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Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

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What about Benoit-Angle from Rumble 2003?

What about it? It's a great match.


I don't know if he was saying anything necessarily back about it, but Agreed 100%. If not for the dragged-out rear chinlock about midway through the match (I know both guys probably needed a chance to relax since they were both going full speed ahead) I'd have no problem calling it perfect.


Completely off-topic, but I wanted to ask this. I still can't listen to "One Thing" by Finger Eleven without thinking of the uber-depressing Benoit Memorial video from RAW. Anyone else feel the same way? It's just that I now associate that song with him since his suicide. Does anyone else feel similar?

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What about Benoit-Angle from Rumble 2003?

What about it? It's a great match.


I don't know if he was saying anything necessarily back about it, but Agreed 100%. If not for the dragged-out rear chinlock about midway through the match (I know both guys probably needed a chance to relax since they were both going full speed ahead) I'd have no problem calling it perfect.


Completely off-topic, but I wanted to ask this. I still can't listen to "One Thing" by Finger Eleven without thinking of the uber-depressing Benoit Memorial video from RAW. Anyone else feel the same way? It's just that I now associate that song with him since his suicide. Does anyone else feel similar?


Yes about the Finger Eleven song. Just like the Three Doors Down song and Eddie, that reminds me of Benoit.


On another slight related topic, anyone seen these articles from ESPN?




Also a story on Luger:




I didn't know Luger needed a cane to get around now.

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I have been skipping the Finger 11 song on my IPOD for awhile now. For some reason all I can do is associate it with Benoit.


The Luger thing is surprising. Didn't he make an appearence in the last year in TNA for a segment? I don't recall him needing a cane, although he was being escorted out to the ring by Hemme.

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I bet Benoit and the "steroid investigation" affects the HOF for the next couple of years. Vince is going to be hesitant to induct guys who died young from drug abuse.

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Atlanta WSB-TV Channel 2 featured a story on the diary the late Chris Benoit kept prior to his death this past June with comments from his father Michael Benoit's attorney, Carry Ichter about the contents.


The diary, which was given to Benoit by his wife Nancy following the passing of Benoit's best friend Eddie Guerrero, featured many entries written as letters to Guerrero.


"He was upset, very upset, about Eddie's death. He says in a number of places how much he loved Eddie and what dear friends they were. He also says at one point that, 'I will be with you soon,' so it appears as though he was having some thoughts about his own mortality," said Ichter.


WSB's report noted, "The entries also speak of Benoit's love and admiration for his wife, Nancy, and son, Daniel -- both of whom he killed in the weekend of June 22. He spoke of the exhaustion, drudgery and loneliness of the road, but did not describe abusing drugs."


"It's clear that he was depressed," said Ichter. "It's clear that he was beginning to exhibit some of the signs of the dementia that's associated with the brain injuries he sustained because he talks in there about not being able to remember things. Chris, at the end had become intensely paranoid, to the point that he would not take the same route to the airport on a consistent basis, to the point that he would not allow the family outside of the house."


There was also an incident involving long-time friend and co-worker Darren Matthews, who goes by the stage name of "William Regal". Matthews, who lives approximately 20 minutes from the Benoit residence, spoke of a time recently where Benoit invited him over to watch videos of Japanese wrestling, but when Matthews got to Benoit's house, Benoit refused to let him in.


The report noted that Benoit's diary was found in the trash outside his home following the discovery of the Benoit family this past June.


Ichter represents Michael Benoit in the ongoing legal entanglement over the heirs of Benoit's estate as he neither he nor Nancy Benoit left a will at the time of the Benoit family tragedy.


And for the record, Luger only needs the cane until he gets his hip replacement surgery.


Here is Luger's kid. He plays basketball for our college. He hates professional wrestling with a passion and gets very agitated when people ask about or mention him being Lex Luger's kid. If you look at his bio, you can even see that he only lets his mother be listed. He's not very proud of his Dad.

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I watched a Benoit match for the first time since the murders last weekend whilst watching WM2000. Didn't bother me that much, not as much as I thought it would.


Probably made easier by my friends joke of, "he still holds the title of 'best heel turn ever'".

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I know the lawyer and Chris’s Dad are going to do everything to mitigate the situation, but I really resent the whole depression excuse. I’ve been suffering from depression for the past 12 years of my life, and in High School I really had to deal with the whole “I could see him shooting up the school” stigma.


It’s obvious that Benoit was depressed. Feeling down might make you want to kill yourself, but your not going to kill your wife and child. I hate all mental illness being lumped together. Shit, when I told my current Dr. that I was depressed, his response was to ask “how severe, suicidal, homicidal?” Suicidal a fair question, but I never get the link to depression and homicide. Sure depressed people commit homicide, but they have other mental conditions as well.


I think the concussions, the roids, the pain killers, and the depression all contributed to the murder/suicide, but I still find nothing to led me to believe that Chris did not know right from wrong. He’s fully responsible for his actions.


I haven’t watched a Benoit match since the murder/suicide. I was a huge Benoit mark, and whenever they showed footage of Benoit in any news reports, I just felt like I wish this wasn’t true. This guy was an underdog who got over out of pure skill and love for the biz. But he’s still a monster. I make no excuses for him.

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The theory, as I understand it, is that the suicidal portion blame the illness/themselves for their depression and thus want to off themselves, while the homocidal/genocidal blame others for their depression and want to off them.

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...and in Benoit's case, the years of physical and mental abuse made him snap into a psychotic episode, one which none of us will be able to forget, let alone fully understand maybe forgive, ever.


For me, knowing how literally damages his brain was does give me a little consolation, maybe a little more insight. However, it cannot and won't erase what happened.

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I know the lawyer and Chris’s Dad are going to do everything to mitigate the situation, but I really resent the whole depression excuse. I’ve been suffering from depression for the past 12 years of my life, and in High School I really had to deal with the whole “I could see him shooting up the school” stigma.


It’s obvious that Benoit was depressed. Feeling down might make you want to kill yourself, but your not going to kill your wife and child. I hate all mental illness being lumped together. Shit, when I told my current Dr. that I was depressed, his response was to ask “how severe, suicidal, homicidal?” Suicidal a fair question, but I never get the link to depression and homicide. Sure depressed people commit homicide, but they have other mental conditions as well.


I think the concussions, the roids, the pain killers, and the depression all contributed to the murder/suicide, but I still find nothing to led me to believe that Chris did not know right from wrong. He’s fully responsible for his actions.


I haven’t watched a Benoit match since the murder/suicide. I was a huge Benoit mark, and whenever they showed footage of Benoit in any news reports, I just felt like I wish this wasn’t true. This guy was an underdog who got over out of pure skill and love for the biz. But he’s still a monster. I make no excuses for him.


I'm willing to bet you didn't make a living off taking chairshots and diving headbutts for 20 years.

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I agree that alot of us may not be able to fully forgive Chris for what he did regardless of where his mind was, to me I dont care how far gone your mind is there is no excuse of killing your wife and especially kill your young child who had his whole life ahead of him, I may have said this previous though


Something I do wonder if major sweeping changes occur in the wrestling world, will Benoit be viewed as an accidental saint to pro wrestling or simply as a murderer with a screwed up mind

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Guest Gym Class Fallout

Hey, you know what would get me to watch WWF again? If the crowd worked together and decided to just chant "WE ARE THE NATION! OF DOMINATION! NATION. OF DOMINATION" for a whole segment. No reason. It'd just be fun.

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Murdering Saint. Just like Jesus.



Jesus didn't kill anyone. People, manipulative deceitful ones mind you, decided centuries later to use his name to justify their murders.

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The theory, as I understand it, is that the suicidal portion blame the illness/themselves for their depression and thus want to off themselves, while the homocidal/genocidal blame others for their depression and want to off them.


i know. sometimes, they can't talk, and never develop social skills


something inside of them makes them want to break every table they see, and wear funny things on their heads

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Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart from Nitro is definately a match that has a different feel to it now. Seems like Bret is dedicating the match to his dead brother while practically fighting another dead guy in the ring.

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Rather unfortunate note i've just seen on SDvR2007, in the storeline mode, Teddy Long says to you


Here's the really scary part; No-one's seen Benoit since last week's match, and i've got no idea what's going through Benoit's head.

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Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart from Nitro is definately a match that has a different feel to it now. Seems like Bret is dedicating the match to his dead brother while practically fighting another dead guy in the ring.


here's spooky for you...watch WM7...or is it WM6? Kerry Von Erich vs. Dino Bravo. Musta been WM7 because Von Erich debuted summer of 90 in the WWF.

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Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart from Nitro is definately a match that has a different feel to it now. Seems like Bret is dedicating the match to his dead brother while practically fighting another dead guy in the ring.


here's spooky for you...watch WM7...or is it WM6? Kerry Von Erich vs. Dino Bravo. Musta been WM7 because Von Erich debuted summer of 90 in the WWF.

Nah, the worst Kerry moment is the 1984 title win. His 13 year old brother greets him in the ring to celebrate. Both eventually committed suicide.

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Bryan Alvarez doesn't think there will be any hearing anytime soon, from this weeks f4w


Then Congress actually started talking with people and requesting information about WWE, and then it was flat-out stated that hearings were going to likely be taking place in mid-September. I thought, wow, maybe something really is going to happen here. Well, by the time those of you who get the print version of this newsletter receive it, it will be October and there are no hearings on the books. Nothing. It's terribly quiet. And those who have worked closely with the government in Washington DC tell us that everything pretty much shuts down from Thanksgiving to the New Year. If you look at how quickly the world changes, and where pro-wrestling hearings probably rank on the importance scale anyway, the chances of this being picked up in January looks very slim.


If nothing happens within the next 30 days or so, there may be little chance of it happening anytime soon. Judging from a lot of different things, my feeling is that WWE was forthright in sending all their policy information and whatever else, they snowed a lot of people with their recent "hard-line suspensions" and rehab offer to all former wrestlers, and maybe in doing investigations Congress came to the conclusion that hearings would largely be a waste of time. Regardless of what might be said, Vince and Hunter appear to be sending their own message to the world that this is all over and it's time to get back into the swing of things again. I guess if this is the end I can't get too depressed about it, because I suppose deep down I never really expected anything to change.

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For what it's worth, on Thursday night's F4D with Bryan, Dave Meltzer gave an opposite reason for why it's probably not happening: The Congressmen were horrified by how wrestling had "much worse assholes than they thought" and realized that there would be no solution that could do anything worthwhile, short of creating a national commission, which would most likely not happen.

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I had a feeling Congress would lose intrest after a while. And really it was only a small number of Congressmen that seemed really interested in this anyway.

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So I picked up the new WWE magazine 500th issue. There is TWO Benoit mentions in the magazine.


#1. They have the top 30 finishers mentioned. # 4 is Benoit. Why is this unique? He is BLURRED out of the picture.


#2. There is an article with a editor with what "appears to be chops to the chest". It says that they can't LEGALLY mention why it happened, and if you look at where the marks are, you should know how and who did it.


So the reality is folks, Benoit is ERASED from history and if there are ANY Benoit apparences on their archive, he's gone folks.


Benoit no longer exists ANYWHERE in the WWE.


EDIT: If that article is Benoit, why can't the LEGALLY mention him? Did something happen and we all missed it?

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