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Guess who's doing a nude/sex scene.

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I didn't know where to put this really since it could fit in three different discussion boards (NHB, Love/Sex/Dating, and this one), but I chose this one.


Cute-as-a-button child star Dakota Fanning, who turned 12 in February, is venturing into sexually disturbing territory in a movie being filmed in North Carolina.

The screenplay for "Hounddog" - a dark story of abuse, violence and Elvis Presley adulation in the rural South, written and directed by Deborah Kampmeier - calls for Fanning's character to be raped in one explicit scene and to appear naked or clad only in "underpants" in several other horrifying moments.


Fanning's mother, Joy, and her Hollywood agent, Cindy Osbrink, see the movie as a possible Oscar vehicle for the pint-size star. But despite Fanning's status as a bankable actress - whose movies, including last year's "War of the Worlds," have earned more than half a billion dollars since 2001 - the alarming material seems to have scared off potential investors from the under-$5 million indie project.


"The two taboos in Hollywood are child abuse and the killing of animals," a source close to the situation told me. "In this movie, both things happen."


Fanning's carefully choreographed rape scene has already been filmed. But then the production - which also stars Robin Wright Penn, David Morse and Piper Laurie - was shut down for lack of funds. Penn, who's also an executive producer, gave a pep talk to the dispirited cast in the days leading up to the shutdown. The desperate producer, Jen Gatien, daughter of former club czar Peter Gatien, sent out an SOS to New York entertainment entrepreneur Lawrence Robins. Robins located emergency investors, filming resumed, and the movie is scheduled to wrap tomorrow.


"The subject matter is very tough," Robins told me, "but I was attracted to it because in the end it's a story about human understanding, about a little girl who's dealt a very bad deck of cards, but finds solace in the music of Elvis and survives."


The script requires the preteen actress to confront tougher challenges than Brooke Shields and Jodie Foster did when, at Fanning's age, they played child prostitutes.


"It's not just the rape scene - the whole story is challenging Dakota as an actress," Fanning's longtime agent, Osbrink, told me. "And I've never been so proud of her in my life. I've seen the dailies, and in every scene she gets better and better."






I've changed my reponse three different times. I don't know what the fuck to say.

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I can't possibly imagine anyone wanting to see this.


Women and pedophilles (sp?) maybe? (not meant to be a joke)

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Guest Smues

During the rape scene will she be screaming annoyingly like in War of the Worlds? IS IT THEM IS IT THEM?

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Wait, didn't this movie already happen? "Bastard Out of Carolina"?

I really laughed at this, I don't know why.


Fanning's mother, Joy, and her Hollywood agent, Cindy Osbrink, see the movie as a possible Oscar vehicle for the pint-size star.

Ok, that's fucking sick.

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Wow, a "controversial" story that will be plastered all over the place giving the movie free publicity. *Yawn*


Don't care what she's doing. Movies are fake.

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Guest Felonies!
I know who will be seeing this.

You know, I was like "no, it can't be, he hasn't been here long enough to have a # in the 400s, who else would it be" but then, it was.

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People, please get a grip. Child molestation/child rape is a very commom occurrence throughout the world. Why do people insist on turning a bling eye to this crime as if it doesn't happen? The movie reflects reality, whether or not you can deal with it.

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Wait... Isn't she the little girl from War of the worlds etc? does she even know what molestation is? Whoever read her scripts to her must have really cleaned up this.

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I didn't even know they could film this type of shit.

See Mysterious Skin - it also deals with child rape (of two boys, most of the sex is implied) so if it's choreographed like that film, well... I can kinda see how it could be done.


Geezus christ, though... this is just fucked up in so many ways. Pedophilia is wrong and evil and blah blah blah... but here, let's show Fanning in her underwear for many scenes.


Fanning's mother, Joy, and her Hollywood agent, Cindy Osbrink, see the movie as a possible Oscar vehicle for the pint-size star.

That is very, very cringe-inducing. Yes, let's piggyback on the sick, twisted fantasies of pedophiles (fed constantly through the media anyway) just so a young star can get a shiny statue.


Why do people insist on turning a bling eye to this crime as if it doesn't happen? The movie reflects reality, whether or not you can deal with it.

I don't think that's the issue here at all.

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I was really hoping this thread was about this:


Jen Yamato writes: "This one's for all you Portman pervs out there -- the erstwhile Queen Amidala is set to go fully nude in her upcoming pic "Goya's Ghosts," in which she plays the persecuted muse of Spanish painter Francisco Goya.


According to Page Six, Natalie Portman will appear sans clothing for the first time in her career in the biopic, much to the delight of legions of fanboys across the globe:


"Portman will play the artist's muse, who is accused of atheism and then stripped in a torture scene. Portman, 24, was shot naked in "Closer," but begged director Mike Nichols to edit it, and ended up dancing in a thong."

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Guest DRH 502

Alright, you know the fact that this is happening doesn't surprise me because hey, the subject may be taboo but it happens. America needs a movie to shock the fuck out of them (Bastard Outta Carolina didn't quite do it 10 years ago for whatever reason...god I have no clue why I remember that awful movie)...but I ask this:


Why was there a need to base the thread around Dakota Fanning being nude as opposed to casually mentioning it when you discussed the movie??

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I didn't even know they could film this type of shit.

See Mysterious Skin - it also deals with child rape (of two boys, most of the sex is implied) so if it's choreographed like that film, well... I can kinda see how it could be done.




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I was really hoping this thread was about this:


Jen Yamato writes: "This one's for all you Portman pervs out there -- the erstwhile Queen Amidala is set to go fully nude in her upcoming pic "Goya's Ghosts," in which she plays the persecuted muse of Spanish painter Francisco Goya.


According to Page Six, Natalie Portman will appear sans clothing for the first time in her career in the biopic, much to the delight of legions of fanboys across the globe:


"Portman will play the artist's muse, who is accused of atheism and then stripped in a torture scene. Portman, 24, was shot naked in "Closer," but begged director Mike Nichols to edit it, and ended up dancing in a thong."


I'm in. Sounds like a must see movie to me.

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I was really hoping this thread was about this:


Jen Yamato writes: "This one's for all you Portman pervs out there -- the erstwhile Queen Amidala is set to go fully nude in her upcoming pic "Goya's Ghosts," in which she plays the persecuted muse of Spanish painter Francisco Goya.


According to Page Six, Natalie Portman will appear sans clothing for the first time in her career in the biopic, much to the delight of legions of fanboys across the globe:


"Portman will play the artist's muse, who is accused of atheism and then stripped in a torture scene. Portman, 24, was shot naked in "Closer," but begged director Mike Nichols to edit it, and ended up dancing in a thong."


Around the galaxy many geeks just exploded their death stars.


As for the Dakota Fanning vehicle, as with any other film with her I'll pass. I've found her like Shirley Temple (who I believe is distantly related to me) but crossed with a banshee from a hell dimension.

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Portman's not getting naked. It's a body double.


shhh....don't tell the geeks getting in line like it's Ep 1 all over again just so they can say they saw a boob.

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Wow, I'm really surprised by the response to this. All the "it's wrong, it's bad", etc. WTF? This is TSM. What, am I the only pedophile left on the board?


Maybe, we collectively climbed into the closet and I missed the memo. Anyway, I'm totally seeing this movie.

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That's what I felt like doing after reading this.

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