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The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

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Guest El Satanico

It doesn't even look like they can play 4 quarters. They don't seem to have good enough conditioning to deal with the spurs. They all looked old and out of shape when they got to the 4th.

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I was in the Yahoo chatroom and it was funny how the Lakers fans try to defend the loss. Bruce Bowen shut down Kobe and the Lakers fans refused to recognize Bowen's skills. They thought the Lakers were going to make the big comeback when they cut the lead down to 4 but then MANU GINOBILI entered the game.....


How many layups did Parker get over Shaq?

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

And I agree with Chuck that apostrophes are totally unnecessary.

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Man, Tony Parker is playing like a man possessed in the playoffs. The Spurs are such an awesome team, how could anyone say they are boring when they got Parker and Ginobili. Being a Clipper fan it is always nice to see the Lakers get their ass handed to them.


I would love to see Spurs-Kings because not only would it be a great match up but it's one we have yet to see in the playoffs.

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Guest El Satanico

There's never been a Spurs/Timberwolves playoff series either...right?

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Guest Redhawk

I'm telling you, Tony Parker is the Derek Jeter of the NBA. Pretty good in the regular season, but he OWNS the playoffs.

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Guest Crazy Dan

Well that was a pleasant suprise that the Kings won Game 1. It looks like Bibby is taking it to the next level. This is one prediction I really hope I am wrong on, because after the Warriors, the Kings are my second favorite team, and since they make the playoffs, they give me a team to pull for. I have been Kings fan ever since I went to a playoff game a few years back, where they played Utah. I sat in the nose bleed seats, but had a wonderful time. I loved the enthusiasm of a crowd that had been waiting so long for their team to be in a playoff series. There was not one Jazz fan in the audiance. The Kings were up 2 games to 1, and look like they had the game won, until Stockton drilled a three, deflating the crowd in the process, and that ended up being the game winner. And the Jazz went on to advance to the next round. But regardless of the loss, I was King's fan after that. To have such a good time, even though I was in the third row from the top of the stadium, was just unbelievable. I love that the Kings fans are loud and have such a passion for their team. And I love that everyone around slaps your hand when something goes right, even though they have no idea who you are. That is awesome.


As for the Lakers-Spurs. It looks like no one on the Lakers can stop Parker, who was my X-Factor to the Spurs winning. Payton has lost his quickness that made him the glove. And Fisher is not known for his blazing speed either. The Lakers better figure out what they can do to get back into this series, because right now the have no answer for the player who is causing havoc, Parker. I think the Lakers will win Game 3, just because their home will be crazy, and that added energy might give them a jolt the need badly. But, if they can not stop Parker, this series might be over before it even begins. I was hoping for at least two-three wins for the Lakers, only because I like close series, but the Spurs might be too much for the Lakers to handle. To say Game 3 is slightly important, would be a gross misunderstatement. But the Lakers are tough at home, so look for them to be fired up, and look for the Spurs ready to play.


And if the Lakers lose 4-0, 4-1, look for many changes to be happening for the Lakers.

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A couple observations...


That Parker move was not that impressive, he crossed over a forward and I knew fatass O'Neal wouldn't get up to block it. TP's behind the back was better.


Why is there a question of what the Lakers need to do defensively? A quick point guard who can't be stopped one-on-one must be funneled in to the big men to block the shot. Shaq can't get off the floor. The screen roll must be jumped to stop its effectiveness. O'Neal won't step out.


The Lakers are down because Payton's legs have been exposed, and Shaq has been exposed altogether.

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A couple observations...


That Parker move was not that impressive, he crossed over a forward and I knew fatass O'Neal wouldn't get up to block it. TP's behind the back was better.


Why is there a question of what the Lakers need to do defensively? A quick point guard who can't be stopped one-on-one must be funneled in to the big men to block the shot. Shaq can't get off the floor. The screen roll must be jumped to stop its effectiveness. O'Neal won't step out.


The Lakers are down because Payton's legs have been exposed, and Shaq has been exposed altogether.

You can't funnel guards that quick. It is next to impossible.


Its the reason Allen Iverson could lead the league in scoring, Tiny Archibald could lead the league in scoreing, Kevin Johnson could put up 24 points a game. You can funnel regular guards, but not guys that are ungodly quick like Parker.


Notice how Ginobli, Jason Kidd, guys like them are quick, but not world changing quick. They get collapesed on better, and can be picked up after they get by their man.


They only way they are going to stop him is Double him as soon as he touches the ball, full court, and anytime he gets it back in the half court. the problem is, who do you leave open?


I mean, they are a solid 3 point shooting team, and the big men know how to get to the right spot to score.


Its not that the Lakers are old. Its not that they are running out of gas. its not them not running the offense. It is the fact that the Spurs are a much better team than them. Save a injury or two, the Lakers can't win this series. They might steal a game...maybe. But that is about it.


I ranted to no avail about how the Lakers didn't get better than the Spurs in the preseason and if I remember correctly someone asked me in what world was I living in that Toni Parker OWNZ Gary Payton. Well. there you are.

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I've never even once seen LA pressure the ball and play full court press on defense in this series at all. They always just retreat to the half court and wait for Parker or whoever to bring the ball down to them.


Spurs are a much harder working team than LA and there is absolutely no turmoil in the team. They've had the time in the regular season to play together on the court and figure things out.


One last thing, wouldn't it be great if games 3 or 4 in LA ended with Horry hitting a clutch shot to give the Spurs a win? I'd totally mark out if that happened.

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Guest Redhawk
Its the reason Allen Iverson could lead the league in scoring, Tiny Archibald could lead the league in scoreing, Kevin Johnson could put up 24 points a game. You can funnel regular guards, but not guys that are ungodly quick like Parker.

See how he managed to throw a Suns player in there? Now THAT'S a fan.

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Its the reason Allen Iverson could lead the league in scoring, Tiny Archibald could lead the league in scoreing, Kevin Johnson could put up 24 points a game.  You can funnel regular guards, but not guys that are ungodly quick like Parker.

See how he managed to throw a Suns player in there? Now THAT'S a fan.

I'm getting flashbacks of Charles Barkley hitting the game winning shot over David Robinson. There was a time period when every NBA champion had a Johnson on the team from the glory days of the Celtics (Dennis) vs Lakers (Magic) vs Pistons (Vinnie).


Speed has always been the focal point of the Spurs offense from the 1st championship when Avery Johnson was running the layup down the lane to last year when Claxton won the game when the Nets owned Parker with their defense. What makes it different this year is that the Spurs have an equally quick and unpredictable player in Manu coming off the bench. And the fact that Tony Parker is actually making his shots and when he misses it there is somebody there for the rebound. Hedo Turkaglu and Robert Horry are the two most important role players on the team as they go for the rebounds, steals, 3 point shot.

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Flat out wrong Rip. Every Parker layup could have been challenged by O'Neal. The Spurs are better, but not because of pure talent.

O'Neil challenges he changes directs and goes by him or just dishes.



That whole funnel thing to the big man is a ridiculous theory that doesn't work and has never worked. NO center can get to every shot and there is a reason. A point guard is 100000000000 times faster than a 7'3 center. There is alot more timing evolved in blocking shots than "I am Bigger than you little man." Shaq could have gotten to one or two, but most of them...it was pointless and all he would have done is gotten in foul trouble.

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Its the reason Allen Iverson could lead the league in scoring, Tiny Archibald could lead the league in scoreing, Kevin Johnson could put up 24 points a game.  You can funnel regular guards, but not guys that are ungodly quick like Parker.

See how he managed to throw a Suns player in there? Now THAT'S a fan.

Hey, he was one of the quickest players to play the game.






And he just so HAPPENED to play for the Suns.



that is a total coincidence.



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I'm wondering where the Karl and Gary Magical Championship Journey will take them next.

ride the bench in San Antonio?

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Guest El Satanico

It'll be on the bench somewhere, because I can't imagine any other playoff team giving either of them starting jobs.

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I'm wondering where the Karl and Gary Magical Championship Journey will take them next.

ride the bench in San Antonio?

SA tried to get Karl during the off-season, but apparently he has some huge beef with Timmy.

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I'm wondering where the Karl and Gary Magical Championship Journey will take them next.

ride the bench in San Antonio?

SA tried to get Karl during the off-season, but apparently he has some huge beef with Timmy.

That Tim is twice the PF he ever was and he doesn't have arguably the best point guard ever getting him the ball every play?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
Please shut Barkely up.


And learn to pronouce Athletic. :lol:

If the Spurs are going to play alot of games, I thiikn he needs to stop saying Ton-uh Parker.

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I'm wondering where the Karl and Gary Magical Championship Journey will take them next.

ride the bench in San Antonio?

SA tried to get Karl during the off-season, but apparently he has some huge beef with Timmy.

That Tim is twice the PF he ever was and he doesn't have arguably the best point guard ever getting him the ball every play?

Malone probably has beef with everyone who has ever won a championship.

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I am totally not surprised that the younger, more ath-a-letic [/barkley] Spurs are dominating the Lakers. Phil Jackson should have talked to Bill Calahan and he would have found out that gathering washed-up has-beens (or more politely, veterans) does not help your team at all. The Lakers would be in the exact same position now without Malone or Payton. Except the younger guys would be getting more playing time to develop.


When Tony Parker isn't clowning the Lakers in transition, Tim Duncan is having his way with them down low. Guys like Manu, Bowen, and Rasho are making solid contributions as well. Right now, Kobe and Shaq are doing all the work for LA. Spurs have this one in the bag.


I hope the Heat can have a good series with the Pacers. However, I think the Pacers just have too much. Look for Indy to start cold due to the long rest, but rally past Miami in the second half.

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Here is a question: What would be worse for the winner of the Kings/Wolves:


A Spurs team that ripped through the Lakers 4-0 or 4-1




A Lakers team that gelled and inspired themselves to comeback and win the series after being down 2-0?

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