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WWE General Discussion for June 2007

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And finally, I don't know if it will draw that much money, just because non-wrestling celebrities seem to have a hard time taking their fans along to watch them on wrestling shows. KISS sells out arenas around the country every night (and parties every day), but all those fans sure as hell didn't watch Nitro to see them. Sports fans didn't flock to TNA when they had Tito Ortiz, Hermie Sadler, Brian Urlacher, Johnny Damon, the entire Tennessee Titan lineup, or whoever the current flavor of last month is. The WWE tripped and fell into the best timing on earth when they signed Kevin Federline the very week that he and Britney got divorced, but the ratings still didn't jump through the ceiling. And don't forget catastrophes like Dennis Rodman. The only REALLY successful celebrity cameos in wrestling were Cyndi Lauper, Mr. T, and Mike Tyson, and that's about it.


Didn't Trump at least get them a few thousand buys? I mean that angle was everywhere.

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Well, yah. It was so recent I didn't bother mentioning it. But, I mean, it was Donald Frickin Trump, not some sewer mutant who mutilates himself on MTV.

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I'm somewhere in the middle on this. If they keep it to just 1 match on the PPV it could be silly and fun and we could possibly see some of the Jackass guys get their asses kicked. It does have the potential to be business exposing if you're WWE though, since these guys take way worse shit on TV and in the movies.


But really, how can they justify giving the Jackass guys 3 matches at SS? No way that happens. They can't even get half the main roster on the PPVs now as it is. That PPV would literally be 3 Jackass matches, Cena defending, Edge defending, and Lashley defending and that's it unless one of those guys got involved in the Jackass angle.

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Im watching AM raw for no reason and I just saw the promo for Dr. Steve-O, so theres your reason for him and the rest of em being on RAW and etc although Im sure someone mentioned that already.


I guess I should have figured as much out though, USA using RAW to push their new shows.


Maybe they can rehash the Austin getting run over thing and get Monk on the case, or whenever a wrestler is faking an injury they can get House to come in..



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Im watching AM raw for no reason and I just saw the promo for Dr. Steve-O, so theres your reason for him and the rest of em being on RAW and etc although Im sure someone mentioned that already.


I guess I should have figured as much out though, USA using RAW to push their new shows.


Maybe they can rehash the Austin getting run over thing and get Monk on the case, or whenever a wrestler is faking an injury they can get House to come in..




House is a TNA fan, you idiot

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The last time the Jackass members were used in WWE they rubbed alot of people the wrong way by not selling to the wrestlers very good in matches. Umaga had even gotten rough with Steve O to send a message, but did not hurt him. When the WWE was in Tampa for Monday Night Raw on June 4th, Steve O was backstage pissing a lot of people off. Besides being his usual crazy self and not having dressing room etiquette, Steve O had a camera crew with him the entire time, secretly filming, for his upcoming Paparazzi Stuntman DVD. They filmed wrestlers going over finishes ahead of time. They tried filming the wrestlers changing but that was stopped. They even filmed creative going over promos and match details with wrestlers. When Vince found out about all of this he damn near cancelled the whole Jackass angle, but was talked out of it by Shane. Now it appears Shane will be playing backstage babysitter all summer and lots of people are expecting several incidents to happen.


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People still think Shane is a better option then Stephanie? It was clear years ago that Shane's just as dumb with ideas and he continues to prove it. At least Stephanie has the decency to stay off the screen aside from the rare appearence in a skit.

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Guest droptoehold

Damn Steve-O was about to expose the business in a dvd!!!

Good thing Vince stepped in and put a stop to it, now the secret is still safe.


I like jackasses more than Trumps

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I'd be perfectly fine with a multi-man tag match - 5 v. 5 - Wee Man, Knoxville, Bam, Steve, and Pontius v. Umaga, Miz, Masters, Finley, Hornswaggle or something like that. Otherwise, anything else is probably a bad idea.

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People still think Shane is a better option then Stephanie? It was clear years ago that Shane's just as dumb with ideas and he continues to prove it. At least Stephanie has the decency to stay off the screen aside from the rare appearence in a skit.

Shane doesnt bother me...


You think Steph's Character was better?

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Steph at least hasn't been all over TV of late, so she gets a bit of a pass on the TV character front. Shane and the way he is booked whenever he wrestles is something that is tough to stomach however. I could buy him practicing a few moves and holding his own with a lightweight like X-Pac or letting Steve Blackman knock him off the Titan Tron. But when he did that goofy Kane feud it became obvious that he wanted to get himself over more than the actual wrestler. Kane should not have any trouble beating the piss out of Shane McMahon, ditto Bobby Lashley. I guess Lashley did kill Shane in about a minute at Judgment Day, but he also jobbed to him and sold far more than he should have.

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Tomorrow night on Raw, a match between John Cena and Edge will kick off the show at its special start time of 8/7 CT on the USA Network.


The matches on tomorrow night’s Raw will be interpromotional, and each match will affect the WWE Draft. The winning Superstar of each match will earn his (or her) brand the next WWE Draft pick. Also, don’t forget, tomorrow is Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night. Tune in at 8/7 CT for a special three-hour Raw on the USA Network.


I don't get this from a kayfabe perspective. Why would Edge, who is the champion, want his brand to get a big draft pick? In theory, getting the draft pick means a huge superstar gets picked, adding more competition to his title.

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It would be hilarious if Edge walks out of the ring and gets counted out, 30 seconds into the match.


It's honestly a really stupid booking idea, having matches decide the draft lottery.

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Tomorrow night on Raw, a match between John Cena and Edge will kick off the show at its special start time of 8/7 CT on the USA Network.

Because if any match should be thrown out there with no hype or build it's the Raw champion vs. the Smackdown champion.

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Tomorrow night on Raw, a match between John Cena and Edge will kick off the show at its special start time of 8/7 CT on the USA Network.


The matches on tomorrow night’s Raw will be interpromotional, and each match will affect the WWE Draft. The winning Superstar of each match will earn his (or her) brand the next WWE Draft pick. Also, don’t forget, tomorrow is Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night. Tune in at 8/7 CT for a special three-hour Raw on the USA Network.


I don't get this from a kayfabe perspective. Why would Edge, who is the champion, want his brand to get a big draft pick? In theory, getting the draft pick means a huge superstar gets picked, adding more competition to his title.


In theory, he would want a big star for bigger main events and so when he beats that person, he looks better for it. Besides, he hates Cena and all that good stuff. Shouldn't ECW be involved in that match? Make it a triple threat.

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I am reserving judgement on this Jackass angle until it plays out. It does not sound good on paper but if it gets some good publicity and used mostly mid-card guys it could be harmless.


One would think that the Jackass guys will get beat up and not go over, but I suppose stranger things have happened.

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How have they made another Batista/Edge match for the upcoming PPV official, before this draft nonsense goes down?


Vince said "regardless of where either of you end up after the draft" when making the match.

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When it comes to "protecting the business," yes it's known its a work. You can acknowledge its a work and generally that's ok. Revealing the inner workings of wrestling is another matter. Beyond that, wrestlers deserve some measure of privacy backstage.

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When it comes to "protecting the business," yes it's known its a work. You can acknowledge its a work and generally that's ok. Revealing the inner workings of wrestling is another matter. Beyond that, wrestlers deserve some measure of privacy backstage.

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In theory, the matches tomorrow night should all be Triple Threats, and if say a RAW guy pinned an ECW guy then RAW would have to take an ECW guy, bonus points if they have the take the guy that loses.


Im looking forward to tomorrow night but I figure that the draft wont do anything to make any major impacts like they are pushing it will.

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It would be hilarious if Edge walks out of the ring and gets counted out, 30 seconds into the match.


It's honestly a really stupid booking idea, having matches decide the draft lottery.

Not to mention inefficient

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When I read that Cena/Edge match is booked for tomorrow night I instinctively figured Edge was getting buried yet again in a pointless match on Raw. There has to be a DQ or run in there. And gee, since Edge is back wrestling on Raw doesn't Brian Gewirtz look even more like a retard for suggesting Edge job to HBK recently because "he was leaving the territory and thus needs to job."

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Steph at least hasn't been all over TV of late, so she gets a bit of a pass on the TV character front. Shane and the way he is booked whenever he wrestles is something that is tough to stomach however. I could buy him practicing a few moves and holding his own with a lightweight like X-Pac or letting Steve Blackman knock him off the Titan Tron. But when he did that goofy Kane feud it became obvious that he wanted to get himself over more than the actual wrestler. Kane should not have any trouble beating the piss out of Shane McMahon, ditto Bobby Lashley. I guess Lashley did kill Shane in about a minute at Judgment Day, but he also jobbed to him and sold far more than he should have.


But... Shane didn't book or write any of that. Stephanie did. Shane's never been a major part of the creative team. Stephanie has. Come on, how many times have we heard about Shane pushing for some idea that ended up never happening? Like the WWE website, for example. On the other hand, how many times have you heard about Steph NOT getting her way? Shane's mostly a figurehead and performer; Stephanie is the one who really runs shit.

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