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WWE Draft 2008

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To piggyback off of the arrivals/departure prediction thread, there are rumors that tonights Raw will lay the groundwork for Draft '08, pegged to take place on April 21st, shich is a 3hr Raw broadcast. Of course Backlash is the 27th, so that date could be a problem, and they could hold the draft the night after Backlash.



To Raw -

CM Punk - This is strongly rumored right now and it makes a lot of sense. Somebody in the wwe brain trust is really high on Punk and wants him to be the face for the kiddies. Punk could have fresh feuds/matches with the whole of the Raw roster most importantly HHH, HBK, Cena, Orton, JBL, Jericho. That's almost two years worth of fresh feud potential.


Montel Vontavious Porter - Much like Punk, it's because of his fresh feud potential, I guess you could say that about everybody. It will suck to see him leave SD! where he is used properly and he could end up like Ken Kennedy, but MVP vs HBK, MVP vs HHH, MVP vs Cena, MVP vs Orton are all money feuds. Matt Hardy vs MVP will culminate at Backlash (which would be a shame, as it once held so much promise).


Finlay - He's basically already there anyways, but there really isn't anything for him on SD! and once he is a fresh feud for the aforementioned Raw top players. I'd personally love to see Cena work with him for awhile.


Mark Henry - There was rumored a Umaga/Henry switch in the works, so this move was being considered.


Kelly Kelly - VKM seems to think she has a lot of potential. They'll probably try and groom her for the Playboy spot this time next year.




To SD!

Umaga - Probably a lock. He's played out on Raw and does have fresh feuds waiting for him on SD! both in continuing his fued with Batista, and with The Undertaker down the line.


Jeff Hardy - This will be his punishment of sorts, but also gives Hayes something back for poaching MVP, and gives Jeff a better support system. The Hardy Boyz could be treated much like DX is over on Raw, in the sometimes/special appearance tag-ups.


DH Smith - Hayes wants a face tagteam. I think he'll put together a Bulldogs inspired team, hopefully with TJ Wilson. Smith is lost on Raw, is really too green for any individual push.


Elijah Burke - Lost on ECW. Could be a solid midcard guy on the bigger roster.


Mickey James - Just to switch things up for her.


To ECW -

Paul London - If Punk is off the show, they'll really need a face infusion. I'd like to see London given the chance to run with the ball here.


Trevor Murdoch - Cade and Murdoch are played out, time to see if they can sink or swim as individuals.


Kenny Dykstra - I think the kid could be a star, just needs the ringtime/exposure. Should get it in ECW's shallow roster


Raw Upper Card - HHH, HBK, Cena, Orton, JBL, Jericho, Kennedy, MVP, CM Punk, Finlay

SD! Upper Card - Undertaker, Edge, Batista, Big Show, Umaga, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy

ECW Upper Card(?) - Kane, Benjamin, Morrison, Dreamer, London, Murdoch, Miz, Dykstra




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I for one do not want to see Punk or MVP end up on Raw. I think going to Raw really slowed Kennedy's career down (he lost his first few matches to Super Crazy) and I'd hate to see the same happen to Punk or Porter. Let them shine on Smackdown. The only trades I can think of right away are Kane to Raw, Umaga to ECW, and HBK to Smackdown.

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HBK will never go to SD! because of the taping on Tuesday Nights, as I believe he has a church/prayer service early Wedbesday morning every week. I think Punk is a lock to head to Raw, however MVP could stick on SD! for another year. I could also see Jericho heading to SD!.


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HBK will never go to SD! because of the taping on Tuesday Nights, as I believe he has a church/prayer service early Wedbesday morning every week. I think Punk is a lock to head to Raw, however MVP could stick on SD! for another year. I could also see Jericho heading to SD!.


I knew about HBK's Tuesday night church issues, I was just saying what I would like to see. It's unfortunate that he has to stick to Raw. I can see Jericho heading to Smackdown too.

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I for one do not want to see Punk or MVP end up on Raw. I think going to Raw really slowed Kennedy's career down (he lost his first few matches to Super Crazy) and I'd hate to see the same happen to Punk or Porter.

Well, to be fair, going to Raw didn't slow down Kennedy's career. Kennedy slowed his own career, what with being caught lying on TV, being injury prone, "injuring" Cena, and generally being pretty shitty in the ring.

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Guest tom cody

If there is a brand split this year the following should happen:


RAW should get MVP, CM Punk, Mark Henry and Finlay


Smackdown should get Chris Jericho, Umaga and Jeff Hardy


Unsure on who ECW should get.

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Guest Paul E.

Raw Should get:


-Could have good feuds with a Jericho, Jeff Hardy, or maybe wil be great feud with Cena or HBK.

Big Daddy V

-Feud him with Big Show, Khali if he comes to Raw, or even Cena or HHH.

CM Punk

-Be great to feud with MVP, Jericho, Sandman if he was here, or a Cena feud.

Chavo (Could be a great IC Champ.

-Feud with Jericho, Carlito, or tag up with Santino and be tag champs!

Michelle Mccool

-Be Women's Champ!!


Smackdown Should Get:

Mickie James

-She has really nothin' else to do at Raw.

John Morrison

-Feud with Matt Hardy, be Edge's Ally, or be a US Champ.

Don't know who else.


ECW Should Get:

Trevor Murdoch

-Build him up more and be a great singles wrestler, go back to Raw and get the IC Belt for a long time. Or Feud him with Cade.

Jamie Noble

-Be a heel, and dominate in ECW. Eventually be ECW champ. Have a great Redneck vs Jamican feud with Kofi.

Don't know who else.

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Raw Should get:


-Could have good feuds with a Jericho, Jeff Hardy, or maybe wil be great feud with Cena or HBK.

Big Daddy V

-Feud him with Big Show, Khali if he comes to Raw, or even Cena or HHH.

CM Punk

-Be great to feud with MVP, Jericho, Sandman if he was here, or a Cena feud.

Chavo (Could be a great IC Champ.

-Feud with Jericho, Carlito, or tag up with Santino and be tag champs!

Michelle Mccool

-Be Women's Champ!!


Chavo's ECW reign was horrible, his IC one would just be as bad, at least for me. The guy needs a break.

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I pray MVP doesn't go to RAW, I just fear because of politics he will get held down. I want to see him win the World Heavyweight Title on SD!... I really want to see a MVP/Undertaker feud.

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I was thinking that it would probably be a good idea to have Smackdown and ECW represented as a single entity since they have the talent exchange. That way, you don't have people getting drafted specifically to ECW. Anyone else think it should go down that way?

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I was thinking that it would probably be a good idea to have Smackdown and ECW represented as a single entity since they have the talent exchange. That way, you don't have people getting drafted specifically to ECW. Anyone else think it should go down that way?


Yes. I was actually going to ask why people have been suggesting things like John Morrison going to Smackdown, when he can go there any time he wants to (and is there quite often).

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With the Burchill Incest angle rumored to being dropped(isn't kid friendly afterall), I hope he at least gets moved to ECW rather than simply being released. With Katie Lea being a solid worker as well, maybe they could pull a Hawkins/Ryder and say they pretended to be brother/sister to catch in interest of the wwe bookers sorta deal...

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Why couldn't they just remain on screen siblings? They don't have to continue to be paired up on a regular basis but why do that Majors Brothers routine? Eventually, people forgot Molly and Crash/Hardcore were cousins once it was no longer a relevant character point for those involved. The same would likely occur with Paul and Katie, should they stick around. I just don't think they need to do a pointless thing like that when just like with the Majors, no one cared.

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Shouldn't we have waited for a thread like this until a draft was confirmed? It's not a given that they will do it.


Game On!!!!!!!


I wonder if ECW will be traded or if they'll simply end their SD! talent exchange agreement and start one with Raw for storyline purposes. The latter makes more sense than the former because ECW is not really a property of SD!. I guess SD! could trade their talent exchange contract with ECW to Raw for something.


Mark Henry is probably now a lock to move to Raw to get him away from Michael Hayes and SD! Umaga is a lock for SD! MVP is probably heading to Raw. Punk won't have to be traded anywhere with ECW moving to Raw. Some ECW wrestlers could be taken off to SD! though - Miz/Morrison is probably likely.



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Maybe since ECW is going to be taped w/ Raw, they'll have the BIGGEST DRAFT SELECTION OF ALLZ TIMEZ by having Raw draft the entire ECW roster.


With Armando (Alejandro) Estrada a wrestler as well as being GM, I guess he could be drafted, and then says he's bringing ECW with him (being GM and all).


Also the wwe might want to keep MVP on SD! because he gets on well with Michael Hayes and could be used to diffuse any situation in the future.

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given now that ECW will be partnered with Raw it really exposes how limited Smackdown is in terms of talent depth, so I think in order to balance things out, here's my draft ideas albeit brief:


to Smackdown: Miz, Morrison, Chavo, Punk, Candice, Maria

to Raw: Finlay, Victoria, Michelle

to ECW: Kozlov, Haas, Venis, Snitsky, Carlito

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Maybe since ECW is going to be taped w/ Raw, they'll have the BIGGEST DRAFT SELECTION OF ALLZ TIMEZ by having Raw draft the entire ECW roster.


With Armando (Alejandro) Estrada a wrestler as well as being GM, I guess he could be drafted, and then says he's bringing ECW with him (being GM and all).


Also the wwe might want to keep MVP on SD! because he gets on well with Michael Hayes and could be used to diffuse any situation in the future.


Even if he had stayed a non-wrestler, Estrada could be drafted.


In that vein, it wouldn't surprise me to see Vickie Guerrero drafted to Raw to be the new GM. She's one of the biggest heat magnets in the company. Why not move her to the flagship show?

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I know Punk going to Raw has been talked about for a while, but I can't see him cashing in MITB and being WWE Champion. If they're gonna pull the trigger then he would be better suited on SD.

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Do people really honestly care about this? What is the point of another draft when everyone basically shows up on all the other shows now anyways?

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Do people really honestly care about this? What is the point of another draft when everyone basically shows up on all the other shows now anyways?


WWE/World Championship title feuds.


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Shawn Michaels


Chris Jericho

CM Punk

Trevor Murdoch

Elijah Burke






Mark Henry



This would leave a situation where most of the larger heavyweight MErs would be on RAW and the lightheavys would be on Smackdown! giving both brands a more individual feel to them.


RAW ME Scene


John Cena


Randy Orton

Jeff Hardy



Ken Kennedy

William Regal


SD! ME Scene


Shawn Michaels

Big Show

Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio

Matt Hardy

CM Punk


Great Khali


Depending on which night ECW was taped, you could lend performers from both brands so thats a no-brainer, however I think if WWE seriosuly wants ECW to pull ratings, then it needs to take a risk and put some of their bigger stars on the show. Rey Mysterio is said star IMO, as he would be accepted as ECW World Champion, attract his legions of fans and have compelling feuds on the table will Chavo(renewed over the belt), Kane(bigman/lil man), John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston and Mike Knox, amongst others.

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While I do like the idea of putting most of the bigger ME guys on one show and the smaller ones on another, it would seem odd to have HBK, Jericho, Rey, etc. fighting over the World HEAVYweight Championship while guys twice their size are on Raw. I can't see the WWE championship going back to Smackdown, but I certainly wouldn't have a problem with it. If I had my way, I'd have the main event scenes look like this:



John Cena


Randy Orton

Chris Jericho

Triple H

Mr. Kennedy

Jeff Hardy





Shawn Michaels



Big Show




CM Punk


John Morrison


Rey Mysterio

Tommy Dreamer


EDIT: I'd also send Trevor Murdoch to ECW, Carlito to Smackdown, and Shelton and Natalya to Raw.

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Raw will get anyone important that they're missing, Smackdown will get a couple of people who mean little on Raw and aren't doing anything anyway so as to make up the numbers a little and ECW will get maybe 2-3 guys total.


Serious answer? Batista probably goes to Raw, Punk probably ends up on Raw, judging from recent months booking they do one incredibly bizarre switch just to surprise everybody (JR and Adamle maybe?) and everybody just goes where they want when they're needed anyway within a month.

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given the low ratings i expect a major shake up with at least 2 main eventers from each side switching rosters.


to RAW: Edge Batista CM Punk MVP

to Smackdown: Orton Jericho Umaga

to ECW: who gives a shit



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Not knowing how they're going to work the whole tri-brand draft deal (with the SD/ECW combo and also the ECW tapings being moved to Mondays) I'll just put the talent who I think will wind up on each brand as a result of the draft this year. Regarding the talk of moving Vickie Guerrero to RAW, I can't see that happening because 1)it'll break up the long-term storyline with her, and 2)she's better on the pre-taped show anyways, since she's still not someone to be trusted to not screw up at some point on live TV. She still gives me that "nervous" vibe in front of the camera quite a bit.


This isn't a completed list of mine as I'll likely add/switch a couple of names, but just off the top of my head, some switches I think they will, and in others should, make.


RAW gets:


Mark Henry

Chavo Guerrero

Jimmy Wang Yang

Natalya Neidhart


Smackdown gets:


CM Punk

Chris Jericho

Lance Cade

Santino Marella

Mike Knox



ECW gets:

Finlay and Hornswoggle

Charlie Haas

Super Crazy

Kenny Dykstra



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Do people really honestly care about this? What is the point of another draft when everyone basically shows up on all the other shows now anyways?


I'm pretty indifferent myself, but I'll wait and see. Umaga to SD is a must, though.

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If it's true about new stable of young wrestlers they are trying to make... It would make sense for Natalya Neidhart to be drafted to RAW and joining the group.


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