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Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

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Um. No. It really isnt'


Being you are a resident video game fanatic, I know you have probably thrown a controller or two in your life thanks to frustration over a game. How is that any differnt from kicking some furniture? Does that mean you are a violent person now.


Think of every time you have kicked at something when frustrated and you are talking about same thing.


So yes, when you are trying to say that a guy has a history of being violent in regards to STRANGLING two people, kicking the fucking sofa isn't exactly proof of it.

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Um. No. It really isnt'


Being you are a resident video game fanatic, I know you have probably thrown a controller or two in your life thanks to frustration over a game. How is that any differnt from kicking some furniture? Does that mean you are a violent person now.


Think of every time you have kicked at something when frustrated and you are talking about same thing.


So yes, when you are trying to say that a guy has a history of being violent in regards to STRANGLING two people, kicking the fucking sofa isn't exactly proof of it.

Try Beating Benoit in that Cage Match in Career mode in WrestleMania 2000


I should have known something then...I sure lost a controller trying to get past that match

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Smashing up furniture, punching windows, throwing shit around, whatever, are out of the ordinary, violent acts. Throwing down a controller is also an act of violence, it's just on a completely different level. Normal marital arguments also do not tend to end with one party trying to get a restraining order against the other, which leads me to believe that Benoit's outbursts were a fair bit more serious than innocent acts of frustration. There was a dark side to Benoit. Maybe it was his natural personality, or maybe it came to be due to other factors. It obviously wasn't murderous at first, but it's quite possible that it could have started as something less serious, and gradually worsened over time as he injected more steroids and suffered more head trauma.

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Ya know...I don't post all that much...mostly because...well...I have a fragile ego...hehe...


Anyway...I posted this in a private forum that my Under even the Underground Wrestling Group runs (Seattle Semi-Pro Wrestling)...


The Seattle Times reference in the post is for an article coming out 07/01/07 on our little "crew" of ruffians...


I don't know if it's right to post it here...but...what the hell...worse things have happened (obviously):


My Status As A Wrestling Fan



I have had a few days to think over all of the events of the last few days. Running the gamut of emotion from shock, to sad, to angry, to just dealing with the situation.


First off, when none of the details were revealed, I was asked why I care about some celebrity I have never actually met. I will use something I wrote after the death of Dale Earnhardt to explain my thoughts on this:


"we mourn because we have to...because we will never see things the same again...we mourn as a thank you to the fallen...be it a tear, a raise of a glass, or a silent prayer...we mourn to say goodbye....if we had personal contact with the person or not is not the issue...because that person gave us moments...glimpses of how we wanted to be better...we mourn because we have lost before...and we can identify with the fallen's family...because we have been there...and it is always comforting to see that the fallen affected so many lives...it makes the deceased's life all that more glorious....


sometimes people become famous and speak to someone in a way that only they understand...the same way that when a family member may speak to you about all things...in ways only you can understand...when that voice is silenenced...it is time to mourn...."


I then continued this in an older blog that covered the death of Eddie Guerrero:


"This guy's life did affect mine. Even in a miniscule way. How many hours did I watch Eddie wrestle? Make bad "Latino Heat" jokes? Court Chyna (for some reason)? Wrestle ***** matches?......Thank you Eddie, for all your time, and your passion, and your dedication. Lots of people make fun of me, because I like wrestling. Let them make fun. Performers, WRESTLERS, like you, make it all worth it."


And that is why I was saddened and shocked when I found out about Chris Benoit. If you had asked me who my favorite wrestler was a week ago, he would have been the answer. Hands down. In fact, I think I may have given that as the answer for the Seattle Times SSP article.


And this is why Monday night I was at the bar putting back shots. At that time, more details were being revealed as to how horrible a tragedy had occured. So, my toasts, since I did not want to toast a "suspected" murderer, were to MY MEMORIES.


Then Tuesday rolled around. The details came out. The bastard did it.


Now the conflict: How can I "deal" with this? Am I still a wrestling fan? Am I still a Chris Benoit fan? The most heinous thing I can think of is a crime against a child. I would have wished him dead if he hadn't had done it himself. How can I come to terms with watching something that has been so instumental in my life, and can it continue to mean anything to me? How disgusted am I?


So, let's explore these questions: ONE, how disgusted am I? On a scale of one to ten, I'm about a 20. Fucking asshole killed his wife and kid. Then took himself out. Why didn't he do everyone a favor and kill himself first? Dick. Asshole. I just cannot fathom what he did.


And that's where my stupid brain gets in the way. I cannot fathom what he did. No one can. Only one person can. And he's dead. So, if there is some other entity in this world, commonly referred to as "God", then that would have to be the only other "person" that would know the hows and whys of this situation.


That being said, who am I to truly judge? Maybe this man was seriously sick in the head, and had no control over what he did. I don't know that for a fact. Maybe the man was seriously sick in the head, and knew EXACTLY what he was doing. I don't know that either.


So am I still a Chris Benoit fan? Well...people still listen to Phil Spector's music. And he's a sick freak who has always been wierd and shot a woman to death. Sure, he's on trial a la Robert Blake and OJ. So, there are parallels out there to all this. I'm not really sure where I stand on it at this moment. I do know, that if I was teaching someone how to wrestle IN THE RING I would still point out Benoit's skills there. I think I can separate the two thought camps enough to do that. A fan of his work, yes. A fan of the man, no way in hell. Can I watch him right now? No. Not yet. But, that leads to my next question:


Am I still a wrestling fan? Do I still want to announce shows? Do I want to watch and discuss and pay attention to what is going on?


Of course. Dammit, I was a wrestling fan before I knew who Chris Benoit was. I was a wrestling fan who found out about Chris Benoit back in the early 90s. I was a wrestling fan who stood with friends screaming "TAP! TAP! TAP YOU SON OF A BITCH!" at HHH as Benoit beat him at WMXX. I was a wrestling fan who on Sunday, sat with friends pissed off we didn't get our Benoit/Punk match. Now, I am a distraught and hurt and angry and sad wrestling fan. But, I AM STILL A WRESTLING FAN. I WILL STILL ANNOUNCE SHOWS. I STILL HOPE TO FEEL THE SWEET, SWEET RELEASE OF SOLID STEEL HITTING ME OVER THE HEAD AGAIN SOMEDAY.


That has not changed.


So, how to "deal"? Well...what the hell am I dealing with? I'm not a family member. I'm not a close friend. I AM A WRESTLING FAN. Have been one, am one, will always be one. I'm going to go out to the show July 4th and scream at the top of my lungs, and get hit with beer cans. I am going to bitch that CM Punk is being held down. I am going to watch with great interest what happens to the industry after all this. I really don't have anything to "deal" with. "Nothing changed except the surrounding bullshit. That has grown" ("Off He Goes" Pearl Jam)


And someday, I will sit down and watch Mania XX again. And I will sit and watch Jericho/Benoit from the Rumble in 01 (?). And Angle/Benoit from 03. And on and on and on. Someday.


Just not now.


"sometimes people become famous and speak to someone in a way that only they understand...the same way that when a family member may speak to you about all things...in ways only you can understand...when that voice is silenenced...it is time to mourn...."


And sure as the sun sets, there are many, many more voices in the chorus of life.



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Guest Hasbeen2

After a while to take it all in, all I'll say is I'm disappointed. Short and to the point like Regal. This is the same screen name as before, just changed the number because I was having some email and login problems and never could get them worked out.

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Can someone verify that wine bottle report? Is that really true?






According to Fox News, Chris Benoit murdered his 7-year-old son Daniel by putting him in a choke, something he did many times in the WWE ring...


There were also old needle injection marks on the boy's body, indicating to police that Chris was injecting his son with what is believed to be a growth hormone. It seems wrestler Chris thought his son was too small.


Is this also true? WWE move part that is.

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Is this also true? WWE move part that is.


We've gone through the motions of this newsbit a few times already. The general consensus is that it's probably just a rumor that it was the Crossface he used.. but not much of a stretch that he used an actual (rear naked) chokehold.

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Is this also true? WWE move part that is.


We've gone through the motions of this newsbit a few times already. The general consensus is that it's probably just a rumor that it was the Crossface he used.. but not much of a stretch that he used an actual (rear naked) chokehold.


I wouldn't have posted that it was only the "Fox News" part that caught my attention. Then again, it's Fox News.

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The idea that the crossface was used came about because the police reported strange bruising on the child's body that might suggest it, combined with the fact that there weren't bruises on the kid's neck that would suggest strangulation by hands.

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Smashing up furniture, punching windows, throwing shit around, whatever, are out of the ordinary, violent acts. Throwing down a controller is also an act of violence, it's just on a completely different level. Normal marital arguments also do not tend to end with one party trying to get a restraining order against the other, which leads me to believe that Benoit's outbursts were a fair bit more serious than innocent acts of frustration. There was a dark side to Benoit. Maybe it was his natural personality, or maybe it was due to other factors. It obviously wasn't murderous at first, but it's quite possible that it could have started as something less serious, and gradually worsened over time as he injected more steroids and suffered more head trauma.


Please explain how kick some furniture oare out of the ordinary violent acts but throwing a controller is on a differnet level. One can argue that if you get that pissed off over a fucking video game, you have deeper issues and get violent over less than someone that was in a argument with his wife. The divorce papers and the restraining order were in result of the furniture smashing, which would seem to say that it was a out of the ordinary occurance and it scared Nancy.


If anything these acts look like someone who repressed anger and had this huge violent outburst when he was taken to some point to make him deranged at that moment.


But see this last post you made, this was fine. Its the high and mighty mocking of other post in the thread that you and others have been doing that is just fucking annoying. I have yet to see anyone say "Beniot is still cool man. Nancy and the kid shouldn't have made him kill them."


Everyone is saying what a horrible act it is/was and he should be vilified for it. But I think people are trying to dig all deep and say that Beniot was a psycho in 2003 puts Nancy in a negative light, as if she was some one just getting the shit beat out of her all the time and didn't leave when everything about this says it was unexpected and unpredictable, and kicking furniture in 4 years ago does not serve as a telling sign to his true nature. His true nature would be the one that he displayed 90% of the time and that was the guy that everyone who knew him loved, and respected as a man and as a father.


I can still watch beniot matches because that isn't the guy that committed these acts. Some deranged out of its mind version of that guy did it. I don't think when Beniot was celebrating in the ring with Nancy and Daniel he was thinking of how he could take them out then, nor do I think he was getting the cable cord ready in 2003 when they had an argument.


And in saying that, I am not saying "YEAH.. GO BENIOT!!!!!!!". So all the "this thread is hilarious, now beniot is a hero" type post are coming off as uppity bullshit from people making up statements that aren't there.

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I was watching FOX News when they mentioned that, and they went as far to say that he used the Crossface, without actually saying it. I'm not sure if that's because they aren't totally sure what it is, or if they don't know for sure, but they certainly implied that he used his wrestling finisher.

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Again, we have to wait for the toxicology report, but I can't help but to wonder if Benoit tried to kill Daniel "peacefully" buy overdosing him with steroids and when that didn't work he choked him out.

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If he used any version of the crossface to kill the kid, he would have had to tourque back on his body, and the 7 year olds spine would have probably been broken. and bruises would have been under his throat that looks like strangling.


And seriously, the "apparently Beniot felt his son wasn't big enough" crap is just stupid. The kid was undersized due to his condition.


I don't see why you have to try and sensationalize a story about a father killing his wife and son, leaving bibles next to them and hanging himself. Isn't that sensational enough?

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Wasn't there a leak from a "source" that the investigators brought up the idea of a choke/crossface themselves after asking to see some of Benoit's wrestling tapes.


And at the conference yesterday they specifically refused to go any futher than just saying both died by asphyxiation.

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Benoit's doctor said he met with the wrestler day of the killings


The Associated Press - ATLANTA


Professional wrestler Chris Benoit met with his personal physician hours before he allegedly killed his wife and son and then hanged himself in his basement, the doctor said Wednesday.


"He was in my office on Friday to stop by just to see my staff," said Dr. Phil Astin of metro Atlanta. "He certainly didn't show any signs of any distress or rage or anything."


Authorities say Benoit strangled his wife, suffocated his 7-year-old son Daniel and placed a Bible next to their bodies before hanging himself with a weight-machine pulley over the weekend. No motive was offered for the killings, which were spread out over the weekend and discovered Monday.


Astin, who said he was Benoit's longtime friend and physician, said he had prescribed testosterone to Benoit because he suffered from low amounts of the hormone. He said the condition likely originated from previous steroid use. He would not say what, if any, medications he prescribed the day of the meeting.


"I'm still very surprised and shocked, especially with his child Daniel involved," said Benoit. "He worshipped his child."

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I was watching FOX News when they mentioned that, and they went as far to say that he used the Crossface, without actually saying it. I'm not sure if that's because they aren't totally sure what it is, or if they don't know for sure, but they certainly implied that he used his wrestling finisher.

All jokes aside...


A fitting term is it not?


Im sure Stone Cold have Debra the Thesz Press a time or two

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Empty Wine Bottle Found Next To Wrestler's Body


POSTED: 7:00 pm EDT June 25, 2007

UPDATED: 12:13 pm EDT June 27, 2007


FAYETTE COUNTY, Ga. -- 12:05 UPDATE: WSB-TV Channel 2's Tom Jones reports an empty bottle of wine was found at the feet of Chris Benoit


Still not too sure how credible that is but that makes it day 3 of this story taking ANOTHER turn. Man, I wonder if people are gonna now connect the DUI to this.

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Like I posted about 15 pages ago, no one knows that Daivari was the one that was made to do the squats. The story was that Daivari wanted to train with Benoit and Conway, and just jumped right into their routine of doing 500 hindu squats...not building up to it. There was no story about Daivari disrespecting HBK and forced to do the squats as punsihment.


The reason I am posting this, is to show how people make assumptions, post those assumptions, and then it is quickly regarded as fact.

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Benoit's doctor said he met with the wrestler day of the killings


The Associated Press - ATLANTA


Professional wrestler Chris Benoit met with his personal physician hours before he allegedly killed his wife and son and then hanged himself in his basement, the doctor said Wednesday.


"He was in my office on Friday to stop by just to see my staff," said Dr. Phil Astin of metro Atlanta. "He certainly didn't show any signs of any distress or rage or anything."


Authorities say Benoit strangled his wife, suffocated his 7-year-old son Daniel and placed a Bible next to their bodies before hanging himself with a weight-machine pulley over the weekend. No motive was offered for the killings, which were spread out over the weekend and discovered Monday.


Astin, who said he was Benoit's longtime friend and physician, said he had prescribed testosterone to Benoit because he suffered from low amounts of the hormone. He said the condition likely originated from previous steroid use. He would not say what, if any, medications he prescribed the day of the meeting.


"I'm still very surprised and shocked, especially with his child Daniel involved," said Benoit. "He worshipped his child."

I didnt even know WSX still came on

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Empty Wine Bottle Found Next To Wrestler's Body


POSTED: 7:00 pm EDT June 25, 2007

UPDATED: 12:13 pm EDT June 27, 2007


FAYETTE COUNTY, Ga. -- 12:05 UPDATE: WSB-TV Channel 2's Tom Jones reports an empty bottle of wine was found at the feet of Chris Benoit


Still not too sure how credible that is but that makes it day 3 of this story taking ANOTHER turn. Man, I wonder if people are gonna now connect the DUI to this.



It usually does take alcohol to get a DUI.

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Empty Wine Bottle Found Next To Wrestler's Body


POSTED: 7:00 pm EDT June 25, 2007

UPDATED: 12:13 pm EDT June 27, 2007


FAYETTE COUNTY, Ga. -- 12:05 UPDATE: WSB-TV Channel 2's Tom Jones reports an empty bottle of wine was found at the feet of Chris Benoit


Still not too sure how credible that is but that makes it day 3 of this story taking ANOTHER turn. Man, I wonder if people are gonna now connect the DUI to this.



It usually does take alcohol to get a DUI.


Let me rephrase. The earlier incident of DUI may make everyone think he had an alcohol problem that just built up to this boiling point. And finding the empty bottle doesn't help.


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I don't see why you have to try and sensationalize a story about a father killing his wife and son, leaving bibles next to them and hanging himself. Isn't that sensational enough?


You kidding? This is the American Media. Nothing is sensational enough until they say it is.

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