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Strangest place you've met a wrestler

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When you're good enough to get the Scotty 2 Hotty Ending, the Frog Ending, and the Honkytonk Man Ending, then we'll talk. Until then, keep on digging, Watson.


Do you EVER say anything with relevance to the topic at hand? One of your 24/7 posts was about TNA Remixes and Rick Astley. You're also making reference to an old forum joke despite the fact you've only been here for 2 months. I'm calling pbp shenanigans on this one.


I apologize for using this thread to vent at this guy. Carry on.

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I met Edge at a comicon in Toronto, right after his WWE debut. He was there to help hand out flyers for his buddy's indy comic. I think this was the same comicon where I figured out that Marc Silvestri is an ass, but that's neither here nor there.


Not weird, but I saw Torrie Wilson at IAH the day after the infamous GGW PPV.

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Guest RyechnaiaSobaka
I've mentioned this numerous times before, I met Randy Orton and Batista at a titty bar.

Weird, me too. Me and some buddies used to go up to the local Deja Vu all the time because the wrestler who trained them worked there as a bartender, and we'd get in free. One night when the WWE was in town Orton, Batista, and Rico all showed up. I didn't talk to them because I didn't care, it's not like Ric Flair walked in or anything, but I've heard that Orty and Bats are regulars at clubs of both the regular and stripping varieties.


They should be careful. Wouldn't want to get in an "altercation" and end up with the crap kicked out of you like Shawn Michaels.


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Saw Mae Young picking up Mexican food before an indy card back in the early 90's before I knew who she was.


Delivered a pizza to Earthquake Ferris in the early 90's after his AWA career.


Went to autograph signings for Bret Hart, RVD and Roddy Piper. RVD asked my kids who were only 4 and 7 at the time who their favorite wrestlers were. They said The Undertaker which gave him and I a good laugh.

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My cousin was friends with a Northeast indy worker (who used to do jobs for the WWF at the Jakked/Shotgun tapings whenever they came to Albany) He went to his house for a birthday party and Tammy Sytch and Chris Candido were there. He said Chris was a great guy but Tammy didn't say a word and refused to talk about her days in the WWF. This was around 01/02.

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I used to run into them all the time when I lived in Tampa. Ran into Hogan twice, once on a plane, and once I drove my grandma to the doctor and he was there. Saw the Rock at Universal Studios. He looked like he had bodyguards, and they were letting him go in the back way to everything, but he was just riding the rides, and there was kids with him.


Ran into Edge at the gas station. A girl I knew claimed she fucked him, but I kind of doubt it. Honest to god, Vader in an all night grocery. Probably some more. I generally never talk to anyone famous if I just run into them, unless I really, really like them.

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About 5 years ago, my dad saw Mick Foley at Walmart for a book signing and at Lake Compounce (amusement park here in CT), but I wasn't with him either time. Luckily I got to meet Foley a few years later.

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In January 2006, after a Raw at the Meadowlands, me and my brother were in a Burger King in a rest stop off the Turnpike. While waiting at the end of a long line, we realize that Balls Mahoney (who wouldn't sign with WWE until about 6 months later) is behind us. He complains about how no one is taking any of the food available to grab from the heat chutes, proceeds to cut the line, pay, and then scarf down two Whoppers at the counter where you grab napkins, ketchup, etc.

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In 1990, when I was 6 years old, I met Ric Flair in the bathroom at the DC Armory, the first thing I thought was "hey, where is his belt??" Wow, I sure do miss those old NWA/WCW house shows that used to run here in the Washington, D.C. area.

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Guest Smues

My friends mom used to work in some new age hippy stoner store and when WCW was in town for a house show The Wall came in to buy a water bong or some such. She knew shit all about wrestling, but he went out of his way to identify himself to her as the wrestler The Wall.

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I've never actually met a wrestler, but my friend once called me to tell me he had just ran into Bill Dundee in a movie theater bathroom. Also, my dad and I walked in a gas station in Memphis nearly ten years ago and an overly excited girl at the counter told us Jerry and Brian Lawler had just left. She showed us their autographs, and since I was pretty young, I was pretty disappointed.


Edit: Oh, if we're going for even lesser names, I've delivered pizza to Doug Gilbert multiple times and Kevin White teaches special ed. at the local high school.

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CM Punk at a KFC in Birmingham, Alabama

Didn't actually meet him but I saw him in there, but ya know, I wanted to hurry up and get back to Missouri[which was like 10 hours away]so I didn't talk to him, regret it every day.

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Guest Greg Valentine

Gregory Helms at the Toys R Us in Times Square. It was the day before WMXX, my friend and I were looking at all the WWE memorabilia they had in there and just checking out the store in general (we're from GA, it was our first time in NYC) when we notice a green haired fellow across the store. I don't know if this is common for wrestlers but he was wearing his Hurricane necklace and t-shirt and we thought it was so funny that he was wearing his own merchandise in public. I don't know, I just can't imagine The Rock wearing a "Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?" shirt outside of an arena. Anyway, we talked to him for a second but he was not in a good mood and not particularly happy that we recognized him so we left him to look at action figures by himself.

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While these were at shows:


Ran into Konnan in the concession line of the Canton Civic Center about 45 minutes before he won the US Title from One Man Gang.


Also bumped into Eric Bischoff (literally) outside Gund Arena after Survivor Series 2004. Why he was there despite being on vacation and off-camera, I dunno.

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Guest tonyjaymzretro

Met Chavo Jr. while walking to the bathroom at a Jillions once


felt bad...i started talking to him, and he was cool and polite as hell, but you could tell the man had to piss...

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While these were at shows:


Ran into Konnan in the concession line of the Canton Civic Center about 45 minutes before he won the US Title from One Man Gang.


Also bumped into Eric Bischoff (literally) outside Gund Arena after Survivor Series 2004. Why he was there despite being on vacation and off-camera, I dunno.


Actually, I just rewatched this show recently, and he was backstage for an interview after Snitsky attacked Maven. Technically, his storyline vacation didn't begin until after the show.

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Met Mikey Whipwreck at Disney MGM Studios in the line for the Muppets 4D show back in October '00. Was sitting down against the wall after spending the last few hours with my folks and (then) friend Jason all over the park, and I look up to see a pudgy guy with atomic red hair in dire need of a shave wearing an ECW shirt walk by. I believe my exact words were to the effect of "hey...hey, that's Mikey Whipwreck..." or something very close. Grabbed my dad and a camera and Jason, then went backwards in line, found him, and got a picture with him. In the background you can see his folks just dying laughing, and I think his daughter just sorta embarassed.

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In my earlier post I forgot to mention my meeting of Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express around 1986. We used to go to the NWA shows early to see the wrestlers get out of their limos and snap some pictures. A cab pulled up and out came Jim Cornette, Bobbie Eaton and Dennis Condrey. But for some reason, the cab driver couldn't get the trunk to open. He was saying he didn't have the key for it or whatever. So for the next 30 minutes, the wrestlers were stranded out there while the cab company sent someone over to unlock the trunk. Cornette and Condrey gladly took pictures and signed a few items for people while Eaton was pissed the whole time.

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Bryan Danielson and Davey Richards. Now, it started out somewhat pedestrian in the sense that it was at the SeaTac airport (they were heading to tour with NOAH whilst my friends and I were going to Japan as a graduation gift). So I met Danielson in the line to get on to the plane (it was 8 AM and I couldn't ID Richards for the life of me because I've never actually seen his work so I just knew he was DEFINITELY a wrestler but I couldn't figure out who for the life of me, so I waited for a moment where it was just AmDrag and I wouldn't have to be really awkward about just talking to him) and we just had a brief "Oh man, I'm a huge fan of your work." "Thanks a lot" exchange.


... and then the plane was delayed for an hour and a half. As such, we all missed our connecting flights. And when my friends and I made it to the line of people looking to get new flights/hotel vouchers, there they were again. I didn't talk to them because they were far ahead in the line, but it was still a little surreal seeing them hang out during this absurdly slow line (at one point Richards was doing a Hacksaw Jim Duggan impersonation to kill the time, I think). So finally, after all that was cleared up, we got our hotel vouchers, had a brief dinner, and got on the shuttle to head to the hotel... and Danielson and Richards got on like five minutes later. And this time Danielson noticed me and initiated conversation, so we ended up talking about stuff like amusement parks for the entire shuttle bus trip. Just a wonderful experience, he was incredibly cool (both of my friends, neither of whom were wrestling fans, thought he was pretty cool as well).

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Rey Mysterio at K-Mart


CM Punk on the shoreline in Corpus Christie..... Hours Before I Heard of the Benoit Tragedy.. I was in line when i heard...



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Guest TheFabulousJakey
. I don't know if this is common for wrestlers but he was wearing his Hurricane necklace and t-shirt and we thought it was so funny that he was wearing his own merchandise in public. I don't know, I just can't imagine The Rock wearing a "Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?" shirt outside of an arena. Anyway, we talked to him for a second but he was not in a good mood and not particularly happy that we recognized him so we left him to look at action figures by himself.


Hmm, maybe he just found out he would be dropping a title to Mighty Molly the next night.

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. I don't know if this is common for wrestlers but he was wearing his Hurricane necklace and t-shirt and we thought it was so funny that he was wearing his own merchandise in public. I don't know, I just can't imagine The Rock wearing a "Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?" shirt outside of an arena. Anyway, we talked to him for a second but he was not in a good mood and not particularly happy that we recognized him so we left him to look at action figures by himself.


Hmm, maybe he just found out he would be dropping a title to Mighty Molly the next night.


So, there was a grown man with green hair, wearing a bright green t-shirt, standing in a toy store no less, and he was irritated that he stood out a little and someone recognized him? What a douche.





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Not me, but back in 1997, my best friend and his dad went to a WWF house show. His dad had never been at the civic center for wrestling, and they got lost on their way to the bathroom. They turn the corner and run into Golddust and Marlena. And I mean Golddust: full regalia and everything. He helped get them to the pisser, and I assume they never, EVER forgot the way of Golddust.

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So, there was a grown man with green hair, wearing a bright green t-shirt, standing in a toy store no less, and he was irritated that he stood out a little and someone recognized him? What a douche.


It was NYC. You can get away with shit like that there.

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Guest snortrumble

I met a bunch of old timers through the years.


A couple of my favorites were:


1980 at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh, I got lost coming back from the bathroom, and just wandered in through the area where Andre was about to enter. I was 18. I couldn't understand why thousands of people were cheering me. Then this huge shadow enveloped me, and I felt a huge hand on my shoulder. I apologized profusely, and got out of the way as fast as I could.


He smiled and said, "Okay Boss..." as he kept going.


1981 at some smaller show, I was using a urinal before the matches. Someone came to my side, and used the one next to me. "So, you come to see da matches, huh?"


Disturbed at interupting my concentration, I said something like, "No I have to go really bad, and may be here for a while."


I looked up and it was Domenic Denucci. I thought he was going to clobber me. But he laughed. I told him to have a good match. He said thanks.


I hate urinal chat.


I think it was 1980-81. Ken Patera was working out at a gym where I belonged. The owner introduced us. He was cordial, and friendly.


My favorite meeting was at a dinner at a Legends Fest that I worked about ten years ago. I was to make sure that Ivan Putski was taken care of: food, beverage, etc. He invited me to join him. We talked-general conversation. He tried teaching me the Polish language version of "My Melody of Love," by Bobby Vinton. My Polish is horrible, and he wasted no time in telling me so. He did it laughing.


I also met Lou Thesz at the same event. I said hello, shook his hand and listened. He told some great stories.


I never pestered anyone for an autograph, picture or anything. I never bothered them while they were eating. They seemed to respect that.

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