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Guest tony manero

Who Will Test Positive For Steroids?

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Ok, I think a whole lot of the guys on the roster are on the roids, but I agree that there won't be any suspensions for steroids, at least of big stars. There might be a scapegoat or two for Vince to prove his point. Anyone else think this? Yeah, i'll bet someting stupid like RVD getting fired will be the biggest result of this.

So let's play who's-on-roids~?

Chris Masters, duh


Chris Benoit, looks a bit like Eddie's body type


Angle, seeing the comparisson pics is scary


I don't think Cena is on steroids, sure he's big and ripped, but he just doesn't have that crazy bulging look. But hey, what do I know


As for the non-steroid drugs, who knows? I wouldn't want to speculate on that stuff.


I really hope Vince is serious about this though. Truly. It's getting dangerous.


If RVD's going to test positive for anything it's going to be marijuana.

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The only prominent people who come to mind that could be clean that aren't sloppy (Big Show, Rosey, Viscera) are RVD, Benjamin, London (not necessarily a big name but one that fits my argument) and possibly Cena. Everyone else strikes me as someone who has used, or is still on 'roids.

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Ok, I think a whole lot of the guys on the roster are on the roids, but I agree that there won't be any suspensions for steroids, at least of big stars. There might be a scapegoat or two for Vince to prove his point. Anyone else think this? Yeah, i'll bet someting stupid like RVD getting fired will be the biggest result of this.

So let's play who's-on-roids~?

Chris Masters, duh


Chris Benoit, looks a bit like Eddie's body type


Angle, seeing the comparisson pics is scary


I don't think Cena is on steroids, sure he's big and ripped, but he just doesn't have that crazy bulging look. But hey, what do I know


As for the non-steroid drugs, who knows? I wouldn't want to speculate on that stuff.


I really hope Vince is serious about this though. Truly. It's getting dangerous.


If RVD's going to test positive for anything it's going to be marijuana.


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Guest tony manero

Oh, and Kane has been clean for the last 3 or 4 years.


Do you remember how big he used to be?

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Vince said he'll test for it, but he didn't say he'll punish people for being on it from what I read. He'll probably give them a pamphlet on the dangers of steroid use and call it a day.

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Guest Andrew J.

Even guys that test positive might not be fired outright. Maybe a suspension or fines, definitely rehab for the recreational stuff.

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Guest tony manero

McMahon obviously knows that a majority of his roster is on the juice; otherwise, he wouldn't have said, "I'm sure you guys have millions of questions in your head right now."

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I remember Meltz saying on WOL once that the only wrestler he KNEW didnt use steriods was Lance Storm simply because of the way he watched what he ate, etc. So, it is possible to have a good, muscular physique even on the WWE schedule. You just have to be unbelieveably disciplined.


painkillers on the other hand....

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I don't really think Rey's on the juice. If you look at him in WCW he wasn't bulky or even ripped (compared to say Eddie, who was ripped in WCW, then added mass in WWE). Rey was ripped when he came to WWE, but he didn't put on a lot of weight. Rey could've gotten to where he's at pretty easily by just eating and working out properly. I suppose he could have used roids, but it's not like he had to in order to get where he's at.

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I remember Meltz saying on WOL once that the only wrestler he KNEW didnt use steriods was Lance Storm simply because of the way he watched what he ate, etc.  So, it is possible to have a good, muscular physique even on the WWE schedule.  You just have to be unbelieveably disciplined.


painkillers on the other hand....


That's where they'll get all of the veterans. Their bodies have taken so much punishment it's impossible to believe painkillers aren't the number one problem.


Roids will get a good 15 to 25 percent, maybe a little more.

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Guest tony manero

Is Vince McMahon exempt from testing?


If so, he'll finally be able to live out his fantasy of being the most physically awesome specimen in WWE.


Which means... Vince is going to give the monster push to HIMSELF.




WWE Champion....Vince McMahon!

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John Cena has stated on OTR that he has never done steroids. I would've been skeptical, but it was the manner in which he said it that led me to believe he was telling the truth. He told Lansberg that he had a very strict diet and got big via natural means.


What do you think about him?

I think he sucks.


Wait...was that question limited to just how he'd test for roids?

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We don't know when these tests will first be given. Vince could give people 4-6 months. If that's the case someone like Paul Burchill will be thrown under the bus, while HHH urine is clean.

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Guest tony manero

Oh, and I doubt JBL is on roids. The same probably goes for Taker and Big Show.


HHH seems to have gone off of them since Homecoming.

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Guest *KNK*

Look on the bright side, maybe Jamie Gibson will be back to fight for his ROH title again sooner then we thought.

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It will end up similar to major league baseball, where you'll get a few no name guys, maybe some guys down in OVW, and maybe one major star a year like Palmeiro. The "major" guy will be someone like Chris Masters.

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I think rehab is the obvious first step for any talent found to have done any drugs. Their willingness to stop the habit may be the deciding factor to them staying or being released. Vince McMahon is pretty loyal to his talent, he wouldn't just dump them with their problem.


And why would McMahon try to hide Triple H's problem, wouldn't that be the guy he wants to help the most since Triple H will likely take over WWE down the line?

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