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The Convention

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The only good thing about the conventions thus far has been for talk radio fans, because a lot of the big names from both sides are all condensed into one building so you have everyone going on everyone's show to bitch, for example, Hannity was on Franken's show, the NAACP president was just on Larry Elder's show. Janeane Garafalo just had a showdown with Larry Elder on his show, and then he will be going on her show in about a half hour. It is just weird to hear some of these people on each other's show going to battle for their party lines....lol.

Oh Jesus.


Considering how much I hate everyone involved (yes.....even the NAACP president), I don't think I could contain my homicidal impulses if I were to be in that same building with all of them.

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Anyone watch tonight?


Barack Obama, the guy I was pimping a few weeks back, had a speech tonight and absolutely nailed it.

We all know what happened last time you "pimped" someone....



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Well, heres my totally unbiased distanced view on my very first convention, what a load of treacly cloy sentimential empty rethoric crap, I have not heard a single word on policies, or what Kerry might do if he wins, all I hear is how great america is and kerry will make it better, now granted thats a good sentiment, no problems with that, but we need substance people, if I was an american voter, I would be saying, yep thats all well and good but what the fuck are you going to do in power? Anyway, heres 6 things I would change based on what I've seen.


1. For gods sakes, get rid of the cutesy kiddies, its embarrasing and treacly and just urgh

2. The satellitle link ups around the country were just urgh, especially those two fat people that sang the national anthem in some funny language was just hilarious, theres a comic over here that sings popular songs "in the club style" and that was just a perfect parody.

3. Dont play James Brown in between speeches, it was embarrasing to watch some white old men attempt to dance to the Godfather.

4. WTF is with that entrance music, its not the WWE, get rid of it.

5. If you are going to stage manage something, thats great, but dont let the camera linger on the 5 people literally forcing "We love Theresa" signs into peoples hands.

6. Get some substance into the speeches(although I know thats a false hope :) )

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That Barack Obama guy is a great speeker. He delivered it with great passion and made several good pionts even though I thought it had its core value in the speech towards the left wing, i thought he lent a touch to the right. Got to agree the acual substance of it was very much Clinton like.


Apart from that all the other speeches were quite poor (from the brief highlights i saw of Dean's and kerrys wife

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I'm not watching the conventions because I'm moving and have better things to do than watch pre-planned propaganda. However, the talk-radio has been freakin' funny. Neal Bortz's shows have been golden, and I loved Hannity this week, too. His bit with Hoffa was golden. I'm just ticked I missed Mikey and O'Reilly.


Oh, and Vanhalen, if you think the Dems are too "cute" wait until the GOP convention. You will see more shots of the three black people that are attending than you have of those Abu Ghraib pictures...

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Well, heres my totally unbiased distanced view on my very first convention, what a load of treacly cloy sentimential empty rethoric crap, I have not heard a single word on policies, or what Kerry might do if he wins, all I hear is how great america is and kerry will make it better, now granted thats a good sentiment, no problems with that, but we need substance people, if I was an american voter, I would be saying, yep thats all well and good but what the fuck are you going to do in power? Anyway, heres 6 things I would change based on what I've seen.


1. For gods sakes, get rid of the cutesy kiddies, its embarrasing and treacly and just urgh

2. The satellitle link ups around the country were just urgh, especially those two fat people that sang the national anthem in some funny language was just hilarious, theres a comic over here that sings popular songs "in the club style" and that was just a perfect parody.

3. Dont play James Brown in between speeches, it was embarrasing to watch some white old men attempt to dance to the Godfather.

4. WTF is with that entrance music, its not the WWE, get rid of it.

5. If you are going to stage manage something, thats great, but dont let the camera linger on the 5 people literally forcing "We love Theresa" signs into peoples hands.

6. Get some substance into the speeches(although I know thats a false hope :) )

Ummm...you might hear a little about policies when the GUY RUNNING FOR OFFICE gets up there! What is it with some people...you're actually bitching about kids and music...WTF would you rather see...some of these things can get pretty boring...especially if you are there and the music can keep things somewhat exciting and entertaining...and so what if some people can't dance...they're excited about their party...chill out man...you'll see the same damn thing at the Republican Convention so just get used to it.

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Guest thebigjig
I'm not watching the conventions because I'm moving and have better things to do than watch pre-planned propaganda. However, the talk-radio has been freakin' funny. Neal Bortz's shows have been golden, and I loved Hannity this week, too. His bit with Hoffa was golden. I'm just ticked I missed Mikey and O'Reilly.


Oh, and Vanhalen, if you think the Dems are too "cute" wait until the GOP convention. You will see more shots of the three black people that are attending than you have of those Abu Ghraib pictures...

Frankens interview with Hannity was far greater... Franken asked Hannity why he lied, stating that Dean said that Bush had prior knowledge about 9/11, and Hannity said "I misspoke... I misspoke" and then Franken would play the clip of him saying it, clearly NOT misspeaking... and then on his website he listed three or four other examples of Hannity stating this


And O'Reilly spanked Moore pretty badly, but they both dodged each others crucial questions... the best part being Moore asking Bill if he would be willing to send his kids to Iraq based on a mistake and O'Reilly responded each time with "I would send myself" and Moore would say "no... that wasn't my question" and O'Reilly simply WOULDNT answer it...


and as soon as it ended, cut to Bill shaking his head with a smile as if to say "oh boy we got 'em!" when in reality they both came across as blowhards


Oh, and Obamas speech was amazing... it looks as if he got a better reaction that CLINTON... people were chanting his name and those that werent had this look of complete awe as if they knew then and there that they were watching the rise of a future president


crazy stuff

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Guest thebigjig
Well, heres my totally unbiased distanced view on my very first convention, what a load of treacly cloy sentimential empty rethoric crap, I have not heard a single word on policies, or what Kerry might do if he wins, all I hear is how great america is and kerry will make it better, now granted thats a good sentiment, no problems with that, but we need substance people, if I was an american voter, I would be saying, yep thats all well and good but what the fuck are you going to do in power? Anyway, heres 6 things I would change based on what I've seen.


1. For gods sakes, get rid of the cutesy kiddies, its embarrasing and treacly and just urgh

2. The satellitle link ups around the country were just urgh, especially those two fat people that sang the national anthem in some funny language was just hilarious, theres a comic over here that sings popular songs "in the club style" and that was just a perfect parody.

3. Dont play James Brown in between speeches, it was embarrasing to watch some white old men attempt to dance to the Godfather.

4. WTF is with that entrance music, its not the WWE, get rid of it.

5. If you are going to stage manage something, thats great, but dont let the camera linger on the 5 people literally forcing "We love Theresa" signs into peoples hands.

6. Get some substance into the speeches(although I know thats a false hope :) )

Yes... and I'm sure we'll hear an amazing amount of policy speeches at the Republican convention too...


Jesus, the Democrats have been showing more vision in the last two nights than the Republicans have in years

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Kerry's wife should never be allowed to speak again. The one is a touch insane. And also, all these good speeches by Clinton and Obama are setting up Kerry for a huge fall if he can't match them in intensity. The Clinton speech was funny, the Obama speech was powerful so Kerry has his work cut out for him.


Just never let his wife near a mic ever again...she sounded like she was going to announce all people must wear tin foil hats after labor day.

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Geez, Fox is dedicating alot of time to whether Kerry wears ties or not.


All it's been is blah blah blah *most liberal ticket*.

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Anyone watch tonight?


Barack Obama, the guy I was pimping a few weeks back, had a speech tonight and absolutely nailed it.

We all know what happened last time you "pimped" someone....



I don't think there's any way I can spoil Obama for anyone. Hell, conservatives are trying to claim him as their own.


More proof of that from NRO's "The Corner" as well:



Barack Obama gave a fine speech, but it was not a speech that reflects the current Democratic Party. It celebrated America as "a magical place"; it did not bemoan our racism and imperialism. It professed that this black man "owe[d] a debt to those who came before" him; it did not call for reparations. It spoke of an "awesome God"; it did not banish Him from public discourse. It admitted that black parents, and black culture, need to change the way black children are raised; it did not blame or even mention racism. It quoted "E pluribus unum" and translated it correctly as "Out of many, one"; it did not misquote it, as Al Gore infamously did, as "Many out of one." Most of all, the speech celebrated one America, "one people," and rejected the notion of a black America, a white America, a Latino America, and an Asian America--a notion completely foreign to the multiculturalism that now dominates the Democratic Party.


Retarded analysis? Yup. But who would expect anything else from NRO or Conservatives in general?

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I'm not watching the conventions because I'm moving and have better things to do than watch pre-planned propaganda. However, the talk-radio has been freakin' funny. Neal Bortz's shows have been golden, and I loved Hannity this week, too. His bit with Hoffa was golden. I'm just ticked I missed Mikey and O'Reilly.


Oh, and Vanhalen, if you think the Dems are too "cute" wait until the GOP convention. You will see more shots of the three black people that are attending than you have of those Abu Ghraib pictures...

Frankens interview with Hannity was far greater... Franken asked Hannity why he lied, stating that Dean said that Bush had prior knowledge about 9/11, and Hannity said "I misspoke... I misspoke" and then Franken would play the clip of him saying it, clearly NOT misspeaking... and then on his website he listed three or four other examples of Hannity stating this


And O'Reilly spanked Moore pretty badly, but they both dodged each others crucial questions... the best part being Moore asking Bill if he would be willing to send his kids to Iraq based on a mistake and O'Reilly responded each time with "I would send myself" and Moore would say "no... that wasn't my question" and O'Reilly simply WOULDNT answer it...


and as soon as it ended, cut to Bill shaking his head with a smile as if to say "oh boy we got 'em!" when in reality they both came across as blowhards


Oh, and Obamas speech was amazing... it looks as if he got a better reaction that CLINTON... people were chanting his name and those that werent had this look of complete awe as if they knew then and there that they were watching the rise of a future president


crazy stuff

yeah I heard this on the replay after I got out of class. The only thing funnier then the interview was later that night on Hannity & Colmes where Hannity and his buddy Mike Gallagher were just sitting there patting themselves on the back basking in in the "we got him" "you are so intelligent, congrats" crap. Hahaha.

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If you're talking the Hannity/Franken encounter, Sean and Mike were blowing each other on his radio show, too.


And I'm getting to like Neal Bortz more and more every day. This guy is an asshole in so many ways -- he reminds me of me...

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Barack Obama gave a fine speech, but it was not a speech that reflects the current Democratic Party. It celebrated America as "a magical place"; it did not bemoan our racism and imperialism. It professed that this black man "owe[d] a debt to those who came before" him; it did not call for reparations. It spoke of an "awesome God"; it did not banish Him from public discourse. It admitted that black parents, and black culture, need to change the way black children are raised; it did not blame or even mention racism. It quoted "E pluribus unum" and translated it correctly as "Out of many, one"; it did not misquote it, as Al Gore infamously did, as "Many out of one." Most of all, the speech celebrated one America, "one people," and rejected the notion of a black America, a white America, a Latino America, and an Asian America--a notion completely foreign to the multiculturalism that now dominates the Democratic Party.


Retarded analysis? Yup.

Actually, it seems like a spot-on analysis. Those aren't the themes I'd expect from a speech at the Democratic Convention. Maybe the full speech came across differently, but from that summation, it sounds quite conservative in nature.

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Barack Obama gave a fine speech, but it was not a speech that reflects the current Democratic Party. It celebrated America as "a magical place"; it did not bemoan our racism and imperialism. It professed that this black man "owe[d] a debt to those who came before" him; it did not call for reparations. It spoke of an "awesome God"; it did not banish Him from public discourse. It admitted that black parents, and black culture, need to change the way black children are raised; it did not blame or even mention racism. It quoted "E pluribus unum" and translated it correctly as "Out of many, one"; it did not misquote it, as Al Gore infamously did, as "Many out of one." Most of all, the speech celebrated one America, "one people," and rejected the notion of a black America, a white America, a Latino America, and an Asian America--a notion completely foreign to the multiculturalism that now dominates the Democratic Party.


Retarded analysis? Yup.

Actually, it seems like a spot-on analysis. Those aren't the themes I'd expect from a speech at the Democratic Convention. Maybe the full speech came across differently, but from that summation, it sounds quite conservative in nature.

Read the rest of the speech. It's no conservative anthem, that's for sure. He just nailed down the points of everyday values and unity.

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Guest MikeSC
Well, heres my totally unbiased distanced view on my very first convention, what a load of treacly cloy sentimential empty rethoric crap, I have not heard a single word on policies, or what Kerry might do if he wins, all I hear is how great america is and kerry will make it better, now granted thats a good sentiment, no problems with that, but we need substance people, if I was an american voter, I would be saying, yep thats all well and good but what the fuck are you going to do in power? Anyway, heres 6 things I would change based on what I've seen.


1. For gods sakes, get rid of the cutesy kiddies, its embarrasing and treacly and just urgh

2. The satellitle link ups around the country were just urgh, especially those two fat people that sang the national anthem in some funny language was just hilarious, theres a comic over here that sings popular songs "in the club style" and that was just a perfect parody.

3. Dont play James Brown in between speeches, it was embarrasing to watch some white old men attempt to dance to the Godfather.

4. WTF is with that entrance music, its not the WWE, get rid of it.

5. If you are going to stage manage something, thats great, but dont let the camera linger on the 5 people literally forcing "We love Theresa" signs into peoples hands.

6. Get some substance into the speeches(although I know thats a false hope :) )

Yes... and I'm sure we'll hear an amazing amount of policy speeches at the Republican convention too...


Jesus, the Democrats have been showing more vision in the last two nights than the Republicans have in years

Too bad they can't be bothered to mention what the heck they, you know, PLAN ON DOING.


...Barak gave a nice speech. He's the Elizabeth Dole of this Convention...

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Obama was as good as everyone hyped him to be. Excellent rhetoritician (real word, promise!), and his thing with the red states/blue states was clever as hell - a really simple, comfortable way of saying what a lot of Americans in the middle are thinking. He comes off as a moderate with good ideas who's far above the far right/far left bickering that makes politics so tiresome. Thumbs up.

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Guest SP-1

I just saw Jesse Jackson demonstrate the worst example of biblical teaching. Ever.




That was the biggest fluff piece I think I've ever heard. No mention of Jesus, but plenty of stretching His teachings in a terrible attempt to apply those teachings to politics in ways they were never intended to.



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Guest thebigjig
Anyone reading about this 'Kerry Vietnam Videotape Conspiracy' at drudge?


Could be interesting...

Interesting story that should be looked into...


but I find it strange that this is the first we've heard of it from one person. Give me a group of people that witnessed this, and I'll perhaps buy into it

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Guest thebigjig
I just saw Jesse Jackson demonstrate the worst example of biblical teaching. Ever.




That was the biggest fluff piece I think I've ever heard. No mention of Jesus, but plenty of stretching His teachings in a terrible attempt to apply those teachings to politics in ways they were never intended to.



Jesse Jackson is such an embarrassment... thank god they didnt put him in a primetime spot

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God, Teresa Heinz Kerry gave perhaps the worst speech I've heard in my life.


If this woman can't even act like she likes anything but her husband, in public, under scrutiny, how must she be in private? What a horrid lady.

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