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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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It's not just you.


Wonder why the update.


*Looks* Ok, explanation to be provided:


If you are using someone like "The Rock" as an announce and you suspend them or they get injuried the game would crash. Thusly this provides the fix. So unless you are using a wrestler for commentary, don't bother with the update.

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Can someone please explain what the actual defining factor for PI is. This week, I ran the first episode of my new TV show on TSN which got an 80% and 1.22 rating which was higher than every show except Raw. My TV show from before got an 81% which was the best I'd ever gotten for a TV. Then, the end of the week comes and my PI drops another three points.


But that's not even the worst of it. I checked the other promotions, and every other promotion in the game gained PI that week. What the hell?! What can I possibly do to keep my PI from falling? I just went and hired another moderately over wrestler to an open contract, but I don't think it did anything, and none of the other wrestlers in the game are as over as my guys anyway.


P.S. Is it possible to turn someone to make them a tweener? I brought in Sean Waltman to be in a tweener version of DX w/B.G. James, but I accidentally debuted him while he was still a heel.

Edited by iggymcfly

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Guest Fook
It's not just you.


Wonder why the update.


*Looks* Ok, explanation to be provided:


If you are using someone like "The Rock" as an announce and you suspend them or they get injuried the game would crash. Thusly this provides the fix. So unless you are using a wrestler for commentary, don't bother with the update.



Cause I had HBK on commentary on Heat while he was suspended for a month with no problems whatsoever.


Hell, he's still on commentary now after I've sent him to development.

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Can someone please explain what the actual defining factor for PI is. This week, I ran the first episode of my new TV show on TSN which got an 80% and 1.22 rating which was higher than every show except Raw. My TV show from before got an 81% which was the best I'd ever gotten for a TV. Then, the end of the week comes and my PI drops another three points.


But that's not even the worst of it. I checked the other promotions, and every other promotion in the game gained PI that week. What the hell?! What can I possibly do to keep my PI from falling? I just went and hired another moderately over wrestler to an open contract, but I don't think it did anything, and none of the other wrestlers in the game are as over as my guys anyway.


P.S. Is it possible to turn someone to make them a tweener? I brought in Sean Waltman to be in a tweener version of DX w/B.G. James, but I accidentally debuted him while he was still a heel.

Sorry my friend, but even I'm unsure of how to change that PI dropping thing. It's quite a mystery indeed. You could always make your production levels more than your opposing rivals and increase your advertising by an extra 10% of whatever financial says. That has always helped me.


Tweeners are botched turns really. Just botch a heel/face turn and it'll make him tweener. That's about all I can suggest on that.

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It's not just you.


Wonder why the update.


*Looks* Ok, explanation to be provided:


If you are using someone like "The Rock" as an announce and you suspend them or they get injuried the game would crash. Thusly this provides the fix. So unless you are using a wrestler for commentary, don't bother with the update.



Cause I had HBK on commentary on Heat while he was suspended for a month with no problems whatsoever.


Hell, he's still on commentary now after I've sent him to development.

Well that's what the fix is for apparently.

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Guest El Satanico

I wish they'd hurry up with that game editor.


I've always ran game like the roster split runs the game, but 4.0 is a bigger bitch about morale dropping from guys not being used enough.


I think almost all of my upper/main eventers have at least small morale problems. Would be nice to have the editor to up the morales.


Yeah yeah it may be cheating, but shit I'm just playing for fun and I don't feel like totally changing the way I run the game.

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I wish they'd hurry up with that game editor.


I've always ran game like the roster split runs the game, but 4.0 is a bigger bitch about morale dropping from guys not being used enough.


I think almost all of my upper/main eventers have at least small morale problems. Would be nice to have the editor to up the morales.


Yeah yeah it may be cheating, but shit I'm just playing for fun and I don't feel like totally changing the way I run the game.


Arsenic's Editor 4.2


For EWR 4.2


Must join up with the site though to download. Forgot to say that.

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Guest Fook

Well, you could always change your custom title.



And apparently I don't need this update.

Whippity doo

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Guest El Satanico
And apparently I don't need this update.

Whippity doo

Unless you want to use the game editor at some point.




Yes flik rename yourself...speaking of renaming you I've even renamed Dames as Flik on the game.






ok...no i haven't...i was just bullshitting you...maaaaan

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Yes flik rename yourself...speaking of renaming you I've even renamed Dames as Flik on the game.






ok...no i haven't...i was just bullshitting you...maaaaan

And I bought that bullshit for about...


oh 3 seconds. Good job. Two seconds to many went to that fakeout.


Besides, why compare me to Dames? Fuck, he's IN the game.


Me, I just play it.

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Guest Dids

Grrr... Shark Boy- despite being in theory the 2nd best American wrestler in the game- and my most over preformer- doens't put on good matches with people. Anybody had any luck in getting him good fueds?

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Guest wwF1587

just for fun, here is my WMXX card even though i am still 3 months from the event


WWE Championship

60 Minute Iron Man Match

Chris Beniot VS Eddie Guerraro


World Heavyweight Championship

Retirement Match

UnderTaker VS Kane


WrestleMania Rematch

Kurt Angle VS Brock Lesner


WWE Tag Team Titles - TLC V

Tajiri/Ultimo VS Matt Hardy/Rhyno VS WGTT VS Swinger/Diamond


WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Fatal Four Way Elimination

AJ Styles VS Paul London VS Kid Kash VS Rey Misterio


8 Man Tag

HHH/Flair/Storm/Christian VS Raven/Shamrock/Hurricane/Dreamer


WWE U.S. Championship - Triple Threat Match

John Cena VS Chavo Guerraro VS Edge


World Tag Team Titles

3 Team Table Match

BookerDust VS RVD/Sabu VS Orton/Batista


Please note that Jericho is injured and couldnt be part of the event (GOD DAMNIT!) and I havent figured out a way to get the rock on there... only 8 slots make it a lot harder than it should be..

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Re-think your main event.


Iron Man matches rarely pay off, even with Benoit & Guerrero whom are capable of carrying a 60 minute match. I have yet to make one really work and the match rating always seems to lag.


If those two are your two biggest stars (which is what you'd want to put in your main event for WMXX) then stick with that match, however use a different gimmick.



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It's not just you.


Wonder why the update.


*Looks* Ok, explanation to be provided:


If you are using someone like "The Rock" as an announce and you suspend them or they get injuried the game would crash. Thusly this provides the fix. So unless you are using a wrestler for commentary, don't bother with the update.



Cause I had HBK on commentary on Heat while he was suspended for a month with no problems whatsoever.


Hell, he's still on commentary now after I've sent him to development.

It only happens if you try to enter the Events submenu. I had it happen to Tazz.

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Eh, here's my Wrestlemania XX:


Wrestlemania XX:


Heat match: World's Greatest Tag Team vs La Resistance vs Lords Of The Ring vs Dudley Boyz.


Match Background: This will be an elimination bout. Dudley Boyz are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. This match is for the WWE Tag Team titles. Dudley Boyz have been WWE Tag Team champions since 26 February 2004.


The Match: Rob Conway charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Reverse DDT on Conway. Shelton tags out to Sylvan Grenier. Weak bodyslam on Conway by Grenier sets up a legdrop. Conway receives some punishment by Sylvan Grenier but with that horrid offense, we're the only ones truly being punished. Grenier tags out to Rene Dupree. Conway receives some punishment by Rene Dupree but with that horrid offense, we're the only ones truly being punished. Dupree slams Rob Conway down. Conway is sure in trouble now. Conway counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Conway tags out to Nick Dinsmore. Dinsmore hits a great swinging DDT on Rene Dupree. Dinsmore then hits a pair of HARD clotheslines and a BAAACK Bodydrop! ULTIMATE HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! ONE...TWO...THREE. Dinsmore defeats Dupree. Bubba slams Nick Dinsmore down and motions to the crowd. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Bubba Ray Dudley connects and Nick Dinsmore is down! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Tag between Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley. Bubba Ray Dudley scoops up Dinsmore. D-Von bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Powerslam from D-Von Dudley on Dinsmore. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Nick Dinsmore comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Dinsmore tags out to Charlie Haas. Fallaway slam by Charlie Haas puts down D-Von Dudley. Tiger suplex on D-Von. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Haas tags out to Shelton Benjamin. World's Greatest Tag Team whip D-Von into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. ONE...TWO...THREE. Shelton defeats D-Von. Conway gets caught with a short powerbomb from Shelton. Shelton Benjamin hits a bulldog off the ropes. Rob Conway fights out of a grapple. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Flying reverse elbow by Rob Conway. Hooks the leg for a two count. Conway tags out to Nick Dinsmore. Reverse DDT on Shelton. Nick Dinsmore misses a clothesline. Tag to Charlie Haas. Diamond Dust from Charlie Haas and Dinsmore is out! Pin, but Dinsmore is out just before the three count. Fallaway slam by Charlie Haas puts down Nick Dinsmore. Nick Dinsmore elbows Charlie Haas in the face to break a hammerlock. Nick Dinsmore gets up and gives a Belly to belly suplex to Dinsmore. Charlie Haas can barely stand. Here it comes - Iron Fist. 1....2...3, it's finished.


My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me.




Booker T vs D'Lo Brown.


Match Background: This will be a falls count anywhere bout. This is a continuation of the Booker vs D'Lo feud. So far, Booker hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over D'Lo since the feud started.


The Match: Booker T hits some punches. How generic. D'Lo eats a trash can, but not the contents in it, obviously. BIG clothesline on D'Lo. D'Lo Brown charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Booker goes for a splash but D'Lo puts the knees up. Booker gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Massive backbreaker on Booker and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Hooks the leg for a two count. Booker reverses a waistlock. Full nelson slam on D'Lo. Covers for a quick two count. Booker T scores with a standing spinebuster. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! D'Lo Brown pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. D'Lo scoops and slams Booker T. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? They brawl to the outside and into the crowd. Eye gouge from D'Lo Brown regains the advantage. Covers for a quick two count. D'Lo Brown punches Booker on the outside. They wind up back in the squared circle. Booker counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Bodyslam by Booker. D'Lo Brown is in trouble. Book End! 1....2....3. Booker T remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: This match gets two stars from me. Nothing more, nothing less. ** (80, 84, 71)


Hurricane vs Rico.


Match Background: This will be a cage bout. Hurricane and Rico have been feuding for quite some time now.


The Match: Rico launches Hurricane into the cage wall. Rico tries to channel the power of Kawada, but ends up channeling the power of Trish Stratus instead by hitting a high kick on Hurricane. Hurricane blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Rico is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Hurricane uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Hurricane drives Rico into the cage side. Flying elbow from Hurricane connects. Hurricane climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by Rico! Rico comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Rico tries to channel the power of Kawada, but ends up channeling the power of Trish Stratus instead by hitting a high kick on Hurricane. Rico with an enziguri! HBK isn't moving...uh oh. Oh, sorry, I had a flashback to the last time I got fooled. Rico hits a dropkick on Hurricane. Actually, it barely touched! Rico launches Hurricane into the cage wall. Hurricane blocks a kick from Rico. Hurricane hits a rolling kick on Rico. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Tiger suplex on Rico. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Hurricane has Rico down on the canvas. Here it comes - Shining Wizard, right on the money. Hurricane and Rico climb the cage....until Rico gets knocked off by a right hand! Hurricane climbs over the top for the win! Rico leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle. Rico obviously didn't want any more of a beating tonight.


My Opinion: These guys worked SO HARD...for a ** rating. Something went wrong somewhere, didn't it? (84, 91, 70)


Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Paul London.


Match Background: This will be a ladder bout. This is a continuation of the Matt vs London feud. This match is for the WWE United States title. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 has been WWE United States champion since 25 January 2004.


The Match: Dropkick from the middle of the ladder by Matt. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 hits a bulldog off the ropes. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. London hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Second rope flying axe handle, Matt goes down. One day, London might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Ladder assisted standing moonsault, Matt gets CRUSHED! Second rope flying axe handle, Matt goes down. One day, London might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. SUPER frankensteiner on London, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 scores with a standing spinebuster. Implant DDT by Matt Hardy Version 1.0! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Dropkick from the middle of the ladder by Matt. Paul London once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Hard back suplex on Matt. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. DDT from the top rope by Paul London. That looked KILLER. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 powers out of a Paul London headlock. Matt begins to climb up the ladder. He reaches the top...but London gets up and pushes the ladder! Matt Hardy Version 1.0 falls from the top of the ladder all the way over the ropes to the outside! Paul London takes the opportunity and climbs the ladder for the win! Paul London climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory


My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me. (86, 90, 78)


Ric Flair vs Chris Jericho.


Match Background: Jericho and Flair have been feuding recently. So far, Jericho hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Flair since the feud started.


The Match: Chris Jericho strikes Flair. Jericho walks into a drop toe hold. Uninspired brawling from Ric Flair. Flair whips Jericho into the turnbuckles...and the ref is crushed! Ric Flair scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's no one to count for Ric Flair! Jericho backdrops Ric Flair out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Chris Jericho. Flair gets caught with a short powerbomb from Jericho. SUPER frankensteiner on Flair, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Hooks the leg for a two count. Power drive elbow by Chris Jericho. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Chris Jericho gets taken down out of nowhere! Weak bodyslam by Flair. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Chris Jericho pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Chris Jericho ducks a Flair clothesline and does a quick roll up. Jericho has a handful of tights! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Ric Flair has a temper tantrum, kicking the ropes and punching the turnbuckles.


My Opinion: Usually, this is designated for good matches that were usually way too short for some reason. What's your excuse? *3/4 (89, 100, 64)


Randy Orton vs Edge.


Match Background: This is another chapter in the long-running Edge vs Orton feud. This match is for the WWE Intercontinental title. Edge has been WWE Intercontinental champion since 25 January 2004.


The Match: Fallaway slam by Edge puts down Randy Orton. Edge hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg for a two count. Orton powers out of a headlock. Randy Orton hits some punches. How generic. Fallaway slam by Randy Orton puts down Edge. There's a two count on the pin. Powerbomb on Edge. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Bodyslam by Orton. Edge powers out of a Randy Orton headlock. Nice piledriver on Orton. Covers for a quick two count. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Orton! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Edge with a spinning neckbreaker on Orton. Orton gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Orton pushes out of a Edge hold. Flying shoulder tackle by Orton sends Edge CRASHING to the mat. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Randy Orton connects and Edge is down! Simon Diamond comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Edge turns around. Simon Diamond spins Edge around. Simon Diamond hits the Simoniser! Diamond leaves the ring, the damage done! ONE...TWO...THREE. Orton defeats Edge. Simon Diamond isn't finished with his attack yet! Edge stands up...and walks into a boot to the gut from Simon Diamond. Simoniser!!! Edge has been put down on the canvas! Simon Diamond shakes his head and raises three fingers instead. Edge gets picked up...and hit with another Simoniser! Edge is spread-eagled on the canvas. Diamond again raises three fingers. Referees hit the ring, but are too scared to get too close. They can't stop this carnage...Simoniser, the third one in a row! Simon Diamond eventually leaves the ring, as medics come to attend to Edge, who isn't moving.


My Opinion: Let me practice my math. 13 quarter stars equal a ***1\4 rating, right? Yeah, it does. That's what you get. (84, 85, 83)


Rob Van Dam vs Kane.


Match Background: This will be a hell in a cell bout. This is another chapter in the long-running Kane vs RVD feud. This match is for the World Heavyweight title. Kane has been World Heavyweight champion since 21 December 2003.


The Match: Rob Van Dam strikes Kane. Hard back suplex on Kane. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Implant DDT by Rob Van Dam! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Rob Van Dam misses a clothesline. RVD walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. RVD ducks a wild right hand. SUPER frankensteiner on Kane, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Diamond Dust from Rob Van Dam and Kane is out! Kane powers out of a headlock. STIFF~! chop lights up RVD who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! RVD kicks Kane in the gut to reverse the momentum. Implant DDT by Rob Van Dam! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Rob Van Dam has Kane down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, Five Star Frog Splash! 1....2....3. Rob Van Dam goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory


My Opinion: Oh, look out...almost ***, but not quite. **3/4. (85, 90, 76)



AJ Styles vs Chavo Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio vs Ultimo Dragon.


Match Background: This will be a four corners bout. This match is for the WWE Cruiserweight title. Ultimo Dragon has been WWE Cruiserweight champion since 26 February 2004.


The Match: Second rope flying axe handle, Ultimo goes down. One day, Styles might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Standing leg lariat by AJ Styles on Ultimo. Hooks the leg for a two count. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Ultimo is down! Styles drops an elbow...but Ultimo Dragon moves out of the way. Ultimo Dragon hits a rolling kick on Styles. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. There's a two count on the pin. Ultimo crushes Styles with a running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. AJ Styles once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Spinning back kick from AJ Styles. Tag to Rey Mysterio. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Rey crushes Rey with a running senton. Flying elbow from Rey Mysterio connects. Tiger suplex on Ultimo. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Tag between Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero. Chavo uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Tiger suplex on Ultimo. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Hooks the leg for a two count. Chavo Guerrero hits a rolling kick on Ultimo. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Chavo crushes Ultimo with a huge legdrop. Pin, but Ultimo is out just before the three count. Ultimo tags out to AJ Styles. Flying cross body off the top rope! Hard back suplex on Chavo. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Standing leg lariat by AJ Styles on Chavo. Styles walks into a drop toe hold. DDT from the top rope by Chavo Guerrero. That looked KILLER. AJ Styles can barely stand. Brainbuster! 1....2....3.


My Opinion: Solid bout, but they could do a lot better. *** (81, 81, 82)



Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle.


Match Background: This will be an iron man bout. Benoit and Angle have been feuding for quite some time now. Angle has yet to get an in-ring victory in this feud. This match is for the WWE World title. Kurt Angle has been WWE World champion since 27 November 2003.


The Match: FIRST FALL: Stun Gun from Kurt Angle! I still can't believe that was Austin's finisher at one point. Chris Benoit got absolutely creamed by a KILLER back suplex. There's a two count on the pin. Chris Benoit comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Benoit slams Kurt Angle. Angle gets caught with a short powerbomb from Benoit. Covers for a quick two count. Northern Lights Bomb very nearly crushes the spine of Angle! Pin, but Angle is out just before the three count. BIG clothesline on Angle. Kurt Angle pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Spear by Kurt Angle. Covers for a quick two count. Kurt Angle nearly kills Benoit with a released tiger suplex. Pin, but Benoit is out just before the three count. Hard impact Russian Leg Sweep by Angle. According to some other reviewers around here, 'legsweep' is one word. STIFF~! chop lights up Benoit who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Benoit counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. A Gut buster connects on Angle and hits hard. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Chris Benoit just KILLS Kurt Angle! Cover gets three for Chris Benoit, Angle got pinned. SECOND FALL: Angle is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Big forearm by Chris Benoit makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Angle gets caught with a short powerbomb from Benoit. A Gut buster connects on Angle and hits hard. Kurt Angle comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Kurt Angle with a spinning neckbreaker on Benoit. Chris Benoit got absolutely creamed by a KILLER back suplex. Covers for a quick two count. Benoit backdrops Kurt Angle out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Chris Benoit. Full nelson slam on Angle. There's a two count on the pin. Spear! Angle is down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Angle pushes out of a Chris Benoit hold. Angle almost belly-to-belly suplexes Chris Benoit through the mat. What? It's possible. Cover gets three for Kurt Angle, Benoit got pinned. THIRD FALL: Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Chris Benoit ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Angle counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Angle drives a HARD forearm into the chest of Benoit. Benoit reverses an irish whip...and Kurt Angle runs into the referee! BACKDROP DRIVAH~! and Benoit lands HARD! Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Benoit blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Benoit slams Kurt Angle down and motions to the crowd. Angle walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. There's a two count on the pin. Chris Benoit scores with a standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Chris Benoit misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Benoit walks into a killer lariat, as opposed to a friendly lariat. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Benoit pushes out of a Kurt Angle hold. Paul Heyman has climbed up onto the apron! Angle turns...and falls for the distraction! Chris Benoit attacks Angle from behind! Chris Benoit has Kurt Angle down on the canvas. Crippler Crossface!!! Kurt Angle taps out! END OF BOUT. Chris Benoit goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory


My Opinion: Solid bout, but they could do a lot better. *** (79, 76, 83)


Total: 82%


We got a 1.91 buy rate for 'WrestleMania'!

The attendance was 20279 people.

We made $4775000 from pay-per-view revenue.

We made $1216740 from ticket sales.



Kinda disappointed, but it drew a ton of people at least. I wanted the HIAC to end with a big bump from Kane, but he didn't want to do it. I debuted Christopher Daniels the next night on RAW and will put him against RVD at Backlash.

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King, that Flair/Y2J match was *HOT*. Fuck what Dames thinks, the fans obviously orgasimed in about 60 different ways right there.


And Benoit/Angle only drawing ***? Looks like they both phoned it in for Wrestlemania.



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Guest JacK
You don't know who Chris Hero or Trent Acid are, but you paid that much money to steal them?

Yep, they looked like they had talent, and their pictures didn't look like they wore a bucket on their head (like that Ebessan fellow).


Basically, I was panicking about losing my Japan tourers, after I lost Red and someone else, so I signed up good people, but then the tourers never went anywhere, all the rest stayed, so now I'm stuck with these mega-high wages. Well, at least with my weekly 0.6 buyrates I can well afford it.

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Trent Acid is money. He's never had a match under *** in my promotion, and he only hits *** when he is in there with someone that doesn't compliment his style.


Acid & Frank Shamrock = Best technical match...ever.



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Guest Nanks

YYYYEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!! My first ***** match!!! And it just came out of nowhere too, on a RAW during a feud. Here we go...


Hurricane vs Tajiri.


Match Background: This is a continuation of the Hurricane vs Tajiri feud. Tajiri is the reigning WWE Intercontinental champion, and has been since 15 March 2004.


The Match: Tajiri hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. STIFF high kick on Hurricane by Tajiri. Flying elbow from Tajiri connects. Second rope flying axe handle, Hurricane goes down. One day, Tajiri might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Hurricane ducks a wild right hand. Spin kick by Hurricane to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Hurricane hits a piledriver on Tajiri. That used to end matches, you know. There's a two count on the pin. Tajiri reverses a Hurricane hammerlock. Flying reverse elbow by Tajiri. There's a two count on the pin. Tiger suplex on Hurricane. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Tajiri walks into a drop toe hold. Spinning back kick from Hurricane. Tajiri powers out of a Hurricane headlock. Hard back suplex on Hurricane. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Tajiri floors Hurricane near the ropes and makes the pin. Tajiri is using the ropes for leverage! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Tajiri slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. He's happy to have the win, and evidently isn't going to hang around for Hurricane to get some payback.


My Opinion: This match had it all! Big bumps, incredible, crisp moves, sound psychology. Simply one of the best matches of the year. *****! (96, 92, 100)


Gotta love that, only 8 encounters into their feud too.


EDIT: By the way, what's up with Colt Cabana being one of the best workers ever?!? I signed him up so I could have Second City Saints after I split up Anarchy (Raven & Punk) and I've got him in OVW for now and he's improving every month. He's up to Colt Cabana Charisma - 81 Brawl - 83 Speed - 90 Tech - 91. Madness!! He'll be snapping off ***** matches all over the shop when I bring him in and get him over.

Edited by Nanks

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Guest Nanks

Sorry for the double post, but this is too important to be missed in the previous exciting post. I have serious morale issues. My fucking champion, Kurt Angle, who is the most over in the company and in the midst of an 83 heat feud with Eddie Guerrero (they're producing shit matches I might add) is at 33% morale. I've already hired Eric Angle and Jason Breeze to make him happy and now I'm just worried. If I lose him, I'm fucked. On top of that, my other Main Eventer, Brock Lesnar, has PLUMMETED to 23% morale, I just don't know what to do with him. Meanwhile, The Rock is at 35% in an 86 heat feud with RVD. Three of my biggest names are not fucking happy and I'm stressing out. TNA are only at 96% National, so I'm not overly worried about them yet, but how do I make my big stars happy again??

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

Champions after WM XX:

WWE- Steve Corino

WWE IC- Christian

WWE Tag- Triple X

MLW Champ- Bryan Danielson


WWE World- Eddie Guerrero

WWE US- Paul London

WWE Tag- Benoit/Jericho

WWE Cruiser- Nova (insane over)


Backlash should be pretty good with Lesnar coming back, although he's headed to Raw to feud with the king of old school.


London is dropping the strap soon and facing Eddie, Trent Acid is insane over and will be taking the IC title off of Christian pretty soon. Game is going strong....and it gets fun once everything is where you like it.

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Sorry for the double post, but this is too important to be missed in the previous exciting post. I have serious morale issues. My fucking champion, Kurt Angle, who is the most over in the company and in the midst of an 83 heat feud with Eddie Guerrero (they're producing shit matches I might add) is at 33% morale. I've already hired Eric Angle and Jason Breeze to make him happy and now I'm just worried. If I lose him, I'm fucked. On top of that, my other Main Eventer, Brock Lesnar, has PLUMMETED to 23% morale, I just don't know what to do with him. Meanwhile, The Rock is at 35% in an 86 heat feud with RVD. Three of my biggest names are not fucking happy and I'm stressing out. TNA are only at 96% National, so I'm not overly worried about them yet, but how do I make my big stars happy again??

Are you running a full roster split? If so, there's your problem. These guys expect to be on about every other show...if they're missing Heat and Raw/Smackdown, they won't be happy. When I did WWE, I got rid of the roster split pretty quickly...and with it Triple H and Kevin Nash. That may be your problem.

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Well, great. Now I can't play EWR for probably another week. I had been working for months to find a decent way to get the tag belts off of Kash and London, so they could move into main event singles feuds since they were my #2 and #3 faces. Since I already had CM Punk I hired Colt Cabana and spent a month building up the Second City Saints. I set up a good feud between the two teams that was at 89 heat, and then, when they were finally going to take the titles at Climax (a PPV), I accidentally put Carly Colon in the match instead of Colt Cabana, and now I've completely ruined my tag belts.


I know it probably won't even make that much difference in the game, but it just makes me so ANGRY. I like to make logical storylines for myself, even when the details are minute enough that the game won't notice. I look at my title lineages about every time I put on a show just for funsies, and I know that seeing CM Punk and Carly Colon there is just gonna piss me off to no end. A six month title reign for Kash and London ended on PPV by a non-team, half of which they were feuding with. It's not even like when Tajiri took over for Chavo, because there's no reason for it, and Colon's just a crappy jobber for me. I think I'll just have Punk and Cabana put Colon in the hospital, and have Cabana take over his belt, but it still totally fucked up my feud, and it's gonna take a while before I get over the anger.

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Guest wwF1587
Re-think your main event.


Iron Man matches rarely pay off, even with Benoit & Guerrero whom are capable of carrying a 60 minute match. I have yet to make one really work and the match rating always seems to lag.


If those two are your two biggest stars (which is what you'd want to put in your main event for WMXX) then stick with that match, however use a different gimmick.



thanks for the advice.. eddie guerraro is my top heel right now at 98 overness....beniot is at 93 overness... i was thinking of either doing angle/lesner II for the title or something different... went with something different.

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Guest Nanks

Just a quick one crew. I need a gimmick for a face Rob Conway teaming with Nick Dinsmore in an Ice Man gimmick as Lords of the Ring.

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Just a quick one crew. I need a gimmick for a face Rob Conway teaming with Nick Dinsmore in an Ice Man gimmick as Lords of the Ring.

I'd give him the "cool" or "dude" gimmick, personally.


And I'm now "at war" with WWE in my TNA game. I've got RVD coming in in one month, and Charlie Haas coming in in 3 (though that bastard went from making 40,000 with WWE to wanting 100,000 to come work for me!). I had Kidman coming in, but he got fired from their along with Stamboli, D-Von, and Noble, so I snatched up Noble instead.

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