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X-Men Legends II

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Apocalypse is a mutant with virtually complete control over the matter of his body. Which basically means he can shapeshift and is functionally immortal.


BTW, I have to agree with Ripper about Iceman. I got this game for Christmas many months ago, and beat it within a couple weeks of play, and Iceman was always a mainstay on my team. Once you level up his strength and his ice shield to their maximum capacity, he's virtually unstoppable. Best "tank" character in the game, by far.


I would also argue that none of the characters flat-out suck - once levelled up, they all do some damage (I spent a LOT of time in the Danger Room building up EVERYONE, to the point where the final levels were just a breeze through, given how strong my teams were). It's just that some of the characters in the game, when levelled up completely - Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops, Iceman - are just gods.

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That's basically it. As mentioned he's practically immortal, though that isn't without its limitations. He also has some telepathic and telekinetic abilities, but I don't think they're on the level of, say, Professor X or Jean Grey, and they could just be some kind of side effect of his shape changing abilities.

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Via Marvel Directory:


Apocalypse's powers:


Apocalypse is a mutant who possesses superhuman strength which he can augment by psionically drawing on outside energy sources. Apocalypse can alter the atomic structure of his body at will in order to change his form. He can even increase his size by taking on additional mass from a presumably extra-dimensional source. Through his ability to alter his form, Apocalypse can give himself virtually any superhuman physical power. Apocalypse's "costume" is actually part of his body, and he can psionically alter its appearance at will. He can levitate himself telekinetically.


Apocalypse has an extraordinarily long life span that has already lasted thousands of years. He can survive for weeks without food or water and can rapidly recover from injuries that would prove fatal to normal human beings. In the future, however, his physical form will eventually grow too aged and enfeebled to contain his vast superhuman energies. Hence, he will transfer his consciousness and powers into a succession of host bodies, abandoning each one when it too grows too old to contain his power.

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Silly question: What are Apocalypse's natural mutant abilities?


It has always been my understanding that his shape-shifting abilities came from the alien technology he aquired like, thousands of years ago. Or is that his natural ability, and I'm just stupid?

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Just feel like pointing out my favorite Marvel ressource, a site I go to whenever I need stuff looked up, comic-related.



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Silly question: What are Apocalypse's natural mutant abilities?


It has always been my understanding that his shape-shifting abilities came from the alien technology he aquired like, thousands of years ago. Or is that his natural ability, and I'm just stupid?


Super strength and the ability to morph his arms into anything he chooses. He can also change his size naturally.

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Silly question: What are Apocalypse's natural mutant abilities?


It has always been my understanding that his shape-shifting abilities came from the alien technology he aquired like, thousands of years ago. Or is that his natural ability, and I'm just stupid?


Super strength and the ability to morph his arms into anything he chooses. He can also change his size naturally.


And at Mexican restaurants--free guac.

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Would the original game be worth picking up now? I mean, less then twenty used, but still...is it worth it when this thing's coming out soon?


I've always been interested in the game...just...no money.

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Well, you COULD just wait a little while and buy Legends II for $60....or you could buy Legends for $20, play that for a while, and then wait until Legends II drops in price before picking it up.


That's what I did....er...am doing. It's a hellaciously fun game, if that helps.

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Silly question: What are Apocalypse's natural mutant abilities?


It has always been my understanding that his shape-shifting abilities came from the alien technology he aquired like, thousands of years ago. Or is that his natural ability, and I'm just stupid?


Those are his natural abilities. I forget the title, but some years back Marvel did publish a four-issue miniseries detailing Apocalypse's origin. He was born thousands of years ago in Egypt as "En Sabah Nur", and was, basically, the first mutant born on Earth. He was considered cursed because of his appearance (his greyish skin color and the markings on his face are apparently from birth), but was raised by a tribe of nomads who followed a "only the strong survive" philosophy, which sort of shaped his later Darwinian mindset. If memory serves me, once he was grown into adulthood, he rose up and used his abilities to overthrow the Pharaoh of Egypt, who I believe was, at that time, the time-traveller Kang.

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Just got it today. Haven't had a chance to play - but I noticed something that I marked out for in the back of the instruction book. Spoiler:

motherfuckin' IRONMAN is listed as a character in the voice talent credits!


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Silly question: What are Apocalypse's natural mutant abilities?


It has always been my understanding that his shape-shifting abilities came from the alien technology he aquired like, thousands of years ago. Or is that his natural ability, and I'm just stupid?


Those are his natural abilities. I forget the title, but some years back Marvel did publish a four-issue miniseries detailing Apocalypse's origin. He was born thousands of years ago in Egypt as "En Sabah Nur", and was, basically, the first mutant born on Earth. He was considered cursed because of his appearance (his greyish skin color and the markings on his face are apparently from birth), but was raised by a tribe of nomads who followed a "only the strong survive" philosophy, which sort of shaped his later Darwinian mindset. If memory serves me, once he was grown into adulthood, he rose up and used his abilities to overthrow the Pharaoh of Egypt, who I believe was, at that time, the time-traveller Kang.






There is a link to nearly anything you could ever want to know about Apocalypse.

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Here is a list of all 16 playable characters














Spoilers and stuff.









Jean Grey




Professor X


Scarlet Witch







Deadpool - unlocked after you beat the game

Iron Man - unlocked after finding 4 pieces of armor and saving Tony Stark from Apocalypse.

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Iron Man vs. the X-Men, anyone? I'd be down with Iron Man vs. the X-Men team in a Danger Room simulation run.


Deadpool needs to have guns. And a samurai sword. He also needs guns. Damn, Cable could have been a nice addition to this game since he's got history with Apocalypse and all too.


Oh man, if this game had come out like 10 years ago, comic book fanboys everywhere would have gobbled this game up just to get the chance to run X-Men vs. Iron Man once...

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Cable just would have been Bishop with Telekinesis. I guess they felt the need to payoff the Bishop cameo in the first game. I am pissed at no Mutliple man.


Leveling would have been simple as how many multiples you can make. He was in the first game for no reason whatsoever, so might as well had put him in here.

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I agree with you on the Multiple Man appearance.


Fuck, Polaris should have been added to this game as well. She could have been Magneto's hench wench or something.

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Silly question: What are Apocalypse's natural mutant abilities?


It has always been my understanding that his shape-shifting abilities came from the alien technology he aquired like, thousands of years ago. Or is that his natural ability, and I'm just stupid?


Those are his natural abilities. I forget the title, but some years back Marvel did publish a four-issue miniseries detailing Apocalypse's origin. He was born thousands of years ago in Egypt as "En Sabah Nur", and was, basically, the first mutant born on Earth. He was considered cursed because of his appearance (his greyish skin color and the markings on his face are apparently from birth), but was raised by a tribe of nomads who followed a "only the strong survive" philosophy, which sort of shaped his later Darwinian mindset. If memory serves me, once he was grown into adulthood, he rose up and used his abilities to overthrow the Pharaoh of Egypt, who I believe was, at that time, the time-traveller Kang.

There is a link to nearly anything you could ever want to know about Apocalypse.


According to that link, Apocylpse's shape-shifting powers are the result of the alien technology, with his only birth ability seeming to be his immortality.

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Dead Pool?!! Holy fuck! SOLD!


By the way, I remember this comic book a long time where Stryfe (Cable's evil clone brother) kicked the shit out of Apocalypse. I don't remember how, but he did. Believe me, I was shocked.

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He woke him up early during one of his sleeps to recharge. Doesn't really count.


And apparently Cable is going to be either a PC or PSP exclusive (I think PSP) Like I said, you can just take Bishop, add some telekinesis and they are the same character.

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Been playing this as much as possible with my Fiance.


She plays as Storm, I started using Bishop then switched to Scarlet Witch once I realized she was in the game (Complete with alternate very revealing Avengers costume, between her and Iron Man when do we get Avengers: Legends with Moon Knight, Black Knight, Antman, Vision, et al!!!)


MUCH more balanced characters than the first one, more challenging bosses as well (Wish I could switch to hard in the middle of the game for regular enemies also). Leadership isn't nearly as sickly overpowered must have to destroy enemies as it was also. We just got done with the first act (Hard to get much playing done during the week with her hours at work). Just all and all a tremendously fun coop game :)

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Am I the only one who thought Omega Red was ridiculously easy? I mean we (Wolverine, Cyclops, Colossus, Iceman) just raped the sorry bastard in 45 seconds flat.

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