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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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I wouldn't normally drag over posts from The Green Board, but one of the funniest comments I've seen was Jobber mentioning that his mom is going to write in Lou Dobbs for president if she doesn't like the candidates.


smart woman :headbang:

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According to the AP, it looks like John Edwards will be announcing he's dropping out, during a press conference scheduled for later this morning. Also says he won't be endorsing either of the two remaining candidates immediately.

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and if it wasn't for Glenn Beck I probably wouldnt have nearly the same amount of interest in the election.

I don't think that's something you should be proud of.

Ive voted in every election since 2000 (Nader/Erlich(MD Gov)/Kerry/Erlich) Im still pissed because MD moved up their Primary I couldnt register as a Republican from an Independent and thus cant vote in any primary here in Maryland. Erlich losing and the state of Maryland turning into a shithole over night after 4 good years of a Republican Governor was my "pivot point" so to speak in terms of my change from independent to Republican.


From voting for Nader to being a loyal Glenn Beck listener.....that is quite the philosophical change.


Anyways, back to the election;


Edwards is gone. Some say he is a lock for AG if Obama wins, but who really knows. It will be interesting to see if Obama can pull off CA and/or NY.

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Guest Blue Man Czech
I remember one time when I was flipping through channels I stopped on Glenn Beck for some reason and he had one of those dudes who writes those shitty Left Behind books on and they were having an actual serious discussion about how The Rapture/Armageddon is totally almost upon us and it was easily the most retarded thing I've ever seen on a "news" channel.

I just saw a couple seconds of Glenn Beck. He said "do you ever notice how at the State of the Union, they never know when to stand up and clap, and sometimes some people don't?" What kind of remedial-ass shit is this?

Its called humor and apparently you dont get it.

God damn it, Marvin, you fucking idiot. It's not humor because EVERYBODY FUCKING KNOWS THAT'S HOW THE STATE OF THE UNION GOES. IT'S NOT FUNNY.


This delegate thing should be fun. By fun I mean bad. Fun-bad. In all honesty, I can see where the Hillary campaign is coming from, and I sort of agree, but I don't really care whether Michigan and Florida get their respective delegates or not. It's not my battle to fight.

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"Have you ever noticed how serious Abe looks at the Lincoln Memorial? What's the problem?"


Anyway, those delegates in Florida and Michigan shouldn't count since all the candidates agreed not to campaign there. Hillary shouldn't be above everyone else, even if she did win there.

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I think the thing I hate most about Glen Beck is that he clearly thinks he's hi-larious when he's NOT FUNNY IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT.


Allow me to also point out the irony of Marvin talking about how he doesn't buy into conspiracy theoreys a couple posts after mentioning how he likes that Beck talks about important stuff like the North American Union and the Amero.

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I remember one time when I was flipping through channels I stopped on Glenn Beck for some reason and he had one of those dudes who writes those shitty Left Behind books on and they were having an actual serious discussion about how The Rapture/Armageddon is totally almost upon us and it was easily the most retarded thing I've ever seen on a "news" channel.

I just saw a couple seconds of Glenn Beck. He said "do you ever notice how at the State of the Union, they never know when to stand up and clap, and sometimes some people don't?" What kind of remedial-ass shit is this?

Its called humor and apparently you dont get it.

God damn it, Marvin, you fucking idiot. It's not humor because EVERYBODY FUCKING KNOWS THAT'S HOW THE STATE OF THE UNION GOES. IT'S NOT FUNNY.


This delegate thing should be fun. By fun I mean bad. Fun-bad. In all honesty, I can see where the Hillary campaign is coming from, and I sort of agree, but I don't really care whether Michigan and Florida get their respective delegates or not. It's not my battle to fight.




"And what's the deal with calling it the "State of the Union"? It's in Washington D.C....Washington D.C. isn't a state. Did you ever notice that?"

Edited by NYU'S Not A MOD

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Lots of stuff happening today. Edwards and Giuliani both gone, Rudy endorsing McCain, more economic shit, another debate tonight.


Rudy Giuliani did end up with the worst major campaign ever, I think.


Everybody ready to see a few old guys lick Ronald Reagan's corpsetaint tonight?

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The Rudy campaign should be used as an example to potential candidates everywhere of what not to do...what the hell happened?


Anyway, I'm guessing it'll be Hillary/McCain. And, unless Hillary churns out a few more tears or somehow becomes more likeable, McCain will probably win because he is still seen as reliable and has enough distance from the Bush adminstration.


I actually think Hillary will have a tough time finding a convincing running mate. Let's face it: Bill is going to be the VP, and pretty much everyone knows it. Obama may have been an helpful option at one time, but the Clinton's have burned their bridges there. Edwards might be up for it though.

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When you say "Bill", you'd better follow that with "Richardson". If her husband runs alongside her, we'll be seeing a Democratic disaster of McGovern proportions. She isn't getting Obama or Edwards: She made sure of that with her campaign. If she tried to put Bill in as VP, I think the Democratic Party would completely disown her and run Obama/Someone in their place.

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I meant Bill would be VP unofficially. Sort of like she was during Bill's time as president. Al Gore used to joke about how useless he felt, with those two in charge. And she might have trouble finding a quality running mate willing to accept that.

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Evan Bayh and his obnoxious perma-smirk/squint, or somebody similarly pathetic, will be Hillary's running-mate if she gets it. That's been fairly well-known for several months.

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I don't think I've heard Ron Paul say more than 5 words the entire time I've been watching this debate.

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He had a brief thing where he said "Less regulation, less taxes, and less spending." I suppose that's six words, but they are concentrating a lot on McCain and Romney with a bit of Huckabee thrown in.


That also has me ask: You guys like Narcoleptic Jumper, who are so afraid of multinational corporations and how they fund candidates and such... how can you support Paul when you know that he's for less regulation of these people? Right now we're in a mortgage crisis because of a lack of regulation, and the same can be said of other businesses (Most notably is the Airline Industry).


I swear to God, Huckabee is easily the best speaker in this entire campaign. I've heard Obama, and he honestly doesn't compare. Huckabee has a lot of personal charisma (What people used to say about Bush), but he has wit and intelligence behind it. If I didn't seriously disagree with his social views and were just judging on what I've seen so far, he'd easily be the guy I'd be up for.


I felt like McCain sidestepped the "Tax for the Rich" thing a little bit, but Romney was just as busy talking about Reagan as McCain was. And he just got hit with immigration on whether he'd vote for his own bill and said no because of the amendments to it. He's now switching the talk to border security. He's coming off a bit evasive and quiet. I'm not sure that's going to work well for him, especially with Romney looking a lot more 'solid'.

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If you thought the Brett Favre, Tom Brady Fellatio Fest was awful..


This Ronald Reagan Blow Job while getting his balled sucked is on is on


a whole new level...




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The more Ron Paul opens his mouth, the less I like him. American Empire, Deregulation, Tax Cuts as the only solution... man, I'm not sure I really need to hear more from him.


Huckabee fucking SCORES with saying he won't guess whether Reagan would endorse him or not. Huckabee should just show replays of the debates for his ads. He makes me hate the Christian Right more because I wish he ran on something closer to my values. Not only that, but he's kept himself open by not alienating anyone like McCain and Romney are doing to each other. His demands for more time are coming off great. Obviously Paul has to fight a lot more for his time, but Huckabee's remarks about it are just fantastic.


And the word of the day is "Reagan Revolution".

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