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Dangerous A

The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

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Ripper, I seriously am questioning your basic basketball knowledge. In order to prevent a drive & dish scenario, the defense cannot consistently collapse 4 players on one guy. You have to strategically allow the faster player to beat you in the direction you want. You have to guard outside shooters, thereby forcing the penetrator to shoot and allowing your big guy to block the layup attempt. Occasionally collapsing works, but if you do it all the time you put your defense at the mercy of the outside shooters. Bowen, Turkoglu, Ginobili, Brown, their not all going to be off enough for that strategy to work. Hoping the other team will miss is not part of a sound defensive gameplan. I agree with you on the zone, but that's because Shaq can't be trusted to do his part for 48 minutes.

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Ripper, I seriously am questioning your basic basketball knowledge. In order to prevent a drive & dish scenario, the defense cannot consistently collapse 4 players on one guy. You have to strategically allow the faster player to beat you in the direction you want. You have to guard outside shooters, thereby forcing the penetrator to shoot and allowing your big guy to block the layup attempt. Occasionally collapsing works, but if you do it all the time you put your defense at the mercy of the outside shooters. Bowen, Turkoglu, Ginobili, Brown, their not all going to be off enough for that strategy to work. Hoping the other team will miss is not part of a sound defensive gameplan. I agree with you on the zone, but that's because Shaq can't be trusted to do his part for 48 minutes.

Nah, people assume that little man vs. big man the big man should prevail 90% of the time. It doesn't work that way. What WILL happen is that driving guard will A score do to quickness off floor and ability to change directions at the basket before center get there or you end up with a CEnter in foul trouble VERY quickly or the center gets a block once for ever 10 shots. Little big matchups work as a mismatch both ways.


Funneling to the big man NEVER works. you funnel a player to a position that he cannot score. A guy driving at the basket towards anyone is at the advantage. I mean, if your scenario was true, everyone would just let point guards go to the lane and let athletic guys like Ben Wallace and the like just get 20 blocks a game. That doesn't happen...ever. Collapsing on someone in the lane that is scorching you like Parker has is the only means to success. You can collapse with two guys, which they did last game. They played him at layers and thats why he couldn't score. They rotated correctly and it wasn't because of Shaq 90% of the time. Kobe Bryant and Deven George played a greater role in slowing Parker down than Shaq did.

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Okay how about this...you have to mix it up. Of course, if you go with one strategy all game it will be adjusted to. I don't mind your strategy at all...it makes the guys I like look better than the guy I want traded...

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Okay how about this...you have to mix it up. Of course, if you go with one strategy all game it will be adjusted to. I don't mind your strategy at all...it makes the guys I like look better than the guy I want traded...

Well yeah, you mix it up. matter of fact, last play of a game...Funnel the point to the center and take your chance. But if you are going to use that as a game plan, you end up with your most dominant player playing about 12 minutes in the game because of foul trouble.

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Holy shit, talk about luck. My sister scores tickets to the Kings-Timberwolves tonight and then the school calls me and says my class is cancelled. BOO-YAH~!


It pays to have a close relative work in a hotel where players stay at~!

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Maybe I just haven't been paying attention or this is a new development, but Richard Jefferson is a dickhead. Why do they always interview this guy? He's the most overconfident, cocky, self-praising player to lose two straight NBA Finals that I have ever seen. Whenever the Nets lose, it's not because the other team beat them, it's because they got lucky. He's like a skinny, light-skinned, basketball playing Lennox Lewis. I can't wait until he admits that the Pistons beat them because they have no one who is a great jump shooter (himself included) and shut down their transition game. He can't say that another team does something well without adding that the Nets are capable of doing it too. In one interview he managed to say that the Pistons had good defense, while implying that it had nothing to do with shutting their offense down all before finding a way to remind everyone that the Nets have good defense too. FUCK the Nets and FUCK Richard Jefferson.

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Guest OraleHolmes

Holy crap, did you just see what the Kings did? OVERTIME!!!!

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Insanity. They were talking about Game 4 and just how the Kings couldn't get too far down simply for momentum reasons. Little did anyone know that minutes later, the Kings would tie it in an incredible comeback. Cassell fouling out when the game looked to be locked looks huge now. I'll say this: if the Kings wind up winning this one, they're going to take Game 4, because the wind will be out of the T-Wolve's sail. To have such a lead at that point in the game and then blow it, it's devastating.

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And now Bibby fouls out, which may be an even bigger factor, since he was nailing everything at the end of the fourth. Glad to see he was so mature when he fouled out, though.

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Guest OraleHolmes

I'm rooting for the Kings and Lakers to win so we can see them COLLIDE in a rematch of the classic 2002 Western Conference Finals.


Let's face it, Lakers vs. Kings = Ratings~!

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

that game was pretty insane.


Hey, check out my T-Wolves impression.


*throws ball to other team and doesn't cover wing shooters in transition*

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I just got back from the Arco Arena. My throat is soar, and I am just exhausted. This was my first ever playoff game for the Kings.


I have a question, on the Bibby foul, was he arguing the foul and yelling at the ref, or did he just throw the headband in a "I just fouled out, dammit" type of way. I mean should that REALLY be a T, if it is not really directed at the ref or a player, it seemed from my seat, more like a frustration thing then anything else.


How about the final Peja shot in overtime, is anyone trying to say there wasn't enough contact to draw a foul? Fuck Me......


The Kings blew the game in my opinion though. I just don't understand what Adelman was telling them to do, unless they just weren't listenting. In 3 out of the 4 quraters, Minnesota was in the penalty almost have the quarter, yet Sacramento never would push the ball inside, the FEW times they did, it brough success, but the kept settling for outside jumpers. Dammit.


I am half out of it right now. Arco Arena was ready to riot.

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Guest Crazy Dan

That was a great game tonight. Man I bet all the Kings fans who walked out feel pretty stupid. Great comeback by the Kings. But the free throw shooting proved the Kings undoing. The T-Wolves were able to regain their composure, and pull this one out. Unfortunately Peja did not get a good shot off at the end, and the T-Wolves regain the home court edge. Also, this was a situation where Bobby Jackson was badly missed, especially when Bibby fouled out. Those last seconds would have been perfect for a quick drive, which Bibby or Jackson could do and either get the layup, or foul. That last series deserved at least a shot to at least hit the rim. But I still thought it was a great game, maybe the best of the playoffs, so far. This looks like it will be a close series from here on out. And I have no qualms about that.


Credit the T-Wolves bench players, who were very productive, especially when Garnett and Cassel sat on the bench. Roll players are key, and they helped the T-Wolves win. Garnett played like the MVP, and can add "Playoff Game Winning Shot" to his resume. And the Wolves pulled it out with Cassel getting the quickest five fouls I have seen in a game. They had no pt guard. Good thing Garnett handles the ball like a guard.


And credit the Kings for not quitting when all looked bleak. Bibby and Peja caught fire and got them back into the game. Throw in poor handling by the T-Wolves and the Kings came back from the dead. Man, Peja picked the worse time to end his consecutive free throw streak, and starting a miss streak, not good. That was the key to the game.


I don't see Sacto losing two at home in a row, so I look for this series to be tied going into Game 5. Also, I don't think Bibby and Peja will shoot as poorly as they did up until the Fourth Qtr., so I think the Kings will rebound. Great Series though, this is what playoff basketball is all about.

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If the Kings have any pride left, they'll win game 4 to make it a best of 3 series. The only positive the Kings have is that they've been in this situation before whereas this is all new for the T-Wolves. I still would like a 6-7 game series, but if the T-Wolves win on Wednesday, the Kings are through.


Tonight's Nets-Pistons and Lakers-Spurs games will all be close in my opinion. I can also see these 2 series getting knotted up at 2 a piece, but if I had to put money on it, I'd bet the Pistons coming out with a 3-1 advantage.


Kobe is doing another one of those in court in Colorado and fly back in the nick of time for the game acts. Everytime Kobe has done this, he's been spectacular. No reason to think this will be any different. Spurs may be in trouble if Kobe catches his just in a courtroom fire.

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The Spurs will be making some lineup changes such as having Malik Rose come off the bench instead of Horry or Willis. Somebody has to make those important shots from the free throw line!

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The Spurs will be making some lineup changes such as having Malik Rose come off the bench instead of Horry or Willis. Somebody has to make those important shots from the free throw line!

You aren't going to see much of Rasho. It will be stead doses of Willis/Horry/Rose.

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The problem with Rasho is that at times he becomes afraid to shoot the easy shot and will pass it to a triple teamed Tim Duncan.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Rasho's not great, but Malik Rose? good god. hopefully he'll be in the game for hack-a-shaq purposes only.

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Kobe is doing another one of those in court in Colorado and fly back in the nick of time for the game acts. Everytime Kobe has done this, he's been spectacular. No reason to think this will be any different. Spurs may be in trouble if Kobe catches his just in a courtroom fire.

But the Lakers will be in trouble if his flight gets delayed.

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I agreed with a caller to the local sports radio show today that the Kings seem like they are still playing like it is the regular season, where they can just turn it ON when they need to and catch the other team by suprise. The Kings didn't come out with any intensity yesterday until about 3:00 to go in the 4th quarter. They have been getting wins so far just based on being the technically better team. If they can get past the T-wolves, they will need more then that half-assed effort against the Spurs/Lakers.


Come on Kings......

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I really like the TWolves/Kings series, its plain basketball. The Nuggets/Wolves was just fucking hate ball, Denver and their sorry ass rookie talked some smack after losing game 1 and then fights broke out in game 3 and the pepsi center's fans just went off on the wolves(throwing crap, etc.). I didn't see a single fan throw anything at any wolves player last night. I respect their fans, and hope to see a great series.


I still don't like Peja :D

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