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Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

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Sources in the Fayette County Police Department are now working under the theory that Chris Benoit killed Nancy on Saturday, son Daniel on Sunday, and then killed himself earlier today.

and on the fourth day, he rested

Slayer wins.


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I just cant fathom that he probably spent a whole day knowing he killed his wife and kid. I wonder if he ordered Vengeance and saw Nitro won the title and called it a life.

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Guest George's Box
143 Members: George's Box, Danny Dubya v 2.0, ChrisMWaters, vivalaultra, Macaroni, Ram, UndertakerHart, Bruiser Chong, I Will Remember You, Ripper, fisticuffs, Muzz, DARRYLXWF, JAxlMorrison, Massito, Hawk52, Richard, Blade2kxx, SavageRulz, Imarkout4eldandy, Virgil ate my donut,


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I have no investment in who did what. At the end of this all, three people are dead and no official word has come from the police department. And no, "unnamed source" is not an official word.


I didn't cry tonight, I didn't physically get upset other than the first typed amount of reaction at the start, and I am not saying I'm waiting to defend Chris. If he did it, fine then three people are dead. If he didn't do it, three people are dead.




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Guest The Minor Threat
but now I'm finding out that Christ might've killed his wife and kid. He was a great wrestler but this piece of news truly changes my opinion and respect of him as a human being.


He wasn't that good a wrestler


Christ no-sold death. -**

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but now I'm finding out that Christ might've killed his wife and kid. He was a great wrestler but this piece of news truly changes my opinion and respect of him as a human being.


He wasn't that good a wrestler

Who? Chris or Christ?

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What songs will make you think of Chris Benoit?


"Unskinny Bop"...cuz it's by the band Poison. I likes to participate.

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Guest George's Box
I just cant fathom that he probably spent a whole day knowing he killed his wife and kid. I wonder if he ordered Vengeance and saw Nitro won the title and called it a life.


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I just cant fathom that he probably spent a whole day knowing he killed his wife and kid. I wonder if he ordered Vengeance and saw Nitro won the title and called it a life.



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Guest George's Box
but now I'm finding out that Christ might've killed his wife and kid. He was a great wrestler but this piece of news truly changes my opinion and respect of him as a human being.


He wasn't that good a wrestler

Who? Chris or Christ?

Are you trying to say Jesus Christ couldn't hit a chinlock?

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alright now. and honestly. will any of you be able to see the aforementioned throat slash & crippler corssface without a sense of foreshadowing. and culmination.

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but now I'm finding out that Christ might've killed his wife and kid. He was a great wrestler but this piece of news truly changes my opinion and respect of him as a human being.


He wasn't that good a wrestler

Who? Chris or Christ?

Wait a sec...Chris...Christ...Benoit really was Jesus.


So apparently, Jesus is a murderer.

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I have to say that i think Eddie Guerrero is still Alive and this is all a stunt by WWE.


This would have to be a 2 person secret between Vince and Eddie alone. And maybe Shane and HHH. But Vince would simply put eddie into a hotel for 2 months. Then they would run the angle they are currently running. And have Orton beat Rey at No Way Out. Eddies family doesnt know what to do and starts crying. Then at Wrestlemania in the main event Randy Orton is about to beat Kurt Angle for the title but out of nowhere comes EDDIE GUERRERO!!! Crowd is going nuts! Eddie uses a steel chair on Orton then Frog Splash. Angle makes the Cover and Eddie Celebrates after.


I dont see why its not possible? It would be the biggest surprise EVER! And this is wrestling it could happen.


Who else believes Eddies still alive?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
there has to be some way we can all rationalize this so we won't all have to burn our chris benoit dvds.



Personally I'm going with his actions as a human being are completely separate from his actions as an entertainer.


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And on that note, if the personal stuff continues to fly this will be closed.


Personal attacks are bad, but you can make jokes about a double murder suicide?

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Atlanta police do have a track record for being completely off. Remember when they outed and arrested Richard Jewell as guy who bombed the 1996 Olympics and he turned out to have absolutely nothing to do with it?


Just sayin.

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but now I'm finding out that Christ might've killed his wife and kid. He was a great wrestler but this piece of news truly changes my opinion and respect of him as a human being.


He wasn't that good a wrestler

Who? Chris or Christ?

Are you trying to say Jesus Christ couldn't hit a chinlock?

Jesus never tapped out to the crossface. Nancy on the other hand...

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there has to be some way we can all rationalize this so we won't all have to burn our chris benoit dvds.



Easy way to rationalize: I paid money for it. Not like he killed me or anything.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
And on that note, if the personal stuff continues to fly this will be closed.


Personal attacks are bad, but you can make jokes about a double murder suicide?


If you can't laugh about a little boy being murdered by a parent then what can't you laugh at?

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I'm beginning to think they should cancel the Smackdown and ECW tapings tomorrow night, and not show anything at all this week. Let the investigation run its course, give all the wrestlers a period to recoup and cope with what's happened, and restart again on Monday. If Benoit is ruled to be the one responsible for his wife and son's deaths, I don't think it would be too difficult for the WWE to explain tonight's tribute, seeing how they didn't know much at the time, and had to scramble to put something together.


As to how much people on the inside actually were aware of, that's something I'm actually morbidly curious about...


Whether he did murder them, or it was an accident. Benoit still deserves a tribute. He may have become unstable, and yes the WWE should make a statement disclaiming what Benoit did was wrong, but he was a friend to everyone backstage, and what happened was not the real Chris Benoit everyone knew on the road.



You're saying that even if it was found that he killed his own wife and son, that he should STILL get a tribute. You must be smoking some good shit. That would be like Rae Carruth honored in the NFL. Give me a fuckin break, and wake up.

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I have to say that i think Eddie Guerrero is still Alive and this is all a stunt by WWE.


This would have to be a 2 person secret between Vince and Eddie alone. And maybe Shane and HHH. But Vince would simply put eddie into a hotel for 2 months. Then they would run the angle they are currently running. And have Orton beat Rey at No Way Out. Eddies family doesnt know what to do and starts crying. Then at Wrestlemania in the main event Randy Orton is about to beat Kurt Angle for the title but out of nowhere comes EDDIE GUERRERO!!! Crowd is going nuts! Eddie uses a steel chair on Orton then Frog Splash. Angle makes the Cover and Eddie Celebrates after.


I dont see why its not possible? It would be the biggest surprise EVER! And this is wrestling it could happen.


Who else believes Eddies still alive?


.... this post reminds me of a modern shitty Robin Williams "comedy".

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