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Atticus Chaos

Heath Ledger dead

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It'd be really awesome if this was just some kind of excellent, viral campaign. (I mean, faking your own death for the media, when it would cause this much hysteria, how is that not, something the joker would do) but sadly that's a best case scenario





Dumb fucking thinking Exslade.

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I heard this on the Radio driving to work tonight, pretty crazy stuff.


For the record however, AICN is reporting that all his work for The Dark Knight is complete.

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...Honestly, why hasn't anyone killed those people yet? I mean, if their THAT in touch with god, then you'd really be doing them a favor.


And saving us all from having to deal with their rampant idioicy.

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I would imagine the funeral is going to be in Australia. Will they fly over? Planes aren't god's creation. God hates planes, why you think he crashes so many of them?

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Wow, this is truly shocking. I got a text last night from a friend telling me, but I wasn't sure what to believe, then I saw the news. HO-LY shit, I'm am suprised. I never saw this coming.


RIP Ledger.

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Yuna and Exslade should meet up.

Oh for fuck's sake. I had a theory, thats all. So it was lame. Big deal. Can nobody let things go here?!


It wasn't merely a theory. It was one of the most retarded things imaginable to say and it's hard to even fathom someone's brain being so empty.

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I never knew it was largely one family. I wonder why they hate gays so much. That demon of a woman is probably secretly gay and hates herself for it.


Without even clicking the link, I figured it was going to lead to something involving the Westboro Baptists. Crazy fucks those people are. So Heath is burning in Hell for playing the role of a gay cowboy? I guess him playing the role of a psychotic killer in The Dark Knight wasn't enough to cement his damnation, huh? I think these are the same whack-jobs that protest the funerals of every troop killed in Iraq that they can get hold of.

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It'd be really awesome if this was just some kind of excellent, viral campaign. (I mean, faking your own death for the media, when it would cause this much hysteria, how is that not, something the joker would do) but sadly that's a best case scenario





Dumb fucking thinking Exslade.

Oh screw you. It would be better then the alternative, no matter how stupid you think it is.


Forgive me for not simply posting RIP on a message board, as if that really means anything in this situation.

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Yuna and Exslade should meet up.

Oh for fuck's sake. I had a theory, thats all. So it was lame. Big deal. Can nobody let things go here?!


You didn't have a theory. You were being a fucking moron. Which is no suprise, I mean, we should be used to that by now, right?

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So his autopsy was inconclusive. So I am guessing there weren't just a glut of sleeping pills in his stomach.


From that interview, him waking up suddenly after taking a powerful sleep aid is pretty disturbing honestly. There was something going wrong with his body. I wouldn't be suprised if his heart did just stop from taking that shit.

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28. Damn...dude was my age.


Yeah...when your heart stops working at 28...it's drugs.


Damn shame.

While I doubt this is the case here given the evidence that has been released, my heart could stop working any day now due to the heart condition I was born with (Im 25) and I have never done drugs, so you would be wrong with that blanket statement...




yes easy there Im almost 32 and have a heart condition so never know

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Surely you remember the big "Viva La Savings" banner WWE put up on their website the Christmas after Eddie died.


They didn't have it up for long.

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Here is Best Buy's version of "VIVA LA SAVINGS!"




Sweet, Lords of Dogtown is on sale!


Where's A Knight's Tale? Perhaps it's wrapped-together with The Brothers Grimm in the bargain bin?

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Want to know The Warrior's thoughts on this? Neither do I but here's the link anyways.




Wow, is he a full fledged member of the Westboro Baptist Church too? Fucking bigots...

"Queering doesn't make the world work!"


It's been well known for a long time that Warrior isn't a big fan of gay people.

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Seriously though, this is truely tragic and unfortunate, but from everything I've read today, and it's been mentioned in this thread, it sounds like he sort of went off the deep end playing the Joker, and if it's true that he OD'd on sleeping pills and booze, which seems to be the case, he's just made himself a fucking legend. I mean, we all knew that Dark Knight was going to be awesome and that it looked like he gave an amazing performance of the Joker, but to have this shit attached to it? This movie is going to be massive and dude is likely going to become a fucking legend to rival James Dean. He was so into the role that he pushed himself to the brink of sanity, he likely died as a result of his commitment and desire to give a legendary performance....that's some wicked shit. Not that it's really any solace to anyone that was close to him, and I don't think I've seen a single movie he was in other than parts of 10 things when they showed it on Comedy Central so I don't really know what he was like as an actor and if he deserves the posthumous hype he's getting, but I think that's pretty cool. If you've gotta go out, go out in style....

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Seriously though, this is truely tragic and unfortunate, but from everything I've read today, and it's been mentioned in this thread, it sounds like he sort of went off the deep end playing the Joker, and if it's true that he OD'd on sleeping pills and booze, which seems to be the case, he's just made himself a fucking legend. I mean, we all knew that Dark Knight was going to be awesome and that it looked like he gave an amazing performance of the Joker, but to have this shit attached to it? This movie is going to be massive and dude is likely going to become a fucking legend to rival James Dean. He was so into the role that he pushed himself to the brink of sanity, he likely died as a result of his commitment and desire to give a legendary performance....that's some wicked shit. Not that it's really any solace to anyone that was close to him, and I don't think I've seen a single movie he was in other than parts of 10 things when they showed it on Comedy Central so I don't really know what he was like as an actor and if he deserves the posthumous hype he's getting, but I think that's pretty cool. If you've gotta go out, go out in style....


The James Dean comparison is excellent. He had all the "tools" to be a great.

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