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OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

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I know a lot of people don't care for SK, but for those who are interested, he gave Taker-Batista ***1/2, and HBK-Cena ****3/4. Personally, I think he overrated the latter, but I'll have to give it another viewing.

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If you have a problem with how that match ended, then you don't fucking know wrestling *AT ALL*.


They built up the STFU finish for over HALF THE MATCH, with Shawn desperately trying to avoid it, and barely surviving one before. That's wrestling logic 101. A finish isn't some random headdrop or finisher. A PROPER finisher makes logical sense and is built towards.


On top of that, if you do not think the finish STFU wasn't vicious, then you know NOTHING about that hold. Cena was torking the fuck out that, even going SIDEWAYS with it. You would either have to tap out, or your neck and knee are going to be ripped to shreds.


And finally, if you do not like Cena, then quit watching WWE right now. Cena's going to main event WWE for ATLEAST the next five years, if not a decade or LONGER. He is our Hogan. Either learn to enjoy him for his charisma and GOOD wrestling ability, or just give it up. Cena is THE guy now. It's not going to change for anyone. So give it up.

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The pacing of the main event was done quite well in getting Cena's boo's minimized. The whole structure of the match worked well in that regard as well as selling the match itself.


52 hit it on the head. People are acting really dumb with this "I HATE THE STFU" attitude. The whole progression of the match, leading to the finish was great. I know that a SCM is pretty and everything but Cena was ripping Shawn's head off at the end.

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Well, I don't feel bad at all now that the sports bar I used to go to watch PPVs at has given up on the WWE. Cena making HBK tap cleanly was the worst possible ending for that match. Not Mania-worthy at all. Just letting us know it will be the same old shit for another year now. The only possible way to redeem this is if HBK turns heel to win the title at Backlash, but I just don't see it happening. The WWE just sucks now.


iggy's just bitter b/c he had money on HBK.

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Is arguing about Wrestlemania sucking or not sucking a prerequisite now? Because that's basically what I've seen on almost every forum.



I myself didn't see it, but I plan on getting the DVD. From what I understand its more or less a three match card, but then again WMX was a two match one so...


As for Cena, his character does nothing for me, but from a wrestling match perspective, the guy is tremendous.

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This was by far the worst Wrestlemania I've ever ordered and one of the worst pay per views I've ever seen. I'm probably not watching RAW this week. I'll bitch more about it later.



Yeah alright buddy.....You might want to just quit watching wrestling totally then. Cause obviously you wouldn't know a solid show if you slapped you in the face.

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I'm no John Cena fan but am I to understand that some people actually want Shawn Michaels holding the #1 belt in the company? Really?

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I'll bitch more about it later.


Oh goodie, WE can hardly wait

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I didn't like the order of the matches. Taker/Batista should have been last. I marked-out big-time for Taker winning. Great match!

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It didn't suck. Great main event. Solid US title match that could have used another 5 minutes, as usual. A fun spot fest opener. A hot World Title match and the rest was really short. Crowd and marks flipped for the BoB. It hit all on points tonight. Even the Originals went over. The right booking was done across the table.


Kennedy wins but Punk looks like a threat at the end. Ashley doesn't win and basically gets squashed. Kane is written out. Khali looks like a monster for getting right up after being slammed. MVP looks crisp against the vetran and Benoit goes over but obviously builds to a rematch. Undertaker goes over but Batista looks strong enough. The BOB was made for marks and delivered. Originals squash New Breed and the main event was done right and worked well.


The only negatives was probably the placement of the two world title matches and in the end, doesn't hurt anything. The worst thing was the McMahon-Aurora skit.

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The pacing of the main event was done quite well in getting Cena's boo's minimized. The whole structure of the match worked well in that regard as well as selling the match itself.


52 hit it on the head. People are acting really dumb with this "I HATE THE STFU" attitude. The whole progression of the match, leading to the finish was great. I know that a SCM is pretty and everything but Cena was ripping Shawn's head off at the end.



Agreed, and the hate attitude also tajes the enjoyment away from these guys because they're just looking to dissect every little thing they can to complain about Cena. That's not way to try to watch and enjoy something.

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Seeing both title matches, there's no doubt that they should have been switched. The PPV ending with Taker at the top of the ramp with the belt would be much better than the odd exchange between Cena and HBK.


I don't hate Cena like a lot of people, but I'm not crazy about him like I was for Austin or the Rock 7 years ago. He seems kind of Diesel-like, although he does try to work his ass off. He just needs a repackaging. People are booing him, and the WWE expects this? This is not correct. He is not some weird new tweener star of the future. Austin set the world on fire. So did the Rock. Hell, his promo on Vince a few weeks ago got the biggest pop of the year, and he hasn't wrestled a match in 3 years. With all that said, Cena should have gone over. Shawn was thrust into this position because HHH got hurt, and did a great job, but like Flair, he shouldn't be anywhere near the World title. He needs to be in the midcard, having ***** classics like his one with Angle two years ago. I have faith that Cena could be something good, but people aren't buying him as a superstar like they did for Austin and Rock.


Taker/Batista was much better than I expected. I guess they did work their asses off to show they were pissed about not going on last.


MITB seemed off for some reason. The first one is still the best. This one seemed like they were overly concerned about setting up spots (Punk's helicopter with the ladder, for instance), although the Jeff/Edge bump was insane. I don't think Edge was legit hurt...I think he was taken out so he can say he didn't really lose.


Hair vs. Hair was a lot of fun. I was hoping Rock would be the one to catch Vince running away and throw him back in, but it was Lashley's moment. Austin took a little heat away from himself, but not much. He should have poured beer on Vince to wash the shaving cream off for a better look. Oh well


Women's match and Khali/Kane were forgettable, and short, thank god. Why was Khali put on the show?


The ECW match was better than I expected. I guess they wanted to give the Originals their moment before shuffling them off to JOB land.


Benoit/MVP was too short, but the right guy went over.


In all, thumbs leaning slightly up, as Scott Keith would say.

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I'm not upset with the finish. I'm actually rather glad that Cena kept the title. I just wish that Cena would go heel so I can like him. I really can't stand him as a baby face.

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If you have a problem with how that match ended, then you don't fucking know wrestling *AT ALL*.


They built up the STFU finish for over HALF THE MATCH, with Shawn desperately trying to avoid it, and barely surviving one before. That's wrestling logic 101. A finish isn't some random headdrop or finisher. A PROPER finisher makes logical sense and is built towards.


On top of that, if you do not think the finish STFU wasn't vicious, then you know NOTHING about that hold. Cena was torking the fuck out that, even going SIDEWAYS with it. You would either have to tap out, or your neck and knee are going to be ripped to shreds.


And finally, if you do not like Cena, then quit watching WWE right now. Cena's going to main event WWE for ATLEAST the next five years, if not a decade or LONGER. He is our Hogan. Either learn to enjoy him for his charisma and GOOD wrestling ability, or just give it up. Cena is THE guy now. It's not going to change for anyone. So give it up.


They built up the STFU for over half the match? They had Cena trying to lock it on in what, ONE fucking sequence in the match before he got it and HBK grabbed the ropes? The F-U was the move being built up all match long; HBK escaped the F-U at LEAST five or six times in total in the match.


The move was applied as horribly as always. I'm watching the match again right now. Cena twists his body but HBK's is still flat on the mat. It looks as shitty as it ever does. The fact that it's become the most "dangerous" move in wrestling is a fucking joke.


The last ten minutes of the match were pretty nice, but it wasn't anything special, it was just your basic WWE main event "let's escape and kick out of each other's finishers 500 times" with a little bit of a twist to it. Taking into account the horrible first 10-15 minutes of the match, all in all it was pretty much ass with an ending not many people wanted to see.

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It didn't suck. Great main event. Solid US title match that could have used another 5 minutes, as usual. A fun spot fest opener. A hot World Title match and the rest was really short. Crowd and marks flipped for the BoB. It hit all on points tonight. Even the Originals went over. The right booking was done across the table.


Kennedy wins but Punk looks like a threat at the end. Ashley doesn't win and basically gets squashed. Kane is written out. Khali looks like a monster for getting right up after being slammed. Undertaker goes over but Batista looks strong enough. The BOB was made for marks and delivered. Originals squash New Breed and the main event was done right and worked well.


I wouldn't mind another five on it. Cena could have used a bit more offense, and a little more back and forth in the time before HBK snaps.

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The thing is the main event was always on the edge of being really good, but it just fell down, I never believed HBK was guna win. It was a decent match but it was far from great.

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This was by far the worst Wrestlemania I've ever ordered and one of the worst pay per views I've ever seen. I'm probably not watching RAW this week. I'll bitch more about it later.

Worse than Mania 19?

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They built up the STFU finish for over HALF THE MATCH, with Shawn desperately trying to avoid it, and barely surviving one before. That's wrestling logic 101. A finish isn't some random headdrop or finisher. A PROPER finisher makes logical sense and is built towards.


They also teased the FU, they could have used that.


On top of that, if you do not think the finish STFU wasn't vicious, then you know NOTHING about that hold. Cena was torking the fuck out that, even going SIDEWAYS with it. You would either have to tap out, or your neck and knee are going to be ripped to shreds.


When you push a wrestler as a "brawler" or "the guy who came here for a fight", you dont expect him to win matchs via submission. Im sorry, but it seems dumb when Cena does it. He just doesnt come off as the "submission" type.


And finally, if you do not like Cena, then quit watching WWE right now. Cena's going to main event WWE for ATLEAST the next five years, if not a decade or LONGER. He is our Hogan. Either learn to enjoy him for his charisma and GOOD wrestling ability, or just give it up. Cena is THE guy now. It's not going to change for anyone. So give it up.


I know Cena is our Hogan and we have to "except" that, but please, GOOD wrestling ability? Mediocre at best i prefer. And im sick to death of hearing his goofy Rock rip off promos. Charisma he may have, but hes not using it right.


What pisses me of the most as we got the same ending as last years Mania. With the WCW title playing lower mid card when it should have been the main event. If they wanted Cena/Michaels to be the main event, then have Michaels win the Rumble.


Plus, im sick of Cena's "coming back against all odds" victory.


So dont say we know "fuck all about wrestling" when were just stating our opinion. Prick.

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In retrospect I would say Cena/Taker with Cena ending the streak was the way to go. Two title matches, Benoit/MVP (never saw MVP before, but liked him tonight) and MINB were good, but everything else was a borefest, and the entire show was unmemorable. Nothing special happened the entire show and this just felt like a slightly better remake of WM 22.

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Guest Smues
This was by far the worst Wrestlemania I've ever ordered and one of the worst pay per views I've ever seen. I'm probably not watching RAW this week. I'll bitch more about it later.

Worse than Mania 19?


What was wrong with 19? Other than Fred Durst?

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For what it's worth....it looks like HBK is going full time heel from him refusing to shake Cena's hand at the end. Maybe they'll have him win the title at Backlash.

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And finally, if you do not like Cena, then quit watching WWE right now. Cena's going to main event WWE for ATLEAST the next five years, if not a decade or LONGER. He is our Hogan. Either learn to enjoy him for his charisma and GOOD wrestling ability, or just give it up. Cena is THE guy now. It's not going to change for anyone. So give it up.


Good advice. That's exactly what I'm going to do. I quit watching for the most part last September or so simply because I couldn't stand Cena as the face champ. I decided to give them another try at WM because my second favorite wrestler (HBK) was in the main event, and because everything seemed to be set up for Cena to turn. Now that I know that he's not going to turn or drop the title any time in the near future, I have no interest in watching Raw at all any more.

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It didn't suck. Great main event. Solid US title match that could have used another 5 minutes, as usual. A fun spot fest opener. A hot World Title match and the rest was really short. Crowd and marks flipped for the BoB. It hit all on points tonight. Even the Originals went over. The right booking was done across the table.


Kennedy wins but Punk looks like a threat at the end. Ashley doesn't win and basically gets squashed. Kane is written out. Khali looks like a monster for getting right up after being slammed. MVP looks crisp against the vetran and Benoit goes over but obviously builds to a rematch. Undertaker goes over but Batista looks strong enough. The BOB was made for marks and delivered. Originals squash New Breed and the main event was done right and worked well.


The only negatives was probably the placement of the two world title matches and in the end, doesn't hurt anything. The worst thing was the McMahon-Aurora skit.


Pretty much sums up my views. Apart from the great title match. The last 10 minutes were great, but the start was a bit pants and the ending sucked.


MITB was great, the US title match was suprisingly good (not a fan of MVP, but hes growing on me), World title match was great but in the wrong place and the ME had some nice spots. The rest did suck ass though.

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This was by far the worst Wrestlemania I've ever ordered and one of the worst pay per views I've ever seen. I'm probably not watching RAW this week. I'll bitch more about it later.


You shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. This was a good show, and while I could see some parts not to like, to call this one of the worst PPVs you've ever seen is absurd

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This was by far the worst Wrestlemania I've ever ordered and one of the worst pay per views I've ever seen. I'm probably not watching RAW this week. I'll bitch more about it later.

Worse than Mania 19?


What was wrong with 19? Other than Fred Durst?



Yeah, please explain it to me too because I thought it was a very good show.

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This was by far the worst Wrestlemania I've ever ordered and one of the worst pay per views I've ever seen. I'm probably not watching RAW this week. I'll bitch more about it later.



Yeah alright buddy.....You might want to just quit watching wrestling totally then. Cause obviously you wouldn't know a solid show if you slapped you in the face.


He won't stop, he'll be right back here 51 weeks from now bitching about how the Citrus Bowl looked stupid or something. Hell, he'll be back here tomorrow bitching about RAW.

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