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Guest Smues

Teachers that got fired

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Guest Smues

So after reading about a teacher at my old high school getting fired, which I talked about and pasted the article of here, I started thinking teachers that got fired while I was still in school. Don't remember any in elementary school or middle school, but there were a couple in High School.


The first was the choir teacher. Well, he wasn't fired, he was forced to resign. Same thing. Long story short he had a relationship with a student and the administration found out about it. She was 18 and it was consensual, and I don't know, nor do I want to know, if it was sexual, but it was enough to get him canned. The funny thing I remember from this was after he got fired this kid, who was probably the one who told the administration, was happy about it and went around telling everybody that he was forced to resign because of the relationship. When the student he was involved with came back after taking a week or 3 off (that sure didn't help her when she tried to deny she had anything to do with the teacher going bye bye) I vividly remember she comes into the choir room, says hi to a bunch of people, then sees the kid who'd been going around telling about their relationship and she just went off on him. GET OUT IN THE HALL NOW!!! and took him out there to scream some more. Funny stuff.


The other two firings while I was there I don't know as much about, since one was the gymnastics coach and the other the wrestling coach and I was involved in nether activity. The gymnastics coach got fired and no one really knew why. No one on the gymnastics team had anyidea what was going on and they wanted him back. What I do remember was the teachers made some kind of a stir about it, wanting to at least know why he was fired. So the administration holds a meeting with all the teachers and basically say "He's fired. He's not coming back. We're not telling you why. Meeting over."


The last one was the wrestling coach, and this one was kind of creepy. I don't know all the details, but basically what happened was he got mad at some kids for some reason or another, so why they were showing he took their clothes and through them out accross the gym. Including their towels, so they had to run naked accross the gym to get their stuff.


So nothing really exciting from me, but the choir teacher one was a huge deal at the time since everyone suspected the relationship for months, then he magicially "resigns" for no given reason a week before major competition, and it took a long time to get the exact details of what happened.


What about the rest of you? Got to be some good stories.

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My baseball coach was "let go" after my junior year for cussing us out after a game. We were having a shitty season (I'm talking getting beat by about 12 runs a game shitty), and he finally reached his breaking point. Two of the seniors, who weren't even going to be on the team the next year, ratted him out.



Then, my senior year, the volleyball coach was also "let go" mysteriously with about a month and a half left in the school year. The official reason was that she'd gotten another job across the state and, since our school's season was over, they were letting her go ahead and leave so that she could get settled in her new town.


However, I've got it on good authority (i.e. my parents' neighbor, who was the school board president at the time) that the real reason she was fired was because she'd gotten drunk one night at the county fair with three or four of the boys from the school and fucked at least one (only one is confirmed, anyway) of them in the back of his truck in the parking lot. Apparently, the only way the parents agreed to not pursue a possible suit against the district and/or charges against her was if she was fired immediately. So they did.

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Guest George's Box
What I do remember was the teachers made some kind of a stir about it, wanting to at least know why he was fired. So the administration holds a meeting with all the teachers and basically say "He's fired. He's not coming back. We're not telling you why. Meeting over."

Fast times at Message Board High!

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a few years back there was a teacher at the middle school I went to that committed suicide after some chick claimed he made sexual passes at her. City suspended him without pay and he was on the verge of being fired and his career destroyed so he hung himself...then the bitch admitted later on that she made it all up.


that's the only thing I had close enough to contribute to the thread.

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My brother's seventh grade english teacher was bipolar, and went off her meds when her husband left her. About a week later she took a gun to her stomach in the bus parking lot during lunch. They fired her for that, of course.

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My 8th grade woods teacher (it was called "Industrial Arts", but it was really just a watered-down woods class) was fired the year after I left for throwing a block of wood at a student. That's all I got.

Edited by alfdogg

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I don't remember the whole story but during my freshman year of high school the band teacher was either fired or forced to resign after he called a black student a "monkey."

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The French teacher at my high school was fired for being the worst teacher on the planet. She would get easily distracted when she was teaching, and then go off and talk about other things. For instance, one class was entirely about what the difference between an antique and a collectible was. She, apparently, did the same thing in the English classes she taught. Of course, it took my school two whole years to discover this, basically killing the French program in the process.


Also, when the new principal came in, he dumped a bunch of teachers because he felt they were the old principal's cronies. This led to the Chemistry teacher going on a long rant about how terrible the new principal was, right after she was fired. The rest of the old guard also hated the new principal with a passion because of this. Good times.


The science department was pretty much terrible at my old high school. It went through 10+ teachers in my four years there. This was especially remarkable, seeing as there was a maximum of two teachers employed at any given time. One class even went through 5 different teachers in one year, not counting substitutes.


Not surprisingly, my school closed a few years ago.

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Well, let's see...


There was the choir teacher I had in sixth grade that was jailed for molesting young boys in the church where he was choir master.


There was the history teacher I had in grade 12 that was jailed for sexual assault against several of his female students back in the 70s.


And then, a few years ago, I found out that my favourite math teacher was fired for sleeping with one of his students, who then became pregnant. From what I heard, he ended up getting divorced and marrying the student, and his daughter (who I went to school with) won't speak to him.

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One of our IT teachers was suspended for "suspition of murder" that he was later aquitted for. He was in the local papers with "his story".


He returned to work to see that some students had put up "wanted" posters of him as a joke which upset him a great deal.


Two weeks later he was fired for 10,000 accounts of child pornography on his computer.

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An english teacher had a lesbian relationship with another student and got canned, and sent to jail. Obviously, she molested her.


My math teacher got fired because 75% of her students failed her Geometry class, with me being among those students. She was a really shitty teacher.


That's it.

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Here's just some of the drama from my old alma matter:


-This happened after I graduated, but involved a teacher I had. One of the English teachers (I had him senior year for a composition/creative writing class) was also in charge of the school talent nights, and had a band of his own outside of his teaching career. One of the drama club/chorus girls, who was always in the talent shows, apparently got close enough to him to the point that people started getting ideas something was going on. Rumors filled the school, and the two did nothing to dispute them, going so far as to be spotted out shopping together/hanging out outside of school, the girl singing at some of his bands gigs, and the two of them being caught holding hands at her junior prom (imagine being her date and hearing that one.)


It wasn't even the school system that outed them, as from my understanding he was given chances to stop, or at least just not make it so obvious (the principal was the one who caught them holding hands at the prom). It was when police from the town over caught the girl blowing him in his car. Then it was outed that not only did all these inappropriate things happen at school or school events, but that the girls mother knew all along and OK'd the relationship, despite the fact that this guy was married with one kid, and his wife had given birth to a second in the midst of his affair.


Apparently, my former high school had nothing in the school laws about teacher/student relationships (or apparently there was some type of legal loophole that could have allowed him to stay in the school...there was an article in the paper about this whole mess), but he resigned on his own accord. I ran into the two of them about a year and a half ago at a local mall, and from what I hear these days he's still with her (not sure if they're married), but she's given birth to their first child together.


-My old gym teacher (and not only that, but my former Spanish teachers husband) got in trouble about a year after I graduated for giving kids on his wrestling team keys to the gym entrance of the school, and the kids would steal computer equipment and other goodies, sell them off, and split the money with the teacher. From what I heard, it not only led to his firing, but also to his divorce.


-Freshman year, the administrative assistant (formerly the vice principal of the junior high, who transferred when my class was entering high school) was unceremoniously fired. My school always had its administration in shambles (three principals in four years, various vice principals and administrative types) so this was just the first of what became no surprise in later years. Really nice guy who everyone liked, and unlike most authority types, seemed to genuinely care about his job and the kids. When a school committee meeting didn't turn up the answers the kids were looking for, we staged a walkout in protest, with about 200 kids walking right out of school one day because of his being let go.

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We had four removals in one year at a HS I worked at 3 years ago. Very proud times.


1. Building sub (actual school district employee, on-call sub that does other jobs) fired/resigned for inappropriate comments. Asked a girl if she knew what girls in red dresses do, as she was wearing a red dress.


2. Head Volleyball Coach/Math Teacher resigned for inappropriate text messages with players.


3. English Teacher fired for supplying beer and sex for sophomore boys. Her picture was on the 6 am news before the school administration actually knew about it.


4. Math Teacher, 24, admits to someone "he is in love with a student". No physical contact but he receives the ax.

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During my senior year, I knew a ditzy blonde who was freaking out over apparently getting a really bad grade in her English class. Her solution was to go to the teacher's house after school unannounced and attempting to discuss the grade situation with the the man. When that didn't get the results she wanted, she seduced him.


Rumor had it that the girl was already a little mentally disturbed.


The girl and the teacher (some older dude in his fifties) carried on for a little while, until the girl started to brag about fucking the man. A friend contacted her parents, who contacted the school.


The teacher was placed on leave, and fired later that year. The girl stayed in school the whole time, although she did become a bit of a social pariah afterwards. She turned out okay in the long run, with a job, college degree, and happily married (NOT to the teacher!) with a child.


I have no idea what happened to the teacher, except for his lawsuit against the school that was mentioned a couple of times in the newspaper two years after getting fired.

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From Wikipedia: In recent years the school community has been rocked by a scandal involving a relationship between a teacher and a pupil. It involved the head of music and drama within the school, Bryan Marshall and Jacqueline Livingston, a pupil at the school whom he did not teach. He was sacked at the end of the 2005/2006 term due to this incident.


He always claimed they did not have sex whilst she was at school or underage (under 16) but it's alleged he drove her to a public park during one lunchtime so they could fuck. He is still with her, after leaving his wife.


Otherwise, various counts of alcoholism but I think many teachers got a second chance.

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Guest George's Box

Nothing during my time, but a teacher got fired for sleeping in class a year or two after I left. Before me, there was a guy who was dating a student and was fired. They moved to Switzerland(!).


Worth mentioning is that one of the math teachers there had married a student of his about 25 years ago. Those were different times.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Surprisingly enough, in my large high school, there weren't any scandals about teen/teacher sexual relations or child porn arrests. A couple teachers retired. That was about it, although Mr. Gross always smelled like booze, and encouraged the young men in my gym class to "Duke it out" when things got heated.

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The boys hockey coach was fired for pulling a Chmura. He was at North Campus at the time, and I had either graduated or was at South at the time.

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Our photograqphy teacher is being fired at the end of this school year (tomorrow) for just being a general bitch to everyone. Students, other teachers, administration. She tried to stage a sit in for herself, putting up posters all over the school. four kids showed up.

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My 7th grade math teacher was arrested for tax fraud/evasion and fired.


He looked like Paul Heyman and was an asshole, so I didn't care.

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Our photograqphy teacher is being fired at the end of this school year (tomorrow) for just being a general bitch to everyone. Students, other teachers, administration. She tried to stage a sit in for herself, putting up posters all over the school. four kids showed up.


That's got to be the most awesome story ever.


"The kids love me."






A former Health/Cross-country Coach at my high school got axed for dating a student after he went to the rival high school my senior year. He was a cool guy, it was sort of shocking though, he had a pretty wife and two kids when the affair went down. Too much drama for a Utah town.


The Choir Teacher at my school never got fired, but a couple of girls complained he was "overly affectionate" with them. He retired before anything really heavy went down on him from a formal complaint. The one girl who was really complaining about it was a psycho-bitch though and people ostresized her for "Forcing Mr. D out" as it was seen she only got her parents to complain since she didn't make the Show Choir. Denkers did like to touch your shoulder when shaking your hand, and would sort of side-hug people in congratulations, he always came off as Grandfatherly to me.


That's all I got.

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My current secondary school (I am in British year 11) had to let the deputy head teacher go on account of the company re organising. Dude was fairly well liked, and the head teacher even made a speech in assembly saying he disagreed with the firing.

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A health teacher had a stroke that completely obliterated her hearing and sight, and left her paralyzed. Amazingly, she still taught for a good three years afterwards. Students would smoke pot in her class and whatnot, and she was never the wiser. Finally, they got her an aide to help her out, and then realized that they could just fire the cripple and have the aide teach the class. The fact that the teacher didn't resign immediately, or they didn't come to this decision earlier, boggles my mind, but hey, Kansas schools.

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A teacher that I know of in the state is the assistant footall coach in the neighboring town. He is on the chopping block for having a relationship with not 1 BUT 2 students at the school. Also there are maybe 125 students at the high school.

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I had a music teacher who was a really annoying guy. He got fired when they caught him having sex with a guy in public. He also still lived with his mom.

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A chem teacher at my high school was fired for allegedly sucking on a girl's finger after she had gotten a cut on it during class. BIZ-arre.

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Last year the teacher that tought the mentally challenged students got fired for supplying pornography to kids attending the school.


And this year we had a lot of fun with shop teachers.


1) Our original one was forced to resign for sexual harassment.

2) The replacment got caught having sex with a student and got fired.

3) The next replacment was fired for slapping a student who yelled YOU FUCKING BITCH real loud.

4) The next replacment got called to teach a different class.


They brought the back the abuser[mentioned in 3] to finish out the year

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