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Best beatdowns

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What are some of the best heel beatdowns you can think of?



I'd say


nWo on the Rock, on Raw in February 1998

nWo on the Dungeon of Doom + Savage on Nitro in September of 1996



What are some more?

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Summer of '98: The Nation and DX had a street fight match on Raw where the Rock and co. just kicked the everloving shit out of DX, specifically HHH, specifically using a ladder. This lead to the Rock/HHH ladder match at SummerSlam.


WrestleMania X7: An obsessed Steve Austin wails The Rock repeatedly with a chair after kicking out of a stunner to win the championship.


Royal Rumble 1999: Rock's viscious assault of Mick Foley has to be the best ever.

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Even though they blew the blow off, the Austin/Alliance beating of Tazz was quite good if I remember correctly.

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Even though they blew the blow off, the Austin/Alliance beating of Tazz was quite good if I remember correctly.


I've always been searching for this segment. I remember when Austin whipped him with a belt and said "You will respect Stone Cold" or something like that. I always enjoyed that. If anybody has a video, it'd make my christmas.

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He meant 02 I think. And it was bad ass before the whole semi thing came into play.


The nWo attack at Disney is probably my favorite, mainly when Nash darted Rey into the trailer (which I thought was funny as hell).


There was also a really good segment leading into Rumble 96 where Razor Ramon beat up Goldust. I swear I wore my VCR out watching that thing over and over.


Another one I really liked was one prior to WMXX where Eddie Guerrero fought Paul Heyman with one arm tied behind his back and Kurt Angle came down and beat him up. Wasn't that brutal or anything, but the acting made it. Easily one of my top 3 favorite moments in the WWE era.

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The nWo beating up Ric Flair in the middle of a cornfield or some shit like that during Nitro IIRC.


Holly, Benoit, and Guerrero beating the shit out of Daniel Puder at the 2005 Royal Rumble.

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I think I remember this right....I think the Rock was in a casket and Triple H beat the hell out of it with the sledgehammer while Rocky was still inside and when they opened he was bloddier than all hell...It happened on Raw..can't remember the year though...And I also remember the Steiner Brothers murdering jobbers back in my old mark days watching Raw in the early 90s..Just Murder people...Im sure you can find some on the old Coliseum vids or something

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There was also a really good segment leading into Rumble 96 where Razor Ramon beat up Goldust. I swear I wore my VCR out watching that thing over and over.

That one was great, it looked like Ramon was putting a little extra into each shot.



The one that always pops into my head was during Demolition's run at the top. They had a match with a couple of jobbers and proceeded a beat down on the two of them. After the second or third Decapitator, out comes Billy Jack Hayes to save the lives of the poor souls. Big bad hero running in, cowardly heels quiver and run in fear right?... Nope, Ax and Smash proceed to beat the living shit out of Hayes, hit him with one Decapitator, set him up for another and in runs Ken Patera to make the save. Once again the heels stand their ground, drop the unconscious Hayes and destroy Patera. After a lengthy beatdown, they decide they've dished out enough punishment and calmly walk out of the ring. It's the first time I remember that the heels did something like this, normally they'd run away as soon as the face runs in to make the save.

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Guest Natchou

How about last Monday's beatdown of DX by Rated RKO with the "Stereo" RKO and the double Con-chair-to Triple H took on the announcers table? That one was nice, with the silence and the stunned crowd shots afterwards. You can say what you want about HBK and Triple H, but when they want to, they can sell like true kings. :)

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Not really a beatdown, but it was funny as hell watching Big Show swing Rey Mysterio in the stretcher like a baseball bat into the ringpost at Backlash a couple years ago.

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Ric Flair and The Anderson's attacking Dusty Rhodes in the cage in Atlanta.


Jim Cornette handcuffing Bob Armstrong to the cage at Fire on the Mountain in 1992 and smashing him in the chest with the tennis racquet about 20 times. Cornette took his time with each shot which just added to the drama. Of course, you had the whole deal with the ring announcer going over the P.A asking for people to make room for ambulance and the scene of Bob being loaded onto a stretcher and getting put into the ambulance.

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Guest John Dub

How about Steve Austin and Triple H beating the shit out of the Hardy Boys and Lita to close out Raw a couple of years back? I was there live and it was brutal

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How about Steve Austin and Triple H beating the shit out of the Hardy Boys and Lita to close out Raw a couple of years back? I was there live and it was brutal

Yeah, I was still a mark then and was a huge Team Xtreme fan so I was extra pissed.

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Summer of '98: The Nation and DX had a street fight match on Raw where the Rock and co. just kicked the everloving shit out of DX, specifically HHH, specifically using a ladder. This lead to the Rock/HHH ladder match at SummerSlam.


WrestleMania X7: An obsessed Steve Austin wails The Rock repeatedly with a chair after kicking out of a stunner to win the championship.


Royal Rumble 1999: Rock's viscious assault of Mick Foley has to be the best ever.


My three picks as well.

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Mike Awesome taking an Awesome Bomb from Masato Tanaka onto the outside table and during the fall getting his head stuck under the guard rail. Spike Dudley getting put through 15 tables during the greatest squash match in the history of ECW.

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Not really a beatdown, but it was funny as hell watching Big Show swing Rey Mysterio in the stretcher like a baseball bat into the ringpost at Backlash a couple years ago.


Judgment Day.

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Not really a beatdown, but it was funny as hell watching Big Show swing Rey Mysterio in the stretcher like a baseball bat into the ringpost at Backlash a couple years ago.


Judgment Day.


He was right. Judgment Day had the stretcher match with Brock because of the Rey incident at Backlash.

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I think I remember this right....I think the Rock was in a casket and Triple H beat the hell out of it with the sledgehammer while Rocky was still inside and when they opened he was bloddier than all hell...It happened on Raw..can't remember the year though...And I also remember the Steiner Brothers murdering jobbers back in my old mark days watching Raw in the early 90s..Just Murder people...Im sure you can find some on the old Coliseum vids or something

this was back in like may 1999, it led to their match at over the edge , the match was Rock vs Taker in a casket match and trips helped taker win then debuted the sledgehammer that would become his trademark weapon forever.



as for others, Barry Windham getting his arm broken by a car door at halloween havoc 91 pops into my head for some reason. though not really a beatdown.


the nwo running the steiners off the road as well



as for true beatdowns, Mankinds debut night on RAW running in during Takers match with Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw and beating the crap out of him hitting the apron elbow and holding onto the mandible claw till taker was "foaming from the mouth" was great


Hogan whipping David Flair at Souled Out 1999 was pretty brutal infact Flair wrote about it in his book and he is stil pissed till this day that Hogan had to "get cute" and hit David far too many times.


HHH flipping out at Summerslam 1999 after Mankind stole the win and title, and beating up Austin with a chair


The Facgime beating up Rock in a cage(?) leading up to Backlash 2000


DX and The Outlaws destroy the LOD RAW December 1997 (its on the monday night war dvd extra match)


Horsemen dump Sting at the Clash early 1990. Flair slaps him hard and bitcheshim out big time.



Ill second the 2 man power trips beatdown of the hardys and lita on raw, it was pretty brutal especially when they actually beat up a woman, pretty disgusting


Austin beating the rock with a chair untill he was basically a mass of jello at wm 17 is still pretty awesome to watch

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Guest Mos_Def
Fonzie's boys (RVD, Sabu) and Jerry Lawler beating down Tommy Dreamer and friends - moments after Dreamer had pinned Raven for the first time.


yep...thats my favorite as well. Another great one was when Terry Funk reappeared at Double Tables '95 ( I think) and beat the shit out of Mick Foley until his wrestling school buddy Shane Douglas made the save. While Foley was getting beatdown he was on the mic pleading for help.


The beatdowns during the territory days (Andersons & Flair on Dusty, Austin Idol on Lawler) were fun, because the fans would actively get involved.

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I think I remember this right....I think the Rock was in a casket and Triple H beat the hell out of it with the sledgehammer while Rocky was still inside and when they opened he was bloddier than all hell...It happened on Raw..can't remember the year though...And I also remember the Steiner Brothers murdering jobbers back in my old mark days watching Raw in the early 90s..Just Murder people...Im sure you can find some on the old Coliseum vids or something


I remember that pretty well; I don't remember ever seeing Rocky on camera after the beating bloody tho?


I was, however, watching it on a Tuesday afternoon on TSN, after the censors had their way....

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I always liked when Raven and the Flock beat up Saturn for not punishing Riggs for losing a match. I believe there was finger breaking involved with that one.

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