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X-Men 3 Pictures/Preview

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Nothing is worse than storm being a central part of the movies.


she's actually my least favorite of the characters in the movies (No matter how much I dislike wolverine, I like the way hugh jackman portrays him quite a bit) . Halle Berry sucks and Storm is certainly not interesting to me.


I don't really think I care for any of the x-men except magneto, Professor X, Colossus and Beast now that I think about it. :)

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I'd been a Wolverine mark for years as a kid and a teenager (really, who wasn't?), but to be quite honest Archangel is the only character I've given a shit about since then.

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comic Iceman is cool...this one, well he's not BAD, but he's not good either...


I think a toned up Denzel Washington would make a superb Bishop...I know they aren't going to delve that far into things, but just throwing out some What If?s...

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Beast looks cool. Juggernaught would be ok if it wasn't for the silly helmet. I don't care if they follow the costumes from the comics.



I am upset about the lack of Nightcrawler and

Cyclops dying so early on


So I guess the script preview at AICN was correct. So

Cyclops and Xavier die and Mystique is written out? That sucks. But I am very interested in how they will deal with Jean. They can't kill her but surely they wouldn't just let her rejoin the team after killing people.

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come on guys, nothing is worse than Storm suddenly losing her accent between movies...



Considering how bad her accent was in X1, it wsan't necessarily a BAD thing she lost it...

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Guest JMA

I never really had a problem with Halle Berry in either X-Men movie (except for the infamous "Toad line"). She just didn't bother me.

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Guest JMA

Cyclops is my favorite X-Man.


Because, you know, he has to be somebody's.


Mine, too.

Has any writer ever tried to make him anything more than uncorruptible do-gooder?


In any case, I like Cyclops, too.

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Cyclops is my favorite X-Man.


Because, you know, he has to be somebody's.


Mine, too.

Has any writer ever tried to make him anything more than uncorruptible do-gooder?


In any case, I like Cyclops, too.



TONS of writers have made him more than an unccoruptable do-gooder. He housed the essence of Apocalypse once. He married Madalyn Pryor because she looked like JEan, had a child with her, then LEFT her to to back to Jean, not even bothering to tell Maddie (she found out by seeing them toggether on the news). Hell, Even Whedon has given him an edge in his X-books. IT's just the fact that the cartoon made him out to be an uncorruptible do-gooder, and a lot of the great comic witers did as well during hte boon years, that the lable just sticks wiht him.


Also, for a bad-ass Cyclops, check out the Ultimate X-Men books.

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Guest JMA
Also, for a bad-ass Cyclops, check out the Ultimate X-Men books.

I forgot about that. He is indeed a bad-ass in that series.

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Cyclops is my favorite X-Man.


Because, you know, he has to be somebody's.


Mine, too.

Has any writer ever tried to make him anything more than uncorruptible do-gooder?


In any case, I like Cyclops, too.



TONS of writers have made him more than an unccoruptable do-gooder. He housed the essence of Apocalypse once. He married Madalyn Pryor because she looked like JEan, had a child with her, then LEFT her to to back to Jean, not even bothering to tell Maddie (she found out by seeing them toggether on the news). Hell, Even Whedon has given him an edge in his X-books. IT's just the fact that the cartoon made him out to be an uncorruptible do-gooder, and a lot of the great comic witers did as well during hte boon years, that the lable just sticks wiht him.


Also, for a bad-ass Cyclops, check out the Ultimate X-Men books.


I haven't read comics in years, but didn't he start something up with Emma Frost after Jean died (again. or thought to have died, or something). He was also a bad guy in Age of Apocalypse, athough he eventually redeemed himself there. The point is he falls prey to his temptations, sometimes very selfishly and at the expense of his team, and it can be said that he's pretty impulsive when not sucking up to Professor X and isn't much of a leader off the field.

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I don't want to see this movie, it looks bad, I hate Brett Ratner and I don't see how he's considered a top tier director (as he was described when they gave him this movie), and I think it's pretty ridiculous that Marvel and Fox gave into Halle Berry's demands just because she's an Oscar winner. Seriously what has she done since she won the Oscar that has been considered good?


But I'll probably end up going since Beast is in it and looks pretty damn awesome.

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Seriously what has she done since she won the Oscar that has been considered good?

Fuck, even her "Oscar performance" was questionable

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Also, for a bad-ass Cyclops, check out the Ultimate X-Men books.

I forgot about that. He is indeed a bad-ass in that series.


True. My favorite Cyclops moment in UXM was when after Wolverine tried to kill him and leave him for dead. When Cyclops is found alive and after the mission is over him and Wolverine had a one on one fight with the X-Men looking on.


So, what happens? Cyclops just takes of his sunglasses and blows the skin off of Wolverine. Fight over. And then walks away saying that he's off the team with the X-Men looking on shocked.

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that's a pretty awesome Cyclops story...I've never gotten into the "Ultimate" storylines...are those basically retellings, starting from scratch, new history?


Was it ever really established anywhere how powerful those eye beams of his really are when fully unleashed? Lord knows he was always on my squad in X-Men Legends!

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