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Was ECW music as important to you...

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I have a very grave concern about ECW's new show, and potentially it's PPVs.


Sci-fi is the same sorta market at Spike though, in terms of size, so maybe I'm just being paranoid.


But Tommy Dreamer's shitty, generic Man in the Box ripoff music last night has me really worried. To me, one of the greatest things about ECW (and ROH now, for that matter) was the entrances. It didn't hurt that pretty much all the music was music I liked, but still--it was a very, VERY important part of the atmosphere to me. Tommy Dreamer coming out to Alice in Chains, Raven coming out to Offspring... Even Doring and Roadkill with Super Bon Bon was fantastic--it set a mood, it was instantly recognizeable, and got the crowd jacked.


Hell, I'd say a good 80% of Sandman's Over-ness (is that even a word?) was because of Enter Sandman. One of the greatest metal songs of all time, and you got to hear it, in its entirety, with a live audience singing along, every night. Phenominal. :headbang:


I'm just really, really worried that everyone's gonna get generic music, and that along WITH the larger Smackdown arenas will really hurt the atmosphere. A lot.


And christ, I just realised, we might end up with a CM Punk without Misare Cantere!?!?!?!? :angry:

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The only two guys who where really all that dependant on Theme music where Sandman and New Jack. They can get Motorhead's Enter Sandman, and I don't think they are interested in NJ, so I don't think it's that important.

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Why go after New Jack when you can get Homicide, who is New Jack but with actual wrestling talent.

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Considering Smackdown isn't even selling out the bigger arenas, I think they should considering doing the ECW/Smackdown tapings at more mid-sized places.


Also, although hearing real theme music was nice, that is the least of my worries about the new ECW.

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The only theme I really miss is the old ECW theme. This new one with the female scream or whatever the hell it is in the middle is just horrible.

It sounded better with just that little drumbeat in the middle instead of whatever that banshee scream of stupidity is.


But as for the wrestlers, only Jack and Sandman really need their theme. Just ask Motorhead to do the "Enter Sandman" cover for him and be done with it. It wasn't that bad to begin with and I thought it suited him just fine.

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I liked the old old ECW theme where they used the Intro to 9 Inch Nails "Closer" followed by White Zombie's Thunder Kiss.....and it ended with the ECW logo in front of a snowy screen with Joey Styles saying "This iiiiiiiiis exteeeeeeeeeme" I have it on one of my commercial tapes. I think on the Holiday Hell Tour 95 tape.

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Why go after New Jack when you can get Homicide, who is New Jack but with actual wrestling talent.


The answer is simpler then you think: Homicide is not New Jack.


He sees a black guy wearing "gangsta" clothes and assumes they are the same persona.


New Jack and Homicide, are worlds apart and if you can't pick up the subtle differences in what makes them so despite the similar appearence and tendency to involve themselves in insane brawls, you never really understood either men.

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Justin Credible needs Prong's "Snap my fingers snap your neck" because he is not just the lamest HBK clone not just the sober Sandman he's just a bald guy!


Balls Mahoney needs AC DC "Big Balls" to set up the "BALLS BALLS BAAAAALLS" punching spot during the match.

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Why go after New Jack when you can get Homicide, who is New Jack but with actual wrestling talent.


The answer is simpler then you think: Homicide is not New Jack.


He sees a black guy wearing "gangsta" clothes and assumes they are the same persona.


New Jack and Homicide, are worlds apart and if you can't pick up the subtle differences in what makes them so despite the similar appearence and tendency to involve themselves in insane brawls, you never really understood either men.


Is he required to list all the subtle differences and every little idiosyncrasy separating the two just so he doesn't get reamed? You know full well what he means. They may as well have the same gimmick and indeed, it is because of the similar clothing, because that's what gives off the first impression to the casual watcher. Get off your high horse.

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Justin Credible needs Prong's "Snap my fingers snap your neck" because he is not just the lamest HBK clone not just the sober Sandman he's just a bald guy!


Balls Mahoney needs AC DC "Big Balls" to set up the "BALLS BALLS BAAAAALLS" punching spot during the match.


It was Muscadine for the later part of the ECW run, much to Balls' dismay. When I had him sign my ECW music Volume 1, he wrote "This band sucks!" next to Muscadine. He then hit on my mother, and gave me free tickets to tomorrow's November to Remember.


It was HIM singing it towards the end. Which I have no problem with the WWE using, provided it set up the aforementioned BAAAAAAAAALLS! spot.


Chanting "BALLS! CHILLY! MIKEY!" as they all did the spot to Simon/Swinger/Anderson in 2000 is among the greatest moments of my life.

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Justin Credible needs Prong's "Snap my fingers snap your neck" because he is not just the lamest HBK clone not just the sober Sandman he's just a bald guy!


Balls Mahoney needs AC DC "Big Balls" to set up the "BALLS BALLS BAAAAALLS" punching spot during the match.


Agreed on both counts.

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Best trio of name chants was back in the day...




Hack Myers The Extreme "Shah" of ECW was cool, I remember the fans had me rolling as his punches brought "Shah, Shah, Shah" chants while anytime his opponent countered it was, "Shit"

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Actually I think the Ball's punching spot can still work without the music, it was chanted last night at the WWE vs ECW show during the battle royal and Balls didn't come out to the "Big Balls" song......though you know thinking about it, that song could have worked when ECW came out for the battle royal. But yes, I do agree Sandman and Balls need to have their actual songs, or something REALLY similar.

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The music Tommy Dreamer used at the WWE vs. ECW show was a Man In The Box rip-off that was producted by Harry Slash & The Slashtones right before ECW went under. It wasn't the same one used at last year's One Night Stand, which was a WWE rip-off.

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I'm surpised no one has brought up "Walk" for Rob Van Dam so that everyone can chant RE...SPECT...WALK WHAT-DO-YA-SAY. ECW was using the Kilgore version for the last few years, so I imagine that wouldn't be hard to use.

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Some of the later ECW DVDs and videos were released with studio music dubbed over top of the real music and the difference was more than you'd think.


Al Snow coming out to something other than "Breathe" just isn't the same. The F.B.I without the Stayin' Alive Remix isn't the same. Mikey without "Loser" wouldn't be the same.

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RVD's apparently going to be using his new Shadow's Fall music.


How'd you find that out? I haven't heard that at all.

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The more I think about it, the more I think it will bother me if ECW doesn't have their original theme music for their wrestlers. I forgot about how great they were/are.


Simon Diamond's being my personal favorite.

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RVD's apparently going to be using his new Shadow's Fall music.


Good. I don't care what it sounds like, anything is better than what he has now.


Have you heard that song? Its basically his first WWE theme with lyrics over it, but the lyrics are pretty much screamed.

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RVD's apparently going to be using his new Shadow's Fall music.


Good. I don't care what it sounds like, anything is better than what he has now.


Have you heard that song? Its basically his first WWE theme with lyrics over it, but the lyrics are pretty much screamed.


Works for me. I liked his first WWE theme.

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The more I think about it, the more I think it will bother me if ECW doesn't have their original theme music for their wrestlers. I forgot about how great they were/are.


Simon Diamond's being my personal favorite.


TOLD YA! :cheers:


Simon Diamond's music ya, another great example.


My understanding with Enter Sandman was, they tried it once or twice when the ECW album came out, and the live crowds HATED it, so they went back to Metallica... I seem to recall reading this in a book or something...

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