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NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

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On to tonight's games.


I think the Celtics take Game 2. The Cavs probably had their best chance to win in Boston in game 1. I mean how often is Paul Pierce going to score 4 points and Ray Allen not score? Hopefully Boston gets it going and wins this one since the Cavs will more than likely win game 3 in Cleveland.

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Yes since its about Lebron we(apparently I am more than one person now) assumed it was bad service. Thats just silly of us. I am sorry.


We should always believe what the Punch's, source's, friend said. That is obviously where you will get the truth.


It's just funny that you're so quick to assume Lebron is completely absolved of all wrong doing. Maybe the entire story is fabricated, maybe he's never even been to that restaurant.



I don't care who it is about. Dumbass stories like this piss me off.


Also, "is there a chance" usually doesn't go hand in hand with assumption of innocence.

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On to tonight's games.


I think the Celtics take Game 2. The Cavs probably had their best chance to win in Boston in game 1. I mean how often is Paul Pierce going to score 4 points and Ray Allen not score? Hopefully Boston gets it going and wins this one since the Cavs will more than likely win game 3 in Cleveland.

Well, they had their best chance so far, but why is it everyone is talking about the great Celtics D on lebron but pretending that Ray and Paul were just shooting open jumpers.


Both teams played a decent defensive, horrid offensive game. If nothing else, we have learned that Lebron evetually figures things out and thats when he gets scary good.


The real question is, can Paul Pierce stay out of foul trouble guarding Lebron. I think that Doc might be better served moving KG to center, Paul to the PF(its not like Ben Wallace is a offensive threat) and using Posey to guard Lebron most of the game. They would play "smaller" but Ben Wallace isn't a legit big, so you can get away with it.


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He should have tipped better. Karma and all that. Seriously though I'd love for the LeBrons to get swept out of the playoffs two years in a row.

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That would be tough because I have a highly irrational hatred for LeBron but he'd be playing for my team in that scenario. I don't know how I'd feel about that since it would be like Jordan being a Knick, Jeter being a Met or Troy Aikman being the Giants' QB. Can you really root for the player you dislike the most just because they ended up on your team?

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Give credit to the Celtics defense, but Lebron is still getting to the basket, he just can't get anything to drop. And no, there will be no sweep.

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That would be tough because I have a highly irrational hatred for LeBron but he'd be playing for my team in that scenario. I don't know how I'd feel about that since it would be like Jordan being a Knick, Jeter being a Met or Troy Aikman being the Giants' QB. Can you really root for the player you dislike the most just because they ended up on your team?


Hell yeah. I don't hate them personally.

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This is the first time since 1993 that all four home teams started 2-0 in the second round.

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I honestly don't think San Antonio can play any better than they just played. And they are down 4. well...two.

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I think this could be the beginning of the end for some of the former league powerhouses since San Antonio, Dallas & Phoenix are starting to look old or at least like they've been surpassed by LA, New Orleans and possibly Utah who could be the big teams out West for the next 3-5 years at least.

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Its funny to watch San Antonio start their San Antonio stuff.


They aren't beating the team on the court so they are starting to throw little forearm shivers after plays, extra shoulders being shoved in and little elbows in the chest. In the next few minutes, Bruce Bowen is going to be on Chris Paul even though he has been getting abused and we all know why.


They are trying to make the youngins lose their composure. Which I have no problem with as long as they don't get dirty with it.

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Man that was awesome earlier tonight. I didn't think the Celtics could really hold Lebron down again but they did. Hopefully they weather the storm in Game 3 since Lebron will probably get all the calls at home and go off for like 40..

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This is a little too difficult for the Spurs. If they can't run away with game 3--where the road team dogging it happens--then I don't see how it's possible for them to win this series.

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Stealing material from ESPN, huh? :P


Nah, but it was a good read though. I was just thinking about what Barkley was saying last night about how people better get the Lakers now while they can, and how this Spurs/Hornets series looks like one of those "changing of the guard" deals from back in the day.

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Eh, it would be pretty funny if the same thing happens like last year with LeBron and the Cavs going against the team that people have been trying to say might as well give them the title just 2 months into the season, go down 2, and then eventually win in a 7 game series.

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Utah may be able to win in Utah, but I just don't see any way they can win in LA. Maybe they'll shock me, but I doubt it. That's why this series is kind of boring to me. Just like LA-Denver, no excitement, the outcome doesn't seem in doubt to me.

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Supporting cast laid an egg. Oh well, can't win every game. I think we've gotta get Mbenga involved in the rotation. I know he's shit, but he's a big body and can help on the glass for the short while he'd be in the game.

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I don't know how Lamar Odom has played with Kobe Bryant for four years and still has yet to develop anything resembling a killer instinct. Dude pretty much never looks for his own shot, even when he's playing better than the guys he's passing to.

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