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This is an excerpt from the 8/25 Wrestling Observer Newsletter:


There were a few interesting things teased on the Summerslam show. There was a confrontation between Eric Bischoff and Teddy Long, which seems to lead to another angle between the two at Survivor Series. John Cena and Randy Orton had a confrontation as well (this wasn't good for Cena, because he looked like a mid-card gimmick guy from a weaker show standing next to a superstar).


Most figure Mania at this point to be HHH vs Orton and Undertaker vs Kurt Angle as the top match from both sides. On HHH/Orton, I was surprised they shot the angle the next night in London with no build up, expecting a long build up of tension. With so much talk regarding the split in recent weeks, I knew it was coming sooner, but it felt rushed.


Angle and Undertaker have an understanding they are going to work with each other, largely because they see each other as the top guy on the Smackdown side, which also makes them strong political allies right now. They apparently want to keep themselves apart, and avoid doing jobs as much as possible to build to a match with two guys who are winning.


Apparently Kurt Angle convinced Eddy Guerrero that losing would be better for Guerrero. I was shocked at that one, because Guerrero is fading fast, hasn't scored a major win since Wrestlemania, while losing heat, and a potential talked about program with Luther Reigns (who Angle has been pushing for), will just make him another guy.


Now it appears that JBL vs Undertaker is being brought back to headline No Mercy on 10/3 in East Rutherford, NJ


Really, JBL and Undertaker didn't have that bad of a match. The problem is, and Undertaker should know this better than anyone, is that the submission holds, even if they are realistic, means nothing unless people have been educated that they are finishes by seeing them work on television. This is not Japanese wrestling where all the fans see Pride and wrestling as the same thing and a "real" finish is instantly recognized by the crowd. This is the U.S., and UFC may as well be underground as far as its influence on the vast majority of wrestling fans. Once the crowd turned in them, they had an uphill battle.

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Angle/Taker at WM21? I just don't see what that accomplishes for the future...neither guy is going to be wrestling full time in a few years anyway.


Agreed about Guerrero. Smackdown needs to treat him carefully so he stays over as much as he was when champ. Losing a feud to friggin' Bradshaw really hurt him.

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I don't like where things are headed on the SD side. Eddie is just lost in the shuffle.. why the fuck are Angle and UT headlining Wrestlemania? IMO they really need John Cena to headline that show to make him a star. How long do they think they can drag that gimmick out and still keep him over?


Ah well, Angle will probably get hurt again before WM, so maybe Cena will headline afterall.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Angle, remember instant karma will get you.


I think Angle's got some real jealousy over the fact that Eddie Guerrero is a better performer in every respect than he will ever be.

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Trying to turn Eddie heel for a short period of time may be what he needs to get his face heat back.


Worked last time.

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Why does Eddie need to turn? Everyone is acting like crowds are giving him the Edge treatment, he seems over to me, although not as over as he was pre-wrestlemania, but he's still as over as anyone on SD besides Cena and maybe RVD. He got a huge pop on Smackdown and a loud Eddie chant.

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He needs his 'edge' back. Less goofy "I lie, cheat and steal" and more badass (heel) "I lie, cheat and steal."


If that makes any sense?

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Wouldn't he just get cheered more in that case? It seems if everyone wants the more edgy Eddie character, then they're still going to cheer him, so it's useless having him as a heel unless you're going to just have him as a tweener who takes on faces and heels..


which actually come to think of it, sounds like a pretty good idea.

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Which was my point. He needs his edge back. He needs to be more of a tweener. He's becoming a cliche and the fans are going to get sick of it. Some already are.

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Guest Staravenger
Angle is probably going to get injured anyway, and an Eddie Guerrero for Chris Jericho trade should happen.

Triple H wants new meat, eh?

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Most figure Mania at this point to be HHH vs Orton and Undertaker vs Kurt Angle as the top match from both sides.

I can't wait.


Angle and Undertaker have an understanding they are going to work with each other, largely because they see each other as the top guy on the Smackdown side, which also makes them strong political allies right now.  They apparently want to keep themselves apart, and avoid doing jobs as much as possible to build to a match with two guys who are winning.


This is a great idea, since both guys would be sacraficing most of the roster to do so just so that they can have a "Who will lose the undefeated streak" going into Wrestlemania. That's right. Wrestlemania. An event where Undertaker HAS NEVER LOST. Jeez, I wonder if Kurt will be able to talk Taker into doing THAT job.


Apparently Kurt Angle convinced Eddy Guerrero that losing would be better for Guerrero.  I was shocked at that one, because Guerrero is fading fast, hasn't scored a major win since Wrestlemania, while losing heat, and a potential talked about program with Luther Reigns (who Angle has been pushing for), will just make him another guy.


Sounds like Luther Reigns will become the Test 2004, with Angle playing the Shane McMahon role of keeping him pushed. If we go by Test's career, that means Luther will be FINALLLY gone by about 2009. Yay?!

Now it appears that JBL vs Undertaker is being brought back to headline No Mercy on 10/3 in East Rutherford, NJ


I pity East Rutherford.


Really, JBL and Undertaker didn't have that bad of a match.


Yes they did. Really, yes they did.


The problem is, and Undertaker should know this better than anyone, is that the submission holds, even if they are realistic, means nothing unless people have been educated that they are finishes by seeing them work on television.


Zombie's should not be doing unproperly applied submission holds in the first place.


This is not Japanese wrestling where all the fans see Pride and wrestling as the same thing and a "real" finish is instantly recognized by the crowd.  This is the U.S., and UFC may as well be underground as far as its influence on the vast majority of wrestling fans.  Once the crowd turned in them, they had an uphill battle.


But then it looks like it's REAL and it's really cool! It makes a match have really good psychology and it makes it look like it can end at any time, like MMA!



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Angle is probably going to get injured anyway, and an Eddie Guerrero for Chris Jericho trade should happen.

Triple H wants new meat, eh?

Eh, he hasn't been THAT bad lately. And I retract that statement, Smackdown! wouldn't feel the same without Eddie. If that trade happened, that means RAW would have no ramp which would make it look weird.

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Angle is probably going to get injured anyway, and an Eddie Guerrero for Chris Jericho trade should happen.

Triple H wants new meat, eh?

Eh, he hasn't been THAT bad lately. And I retract that statement, Smackdown! wouldn't feel the same without Eddie. If that trade happened, that means RAW would have no ramp which would make it look weird.

Or Guerrero can stop riding his stupid cars to the ring..


Am I the only one that hates that?


Fuck. Riding a vehicle to the ring just looks stupid and wastes time.

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As usual, Taker is fucking things up. Sad to see Angle is right there with him.


I'm no huge John Cena fan, but at this point, Cena NEEDS to be the top face going into Wrestlemania (he's already, arguably, the most over face on the SD roster already), and if he doesn't have the title then, he should have it by the end of the night.

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Angle and Undertaker have an understanding they are going to work with each other, largely because they see each other as the top guy on the Smackdown side, which also makes them strong political allies right now.  They apparently want to keep themselves apart, and avoid doing jobs as much as possible to build to a match with two guys who are winning.

Jesus Christ!


I know Undertaker is a selfish asshole but I'm surprised at Kurt Angle. I used to respect the guy but now he's just turned into another one those backstage politican types. I don't want to see Undertaker vs. Angle at Wrestlemania 21. Not only that but it looks like the will be going over the rest of the Smackdown roster before they get there as well.


Apparently Kurt Angle convinced Eddy Guerrero that losing would be better for Guerrero.  I was shocked at that one, because Guerrero is fading fast, hasn't scored a major win since Wrestlemania, while losing heat, and a potential talked about program with Luther Reigns (who Angle has been pushing for), will just make him another guy.

This really pisses me off. Why the fuck would getting the title off Eddie be a good thing? Eddie could have been a good champion if they hadn't treated him like shit once he won the title. I mean he didn't even get to beat JBL at Judgment Day. It looks like it's back to the midcard for Eddie. Fuck Kurt Angle!

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Angle and Undertaker have an understanding they are going to work with each other, largely because they see each other as the top guy on the Smackdown side, which also makes them strong political allies right now.  They apparently want to keep themselves apart, and avoid doing jobs as much as possible to build to a match with two guys who are winning.

Jesus Christ!


I know Undertaker is a selfish asshole but I'm surprised at Kurt Angle. I used to respect the guy but now he's just turned into another one those backstage politican types. I don't want to see Undertaker vs. Angle at Wrestlemania 21. Not only that but it looks like the will be going over the rest of the Smackdown roster before they get there as well.


Apparently Kurt Angle convinced Eddy Guerrero that losing would be better for Guerrero.  I was shocked at that one, because Guerrero is fading fast, hasn't scored a major win since Wrestlemania, while losing heat, and a potential talked about program with Luther Reigns (who Angle has been pushing for), will just make him another guy.

This really pisses me off. Why the fuck would getting the title off Eddie be a good thing? Eddie could have been a good champion if they hadn't treated him like shit once he won the title. I mean he didn't even get to beat JBL at Judgment Day. It looks like it's back to the midcard for Eddie. Fuck Kurt Angle!

The problem is Kurt Angle has become yet another selfish asshole. I like the guy and all, but taht bullshit shouldnt be done at all, ESPECIALLY if you can't stay injury free or healthy for a long period of time. The guy is one bad bump from having his career ended.


I'd like to see Eddie turn heel for a while. Just have him walk out one day without the car and say "fuck all you bitches"

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You guys are hilarious here and also bloody right(if Meltzer is right about this). What the hell is Angle/Taker actually lobbying for the main event of Mania 21 for? Yeah, so Angle who is fragile is going to be depended upon to lead smackdown with UT. That's smart :huh:


I'm not one to usually bash Kurt Angle, but the guy is OBVIOUSLY scared of losing his position and being an asshole about it. So, let's see. Kurt Angle has lost 2 times in a row for the championship at Mania and we got UT who has NEVER lost at a Mania. Who do they think fans will believe will win that one? Angle has no business going over Taker at Mania at this point which I doubt will happen anyways. Maybe Brock Lesnar knew when to get out.


I blame Vince Mcmahon for the Eddie problems. The guy was over as champion and business started to pick up and then they kill the guy's heat by putting him against Bradshaw AND LOSING. Not including dismantling smackdown and bolstering raw during the draft lottery. Having some of the most stupid gimmicks and storylines since 1995(Bearer dying). I said in my predictions that Eddie should have gone over Angle at SummerSlam to get back all the heat he lost through the summer because of Angle screwing him and losing to a mid-card tag guy. Now the ratings are worse than ever. How is having Eddie a guy who was the top face a few months back losing all the time good? So, what exactly are they planning on doing with John Cena? Maybe just maybe his character is the way it is because they don't want him to stay over. I don't know this whole smackdown side seems very ridiculous. Cena should be considered to build the brand around imo. Taker and Angle should be putting people over instead of doing the exact opposite.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Poor Eddie. You'd think the politics woulda kinda stopped for him. Angle seems extremely insecure about his place in the business.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

I dont see why there is hate for Angle. If he's healthy, Angle should be the champion going into Mania, or challenging for the title. Its Taker's involved in the title picture at Mania that seems that politics to me. I mean maybe there's something to Taker aligning himself with Angle (a guy who is likely to headline Mania) in order to get the spot with him. But you cant really blame Angle for that.


Eddie definately got screwed in this whole deal. He won the title, SD got crap which was beyond his control and then he was never given any wins after Mania. I think what happened was that they saw the JD number, got nervous and went to JBL because of the heat from Germany and Vince's obsession with mainstream publicity.


If I were booking, I would put Eddie back with Chavo. Heel or face, I think they really need each other. Eddie needs Chavo to play off of, and Chavo needs Eddie to guarantee some TV time. That way they could shift between singles and tag team action, and when they win the tag belts, they become almost main event titles because of Eddie. Eddie could also be used to go after singles titles.


Cena is going to be gone at some point, which I thought would lead to him getting a WWE Title shot upon his return or at Mania more likely. However, I guess that isn't the case. He seems like the big loser in all of this to me. He's already been US champ, seems bigger than that title, and really needs to move on. The only saving grace would be if they have some special match lined up for Cena at Mania, like against Rock or some angle with an outside celebrity. Because I just dont see a match on SD that would be Mania worthy for him, JBL? Luther Reigns? Or maybe he fueds with Eddie, which actually would be pretty good, but would require a heel turns from one of them.


Perhaps they dont want both Cena and Orton chasing their respective World Titles on the same show, and they will save Cena for a few months down the road (ie Summerslam '05). Of course with Taker and Angle's track record with injuries I wouldn't lay too much money on that match getting in the ring at Mania.

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If they feud Cena with Eddie, one of them would come out over, and one of them would have to be burried. Best bets are they would use Eddie to put Cena over and burry what's left of Eddie in the process.


Say no to drugs.

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Selfish or not, Angle's just being smart. He knows he's a favorite of Vince's and he's just continuing the time-honored tradition of the business...getting to the top, doing everything in your power to stay there and helping your friends out along the way.


Look at the list of the long reigning main eventers and try to pick out 5 or more guys who haven't used or attempted to use politics for personal gain (since the business has become 'worked' that is, obviously).


Heck, if wasn't using politics, then I'm sure Angle would be a great candidate for making Heidenreich look good.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Oh course Guerrero has lost overness. There hasn't been a single reason to care for him since Mania. If they give his character some direction and some of his heel edge he'll be just as popular again. This is when you start protecting the guy for a few months.


And why does Angle and Taker need to be protected? They seem content to job anyone out by justifying that they'll be winning the title soon except for Taker. And why are they suddenly protecting Angle? They've thrown him to the wolves his entire career and now want to protect him when his career is basically over. That's the current WWF for you.

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Um, where in the WON is this? I've got it and can't find any of this stuff anywhere in it.


And by the way, it's the August 23rd edition, not August 25th.

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