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Guest Dazed

The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

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This crowd is starting to bore me.


Hooray, Canada knows how to boo the faces. That's wonderful....

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Guest Tjhe CyNick
Eugene gets the Edge treatment too. What is going on?!

Well, I predicted that (pats self on shoulder)


But honestly, why would anyone cheer for Eugene? Its such a stupid character. This is 2004, nobody really thinks he's a retard, and heck even Zach Gowen who is legit handicapped was getting heel reactions in a lot of towns. Wrestling fans just want to see wrestlers, not freak shows.

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Guest Staravenger

The fucking fake injury angle again? Jesus Christ, come up with something A LITTLE BIT ORIGINAL!

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Dare I say, that this has to be one of the worst crowds for a WWE PPV ever. They've been basically silent for everything except for booing Edge, cheering Angle and Y2J, and Triple H trying to suplex Eugene through the announce table.

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When was the last time HHH wasn't in the Main Event slot (Not counting Royal Rumbles)


Judgment Day 2003?

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Well, any rumours as to Triple H getting the main event spot are out the window.

When was the last time HHH wasn't in the Main Event slot (Not counting Royal Rumbles)

Not counting brand-only PPVs...






Judgment Day 03. I THINK Brock/Show stretcher was the last match on THAT card.

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Guest Staravenger

Eugene Sucks chants......Toronto is really crappy tonight. Why boo Eddie? Edge? Eugene?

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Well, any rumours as to Triple H getting the main event spot are out the window.

When was the last time HHH wasn't in the Main Event slot (Not counting Royal Rumbles)

25/05/03 Judgement Day


The Big Show/Brock Lesner stretcher match main evented, while Triple H faced Nash.

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Oh damn...



A HUGE "Eugene sucks" chant

Don't you know?


Torontians are just the hippest, man! The rebels of the worldwide professional wrestling audience, they are!

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Guest Staravenger
this crowd is probably thinking its cool to boo all the faces, its getting old by now.

What do you expect? They're Canadian.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Eugene Sucks chants......Toronto is really crappy tonight. Why boo Eddie? Edge? Eugene?

Because really, they've all become boring. When is Eddie gonna progress past his ridiculous lying, cheating and stealing character? Edge was always been boring, and Eugene - yes, he's god awful.

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When was the last time the WWE were in Toronto? Because I want to know what faces they booed. I mean X8 was in Toronto right.

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Eugene Sucks chants......Toronto is really crappy tonight. Why boo Eddie? Edge? Eugene?

Because really, they've all become boring. When is Eddie gonna progress past his ridiculous lying, cheating and stealing character? Edge was always been boring, and Eugene - yes, he's god awful.

Can't argue with that. The crowd really didn't BOO Eddie, though...just cheered Angle.

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Eugene Sucks chants......Toronto is really crappy tonight. Why boo Eddie? Edge? Eugene?

Eddie, I'm not sure.


Edge's character sucks, and he should be a heel, so might as well boo him.


Toronto thinks they're cool for booing the retard I guess.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick
This crowd is starting to bore me.


Hooray, Canada knows how to boo the faces. That's wonderful....

So they should cheer guys just because the WWE tells them to? I think the T-dot fans are smart. Most people feel Edge sucks, so they boo him. Most people think the Eugene character dfoesn't belong in a main event program, so he gets booed in that spot. And as for Angle, well he should be cheered at all times. The dumb fans are the ones who go "yeaaaaaa that guy is from my hometown yeaaaa I should cheer him yeaaaa I'm special"

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Guest Staravenger
When was the last time the WWE were in Toronto? Because I want to know what faces they booed. I mean X8 was in Toronto right.

Mega-Heel Hogan was given god like reactions, while The Rock was booed out of the building.

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I don't think they booed Eddie at all.


Edge is already stale as a face


They're appauled by the stupid Eugen retard gimmick where he steals everyone's finisher

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This crowd is starting to bore me.


Hooray, Canada knows how to boo the faces. That's wonderful....

So they should cheer guys just because the WWE tells them to? I think the T-dot fans are smart. Most people feel Edge sucks, so they boo him. Most people think the Eugene character dfoesn't belong in a main event program, so he gets booed in that spot. And as for Angle, well he should be cheered at all times. The dumb fans are the ones who go "yeaaaaaa that guy is from my hometown yeaaaa I should cheer him yeaaaa I'm special"

i would think that, but these fans are just booing all the faces, because THEY R SOOO COOOOL

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