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Guest Vitamin X

Locke's starting to get on my nerves. Am I the only person here sensing a slow-burn heel turn here? Come on. Just the shot of Charlie screaming hysterically about how the baby is in danger, then the camera panning around to show Locke's face coolly and calmly observing.


The only thing that makes me feel like Locke isn't being an asshole is how, in a way, he defended Charlie by not mentioning anything about Charlie's drug use to Claire. There was no reason, however, for beating the shit out of Charlie the way he did. For that matter, what interest does John have in Claire's baby that he has to get involved so much in their business?


And yeah, I liked this episode quite a bit. Not every episode has to be them vs. the Others, otherwise we won't have the markout moments we do when they face off.

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so am I the only one who thought this was a really good episode?


It wasn't "really good" to me, but I liked it. I would have prefered to see some storyline movement on the Others or something like that, but it still entertained me. It was nice to see Ecko again. I liked his comment about why he was marking the trees... "Cuz these are the ones I like." I just found it funny for some odd reason.


Lost has so many side stories now that they can focus on (Charlie & Claire, Libby & Hurley, Rose & Bernard), that I think we'll be seeing more of these type episodes.

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Locke's starting to get on my nerves. Am I the only person here sensing a slow-burn heel turn here? Come on. Just the shot of Charlie screaming hysterically about how the baby is in danger, then the camera panning around to show Locke's face coolly and calmly observing.


It seems like Ecko is turning into what Locke used to be and Locke is turning into Jack in a sense that now Locke is becoming this know-it-all type authority figure heel and Ecko is cool, calm and wise face.

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Yeah I was sad when Charlie burned Eko's favorite trees. Also I wonder if anyone will eventually find out Eko's real past since everyone thinks he's a priest.



I'm pretty sure that Eko DID eventually become a priest after his brother died.


Libby's going to do her laundry...


Sawyer: What's up, Hoss, you got a load that you want to drop in, don't ya?

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Locke's heel turn isn't gonna last too long if it does happen. Since he has no real connection to the others, it'll probably be after talking to them and deciding his destiny was to come to the island and join these people to do whatever they do. We'll all be so disappointed that Locke turned out to be a bad guy, until he heroically and timely saves the day, revealing it was his plan all along.

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Normally I complain about flashbacks, but I'll complain about the island this time too. Though this does feel a bit like a "necessary filler" type episode, even if the Charlie storyline is about the least interesting thing going on right now. I really dislike ending last week on the whole "How long would it take to train an army?" thing and then paying no attention (or very little to it--Jack and Ana-Lucia hanging out) to that, or where the hell Michael is. But, you know, it is good to keep in touch with what's going on with everyone on the island, so I guess this is just one of those weeks.


If Eko's the new Locke and Locke's the new Jack, then Jack's the new...Steve! Or Scott.

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This episode was lame as hell. I still don't get why Charlie went crazy and started kidnapping the baby. Because he had a dream all of a sudden he goes crazy and nutso and has to baptise the baby??? That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. There better be more to this (like, the island somehow drives everybody mad or something, or Charlie slowly becoming an actual Other psychopath). What a fool he was. I'm glad Locke beat the shit out of him, he deserved it. Idiot git.

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Guess I'm one of the few who liked this episode, then.


I agree they shouldn't have left the "How long would it take to train an army" thing hanging for another week, that was a mistake. But this episode sets up Charlie for a while, and it takes the heroin out of the equation. It would have been so easy for 'someone' to have started the fire, Charlie saves Aaron, Claire trusts Charlie, yay happy ending. That they continued to push the "Charlie is fucking crazy" thing to the very end was a smart move.


It also poses some interesting questions - first, IS Charlie fucking crazy? Or is something else going on - I was thinking maybe that disease Danielle said her crewmates succumbed to took hold in him. Or maybe he's seeing things the way everyone else is seeing things, and his religious history just made them slightly more extreme.


Second - why is Locke positioning himself so close to Aaron? I agree with whoever said earlier that the "Charlie goes nuts and we see Locke looking on" just screams heel turn, and the fact that Locke was in the right position to foil Charlie multiple times over the entire episode is suspicious as well. They trying to fake us out?


They should've kept the army thing alive, even if on the back burner, but this was far from a bad episode. Thoroughly enjoyable.

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As a person whose been watching the show and lurking in this thread, I think I'll finally add my two cents...


I liked the episode, if only because it was "necessary filler" and I dug Charlie's dream sequences. I think people are shitting on the Charlie subplot without completely thinking things though. In my opinion, it's necessary exposition after an episode that set up the big season showdown of US vs. THEM.


Not only is it a break from the serious, but its filled with love triangles and goofy comedy to take your mind off the big picture and the underlying dark nature of the episode, which goes towards explaining a key point about the island. That point being why exactly IS Charlie acting crazy? Last episode Mr. Friendly or whatever mentioned as an aside that they're coming up on two months on the island (a subplot which people have seemed to forget about). Heh, I can't wait for the French Lady to come back and start yelling they need to off people before the illness takes full effect.


Bah: beaten to the punch although I think Locke was doing the questioning look because he was questioning whether Charlie was using again or not.

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They really fucked up this season bad. The cast has gotten so bloated that main characters often seem like they're just making token appearances so people remember they're there. There hasn't been one "holy shit" type moment at all since maybe the third episode of the season, and the only backstory that was remotely interesting was Eko's.


Now, to make things worse, they're taking my favorite TV character ever, and changing his personality completely. Locke's gone from being the outsider who fails at corporate life but thrives in a different environment to being the insecure kid who's so thrilled to finally have friends that he's a total dick to anyone he perceives as being outside the clique.


I came into the season with high hopes and I really can't believe what a disappointment Lost has been thus far. I've gone from "wow, I can't believe they have a show this good on network TV" to the point where I'll actually recommend that people don't watch it if they haven't seen the first season.

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I thought that last night's episode was good, but far from great. They seem unwilling (or unable?) to capitalize on the momentum from the previous episodes. They do a kick-ass episode about Eko ... and then don't show him for a second the following week. They end an episode with a borderline "Holy Shit!" comment about building an army ... and then Jack & AL are acting like it never happened.


Charlie continues to be the least interesting character; at this point I'm apathetic about him or his drug usage or his ability to get Claire & the baby back.


Am I the only one that doesn't think that Locke's changed that much? This 'heel turn' theroy doesn't float with me. He was casually watching the Charlie incident because he likes to let people figure out resolution for themselves. His M.O. isn't to just tell people what to do, but instead help people figure out what to do on their own.


Having said that, I will say that his relationship with Charlie has changed, but I think that's because Locke's disappointed in Charlie for not staying clean and for lying to him. With most other scenarios, he's able to stand back and view things impartially ... but Charlie made it personal, and after getting lied to by everyone in 'real life', Locke's having a difficult time staying calm, cool, & collected after Charlie was dishonest. I think that he beat down Charlie because of that fact: he was hurt & angry about getting lied to.


... to being the insecure kid who's so thrilled to finally have friends that he's a total dick to anyone he perceives as being outside the clique
I couldn't disagree more. He's not a dick to anyone but Charlie, and that - in my opinion, and as I already said - is because it's more personal with Charlie. Locke still treats everyone else the same way he always has.

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I'm with nl, Locke hasn't changed that much. C'mon, Charlie's acting crazy, he's lying, of course Locke isn't going to trust that. Locke is probably a bit overprotective of Aaron, but that stems from what happened to him with his Dad.


As for Jack and AL, they were going into the woods alot. Fortifications? Really scouting out their campsite area, looking for naturally defensible spots?


Anyone catch the STEVE/SCOTT sighting? YEAH~!


Julie thinks that Charlie's bad of bruning Eko's trees will be turned into a good...that'll be Eko's church.

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Libby appears to have a secret of some sort. When she and Hurley were in the laundry room, Hurley insists that he knows her from somewhere. Libby says that Hurley stepped on her foot getting to his seat on the plane and then quickly changes the subject. The problem with this is (and likely no accident by the writers) is that we know from last season that Hurley was the last person on the plane... so if he passed Libby to get to his seat that would mean he was in the tail section of the plane (and would have crashed with the "tailies"). But the fact is he was seated several rows in front of Libby.



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They really fucked up this season bad. The cast has gotten so bloated that main characters often seem like they're just making token appearances so people remember they're there. There hasn't been one "holy shit" type moment at all since maybe the third episode of the season, and the only backstory that was remotely interesting was Eko's.


Now, to make things worse, they're taking my favorite TV character ever, and changing his personality completely. Locke's gone from being the outsider who fails at corporate life but thrives in a different environment to being the insecure kid who's so thrilled to finally have friends that he's a total dick to anyone he perceives as being outside the clique.


I came into the season with high hopes and I really can't believe what a disappointment Lost has been thus far. I've gone from "wow, I can't believe they have a show this good on network TV" to the point where I'll actually recommend that people don't watch it if they haven't seen the first season.


Wow, someone's jumping the gun.

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I agree with him to a point. The Season 1 had such an impact that I can tell you each and every episode and what happened in order, for the most part.


This season is just all jumbled too me. The first episode was solid. And it's great and all we are finally finding out answers to questions and stuff but I don't know.


I had with what they've done with Sayid. He's pretty useless at this point. Kate/Sawyer is fine, Hurley/Libby is fine...Charlie/Claire I do not give a shit what happens. Rose/Benard would be a lot more appealing to hear about then that. Jack/AL is okay but whatever.


I've got a bad feeling Locke is going to turn on us, and everyone would fucking hate that. And I think if Jack turned everyone would hate that too. I can see the "Kate's with the others oh my god" twist at some point in the season and that wouldn't be that bad. But it would be cool as hell if someone in the group has been a spy for quite a bit of time, and someone we know and wouldn't expect.


I've been also semi-dissapointed in the monster to a point because I don't think it's the same vision that they originally chose to have when they first had the Pilot eaten by it.


I think that it will pick up soon, but Season 1 was better than this Season. And I also think that with all the success and publicity the show got it's starting to go in more of a corporate direction and I think some of the stuff they put on TV is what ABC thinks is good, and not Damon.


And it probably doesn't help JJ Abrams isn't really involved with the show anymore on a regular basis.

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I have a feeling that Sayid will come back into the forfront when the "army" training starts. Ana has had it as a cop, but Sayid was an actual soldier. Perhaps if Sun is kidnapped, the survivors will get serious and start to strike against the Others.


The backstories are good, but the rest of the season should be focusing on the Others.


BTW, when are we getting the "island flashback" episode that Lindelof promised?

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Libby appears to have a secret of some sort. When she and Hurley were in the laundry room, Hurley insists that he knows her from somewhere. Libby says that Hurley stepped on her foot getting to his seat on the plane and then quickly changes the subject. The problem with this is (and likely no accident by the writers) is that we know from last season that Hurley was the last person on the plane... so if he passed Libby to get to his seat that would mean he was in the tail section of the plane (and would have crashed with the "tailies"). But the fact is he was seated several rows in front of Libby.




Whoa. Good call.


Especially since the Manifest thing was done before they discovered the Tailies, so they probably haven't bothered to check them all. For all we know, Libby is another Ethan/other guy whose name I can't remember. And if Hurley really DOES remember her from somewhere before the island... :ph34r:

Edited by chirs3

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I don't post too much in the Lost thread...but I felt obligated to chime in and say that episode bored me. Other than Locke putting on the daddy pants...nothing worthwhile happened

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I couldn't disagree more. He's not a dick to anyone but Charlie, and that - in my opinion, and as I already said - is because it's more personal with Charlie. Locke still treats everyone else the same way he always has.

True, but the question is still - why? I have to think that Locke has an agenda that partially involves Claire and Aaron, and he can't do anything about it with Charlie around. Playing "hit the Hobbit" with Charlie's face almost seemed like he was protecting his property - there was really no need for it, so what game is John playing here?

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