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One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

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I wasn't even mocking for your teams lack of attendance.


At least the Braves fans owner (well owners) aren't a complete disgrace to baseball.


For no reason you brought up some meaningless game where the Fish beat the Red Sox as a way to mock cartman or something.


Considering with the exception of one season- your team has done jack squat you really don't have any room to talk.


I hate Braves fans with a passion so mock them all you want- I don't care.


At least they aren't bandwagon jumpers like in Florida

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Hey, what do you expect, Bob? The stadium is a halfhour outside of Miami, built for football. If the Marlins had a proper stadium in the heart of Miami, things would be different.


And what does exception of one season mean, when they go through all of the record books, Marlins titles and Braves titles both equal one.

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Good, because I didn't feel like changing my sig tonight.


The hope is still alive for Sox-Cubs.

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

Actually Mik, the Braves have three. And won one before the modern era, even though that wasn't an official world series.

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Wow, and here I was saying the Red Sox would be the first team eliminated. Well, SOMETHING had to give. The universe is still waiting to implode in the case of a Cubs/Sox WS.

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You keep making excuses about the attendance when I already told you my thoughts on that.


Marlins fans are bandwagon jumpers. Accept it and move on.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
I hate baseball, but that 9th inning was great stuff.



hey Barron, stop fucking up the thread.

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Congratulations Red Sox.


I'm not gonna even read the replies here. My heart has been ripped out. This is worse than Kirk Gibson's homerun. I didn't have the heart to angry at what happened. I wish they had gotten swept now. That wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth being tortured like that.


This is horrible. This goes deeper than losing another series. This might cost the A's future in Oakland. Its way too long and convulted to go into right now. They are facing an absolutely miserable offseason, one far worse than two years ago.


I'm gonna go :throwup:

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The A's = Atlanta Braves of the 2000's?

Nope. Well it is a possibility but the A's don't have an owner that can consistently keep stars through free agency like the Yanks/Braves can. The A's usually put together a good team and make some great deal to give them more steam headed into the playoffs, however when they lose a star like McGwire, Giambi, Tejada, they can't go out and get another 100million dollar player for the picking. I'm not saying it is impossible, cause everyone said the A's were done when Giambi left(If he was still there I think the A's are two-time WS series right now). To me the key is Eric Chavez. There are rumors going around that the A's aren't resigning Tejada because Chavez is younger and has even more potential to be an offensive machine, however so far he has put up impressive numbers, but not enough to carry a team like Giambi did and Tejada did last year. I really don't to lose Guillen either, and he has stated he wants to stay put in Oakland, but I am sure he is going to demand some huge salary that the A's won't get done. So I guess we will have to see if Billy Beane-ball can work for one more year.

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