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I just caught John Sayles's Lone Star right as it was coming on. This is one of the greatest muder-mystery character films I've ever seen. It unspools so perfectly with a great sense of place and character.

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What do you guys think of Sayles? I'm taking a class on his films next semester, but I haven't seen any of them save Pirhanna. I took the class because of the instructor, but I feel I should at least get a gauge of what I'm in for.

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Sayles has a good rep, for what it's worth. The only thing of his I've seen was Lone Star, which was indeed a very good movie, very unusual in some of the character choices it decided to go with.


Has Beauvais done anything else?

Not that I know of. Wiki's got nothing on him. A quick Google turns up some cover art pieces done for Dungeons & Dragons books and not much else. Sad, because he was indeed fucking awesome. I've never seen airbrush work which was done in such a precise manner, with even stuff like the little red ammo counters on the sides of the guns looking perfect.


Exactly. I'm not a Whedon fan and never have been, but somebody who manages to grab a fanbase by using wit and long story arcs writing a 2-hour movie about beasts from space that rip you apart upon birth and then hunt down others so that more can rip them apart upon birth?

Admittedly, at the time he was basically a noob whose only major credits were the original Buffy movie (which was pretty fucking terrible) and some co-writing work on Toy Story. And the Alien series does generally have that tendency of giving relatively young and unknown artists their first big breaks. Unfortunately, it just backfired in this case.


Although oddly, you can see some of the same stuff in this script show up later in some of Joss's other projects, most notably Firefly. Ron Perlman's Johner and Adam Baldwin's Jayne are damn near the same guy.


And Cameron preverring AVP over Alien 3 and Resurrection doesn't surprise me. It's an easier flick to get into, and I think overall better than both because while it's never amazing, it's never downright 100% fucking awful.

Oh yeah it was. Come on, man. I know you've read the AvP books and comics. With all they could've done with this concept, they decided to go traipsing around a pyramid maze in the antarctic on present-day earth? What?


And I liked Predator 2 too. Not exactly great cinema, and all those action movies involving inner-city gangs in the 80s and 90s do look dated pretty damn quick. But it was a tolerable action flick, with decent fight scenes and an unusually good cast.

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I tried watching AVP:R the other day. I fell asleep before anything interesting happened (there was some stuff happening in a sewer but it was too dark to know what) and even though I had it recorded, I just deleted it and considered the whole thing a wash. The Predators having a mysterious blue solvent to destroy any evidence of the Aliens or the bodies they used as vessels existing seemed like a continuity cop-out, but that's fine. I guess the real question is why an acid that can melt a human body away without a trace with a light sprinkle can be carried around in a test tube, but that's just one of those sci-fi things you don't question, right?

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So I was watching the Fox Sunday animation block as I'm wont to do on a Sunday night and it really dawns on me that I probably will not be at all sad to see King of the Hill go and I hope the rumours of it going to ABC are complete make believe. I don't expect much continuity out of shows like The Simpsons or Family Guy but because KotH is supposed to be more 'realistic' - even if it goes 14 seasons and only ages the characters once - I expect more. I've ranted about continuity issues before, but when they write an episode that SPECIFICALLY REFERENCES a previous episode (the Order of the Straight Arrow), it's annoying to see Bobby act like this is a new and exciting thing for him and he's never been a member. He should have been telling the new kids about the snipe hunt. And is Luanne pregnant or not? They haven't bothered updating her model in the 2 (3?) years she's been pregnant. And where's Kahn Jr., off to violin academy?


That's a lot of nitpicking I guess, but it was really bothering me.


The Simpsons was an odd episode tonight too. I found parts of it funny but "Bart befriends a terrorist, Homer becomes prejudiced and thinks the father is a terrorist" doesn't really read as a hilarious idea. Jimbo, Dolph, and Kearney were good for some laughs though ("You're the one true 'mo!"). I was also amused at the fact that Homer's plot was basically the exact same storyline Stan Smith had with his neighbours the Memari's. El Plagiarismo Del Plagiarismo indeed.


American Dad was pretty good as usual though.

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I used to like KotH, but fell out of it a couple years back. I think the last straw recently was the episode where Cotton died, which was shockingly terrible. I am slightly surprised that American Dad is now by far the consistently best Fox sunday cartoon; four years ago, who woulda predicted that?


I tried watching AVP:R the other day. I fell asleep before anything interesting happened (there was some stuff happening in a sewer but it was too dark to know what)

Therein lies the movie's single biggest flaw. For some reason, they decided that a color palette of black objects in front of black backgrounds, shot in near-total darkness, with an overreliance on closeups and handheld shakycam would be the best way to film the events in this movie. I humbly disagree.


EDIT: wait a sec. You don't think that

killing off a young kid in the first five minutes

was noteworthy? I mean, that's the kind of thing that most horror flicks never even tiptoe around.


The Predators having a mysterious blue solvent to destroy any evidence of the Aliens or the bodies they used as vessels existing seemed like a continuity cop-out, but that's fine. I guess the real question is why an acid that can melt a human body away without a trace with a light sprinkle can be carried around in a test tube, but that's just one of those sci-fi things you don't question, right?

Pretty much. The writers were apparently real sticklers for making sure that no evidence of the Aliens was left lying around by the end, since when they're encountered in the future nobody has ever heard of them. But considering how things turned out, I don't think he even needed the blue acid to begin with. As for the test-tube delivery system... yeah, that was lame.

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re: sayles--i never liked 'lone star' that much, but 'eight men out' is really really good. so good on its own merits that you forget john cusack is in it, and years after you've seen it when your friends are trying to make lists of the best john cusack movies, you can bust it out and they'll all go, "whoa...i totally forgot about that one!"


i've also wanted to see 'matewan' for a while. maybe i'll do it over christmas break, thanks to this thread.

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Librarian 3 will be on TNT on Sunday. And the Librarian has a brand new hot female plus Newhart returns once again. Add in Bruce Davidson and I'm there for the final chapter.

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Milk was awesome. Once it opens wherever you live, I'd suggest you see it.


Too bad it didn't come out a few months ago, with the prop 8 stuff.

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EDIT: wait a sec. You don't think that

killing off a young kid in the first five minutes

was noteworthy? I mean, that's the kind of thing that most horror flicks never even tiptoe around.



Mimic did it and that movie still sucked.

"Mimic", while not perfect, is underrated. Sure, it's Del Toro's weaksest movie, but I still like it.

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Same here. Stupid flick, sure, but I kinda liked it. I strangely find that I enjoy Guillermo's slumming genre work like Mimic and Blade 2 better than his indy/foreign/oscar stuff like Pan's Labyrinth or Cronos. .

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I guess they could take the concept and give it a more serious treatment, but I don't see anyway they could improve They Live other than better FX.

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Personally I can't wait until they remake Buckaroo Banzai and then finally make Buckaroo Banzai vs The World Crime League. Which, if they're remaking THEY LIVE, should be happening around 2014.

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License to Drive arrives in the mail tomorrow via Netflix. I haven't seen it in nearly two decades, but, around that time, I must have taken in well over a dozen or so viewings. I'm either going to have a blast reliving this Two-Coreys-Epic or I am going to be really appalled and/or ashamed of myself for having gone out of my way to relive this *1/2 extravaganza. The anticipation is pecking away at me like starving crows.

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Oh, also, The Boy In the Striped Pajamas...


that shit was fuckin' amazing. After it was over, nobody left, everybody in the theater just sat there in silence (except for the sound of crying). I'd never seen a movie affect people that way. I didn't cry, but I could have.

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License to Drive arrives in the mail tomorrow via Netflix. I haven't seen it in nearly two decades, but, around that time, I must have taken in well over a dozen or so viewings. I'm either going to have a blast reliving this Two-Coreys-Epic or I am going to be really appalled and/or ashamed of myself for having gone out of my way to relive this *1/2 extravaganza. The anticipation is pecking away at me like starving crows.


They had recently been showing it on HBO...it still holds up well today...as long as it's not your first time viewing it or anything, anyway. 80s comedies FTW

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"Let The Right One In" is the best vampire movie I've seen not named "Nosferatu."

I'm not sure if I'd make such a sweeping statement, but thinking about it I'm also not sure what I'd say was a better vamp flick than LTROI, it's one hell of a movie. BTW Hawky, thanks for the recommendation a while back, it got me to see it sooner and I'm glad for it.

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"Let The Right One In" is the best vampire movie I've seen not named "Nosferatu."

I'm not sure if I'd make such a sweeping statement, but thinking about it I'm also not sure what I'd say was a better vamp flick than LTROI, it's one hell of a movie. BTW Hawky, thanks for the recommendation a while back, it got me to see it sooner and I'm glad for it.


Yeah, I thought through all the vampire movies I've seen and I can't think of one I liked better aside from the Murnau and Herzog versions of "Nosferatu." I'd have to rewatch stuff like "Salem's Lot," but at the moment I can't think of any I'd say are better.

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