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Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

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HOW DEATLIED can u make moves also can u make them online so others use them



i wanna make like now that KHALI is face a khali slam where he hoplds them up like a minute and just keeps winking and smiling and spinning around before he slams them

:wub: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:



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HOW DEATLIED can u make moves also can u make them online so others use them



i wanna make like now that KHALI is face a khali slam where he hoplds them up like a minute and just keeps winking and smiling and spinning around before he slams them

:wub: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:


Not be a prick or anything, but what is this guys deal? Is his English really that bad, or is he just a gimmick poster?

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I'm excited for the prospect of actually creating accurate Samoa Joe ring attire. I only took a glimpse into the pre-made CAWs, but one of the first few had Joe's two-color tights, so hooray!


I was playing around with Create a Finisher. Didn't make anything amazing yet, but I did make the most unnecessary-length powerbomb ever. Piledriver position, spin several times, into Styles Clash, out of Styles clash, lift for powerbomb, spin several times, raise up, jackknife powerbomb. From the preset names, I took... the Beldigo.


Speaking on long moves, can you interrupt a character while he is in a move animation? I believe I saw it done a few times during the demo.

Not an actual move animation...like a grapple or something. So if Kane's doing a chokeslam to someone you can't stop it I don't believe.


but certain moves, like earlier as Jericho, I did a springboard lionsault. (the one where you just stand next to the ropes and input the command) and he punched me in mid-air to stop it.


Hmm...and as far as the metric system goes, seems I've got that same problem as well. Inferno match is Celsius, Height is measured in cm, etc.

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Never for PS3.


Well, maybe sometime, heh. I read somewhere (IGN?) that it was slated "before the holidays".


Also, holy shit, Highlight Reel IS SO AWESOME. It's so much fun, the best addition they've ever made. It creates community, which is awesome, and I was laughing my ass off trying to do silly things. I don't know how it easy it is to find recently uploaded videos (there's no search, so I just have to trust it's in the latest 200 I guess) but look up "Super Santino". It's a video I made when I realized how hilarious Mark Henry's face was when I stole the World's Strongest Slam.


This is the first SD I've played on the 360 first and damn does it look pretty in HD.



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I must make a complaint off the bat though. I ran Santino through a KOTR tournament just to see the zany ceremony at the end, but it's been cut out. That was hands down the best part of 2008 - watching Umaga or Khali (basically anyone you want to make look out of character and silly) bebop around in a crown and robe while a diva acted as his queen.

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I was able to buy the game tonight for the 360. I've spent two hours working on my CAS and I still gotta make the move set and the finisher.


One note on C-A-E is that I'm happy they've finally made handling the camera angles during the Entrance so much easier. The way they've handled camera handles for the past few years have been horrible.

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Hooray, my screengrab of Mark Henry looking scared as hell when Santino is about to give him the World's Strongest Slam is currently ranked as #32!


Undertaker's story is hilarious. It's the "Magic Wand" story (which was just a dream) times a million.

Undertaker being shown 'earlier in the night' apparently gathering ki was hilarious, then him using it in the end to make Boogeyman's casket blow up was amazing



In the back of my head this concept seems like it may have already been used in 2008, but it's really neat how the commentary often discusses previous storyline elements during your matches.

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I don't know, can you? I only made one (then took a screenshot from it). I look forward to making more. Basically, I love plastering large graphics (POW!) on the screen.


If you can find it on the video list, it's called "Super Santino".

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I actually did the "beat Finlay faster than Santino" deal but got no acknowledgement for it. Maybe because I changed difficulty?


I can probably go through the movesets myself when I get home to figure this out, but how do you do an alternate running attack (I think I had this problem last year too but I forget the answer)? Taker not doing his leaping clothesline in a video game seems wrong. I tried all eight possible turnbuckle grapples and none of them did Old School, that seems odd.

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Old School is a Signature Move...be near a turnbuckle then do a sig move..I think its his (L) and Y (for 360) and he'll do it...

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Damn, 90% of the time they come up with better storylines for these games than they do for the TV shows. "Who Will Save the Savior......TERMINATE JERICHO!" seems badass!

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I'm doing the Undertaker's Road to Wrestlemania and I'm happy to say...THERE ARE FUCKING DRUIDS IN THE GAME!!! MOTHERFUCKING DRUIDS!!!!

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Yeah, but only at PPVs, which is cool. I don't know if that's a story mode exclusive though.


The thing that pisses me off is to get

Zombie Finlay (because I chose Santino to be my opponent when it came time to zombify the loser)

I need to play Undertaker's deal again - or at least to the

ladder match for the urn. I HATE ladder matches



A fairly minor thing but I got a huge kick out of putting people on the correct rosters with the right heel / face alignment, including firing Palumbo, London, Cade, Murdoch, etc. to "Free Agent" status. Simple fun but part of an excellent presentation package. Speaking of presentation, I like that they've done two things with the menu screens - added wrestler themes and added a "skip track" option.


On the subject of music:

I hate Jericho's album theme. Well, it's ok, but he never used it on TV and his actual theme is better. With Kane's theme, I wonder if they didn't bother licencing the track or just threw in his old theme as a last minute deal when he dropped it on TV. If it's the former, it worked out. I suppose I can just change Jericho's theme myself though!

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I think that was Jericho's new theme but the WWE quickly changed it. That theme was actually on the new WWE music album so that's why they probably went with it.

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I've played RTWM with Jericho and HHH and right now, Jericho's (Who's going to save the savior) is the better out of the two. HHH's Evolution or DX storyline was alright, but Jericho's savior storyline was the shit.


I was playing on Legend level and had to put it back because I was getting my ass kicked, easily. The AI is so much better now that it really is a competition to get the win. Normal level is far to easy, hard level, well, I've had my challenges, but Legend...shit. I didnt play last year installment because I heard it suck ass, but this year's installment is kickin my ass.


I'm some what dissapointed with CAF, not many options... I mean, unless there's a way, I want to do a finisher in the turnbuckle and I cant find it, nor I cant find a running finisher set up. If there is one, please let me know.


Other than that, the game is off the hook.

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A few random things..


- A few times now, I've been given optional goals in the RTWM mode that if I complete - I'll get a bonus. Yet I don't seem to get the bonus all of the time. What gives?


- I've already changed Dreamer's theme to Man in the Box, which is fucking awesome in and of itself... but, does anyone else notice that custom tracks for entrance music are much louder than the preset tracks? Is there a way on the PS3 to reduce the volume of your hard drive's music? Otherwise it looks like I'm gonna have to crack open SoundForge.


- Speaking of themes... anyone have a copy Jericho's with the "intro" countdown noises and blank area for fireworks? I only have one that starts right into the song and it's not in sync with his entrance.


- What's the unlockable title that Tommy Dreamer has? I did CM Punk's RTWM but didn't end up with anything other than his alternate attire.

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Dreamer has the Hardcore Title, I believe.


No to running or turnbuckle CAF's..only standing moves with there being one way to turn the wrestler around to perform a back finisher.


The easier way to get Santino and Finlay as Zombies is to simply create a seperate save file after you've chosen who you wanted to face then use the old save file to pick the other and get them both.


Fuck y'all, Jericho's new theme is fucking boss.


Unless you've got the "strategy" guide, the individual movesets aren't really listed anywhere sans the edit-a-move set feature for the super..err, entertainer's.

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I also like the new theme for Jericho, but I want to have the option to use the old one as well. :P


I see an nWo trio entrance in there.. any chance the nWo theme is unlockable in this? ;P


Also, boo on the hardcore title. I was hoping it'd be the new look ECW title. :(

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Not that I know of. It's really bizarre that they went this route.. I'm almost thinking it was a screw up that didn't get switched over. The PAL version was released first, after all. It'll probably get patched down the road.

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I was going to pick it up today at WalMart, but the guy at the electronics department was slow as hell, and there was no one else around to get me the game from the glass cabinet. I would have waited around, but I just bought groceries, and I didn't deel like going home with a trunk full of melted food. I'll probably end up picking it up over the weekend some time.

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