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Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

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Its so damn creepy watching Wrestlemania XX, especially during the skit between Eddie and Chris. Having not watched wrestling in a while, I don't see how any fan - new or old - could watch Benoit the same way after all this. Yeah the matches will be enjoyable, I'm sure, but in the back of one's mind...


Like, during the skit, when Eddie is hyping up the match he says something like 'This is the night you've been waiting for...spending so much time away from your family...' and I instantly thought 'For them, that's a *good* thing.'


I haven't yet seen the match in question, though I know the outcome. That'll be creepy as hell.

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Benoit and other smark favorites get free passes all the time. It's been pointed out here several times that Benoit has a history of shady things (stealing Sullivan's wife, abusing steroids, DUI, domestic disturbances, using the WCW championship as leverage to jump ship, etc.).


Not to mention that story of making a guy do 1000 squat and 500 the day after that Hunter USED ON THE TRIBUTE SHOW.


Was that Mohammed Hassan? I heard he wasn't being the best guy on the roster at that time. It seems he would lit the young guy who doesn't show respect mould. Also not extremely related but wasn't Davari a workout partner of Benoit's? I remember reading something about them doing crazy squats and workout routines.

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Anyone know who that guy was?


Is there anyone who we can really respect in this business anymore? The guys without ego's or drug problems who are just in the business for the love of it? Because there's only a couple who I can respect completely in my mind now.

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First of all, dubQ, nowhere in my post did I imply that any of those things correlate with Benoit being a killer. The original post asked if Benoit got a free pass from the IWC. And he does. None of those things were horrible actions, but they were less than upstanding and he received no flack for it. Other guys get far worse treatment for far less.


Sorry, I should've clarified that that reply wasn't specifically aimed at you - even though I quoted you - I've seen it mentioned a few times already in this long and tiring thread that these "shady" actions could've been an indication of the person he'd become. Adultry and changing companies does not make someone a murdering psychopath.

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If Benoit used the crossface on his kid, then he's not just a murderer, he's a sick, demented fuck. No other way to describe him.


I agree.


But at the same time, killing someone with your finishing wrestling movie is ironically hilarious. Not that it's not wrong, because it is.


But man. I'm sorry but the image alone...it's like something someone would write into a bad B movie.

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If Benoit used the crossface on his kid, then he's not just a murderer, he's a sick, demented fuck. No other way to describe him.

Well, I guess if you kill your kid, regardless of how, you're a pretty sick, demented F*ck, right? But it does give us some look into how deranged he was at the time, as one would think if he were doing it as a "mercy" thing that has been floated around here a little, you would think he would have smothered him with a pillow or something like that perhaps.

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Is there anyone who we can really respect in this business anymore? The guys without ego's or drug problems who are just in the business for the love of it? Because there's only a couple who I can respect completely in my mind now.


Steve Corino. At least, I really respect him. Dude is very transparent with his thoughts, opinions and the reasons he's in the business. He's in constant communication with his fans through his livejournal. I've had conversations with him through email and IM and he seems like a really genuine guy. He's even retiring very soon to take an office job with Zero One.

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If Benoit used the crossface on his kid, then he's not just a murderer, he's a sick, demented fuck. No other way to describe him.


I agree.


But at the same time, killing someone with your finishing wrestling movie is ironically hilarious. Not that it's not wrong, because it is.


But man. I'm sorry but the image alone...it's like something someone would write into a bad B movie.


I was thinking that myself actually. Anytime in the next 10 years, if anyone is shameless and heartless enough, they can achieve nuclear heat (And by that I mean shit getting thrown into the ring, threats of violence outside of the arena) just by locking on that move.


And if anyone did do that, I'd be one of those fans threatening to kick in the douchebag after the show.

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So the Crippler Crossface move. Thats the one with the knee on the back of the victim/opponent, and the hands interlocked around the neck...right? I can envision him using that on Nancy.


But I can't work around how he could do that to his kid, I mean logically. David was in bed, maybe sleeping before his death. I can't see how he would go from sleeping to being in the crossface, save for Chris challenging him to a wrestling match.

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I hardly see how this could be described as a mercy killing now. He was an obvious loon who couldn't separate his fictional job from the real world. Using a wrestling maneuver on your son is just so creepy. As if murdering your 7-year old wasn't bad enough.


I guess he was more consumed by the business than we ever really knew.

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I'm not trying to be funny, I'm totally serious here, but since it keeps getting weirder and weirder I keep waiting to hear that he did all of this with his wrestling gear on.

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I still have extreme doubts about it being the Crossface, as the Crossface doesn't fit anything like a chokehold and it'd leave bruising relatively similar to someone being strangled with their hands. I don't care what vague facts he's been right about (And that's about it, really. The 'proof quotes' Downhome posted only get one detail mentioned, and the Saturday thing has been mentioned for quite a while now...), the Crossface is not only absurd to physically set up in that situation, but isn't in any way, shape, or form a 'chokehold'.

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Is there anyone who we can really respect in this business anymore? The guys without ego's or drug problems who are just in the business for the love of it? Because there's only a couple who I can respect completely in my mind now.


Steve Corino.


True. Oddly enough I was also thinking about some ECW guys. I've never heard of any shit from Tommy Dreamer or Balls Mahoney, and despite Sandman's fondness for drink, he has struck me recently as someone else who's solid.

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um, the boy was found in bed, as if he were smothered in his sleep. The crossface theory should have been thrown out the window just based on that fact, let alone the fact that the crossface does NOT apply any pressure with a knee to the back. Besides.. where is the damage to the shoulder if this ridiculous notion were actually true?

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Is there anyone who we can really respect in this business anymore? The guys without ego's or drug problems who are just in the business for the love of it? Because there's only a couple who I can respect completely in my mind now.


Steve Corino.


True. Oddly enough I was also thinking about some ECW guys. I've never heard of any shit from Tommy Dreamer or Balls Mahoney, and despite Sandman's fondness for drink, he has struck me recently as someone else who's solid.


Mick Foley, HHH, Lance Storm, Chris Jericho... there are plenty of guys who seem to be decent enough people outside the ring.

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So the Crippler Crossface move. Thats the one with the knee on the back of the victim/opponent, and the hands interlocked around the neck...right? I can envision him using that on Nancy.


But I can't work around how he could do that to his kid, I mean logically. David was in bed, maybe sleeping before his death. I can't see how he would go from sleeping to being in the crossface, save for Chris challenging him to a wrestling match.



No knee in the back with the Crossface.




Also, I doubt this move will become so taboo that it'll never be used again. Maybe in North American, fine. But I doubt overseas. There are lots of guys who regularly use the move in Japan, including Jado and Yuji Nagata.

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Well, the damage to the neck more like it. If he's pulling back trying to smother him with his hands, he'd be putting a ton of torque on the neck. While that may, in itself, be unique, it'd be mentioned by now. Him having his neck torqued, strained, and probably (judging by his size and Benoit's strength) even broken would have been a detail the police would have released by now.

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I still have extreme doubts about it being the Crossface, as the Crossface doesn't fit anything like a chokehold and it'd leave bruising relatively similar to someone being strangled with their hands. I don't care what vague facts he's been right about (And that's about it, really. The 'proof quotes' Downhome posted only get one detail mentioned, and the Saturday thing has been mentioned for quite a while now...), the Crossface is not only absurd to physically set up in that situation, but isn't in any way, shape, or form a 'chokehold'.


It is if instead of locking your hands in front of the person's face, you put your forearm over their throat. I think it's just a rumor as well, but I'm just saying the Crossface COULD be modified to be a choke.

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um, the boy was found in bed, as if he were smothered in his sleep. The crossface theory should have been thrown out the window just based on that fact, let alone the fact that the crossface does NOT apply any pressure with a knee to the back. Besides.. where is the damage to the shoulder if this ridiculous notion were actually true?


Crimson Mask mentioned the arm bruising in the last update I quoted

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um, the boy was found in bed, as if he were smothered in his sleep. The crossface theory should have been thrown out the window just based on that fact, let alone the fact that the crossface does NOT apply any pressure with a knee to the back. Besides.. where is the damage to the shoulder if this ridiculous notion were actually true?



I think it was the DA who stated that he used some sort of wrestling choke and that many officials think the bruising is consistent with the crossface. I don't see how it's ridiculous if the rumors are originating from those involved with the investigation.

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So the Crippler Crossface move. Thats the one with the knee on the back of the victim/opponent, and the hands interlocked around the neck...right? I can envision him using that on Nancy.


But I can't work around how he could do that to his kid, I mean logically. David was in bed, maybe sleeping before his death. I can't see how he would go from sleeping to being in the crossface, save for Chris challenging him to a wrestling match.



No knee in the back with the Crossface.




Also, I doubt this move will become so taboo that it'll never be used again. Maybe in North American, fine. But I doubt overseas. There are lots of guys who regularly use the move in Japan, including Jado and Yuji Nagata.

Thanks for that -- I was thinking of something entirely different.


With that in mind, anyone else think the notion of him using a wrestling move on one or both of his victims sound a bit too sensationalistic? As if pushing the roid rage issue wasn't enough fuel on the fire already.

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So the Crippler Crossface move. Thats the one with the knee on the back of the victim/opponent, and the hands interlocked around the neck...right? I can envision him using that on Nancy.


But I can't work around how he could do that to his kid, I mean logically. David was in bed, maybe sleeping before his death. I can't see how he would go from sleeping to being in the crossface, save for Chris challenging him to a wrestling match.



No knee in the back with the Crossface.




Also, I doubt this move will become so taboo that it'll never be used again. Maybe in North American, fine. But I doubt overseas. There are lots of guys who regularly use the move in Japan, including Jado and Yuji Nagata.

Thanks for that -- I was thinking of something entirely different.


With that in mind, anyone else think the notion of him using a wrestling move on one or both of his victims sound a bit too sensationalistic? As if pushing the roid rage issue wasn't enough fuel on the fire already.


It seems entirely sensationalistic to me.

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I'm not trying to be funny, I'm totally serious here, but since it keeps getting weirder and weirder I keep waiting to hear that he did all of this with his wrestling gear on.

Humming his theme tune...

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That's very true, but that's not really a 'Crossface', is it? I mean, what the heck is he doing with his other arm, then? Nothing, really. I mean, at that point, he'd probably just put his hand behind the kid's neck and turn it into a rear naked choke. Anything with a 'Crossface' is you going across someone's face or their chin with both your hands. Remove that, and it's not a crossface anymore.


Of course, someone from the outside might note the difference, so perhaps people who don't know wrestling might say it's a crossface. But you'd think that if there was even a chance of him killing his retarded son with his wrestling finishing move, at least one major cable network would have picked up that story.

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thanks for correcting me on the arm damage guys, I appreciate it since I haven't been reading everything in this post like I did two days ago.


The fact that he used any sort of hold on either of them just seals the deal that Chris Benoit had a distorted sense of reality, at LEAST during his final moments.

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That's very true, but that's not really a 'Crossface', is it? I mean, what the heck is he doing with his other arm, then? Nothing, really. I mean, at that point, he'd probably just put his hand behind the kid's neck and turn it into a rear naked choke. Anything with a 'Crossface' is you going across someone's face or their chin with both your hands. Remove that, and it's not a crossface anymore.


Of course, someone from the outside might note the difference, so perhaps people who don't know wrestling might say it's a crossface. But you'd think that if there was even a chance of him killing his retarded son with his wrestling finishing move, at least one major cable network would have picked up that story.


Now you're getting into the semantics of what a crossface actually is. They're using Crossface in the sense of his Finisher and where HIS body is placed and the bruises on the kid. Whether or not the move was actually a crossface (as in "something across the kids face") is a moot point.

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