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Lord of The Curry

Prison Break

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Hey, I just realized that Aldo Burrows was the Coach on Playmakers... I'd been trying to figure out where I'd seen him before...


NICE! I knew that damn voice, now we just need cameos from DH and Guard Dog. Last week I found out Roy from the Office was Skip from Angel, and now this...I like when I find out little things like this.


Now that T-Bag is handless I dunno how much more he can do. May as well have him go all out with Bellick in a bloodbath and kill one or both of them (Watching season 2 of Carnivale and it's weird hearing T-Bag without the accent)


2 weeks in a row without C-Note, and I imagine we'll only very randomly see Haywire. I was JUST starting to like Tweener when they offed him.


And what's with Michael giving his celly a twisted clue note for when he knows his life is in stake? Seriously, with as much time as he's put into all this stuff everyone seems to be figuring out what he meant with the tats

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"Walking on sunshiiiine..."


T-Bag is hardcore. He is so ripping off his hand to escape that house. Can't wait to see the cops get there, only to see a hand strapped to the radiator.


How the mighty have fallen - Bellick gets punked out by Roy, of all people. Roy better watch out, though, because I don't think he's seen the last of T-Bag.


I'm guessing the blonde saves the day next week w/ Linc/LJ/Dad.


Wow! Do you happen to know this week's Powerball Lottery numbers?

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Hey, I just realized that Aldo Burrows was the Coach on Playmakers... I'd been trying to figure out where I'd seen him before...


NICE! I knew that damn voice, now we just need cameos from DH and Guard Dog. Last week I found out Roy from the Office was Skip from Angel, and now this...I like when I find out little things like this.

The sad part is that it took me until now to make the connection.

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According to the preview, there's only two episodes left. This must be only an hiatus just like last year, where T-Bag threatened Michael when the first attempt to escape didn't worked. I can't imagine ending the season right away.


Mahone will kill at least someone in the desert, probably the father.

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Yeah, they're doing a hiatus until after the new year.


Maybe not!


A final Fox note: MediaWeek reports that the network is leaning toward running “Prison Break” without a 4-month break this season. There will be breaks for the holidays and other special programming, but after that, “it will run straight through,” a Fox executive said.

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I'd rather see it through, I get so uninterested in Lost when they take their forever breaks.


And the preview for the last episode that aired was hella misleading. It made like the priest was in on it with Michael

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So my VCR decided to fuck up on me tonight and didn't bother taping the episode. Excellent.


I'm trying to find a BitTorrent of the episode, but maybe it's too early considering how terrible that search is going. It hasn't been put up on YouTube either like last week's.


Unfortunately, as a result, I'm aware of most of the stuff that has already happened tonight. And yeah, I think Kellerman is getting ready to turn good -- until the Company kills him, anyway.

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Wow I'm really annoyed with the stupidity of

the entire Bellick getting arrested arc. Are these cops just plain stupid? Can they not check when he left the message threatening Geary, two seconds after the one detective walked away from him, and compare that to time of death? Also, nevermind the fact that they were hauling Geary IN when Bellick was LEAVING. Yes, he magically teleported himself to Geary's hotel to kill him and was back at the Hospital in time to see him DOA. Riiight, that's some great writing there. I know it's such a small arc, but it's really disappointing to see lazy writing like this on a show that I'm actually really digging.

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NYU, no need to DL the ep if the VCR messed up. FOX posts all the fresh episodes of their main TV series for viewing on Myspace, so it's a nice way to catch up if you miss an ep.

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That's what I heard, but damned if I can find any episodes on there. Do I need to friend them or something?

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Found it. Excellent. Unfortunately, they still have the Bolshoi Booze episode as the latest one. When do they update?

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Guest NYankees

I am guessing sometime today. I think myfox.com or fox.com also shows the newest episode for a full week after the initial airing.

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Wow I'm really annoyed with the stupidity of

the entire Bellick getting arrested arc. Are these cops just plain stupid? Can they not check when he left the message threatening Geary, two seconds after the one detective walked away from him, and compare that to time of death? Also, nevermind the fact that they were hauling Geary IN when Bellick was LEAVING. Yes, he magically teleported himself to Geary's hotel to kill him and was back at the Hospital in time to see him DOA. Riiight, that's some great writing there. I know it's such a small arc, but it's really disappointing to see lazy writing like this on a show that I'm actually really digging.

That's *if* they know the time of death yet. We could easily assume they don't at the time of his arrest, since Bellick's questioning is still the day of (or maybe day after) Geary's death. Also unknown is when Bellick came in to the hospital. It's conceivable Bellick came in an hour or 2 before Geary did, which would make the timelines work.


Now, if Bellick gets convicted of killing Geary, then I'd have some problems (i.e. no prints of Bellick found at the scene, the time of the voicemail & time of death, lack of a murder weapon, etc.)

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I'm thinking that the company might somehow be behind Bellick getting busted for the murder; I dunno, maybe punishment because everyone got out under his guard?


Anyway, it at least better be; the whole time Bellick was chatting with the cops after his cover was blown, I kept waiting for him to say "Check the hotel room for forensic evidence. You'll find T-Bag's blood, T-Bag's prints (probably on the receipt), but not a single fingerprint, strand of hair, or so much as a skin cell from me because I was never even in that hotel room in the first place!"


Besides, if the cops really did some checking around, they might even be able to find those hookers who could ID T-Bag.


Really good episode outside of that.

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I'm thinking that the company might somehow be behind Bellick getting busted for the murder; I dunno, maybe punishment because everyone got out under his guard?


Anyway, it at least better be; the whole time Bellick was chatting with the cops after his cover was blown, I kept waiting for him to say "Check the hotel room for forensic evidence. You'll find T-Bag's blood, T-Bag's prints (probably on the receipt), but not a single fingerprint, strand of hair, or so much as a skin cell from me because I was never even in that hotel room in the first place!"


Besides, if the cops really did some checking around, they might even be able to find those hookers who could ID T-Bag.


Really good episode outside of that.

I'm assuming that Bellick will get let go once they connect things to T-Bag. But to be honest, I fully expected Bellick to make things worse for himself.

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How could last night's episode not be the fall finale?! That was a really great episode.

How? Well, they haven't shot down the plane Sucre's on yet. Speculation on my part, but having the "big three" (Michael, Linc, Sucre) in trouble leading into January would really leave us hanging.


Plus, sweeps isn't quite done yet.

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Prison Break will return earlier than planned, Jan 22 with a recap episode followed by a brand new episode on the 29th. It'll be paired up with 24 for new episodes until April (in moving back the start date they had to move back the finale date as well). Fox will probably be putting American Idol specials in PBs time slot after its over.




/fat tony mode off

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I concur, 24 + Prison Break = a boner for me.


I discovered season 1 of 24 about a year ago, I burned through the first 4 seasons fast and I'll do the same with 5 before 6 airs.

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