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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO ECW TV Week 11 Thread - August/22nd/2006.

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Hey, his music is no where close to as good as it used to be but, Sandman's music is starting to get a pop right when it hits.


I have no problem with Matt Striker in ECW. All he is going to be is a jobber with personality. Justin Credible cannot do it every week.


Did anybody else think that the crowd mics got turned up when they started chanting RVD?


I know 2 Cold wrestled in a dark match. I would love to see him get another run, always been a bit of a 2 Cold mark since he debuted as "Ron Simmon's partner" on a Clash of Champions. The 450 blew my mind back then.

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Ok so yeah, you have to give it to whoever is booking ECW, because having five matches in a one hour show is pretty bold, but honestly, I would have cut out the Bikini Contest(There was no need for it considering Dreamer/Sandman vs. Knox/Test is already established by now) to make the CM Punk/CW Anderson match longer, it had the potential to be really good, but it was just so goddamned short.


Also, in case people didn't notice, RVD is still THE MAN in this brand. He is the one guy right now with the crossover appeal for ECW and WWE fans. In my opinion, he needs to become the champ again ASAP, and have a long reign before putting over someone like CM Punk, because THAT is how you can get Punk to the next level.


Also, ECW needs AT LEAST a Television Title to be brought back, because it gives the mid-carders something to do besides just have random matches.


Someone on here said 2 Cold Scorpio wrestled on the undercard. Well lets hope he is still agile, and can get it done in the ring, because I would really enjoy him coming back.


ECW needs two hours, and it's own tapings. You can see how there is a lot of potential for things to take off, but trying to jam it all into an hour show is hurting the product.

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Guest Connzilla

Here are my thoughts on ECW on Scifi


Tonight main event Big Show vs. Sabu


Well the crap of the night starts off first bikini contest between Torri Wilson and Kelly Kelly damnit tha means I have to see Mike Knox on my TV tonight


Well Test came with Knox to the ring which brings out the sandman and Tommy Dreamer


First match of the night Sandman,Dreamer & Torri vs. Kelly,Test & Knox


Torrie and Kelly start the match off with a little scuffle


Ha Knox gets a you can't wrestle chant


Dreamer hits the DDT on Knox and gets the three count.Holy Shit dreamer PINS a guy on tv Dreamer wins a televised match


backstage Heyman is giving Show a pep talk about his match tonight


Matt Stryker is on Ecw bashin it well next week hes jobbin to balls or mybe(a longshot) Credible


The Next Match is the Extreme rules match of the night their is only one extreme rules match a night what?


Kevin Thorn vs. Balls Mahoney


Match is outside of the ring


their tradin punches back and forth


back in the ring Thorn is caning Balls with his cane


Fans chanting for Balls


Balls has a chiar, Arial just bit Balls, Thorn gets the pin.Is Balls now a vampire?


How was that match extreme that how standard ECW Matches should be


more hype for the main event


Shannon Moore in an ally way telling me the systeme was oppassive


CM Punk vs. CW Anderson


CW makes his long awaited tv debut


CW taps Punk is the winner! Graet Match but the crowd was completly dead for it


Even More Hype for the main event


Goofy ass Sabu promo, why is Sabu talking?


A fuckin trailer for The Cena Movie airs I don't want to see this shit I want to see Van Dam Draemer Sandman and Sabu thats why I'm watching ECW and Not RAW


Heyman is backstage with Bob Holly. Holly is the Newest member of ECW and he is back to the Hardcore moniker


Match 4:Rob Van Dam vs. Danny Doring


Doring has Van Dam in a submission hold


Van Dam gets out and starts dominating the match


5 Star Frog Splash and Van Dam gets the pin and the Win


Hardcore Holly Comes out and hits Doring and Van Dam with a trash can lid and then slams Van Dam down hard on the mat


Holly Leaves through the crowd


Big Show Vs. Sabu for the ECW next!


Rene Dupree was on my screen for about 20 senconds too much


Main Event Time-ECW World Championship-Big Show©vs. Sabu


Fuck their have been 5 matches to night. 5 matches in an hour? ECW is has the same amount matches in an hour than RAw and Smackdown do in two hours


Boxing style intros for the main event


Sabu hits show with the Ringbell and busted Show wide open


Sabu Knocks Show out of the ring and through a table


winner by DQ and Still ECW champ Big Show


Overall-I liked tonight it was a good show they introduced new wrestlers CW Anderson,Matt Stirker,Hardcore Holly


I like Stirkers Anti ECW gimmick


The Sandman,Dreamer-Knox,Test fued is coming along nicley except I think it needs the ECW tag belt in the mix for them to fued over


Lets see what becomes of Dupree's amd Moore's gimmicks


Lets see what becomes of the Van Dam Holly fued


I hope sabu ends up getting the ECW starp


all and all pretty good show storylines were devolped and contineud

I give it a 7 out of 10

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Guest Kobe24KGold

Jesus, Show's head was bleeding really, really bad. I hope he's OK, but the big ass puddle on the mat indicates otherwise.

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Also, ECW needs AT LEAST a Television Title to be brought back, because it gives the mid-carders something to do besides just have random matches.

I think they Criusier Wieght Title would be better so the Criusierwieghts can go to ECW and do insane X-divisions spot fests like they are supossed to,but that should wait till or if a 2nd hour happins

Wouldn't happen, Vince wouldn't let his cruiserweights work that kind of style.


I thought tonights show was good. We got 5 pretty decent matches and I didn't find the show boring or slow at all.


Bikinki contest/ Knox/Test/Kelly vs Dreamer/Sandman/Torrie: I didn't care for the contest though I was pretty sure it was going to lead to a match. Match was ok. The women mainly stayed the hell out of the way, though I did like how when Sandman challanged Knox, Kelly, and Test that Kelly got right on the apron with Knox and Test. I figured she was going to do the scared girl in the corner bit, but she jumped right up there with them. Everyone looked good in the match, espically Sandman and Dreamer got his first win since the new ECW started, but where does the feud go now?


Balls vs Vampire: God damn Arial's hot! Anyways, I enjoyed this match. I liked that the two of them just went out at it and that the match was just pretty much a fight. It could have been better, but it could have been a lot worse. I hate to say it but the right person went over here.


CM Punk vs CW Anderson: Ok, I don't like the name "Christoper W. Anderson" I do however love watching him wrestle in a match. This match was a good wrestling match but thats why I also think that the crowd was pretty much dead for it but other than the dead crowd, the match was good. A Anderson vs Punk feud would be good, if WWE would let Anderson get more air time.


RVD vs Doring: I really didn't watch this one, as my stomach was having issues and I wasn't in the room. I saw pretty much the last 4 minutes and I enjoyed it, but damn Hardcore Holly is now on ECW. I just have this feeling that Holly is just going to stiff everyone because all these new people are being pushed and he's going to be used to help push these people whose been in the WWE less than he is. I have a hard time watching him in the ring, not because he sucks, but because I always fear he's going to try and do something to get someone hurt.


Sabu vs Big Show: The match was fun, after seeing Big Show tonight, I've realized Big Show has been great in his role as ECW's monster heel. Sabu just going to town on the Big Show with the chair and the bell was just fun to watch. I enjoy the Sabu/Big Show feud so far.



Honestly, tonights show has something for every wrestling fan. Weather you like pure wrestling matches, hardcore matches, spot fests, or women who can't wrestle it was all there. In my view, tonights show was a solid show.

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Did anyone even see Striker wrestle on Heat (dumb question I know, but bare with me). The guy isn't a bad worker. He's a great heel, not just an interview but actually in the ring as well. He's just not that intimidating. He needs someone for a tag partner, like (heaven forbid) Chris Masters.


Usually I'd say he'd work better in ECW than RAW, but there's so interchangable now I don't know.

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RVD/Holly is just a time waster of a feud because it's obvious that they are going to have to do RVD/Show at that Dec. PPV where RVD regains. I don't think Sabu is going to get the title at any point.


That said, I am intrigued in that RVD/Holly matchup since it could get heated in a hurry. Holly will no doubt try to stiff RVD or RVD will lay in those kicks and bust him up.

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RVD/Holly is just a time waster of a feud because it's obvious that they are going to have to do RVD/Show at that Dec. PPV where RVD regains. I don't think Sabu is going to get the title at any point.


That said, I am intrigued in that RVD/Holly matchup since it could get heated in a hurry. Holly will no doubt try to stiff RVD or RVD will lay in those kicks and bust him up.

I would pay money to watch this.

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RVD/Holly is just a time waster of a feud because it's obvious that they are going to have to do RVD/Show at that Dec. PPV where RVD regains. I don't think Sabu is going to get the title at any point.


That said, I am intrigued in that RVD/Holly matchup since it could get heated in a hurry. Holly will no doubt try to stiff RVD or RVD will lay in those kicks and bust him up.

I would pay money to watch this.


Probably won't have to pay money to see it.

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Did anyone even see Striker wrestle on Heat (dumb question I know, but bare with me). The guy isn't a bad worker. He's a great heel, not just an interview but actually in the ring as well. He's just not that intimidating. He needs someone for a tag partner, like (heaven forbid) Chris Masters.

The problem is that you've got someone who was on the lowest rung of the ladder on Raw going to ECW and getting what will likely be a strong push. It doesn't make ECW look that good when they get given the dregs of Raw as their 'stars'.


It's almost the same with Holly. Holly might not be the worst worker in the world, but he's been midcard for so long, how does it make ECW look when someone like that gets put in ECW and pushed immediately to the top?

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With people like Shannon Moore, Rene Dupree, Hardcore Holly, Test, Striker it almost seems like its Heat/Velocity on Sci-Fi the only difference is that the show is "live". I can see Matt Striker making it but I don't give a damn about the rest.

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Soon-to-be additions to 'ecw'...Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Viscera, One Man Gang, Barry Horowitz, Brutus Beefcake, King Kong Bundy, Iron Mike Sharpe, the worst of the Spirit Squad, Mae Young, and Randy Orton.

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So last night ECW did their montly "let's put on a decent show tonight" effort. And it was actually pretty good... by the standards of this show, at least.


But since I'm writing about it on the internet, of course I still have a bunch of things to bitch about. Because even on a "good" ECW show there are still plenty of things that are pretty damn bad.


-I am past sick and tired of bikini contests. They're always just time-wasting filler that could be spent on actual wrestling. To make matters worse, this bikini contest was between two chicks who looked damn near identical. And one of them has been in Playboy so there's no real thrill to just seeing her in swimwear. And the other one never even took her robe off.


-In fact, was she even wearing anything under that robe? When Torrie dragged her into the corner and it loosened up, THAT's exactly when the lights went out... and only came back on after she'd made a wardrobe adjustment.


-What's the point of having a mixed tag match when neither of the women do a single thing during the match?


-I will pay one compliment: Mike Knox's DDT-taking ability. He's perfected the old RVD trick of putting his arm down at the right angle to make it look like he just spiked himself on his head.


-Matt Striker... yippee. Yet another WWE crossover guy who doesn't need to be there, who clutters up an already overstuffed roster, and is guaranteed to eventually piss off the office/network/whatever when the old hardcore ECW fans chant obscene slogans at him.


-Why only one Extreme Rules match? And why was the only "extreme" thing about it a single chairshot?


-What's the only thing worse than a lame "wrestling vampire" gimmick? An admittedly fake lame wrestling vampire gimmick. Joey Styles ranting about the vampirism lifestyle and Bite Clubs all over the world ain't gonna help this guy get over.


-So the vampire gimmick is one of those things that Sci-Fi apparently forced the WWE to do in order to cater to their network's fans. Okay, whatever. But why is he getting pushed as an unstoppable monster and squashing every other opponent he faces? At least The Zombie got beat up good 'n proper.


-Either DO SOMETHING with Shannon Moore or get rid of him already. Having him gaze vacantly into the camera on every single show gets old quick.


-They changed CW Anderson to Christopher W. Anderson because they were afraid that the stupid fans would get him and CM Punk confused. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up.


-CM Punk still seems lost working a match less than, oh, twenty minutes long. And the Anaconda Vice is still perhaps the lamest finisher in wrestling today. And yes, I'm aware that Scotty still does The Worm on occasion.


-SABU SHOULDN'T TALK. Aside from the fact that it ruins the gimmick he's built up for almost two decades, the man just can't cut a promo.


-A promo for Cena's movie. Jesus. It's bad enough that it took up three minutes of desperately needed time on a show that can't even feature half the roster on any given week. But the only connection Cena has with ECW is being viciously booed out of the building on several occasions. Why the hell would ECW fans, who clearly and loudly hate this guy, want to see his damn movie?


-And because we don't have enough former midcarders who are despised by hardcore fans wasting our time, here's Bob Holly. What's the over/under bet for how long it'll take before he shoots on some kid again?


-Danny Doring is wrestling on my tv. Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Al Snow, Roadkill, and many others are not. Anyone else see a problem here? The WWE doesn't even know which ECW "Extremists" not to hire.


-And just to make damn sure that RVD gets injured again before he gets back to the main event, heeeeeeere's a feud with Holly. Merry Christmas, Rob. Because that's about when we're gonna see you next after you're out healing a broken collarbone or whatever.


-Rene Dupree. 'Nuff said. (If I were the booker, I'd restart the BWO, put this goof in it, put fake tattoos on his back, and call him Duprista.)


-I wish I could bitch about something regarding the main event here... but it actually worked. Big Show isn't afraid of Sabu in a regular match, Sabu can't find a way to beat the giant without his weapons & plunder, he gets DQ'd as a result, and then snaps and just beats the everliving shit out of Show. Makes sense, and was well executed.


-I know Angle is out with Angle Injury #291, but why didn't they even mention him once throughout the entire show?


-How did Tazz go from being a decent commentator working with Michael Fucking Cole on Smackdown to being a completely annoying and intolerable one working with Joey Fucking Styles in ECW?


-The worst part about watching a "good" episode of ECW: according to precedent, next week's episode is gonna suck like ::insert random chick CM Punk's banged here::.

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-How did Tazz go from being a decent commentator working with Michael Fucking Cole on Smackdown to being a completely annoying and intolerable one working with Joey Fucking Styles in ECW?

Who is feeding him the lines? And who is the idiot who told Joey to yell WHITE RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP when Sandman did not have the singapore cane and calling a Senton ROLLING ROCK!?!?!

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-They changed CW Anderson to Christopher W. Anderson because they were afraid that the stupid fans would get him and CM Punk confused. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up.



I already figured this out.


Smackdown will be on the new CW network and CW network must have had a problem with them having a guy named CW on ECW over on Sci-Fi.

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The frustrating thing right now about the ECW project, is that it is so obvious by watching last night's show that they have the pieces to the puzzle that they need to make a successful and ECW-like show, but it pains all of us to see that whoever is ultimately in charge just doesn't get "it" and is fine with throwing an ECW banner and some ECW workers into a WWE show.

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Jingus, if I found that much to hate about a one hour wrestling show, less than an hour counting commercials, then I'd never fucking watch it again. Would you like to talk about how you hated the way some of the guys walked to the ring or how much you hated the color of some of the tights while you're at it? Sheesh.

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"I wish I could bitch about something regarding the main event here... but it actually worked."


Good luck having a point/counter-point with someone who thinks like that.

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Well, I watched ECW2 for the first time in over a month last night. I guess overall, it seemed like it had gotten better, but still wasn't that great.


ECW Originals and Torrie vs. Team Generic was alright, I guess. Typical tv filler kind of stuff. The sad part is that the Knox/Sandman feud hasn't progressed one bit since I last watched. Maybe they really are trying to recreate the Test/Steiner feud from 03 with this one. And Test is still involved somehow.


I don't like the "One Extreme Rules match per night" thing. It seemed like a lame ROH ripoff of "This is your title match of the evening." Seriously... "This is your extreme rules match of the evening." Could one sentence possibly sum up everything wrong with ECW2 any better? Perhaps, but not one on this show.


Anyway, I did like Kevin Thorn. I do occasionally find enjoyment in the over-the-top late 80's style gimmicks. This guy seemed like a mix of Gangrel and Wrath. Ariel is hot even with the fangs and excessive makeup. Thorn had a cool entrance theme and had a decent finisher. That's enough for me.


I'm not exactly sure why everyone is praising the CW/CM match. Came across as typical disjointed, rushed tv filler to me. Still good to see CM Punk on tv.


RVD/Doring was total filler. Only there to get Holly "over." At least he's not on SD anymore.


ME was fine for what it was supposed to do. Make both guys look credible in their niche. Not a great match, but storyline wise, it did its job. Show looked to have some nasty hardway blood coming from the top of his head.

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Jingus, if I found that much to hate about a one hour wrestling show, less than an hour counting commercials, then I'd never fucking watch it again. Would you like to talk about how you hated the way some of the guys walked to the ring or how much you hated the color of some of the tights while you're at it? Sheesh.


My problem is that I'm so addicted to wrestling that I'm drawn towards anything presented in a wrestling ring like a moth to a flame. No matter how much it pisses me off or makes me want to rip my hair out, I'll keep watching it no matter what. I watch Raw, ECW, Smackdown, TNA, Deep South, and a local indy show, every week. I watch them all because on every wrestling show I've ever seen, no matter how terrible, there's always at least one moment, one spot, one match, one promo, one something that makes me go "Damn, that was cool." I live for those moments.


"I wish I could bitch about something regarding the main event here... but it actually worked."


Good luck having a point/counter-point with someone who thinks like that.


What, were you expecting the ME to be worthwhile? It's a rematch shown on free TV of a match that they expected the fans to pay $40 to watch... two days ago. And that match two days ago wasn't all that great. And it's a match featuring Sabu in which chairs and tables weren't legal. And it's a match featuring Big Show, period. I'm shocked that they actually turned that pile of negatives into a logical, compelling contest.

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Im bored..


-I am past sick and tired of bikini contests. They're always just time-wasting filler that could be spent on actual wrestling. To make matters worse, this bikini contest was between two chicks who looked damn near identical. And one of them has been in Playboy so there's no real thrill to just seeing her in swimwear. And the other one never even took her robe off.


-In fact, was she even wearing anything under that robe? When Torrie dragged her into the corner and it loosened up, THAT's exactly when the lights went out... and only came back on after she'd made a wardrobe adjustment.


-What's the point of having a mixed tag match when neither of the women do a single thing during the match?


-I will pay one compliment: Mike Knox's DDT-taking ability. He's perfected the old RVD trick of putting his arm down at the right angle to make it look like he just spiked himself on his head.

Yes, it was stupid, but it set up the tag match and took a whole 2 minutes. I was wondering how long it would take for them to do it on TV since they've been doing it at house shows for awhile (sans Torrie). As for why they made it a mixed tag match..no clue, but Id assume that the reason torrie just stood on the apron the whole time was because Kelly ^2 can't do anything in the ring besides tease shes gonna take her clothes off. And she did have something on under her robe, but it was skin toned color..I Dont think it had anything to do with the lights going off. And if the one compliment you can give Mike Knox is that he took a DDT well..


-Matt Striker... yippee. Yet another WWE crossover guy who doesn't need to be there, who clutters up an already overstuffed roster, and is guaranteed to eventually piss off the office/network/whatever when the old hardcore ECW fans chant obscene slogans at him.


I wasn't happy about it, but the whole Anti-Hardcore thing will get him over as a heel and the Smackdown crowd will boo him so thats all that matters. The hardcore ECW fans are going to eventually start disappearing anyway..


-Why only one Extreme Rules match? And why was the only "extreme" thing about it a single chairshot?


-What's the only thing worse than a lame "wrestling vampire" gimmick? An admittedly fake lame wrestling vampire gimmick. Joey Styles ranting about the vampirism lifestyle and Bite Clubs all over the world ain't gonna help this guy get over.


-So the vampire gimmick is one of those things that Sci-Fi apparently forced the WWE to do in order to cater to their network's fans. Okay, whatever. But why is he getting pushed as an unstoppable monster and squashing every other opponent he faces? At least The Zombie got beat up good 'n proper.

Well, for starters I like that they are actually trying to make it out that he's into Vampirism instead of being stuck in the 80s with "he is a vampire". And nothing is going to help get him over if he can't wrestle worth a crap.


-Either DO SOMETHING with Shannon Moore or get rid of him already. Having him gaze vacantly into the camera on every single show gets old quick.


-They changed CW Anderson to Christopher W. Anderson because they were afraid that the stupid fans would get him and CM Punk confused. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up.


-CM Punk still seems lost working a match less than, oh, twenty minutes long. And the Anaconda Vice is still perhaps the lamest finisher in wrestling today. And yes, I'm aware that Scotty still does The Worm on occasion.


Its because its Shannon Moore though. CM Punk does almost the same thing (except a few more words..) and no one was bothered by that.

The background music is also terrible. Covered the CW Anderson thing...and the Anaconda Vice isn't the lamest finisher in wrestling (see Vito's finisher..).


-SABU SHOULDN'T TALK. Aside from the fact that it ruins the gimmick he's built up for almost two decades, the man just can't cut a promo.


-A promo for Cena's movie. Jesus. It's bad enough that it took up three minutes of desperately needed time on a show that can't even feature half the roster on any given week. But the only connection Cena has with ECW is being viciously booed out of the building on several occasions. Why the hell would ECW fans, who clearly and loudly hate this guy, want to see his damn movie?


-And because we don't have enough former midcarders who are despised by hardcore fans wasting our time, here's Bob Holly. What's the over/under bet for how long it'll take before he shoots on some kid again?

Just be glad Sabu hasn't graduated to the in-ring promo class yet. My problem with it was Styles shilling it depsite everything he said in his rant on that RAW. You know this being a WWE Show that they're going to forcefeed JOHN CENA IS THE MARINE for the next 2 months..Not too big on Bob Holly but he fits ECW. I do think hed be better off on Smackdown..


-Danny Doring is wrestling on my tv. Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Al Snow, Roadkill, and many others are not. Anyone else see a problem here? The WWE doesn't even know which ECW "Extremists" not to hire.


-And just to make damn sure that RVD gets injured again before he gets back to the main event, heeeeeeere's a feud with Holly. Merry Christmas, Rob. Because that's about when we're gonna see you next after you're out healing a broken collarbone or whatever.


-Rene Dupree. 'Nuff said. (If I were the booker, I'd restart the BWO, put this goof in it, put fake tattoos on his back, and call him Duprista.)


It was Dorings first TV appearance though and probably his last. The FBI and Al Snow have been on a few times. They might as well at least give Doring a chance on TV..More than likely, if RVD gets hurt it'll be because he botched something himself. And I dont give Dupree long once he actually makes a TV appearance. I dont think he's so far out of people's minds that they wont forget how much he sucked prior. They could have at least given him a new name or something.


-I wish I could bitch about something regarding the main event here... but it actually worked. Big Show isn't afraid of Sabu in a regular match, Sabu can't find a way to beat the giant without his weapons & plunder, he gets DQ'd as a result, and then snaps and just beats the everliving shit out of Show. Makes sense, and was well executed.

So the question is, does anyone take a non-extreme rules Sabu match seriously? I think he's been in 3 now and all 3 he was DQ'ed.


-I know Angle is out with Angle Injury #291, but why didn't they even mention him once throughout the entire show?


-How did Tazz go from being a decent commentator working with Michael Fucking Cole on Smackdown to being a completely annoying and intolerable one working with Joey Fucking Styles in ECW?


-The worst part about watching a "good" episode of ECW: according to precedent, next week's episode is gonna suck like ::insert random chick CM Punk's banged here::.

I never really liked Taz as a commentator on Smackdown. Cant be a coincidence that they take him off, put JBL in and Smackdown becomes 100x more watchable although JBL is almost like he was born to do commentary.

Next weeks show will be taped instead of live so it has that going against it, plus it will probably have some RAW involvement since its being taped after RAW.


All in all, last nights show wasn't bad, but its not exactly the show thats going to appeal to the "ECW" fans on here. But hey..Tommy Dreamer won a match!

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And if the one compliment you can give Mike Knox is that he took a DDT well..


Not just A ddt, he does it every week, and it always looks awesome.


Knox is a weird case, cuz I don't think anyone can argue that he hasn't looked out of place and boring as hell in ECW. But if like me you get the Deep South TV show, which is a couple months behind, you can see what Knox was like there, and it was a completely different man. He had intensity, speed, facial expressions, a moveset, everything. It all somehow vanished the instant he showed up on Sci-Fi.


I wasn't happy about it, but the whole Anti-Hardcore thing will get him over as a heel and the Smackdown crowd will boo him so thats all that matters. The hardcore ECW fans are going to eventually start disappearing anyway..


Problem is, gimmicks like Striker don't tend to get the "we wanna pay to see this guy get his ass kicked" heat; they tend to get the "aw christ, this guy again?! change the channel" heat instead. And like I keep saying, ECW just has way too many guys on the active roster, they don't need to keep importing random guys from the other shows.


Well, for starters I like that they are actually trying to make it out that he's into Vampirism instead of being stuck in the 80s with "he is a vampire". And nothing is going to help get him over if he can't wrestle worth a crap.


All very true. But I think it'd be a lot more effective if he was just portrayed as a freak that Styles and Tazz didn't really know much about. The phrase "bite club" just makes me think of all the pretentious goths and witches I knew back in college, and I certainly wouldn't be afraid of any of them trying to kick my ass.


Its because its Shannon Moore though. CM Punk does almost the same thing (except a few more words..) and no one was bothered by that.

The background music is also terrible.


I was bothered by that. If you employ a wrestler, have him WRESTLE, not do endless promos every damn week where they always say basically the same thing. And yeah, that crappy electronica music sucks on toast.


Not too big on Bob Holly but he fits ECW. I do think hed be better off on Smackdown..


The ironic part is that I'm one of the few who can actually stand Holly, I've usually been amused by his matches. But the fact stands that he's a hothead with a well-known reputation for abusing his opponents in the ring, and he's yet another WWE midcarder who never worked for ECW a day in his life.


Dorings first TV appearance though and probably his last. The FBI and Al Snow have been on a few times. They might as well at least give Doring a chance on TV..


And anyone who would rather watch Doring in the ring than FBI or Snow, put your hand up.




Thought so.


So the question is, does anyone take a non-extreme rules Sabu match seriously? I think he's been in 3 now and all 3 he was DQ'ed.


But hey..Tommy Dreamer won a match!


Which people forget that he did all the time in old ECW. It was just Raven that he could never beat. Otherwise, his win/loss ratio was about 50/50.

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But hey..Tommy Dreamer won a match!


Which people forget that he did all the time in old ECW. It was just Raven that he could never beat. Otherwise, his win/loss ratio was about 50/50.


But now its almost as if hes the whipping boy for Vince's anti-ECW ECW concoction.

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--ECW last night did a 2.3 rating.


And I think Jingus makes a lot of valid points, and presented them well. If you dislike what he said that much Downhome, try countering them.


There's no use in my trying to counter them. If those are his opinions, and only his opinions, then nothing I say would change his mind anyway. I was just saying that if I ever found that much to hate about 45 minutes of TV, wrestling or not, and I also said that it was one of the better episodes of whatever it was, then I highly doubt I'd continue to watch, that's all.


I'm glad other people are at least saying good things about Mike Knoxx in terms of how he takes a DDT. From the moment I saw that I instantly thought of RVD. It's one of my favorite ways to take any sort of move. It looks really solid, like the move actually matters.

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If a guy had a DDT as his finisher and everyone could take it like RVD, then it would be over as hell.


Problem is, the majority of WWE wrestlers can't make a DDT look like that.

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How about RVD's psychotic sell of the piledriver from Dreamer at N2R 97? One of the greatest sells of a move ever.


This Holly/RVD thing should prove interesting. I doubt it will last all that long because Holly is obviously there as a time filler till the ECW PPV for RVD. Someone is going to get stiffed all to hell in that match though. I bet RVD morphs back into his 2001 self vs. Kurt Angle, bust Holly's nose open and all that. Holly will retaliate, and so on.

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