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The Mandarin

Most Dastardly Heel Acts

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nWo beatdown on David Flair where Hogan strapped the shit out of him, which Pissed Ric off majorly.



You can clearly hear him cuss Hogan out several times during that beatdown.


The picture of David from after that attack was nasty, too, with all the bumps, bruises, etc.


Anyway, another dastardly heel act...


Triple H breaking JR's arm the RAW after SummerSlam 1999 to get a WWF title shot against Mankind.

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In the first round of the 32 Man world title tournament in WCW, Sting comes out and hits Brain Knobbs with a bat BEFORE the bell rings. The referee, who had his back turned the whole time, calls for the bell and sees Knobbs laid out which causes the ref to make this hilarious face.




Heel Sting did some pretty funny shit.

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Raven stealing Sandman's family. Especially when Sandman's kid turns.

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Steve Austin wrapping a steel chair around Pillman's weak ankle and "Pillmanizing" it.


Steve Austin going to Pillman's house, beating the snot out of Pillman's muscle (sticking the guy's head in the doorway of the jeep and choking him with the door), breaking Pillman's door window to break in.


Steve Austin brutalizing Bret Hart's knee with a chair, puts an ambulance hat on, kicks the driver out, and brutalizes it more in the ambulance truck.

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Steve Austin brutalizing Bret Hart's knee with a chair, puts an ambulance hat on, kicks the driver out, and brutalizes it more in the ambulance truck.

Wasn't Austin a face at that point, or is my timeline warped?

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Steve Austin brutalizing Bret Hart's knee with a chair, puts an ambulance hat on, kicks the driver out, and brutalizes it more in the ambulance truck.

Wasn't Austin a face at that point, or is my timeline warped?

Shades of gray ma'am . . . shades of gray.

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Guest Anglesault
HHH locking Shawn out of the building, setting him up for a corporate beating.

One of my favorite wrestling moments ever.


One of the few that actually made me go "uh-oh".

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Guest combat_rock

Really, it doesn't get much more heelish than plugging a man's nuts to jumper cables, like Kane did to Shane McMahon.

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HHH locking Shawn out of the building, setting him up for a corporate beating.

One of my favorite wrestling moments ever.


One of the few that actually made me go "uh-oh".

It felt like something out of "Goodfellas", with the muttering under breath after HHH & X-pac shut the door about "what goes around comes around". Then they cut to outside as the camera just stays on Shawn till the camerman gets knocked down and we hear the sounds of Shqawn getting pummeled.

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Guest Dark Pegasus

Eddie Gilbert draping Bill Watts in the Soviet Flag.


Then, as Watts was about to get his revenge, the Freebirds come out and Terry Gordy applies the Oriental Spike until Watts starts spitting up blood. Watts' sons ran into the ring to check on their dad and helped their dad to the back.

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That Watt's stuff was pretty sick.

Nash powerbombing Bischoff through a table

Andre ripping the shirt off of Hogan (I was pissed off at the time)

Hogan turning on WCW and joining the NWO


I'll think of more later.

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Heatwave '99:


Buh Buh Ray Dudley picking out the faggot in a hawaiian shirt, the mom who taught her daughter to suck dick, and the skanky girl who will take 9 inches of black dick in her ass so hard she won't know what hit her.

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The Horsemen attacking the Rock n Roll Express in the dressing room and ,subsequently, Flair grinding Morton's face into the floor. That was fairly disturbing for the time.

In the same vein as that, Rick Rude grinding Rick Steamboat's face into the arena floor. I remember after that incident, one of the Apter mags had a picture of Rick Jr. and a note written in crayon saying "Please don't hurt my daddy".


Was this before or after their Iron Man Match?

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Bossman stealing TBS's father's coffin. Did anyone else laugh when TBS fell off the coffin trying to stop it?


Also, DiBiase buying Sweet Saphire from Dusty Phodes was pretty fucked up.

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I always thought the Outlaws beating the hell out of Foley and Funk and then shoving them off in the dumpster was sick...and then the dumpster match at Mania was good too...did you see that whelp on Funks' back??!!

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The Horsemen attacking the Rock n Roll Express in the dressing room and ,subsequently, Flair grinding Morton's face into the floor. That was fairly disturbing for the time.

In the same vein as that, Rick Rude grinding Rick Steamboat's face into the arena floor. I remember after that incident, one of the Apter mags had a picture of Rick Jr. and a note written in crayon saying "Please don't hurt my daddy".


Was this before or after their Iron Man Match?

That was on over here a few weeks ago on WWE Classics, it was in March 92 and was a few months before the iron man match.

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what's the deal with 'Taker's unborn child?


Eddie coming out to Austin's music that one time, and the subsequent interview was pretty awsm

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Weeks after Roddy Piper's WCW debut, Eric Bischoff (still with WCW) attempting to setup the Piper/Hogan match...


"Folks, NEXT WEEK, we're gonna have an update in signing Piper to finally shut up that evil jerk, Hogan!" etc.


Next week...


"Folks, NEXT WEEK, RIGHT HERE, we're going to have an update from my attempts to get this match signed!


Next week, via phone...


"Folks, unfortunately, Mr. Piper's lawyers are preventing this match from happening...but NEXT WEEK we'll have an update...


Next week...


PIPER SHOWS UP. Bischoff is forced to talk to him in the ring. Piper says the "You're a liar!" line to a pop. Bischoff is revealed as the one who put a stop the talks, and he's been bullshitting as an nWo member all along. The nWo gang-rushes the ring and beats the SHIT out of Piper, with Bischoff and Hogan embracing.


Bischoff lying to the entire world...tsk tsk...pretty dirty.

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what's the deal with 'Taker's unborn child?


Sara was pregnant (I forgot how many months she was, but she was getting close to giving birth). and Heyman was harassing her in the back so Undertaker comes from the ring and starts to beat up Heyman, but Brock whacks him with a chair, knocking him down. Then Brock backs Sara into a wall and puts his hand on her stomach where her kid is inside and says "Life's a bitch!" and then does the "fake out" gesture to scare her.

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Rick Martel leaving Tito Santana high and dry during their tag match at Wrestlemania 5.


Randy Orton kicking John Cena's father in the head.

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