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What? I'm serious.








In fact, if I was to play it off, I wouldn't announce the name until Unforgiven. Make it a THREE WAY between Cena/Orton/Kennedy....with everyone thinking it is gonna be Orton or Kennedy, then...swerve.


Set up Shane/Cena for Cyber Sunday...a Shane-led team vs. a Cena led team at SurSeries...with Steph reconciling with HHH for the better of the company...leading to a blow off at WM XXIV.


Just throwing spaghetti at the wall...

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Lance Cade and Murdoch come to the ring and sit at the announce table. World's Greatest Tag Team v. London and Kendrick to determine the title contenders for Unforgiven. Note that Cade and Murdoch don't have their hats, so maybe some explanation is being made for Cryme Tyme being gone. Sliced Bread #2 and Kendrick gets the 3 count on Haas. Cade and Murdoch get in the ring with London & Kendrick and applaud them and shake their hands. Wow, this looks familiar...


There not so desperate that they are re-hashing a storyline from a few months back are they?


Not so much rehashing as playing off of it. I'm sure JR will have or in the future will make reference to them not being guys you can trust, 'just look at what happened with the Hardys'. It's actually (potentially) good continuity.

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Plus those 3 TWA graduates are all solid wrestlers (Well, Cade is solid, London and Kenrick are excellent), so they should have great chemistry in the ring together. And when the fourth-wheel is Trevor fucking Murdoch, these could be the best pure tag matches in years.

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Naw they should stick to the AJPW 90's double team moves like the Superkick + Suplex, Chokeslam + Kick, Lariat + legsweep, or the moves inspired by the Midnight Express such as that leapfrog spot on the ropes + suplex pin. Generally suplay + anything is awesome...

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That was an interesting, yet nice finish to the Umaga/Hardy match.


Not to mention that Unforgiven/Undertaker commercial was pretty bad ass, and I'm not even a Taker fan.

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That was an interesting, yet nice finish to the Umaga/Hardy match.


Yes, Umaga looks strong here as well by kicking out at the three and only losing by a fluke pin. They wrote him out well.

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It seems ironic to take the title off Umaga for links to steroids, yet put the belt on Jeff Hardy, who may or may not have just come off a suspension for some sort of substance abuse.

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Am I the only person who believes that Trevor Murdoch is a pretty good worker? Because I have to agree that those tag matches are going to be very good.


He's really pretty good. He and Cade are really underrated. Their tag matches with the Hardys were all very good.

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"Maybe you don't remember I was Intercontinental Cham-pee-on...and PLUS I'm-a Italian!"


Great, great heel.




And yes, Murdoch and Cade are great, and have improved by leaps and bounds over the past year or so.

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I dig the direction they are going with Beth Phoenix.


The problem is that it feels like a complete rehash of all the other "dominant" female angles we've seen in the past.

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I dig the direction they are going with Beth Phoenix.


The problem is that it feels like a complete rehash of all the other "dominant" female angles we've seen in the past.


While that is true, the last time I recall that happening was when Chyna was with the company.

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I dig the direction they are going with Beth Phoenix.


The problem is that it feels like a complete rehash of all the other "dominant" female angles we've seen in the past.


While that is true, the last time I recall that happening was when Chyna was with the company.

And Chyna was clearly more dominant than the other women on the roster


Unless we're counting Nicole Bass


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