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X-Men 3 Pictures/Preview

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Damn, UXM Cyclops actually doing that to Wolverine is awesome. I was always waiting for something like that to happen when I was into comics way back when.

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that's a pretty awesome Cyclops story...I've never gotten into the "Ultimate" storylines...are those basically retellings, starting from scratch, new history?


Was it ever really established anywhere how powerful those eye beams of his really are when fully unleashed? Lord knows he was always on my squad in X-Men Legends!


Yeah, ditto. Wolvie and Cyke are always regulars on my XML2 team as well. Usually with Magneto/Sunfire and Iceman/Nightcrawler. ;)

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Yeah, ditto. Wolvie and Cyke are always regulars on my XML2 team as well. Usually with Magneto/Sunfire and Iceman/Nightcrawler. ;)



Scarlet Witch is my XML2 character of choice. I like Iron Man, Cyclops, Sunfire and Magneto as well :)

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Yeah, ditto. Wolvie and Cyke are always regulars on my XML2 team as well. Usually with Magneto/Sunfire and Iceman/Nightcrawler. ;)



Scarlet Witch is my XML2 character of choice. I like Iron Man, Cyclops, Sunfire and Magneto as well :)


I've not levelled SW up enough to see her true power - but I hear she rocks. Same goes for Iron Man. I only got him near the end of the game so he was pretty weak. On my second go-through I plan to max him out since he's my all-time favourite Marvel Universe character. :)

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I've never gotten into the "Ultimate" storylines...are those basically retellings, starting from scratch, new history?


Yeah, it's basically Marvel starting a new Universe so they can tell stories without having to worry about 40 years of continuity. Some characters look different (Ultimate Dr. Doom is laughably dumb-looking) or have different origins/power levels. Ultimate Nick Fury looks fucking EXACTLY like Samuel L Jackson. It's a good concept, and the titles were pretty quality.


One thing though, is that they seem to be in a rush to re-tell classic storylines instead of developing their own. Ultimate Spider-Man has already killed Captain Stacey, killed Gwen Stacey, had Venom and Carnage, and had Harry Osborne turn into the Hobgoblin.

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I figure since Angel is in the movie, that they'll bring out Apocalypse in X-Men 4, then we can have the movie adaption of Rise of Apocalypse!

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I've not levelled SW up enough to see her true power - but I hear she rocks. Same goes for Iron Man. I only got him near the end of the game so he was pretty weak. On my second go-through I plan to max him out since he's my all-time favourite Marvel Universe character. :)



She's insane powerful, and fun with all her different skills. Iron Man i was disappointed with some of his skills, they aren't as effective as one would hope for, but he IS the best pure melee character imho, except MAYBE Wolverine, and his defense is way better than Wolverines also. Unfortunateltyhe has no melee -skills- (they're all ranged) which is kinda odd. (Though he'd have like an energy burst punch thing). I need to go replay the game online though :)

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Archangel was one of the best storylines to happen in the X-Men chronicles. For them not to do that later on in the movie series would equal the suck, big time.

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I doubt there will be an X-Men 4 since rumor has it that

Professor X dies




Blame Brett Ratner for that. He's a douchebag. And a bad director. Why exactly is he so 'acclaimed'?


Does he just have a lot of friends?

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This guy needs to make an appearance in an X-Men movie at some point




Speaking of him. He's going to be coming back in the comic books in early 2006.


Thank God!

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Well, he did direct Rush Hour 1 & 2 as well as Red Dragon and I thought those were all good movies.

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Well, he did direct Rush Hour 1 & 2 as well as Red Dragon and I thought those were all good movies.


...i'd say take a look at who starred in those movies, and how those stars made those movies good and not attach the credit for their quality to the director. And I'd say they are decent movies...but nothing particularly great.


What is significant is his involvement with the superman movie and what he wanted to do to that, and carry it over to the x-men franchise.

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I doubt there will be an X-Men 4 since rumor has it that

Professor X dies




Blame Brett Ratner for that. He's a douchebag. And a bad director. Why exactly is he so 'acclaimed'?


Does he just have a lot of friends?

Look, I hate Ratner too, but how can you blame a director for something written into the script before he was even attached to the project?

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...i'd say take a look at who starred in those movies, and how those stars made those movies good and not attach the credit for their quality to the director. And I'd say they are decent movies...but nothing particularly great.


Well, if anything I would really split the credit though, Spielberg is a great director, but would have Indiana Jones or War of the Worlds would have been just as good without the starpower of Harrison Ford or Tom Cruise? Probably not. Could those movies have been just as good with the actors involved, but with a shitty director like Uwe Boll instead? I really don't think so. So yeah great actors + great director = great movie, unfortunately that's not always the case either. :P

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I doubt there will be an X-Men 4 since rumor has it that

Professor X dies




Blame Brett Ratner for that. He's a douchebag. And a bad director. Why exactly is he so 'acclaimed'?


Does he just have a lot of friends?

Look, I hate Ratner too, but how can you blame a director for something written into the script before he was even attached to the project?



there's no way to know that was in the script prior to his being attached, unless you have some information i don't know about. Directors make changes to scripts all the time, that's part of the creative license of being a director (Otherwise they wouldn't really have as much influence on the movie)



You are right however, he may NOT be to blame for that decision, but at the same time if he were the right director he wouldn't allow it to happen if it was gonna destroy the movie (We're assuming that actually happens and it's -for real- as opposed to something to shock the audience and be shown as how it didn't really happen later.)



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Guest JMA

Also, for a bad-ass Cyclops, check out the Ultimate X-Men books.

I forgot about that. He is indeed a bad-ass in that series.


True. My favorite Cyclops moment in UXM was when after Wolverine tried to kill him and leave him for dead. When Cyclops is found alive and after the mission is over him and Wolverine had a one on one fight with the X-Men looking on.


So, what happens? Cyclops just takes of his sunglasses and blows the skin off of Wolverine. Fight over. And then walks away saying that he's off the team with the X-Men looking on shocked.

Yeah, that storyline was great. Cyclops having to eat centipedes to stay alive and commenting on how he's going to eat them all the time when he gets home is great.

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Nor is either Rush Hour or Red Dragon a great movie. They're OK, and completely forgettable.


I wouldn't say Red Dragon was forgettable. Granted, its not in the same league as Silence of The Lambs, but its miles above Hannibal. I think Ratner did great for what was given to him initially and finally being able to complete the Lecter trilogy.

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I remember Emma Watson and Ralph Fiennes being very good, and Fiennes being the 2nd most sympathetic character. I remember virtually nothing of Hannibal or Ed Norton's character.

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I remember Emma Watson and Ralph Fiennes being very good, and Fiennes being the 2nd most sympathetic character. I remember virtually nothing of Hannibal or Ed Norton's character.



That's funny, I don't remember Emma Watson being in that movie at all. Emily Watson was, however, and she was brilliant.


How weird is that? Ralph Fiennes has acted in moves with both 'Watson' girls.


Oh, and Apocalypse will never, NEVER make it to the movies. His charactr is to convoluted with too much backstory to be put into the movies without seriously compromising him. And as for Archangle, he was slated to be in X2, with Stryker being responsible for his wings (in the lab where Wolverine and Lady Deathstrike fight, on the x-ray wall, there are x-ray images of Archangles wings). This little thing was cut out, though.

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