly with the tag match?



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Yeah, I pretty much see it as the tag match for August, Raven v. Rhino for September, and the Raven v. Jarrett rematch for Bound for Glory, where Raven goes over. I don't see where that screams "bad booking" at all.

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Yeah, I pretty much see it as the tag match for August, Raven v. Rhino for September, and the Raven v. Jarrett rematch for Bound for Glory, where Raven goes over.  I don't see where that screams "bad booking" at all.


Why thank you.

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