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Best Promos Ever

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I know this may be too obvious but Jake Roberts' promo at WrestleMania VI may be my all time favorite. Scoured You Tube for it w/ no results.


I love that promo. Gene Okerlund is even left speechless at the end of it.


I <3 this promo. More people should strive to cut Jake Roberts style promos.

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One of the great promos is Dusty Rhodes "Hard Times" one, which he gave after returning from a broken leg at the ands of the Horsemen. If I could find that, I'd link to it.


Jake cut an awesome, super-creepy promo after slapping Elizabeth.




My favorite Flair promo actually is one he cut in the weeks leading up to the original Starrcade. It's on the Flair DVD. He returned from having Bob Orton and Dick Slater break his neck and chased them both with a bat. Afterwards, he rips off his neck brace and cut an awesome, intense promo on them and Harley Race.

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Raven's backstage promos from ECW when he would just be sitting in a dark corner somewhere, and then he would start talking about fighting over Beulah at summercamp....GOLD.


Taz's promo after his heel turn at November to Remember '95 was nice, as was his shoot at N2R 96 where he "spoiled" Heyman's announcement of a debut PPV show.


I thought Bret Hart had a good one on Raw the nigh he got superkicked over the wheelchair.


RVD's had some good ones when he played the cocky heel, before all the RVD 4:20 stuff came into play.


Jake the Snake was great because he had you believing everything he said, literally.

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One of the great promos is Dusty Rhodes "Hard Times" one, which he gave after returning from a broken leg at the ands of the Horsemen. If I could find that, I'd link to it.


Jake cut an awesome, super-creepy promo after slapping Elizabeth.




My favorite Flair promo actually is one he cut in the weeks leading up to the original Starrcade. It's on the Flair DVD. He returned from having Bob Orton and Dick Slater break his neck and chased them both with a bat. Afterwards, he rips off his neck brace and cut an awesome, intense promo on them and Harley Race.


The "Hard Times" promo is legendary. Easily my favorite Rhodes promo.


"A man works a job twenty years... they kick him in the fanny, give him a watch, and tell him a computer done took his job... that's hard times!"


As for Jake, I remember when I was a little kid, I was at the pediatrician's office. He knew I liked wrestling so we would talk about it for a bit, and he always said if he was flipping the channels and came across it, he would notice how Jake Roberts would get his point across without yelling like a madman.

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Another great Savage promo I remember was after WM 8 when he beat Flair after Flair slapped Elizabeth. Savage went something like, "Wrestling is temporary...championships are temporary also. But my love for Elizabeth is FOREVER!"

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Some of the best Paul Heyman's later work(not in WCW)


Heyman's "shoot" on Vince before Survivor Series 2001



Heyman's emotional promo at ONS



Heyman's shoot on TNT



Heyman calls in WWF Live Wire back in 1997 not sure(classic, you guys should check this out)



CLASSIC ECW Vs. WWF(Heyman Vs. Lawler) Debate on RAW in 1997(another classic segment/promo you guys should check out)


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Guest King_Ghidra

Thank you to those who suggested and posted the Jake Roberts promos. Some wonderful stuff there, he had a really great style.

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I know this may be too obvious but Jake Roberts' promo at WrestleMania VI may be my all time favorite. Scoured You Tube for it w/ no results.


I love that promo. Gene Okerlund is even left speechless at the end of it.


Is that the "wallowing in the much of avarice" promo?

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I know this may be too obvious but Jake Roberts' promo at WrestleMania VI may be my all time favorite. Scoured You Tube for it w/ no results.


I love that promo. Gene Okerlund is even left speechless at the end of it.


Is that the "wallowing in the much of avarice" promo?




Much thanks for the Heyman promos.

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NoCalMike, what are the pre 4:20 RVD promos you speak of? The one at Barely Legal is a really good one, any others?


I think the problem RVD always had in WWE with promos is that they never could write for him worth a damn. His ECW promos were hilarious stuff, unscripted, laid back, and he had guys like Fonzie and Sabu to torment. Some of those lines are gold:


"The Sheik liked me better anyway."

"I miss having Sabu around to watch my back, carry my bags...."

"How can Rob Van Dam carry all 5 belts and his partner too?"

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I still remember Heat Wave '98. RVD would be talking about how he's going to completely own Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki (*sneeze*HAKUSHI! and Fonzie goes "bless you!"), and then Sabu would get angry that he's talking all arrogant, and RVD would just hold up a hand and go "oh, and, uh...you too, Sabu." MONEY.

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RVD saying "You have some to say Sabu?" and Sabu looking in the camera, clearing his throat, then just pointing at the sky as usual got a laugh out of me.

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I still remember Heat Wave '98. RVD would be talking about how he's going to completely own Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki (*sneeze*HAKUSHI! and Fonzie goes "bless you!"), and then Sabu would get angry that he's talking all arrogant, and RVD would just hold up a hand and go "oh, and, uh...you too, Sabu." MONEY.

great promo I agree. "Were going to retain my-our world tag team belts" he went to say my, but changed to ours in the same breath, great little thing to notice if you pay attention.



Eddie guerreros heel turn promo in May 2005 on Smackdown is a forgotten gem. He just gives this quiet spooky promo about rey mysterio, and ends it by saying "Today I have your mask, at Judgment Day, I'll have your life!!" or something to that effect. just a cool, creepy and effective promo. Too bad the fans really didnt want to boo him.


Bret and Pipers prematch interview at Wm 8 is another fav of mine


Piper: "I remember changing your potty pants, of course he wasnt potty trained untill he was 7, but THATS OKAY"


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I saw that Foley promo recently on 24/7 on one of the ECW shows. It was pretty shocking stuff, never had seen it before. Not even on The Best of Cactus Jack in ECW DVD.

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Jimmy Jacobs has emerged as one of the best promo guys of recent years, especially with regards to his The Prom/Big Brother promos from the Whitmer feud and the blood soaked promo.

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Cannot find this online, but Arn Anderson from July 1996:


"Intense pain is a wonderful thing, Gene Okerlund. Your life flashes before your eyes, things that are the most important to you become crystal clear. You start to begin to learn the meaning of life. Last week when they stuffed me in that ambulance and I looked across and I saw Flair, Sting, Woman, Bagwell and myself, I realized that we were people brought together not by philosophy, but by necessity. And I started to think, New World Order, New World Order, where have I heard that? And I remembered in the Good Book it says, 'When the new world order is put into place it signals the beginning of the end of time.' Well, WCW is our world, it's where we live and breathe. And if you want to destroy it, Hogan and The Outsiders, you've already made a mistake that jumps off the page. If you're gonna take a baseball bat to a Horseman, finish the job. Because there's one rule of gang fighting. See, we are the original gang and we're the most vicious in all of professional wrestling history. They send one of yours to the hospital, you send two of theirs to the morgue."

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Cannot find this online, but Arn Anderson from July 1996:


"Intense pain is a wonderful thing, Gene Okerlund. Your life flashes before your eyes, things that are the most important to you become crystal clear. You start to begin to learn the meaning of life. Last week when they stuffed me in that ambulance and I looked across and I saw Flair, Sting, Woman, Bagwell and myself, I realized that we were people brought together not by philosophy, but by necessity. And I started to think, New World Order, New World Order, where have I heard that? And I remembered in the Good Book it says, 'When the new world order is put into place it signals the beginning of the end of time.' Well, WCW is our world, it's where we live and breathe. And if you want to destroy it, Hogan and The Outsiders, you've already made a mistake that jumps off the page. If you're gonna take a baseball bat to a Horseman, finish the job. Because there's one rule of gang fighting. See, we are the original gang and we're the most vicious in all of professional wrestling history. They send one of yours to the hospital, you send two of theirs to the morgue."

Arn Anderson Talks About the nWo


From 5:22 to 6:45.

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Cannot find this online, but Arn Anderson from July 1996:


"Intense pain is a wonderful thing, Gene Okerlund. Your life flashes before your eyes, things that are the most important to you become crystal clear. You start to begin to learn the meaning of life. Last week when they stuffed me in that ambulance and I looked across and I saw Flair, Sting, Woman, Bagwell and myself, I realized that we were people brought together not by philosophy, but by necessity. And I started to think, New World Order, New World Order, where have I heard that? And I remembered in the Good Book it says, 'When the new world order is put into place it signals the beginning of the end of time.' Well, WCW is our world, it's where we live and breathe. And if you want to destroy it, Hogan and The Outsiders, you've already made a mistake that jumps off the page. If you're gonna take a baseball bat to a Horseman, finish the job. Because there's one rule of gang fighting. See, we are the original gang and we're the most vicious in all of professional wrestling history. They send one of yours to the hospital, you send two of theirs to the morgue."

Arn Anderson Talks About the nWo


From 5:22 to 6:45.


Nice to know AA is a Sean Connery fan. :)

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Some of the best Paul Heyman's later work(not in WCW)


Heyman's "shoot" on Vince before Survivor Series 2001



The promo itself was gold, but the way it ended was dumb. If anything they should have had Taz react the opposite way, tease the heyman choke out and instead turn and choke out Vince and defect to the alliance.

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NoCalMike, what are the pre 4:20 RVD promos you speak of? The one at Barely Legal is a really good one, any others?


I think the problem RVD always had in WWE with promos is that they never could write for him worth a damn. His ECW promos were hilarious stuff, unscripted, laid back, and he had guys like Fonzie and Sabu to torment. Some of those lines are gold:


"The Sheik liked me better anyway."

"I miss having Sabu around to watch my back, carry my bags...."

"How can Rob Van Dam carry all 5 belts and his partner too?"


I am mostly referring to when he was tagging with Sabu. On the weekly show when they would do promos and RVD was just throwing out zingers like the ones you posted. Basically taking credit for everything to the point of pissing Sabu off, but saying the right thing to calm Sabu down at the last minute.

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Oh yeah. I wish I could find some of those. Checked out youtube but didn't quite find the gems I was looking for. Seems like they used to have some of those RVD ECW promos too.

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Some of the best Paul Heyman's later work(not in WCW)


Heyman's "shoot" on Vince before Survivor Series 2001



The promo itself was gold, but the way it ended was dumb. If anything they should have had Taz react the opposite way, tease the heyman choke out and instead turn and choke out Vince and defect to the alliance.


Taz had been a member of the Alliance since July, and had pretty much been treated like the whipping boy/black sheep of it by Steve Austin from Day One. I imagine that had a lot to do with the ending, though I agree it's a little anticlimactic beyond that.

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