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NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

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Guest Desensitized
Start with the uniforms. After Saturday night's blowout, the Celtics petitioned commissioner David Stern to wear white jerseys at every game. Stern, who desperately wants the Celtics to play the Lakers in the NBA Finals, quickly agreed. So the Celtics will don white jersey tops when they dress for tonight's game. The Cavaliers are required to wear red or blue.

This is absolutely retarded, moreso than the rest of this. That shouldn't even be possible.

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So much for home court advantage. If I were Cleveland I'd wear white jerseys as well. What are they going to do? Not play the game? Yeah right.

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Oh, Jesus. Fuck this league. Utah and Cleveland fans should watch out for some patented NBA Extremely Suspicious Officiating the rest of the way.

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Guest Desensitized

Just like last summer with the refs, imagine how outraged we'd be if this happened in a league where we didn't already know.

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Guest Desensitized

Oh wait, the curly-haired boyfriend wrote this? Never mind, it's probably as made-up as dinosaurs.

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Comen on. That article is obviously tounge in cheek.


Seriously though, i think whoever wins tonight wins the series in 6.

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Comen on. That article is obviously tounge in cheek.


Seriously though, i think whoever wins tonight wins the series in 6.


How? The Cavs haven't proved they can win in Boston and Boston has looked damn good at home. If Boston wins here then they win in 5 since they've done so well at home.

If Cleveland wins then we'll have to make that determination after seeing their performance in Game 5. I think Game 5 is obviously the more pivotal game for Cleveland.


If the Celtics can keep holding Lebron down they should be able to win. Those other guys aren't going to perform like they did in game 3 every game.

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The Cavs don't have to prove they can win in boston. They have proven they can beat boston. This is where I think you are puttting to much stock into playing at home. You keep chalking up home wins for teams as a done deal because of whatever mystic you have about a team playing at home.

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The Cavs don't have to prove they can win in boston. They have proven they can beat boston. This is where I think you are puttting to much stock into playing at home. You keep chalking up home wins for teams as a done deal because of whatever mystic you have about a team playing at home.


Because the home teams have been pretty damn good in the playoffs this season. Even Phoenix managed to get a blowout win at home.


Boston has proven they're a totally different team between home and on the road. Until someone beats them at home and proves they can be beaten at home then I will believe it. But, they have played like Jekyll and Hyde on the road and at home.


Then again they didn't play too bad on the road in game 3. If the Cavs hadn't gotten out of this world contributions from people that don't usually give them then they would've lost pretty badly.

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The Cavs don't have to prove they can win in boston.

They pretty much do, considering they can't win the series unless they do win in Boston.


Given that the home team is 44-15 in the playoffs so far, I think there's a little bit more to this whole home team dominance thing than you're giving credit for.

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The Cavs don't have to prove they can win in boston.

They pretty much do, considering they can't win the series unless they do win in Boston.


Given that the home team is 44-15 in the playoffs so far, I think there's a little bit more to this whole home team dominance thing than you're giving credit for.



No, they don't have to prove they can win in boston. they proved they can win in boston by beating boston.


Boston, La and Atlanta are the only teams that didn't lose at home. Home games are nice and all, but seriously, thinking that a team just CAN'T beat so and so on the road is just plain silly. If you thnk they can't beat them thats one thing, but at the end of the day, if you can beat a team, you can beat them anywhere.

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You have just got to love slow motion Kevin Garnett beating his chest and calling the crowd "fucking faggots" as the outro to the commercial.


That is my highlight of the playoffs noWii

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It'd be great if the Celtics could get a call here in the fourth quarter. Oh well, win the home games and they win the title. They don't actually have to win a game on the road. That's a lot of pressure to have to do that though.

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The Cavs don't have to prove they can win in boston.

They pretty much do, considering they can't win the series unless they do win in Boston.


Given that the home team is 44-15 in the playoffs so far, I think there's a little bit more to this whole home team dominance thing than you're giving credit for.



No, they don't have to prove they can win in boston. they proved they can win in boston by beating boston.


So did Atlanta. How did that end up for them? You don't "prove" anything in the playoffs until you actually DO it.

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And they continue to take stupid jump shots and let the Cavs start shooting 3's. Then they let Lebron dunk it so I can hear the colour guy blow him.


Damn Celtics. You'd better win by like 20 points in game 5 and then win game 6. I'm tired of the Cavs.

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Can someone who knows basketball better than me PLEASE explain this vast discrepancy between the home Celtics and road Celtics? From what I see, they are more timid on the road, can't hit free throws and disappear on defense for stretches at a time (WALLY FREAKIN' SZCZERBIAK was lighting it up at one point).

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Can someone who knows basketball better than me PLEASE explain this vast discrepancy between the home Celtics and road Celtics? From what I see, they are more timid on the road, can't hit free throws and disappear on defense for stretches at a time (WALLY FREAKIN' SZCZERBIAK was lighting it up at one point).


I have no idea. They just disappear on the road. They should win game 5, and then I hope they win game 6.


The Cavs other players disappear in Boston and Lebron was held down for the first three games of the series and might be in Boston again.


I'm confident they can win a game 5 and 7 in Boston, but I'd rather it not go to 7.

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In the first round they were playing a moron of a coach that would slow down the game in Boston and run in Atlanta. It was moronic and while I don't think Mike Brown is a smart coach, he isn't Mike Woodson dumb.


I truely think that the first two games in this series was the Cavs not knowing how to get around the Celtics defense and i honestly think they have it now. The only adjustment they could have now is NOT paying so much attention to Lebron. And that...well...won't work.


I think the next game will be really close but I don't think the Celts will win it.





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