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Check out www.TheSuperficial.com . They have videos of Lost stars befor they were on Lost. Sawyer's in an Old Navy commercial (it will make you barf) Kate's in some adult dating commercial, and Saiyid's in Bride & Prejudice, busting a fucking move.


Saiyid's is by far the best.

Bride and Prejudice wasn't a bad movie. Naveen was pretty good in his role.

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I just DVR'ed Sabretooth on Sci-Fi last week, which stars Sawyer. Haven't watched it yet, but I love how delightfully horrible the Sci-Fi movies are.


That last minute of the show with Gale/Locke/Jack was just chilling stuff, it was awesome.

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I thought it was a week until the next episode so I missed this like an idiot.


Reading the recap on ABC.com I noticed something strange that maybe I'm just not peicing together correctly. At the end is a link to a diary entry that reads....


"Something must be done. I've just learned that my brother is being held in the hatch as a suspected "other". And from what I've heard, his treatment has been less than.... humane. Who do these people think they are? Judge and jury? What gives them the right? This is not their court. This is not their island. Something must be done....


I confronted Locke today and demanded to be let into the armory to see my brother. But all Locke continues to do is deny his very existence. I can tell by the way he looks at me that he's lying and I am going to find out the truth."





And if anyone can describe what he said at the end of the episode, I'd be HUGELY grateful. Thanks.

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When did Sun get pregnant? I know they did the deed when Jin came back with the Tailies, but in Lost time that was about a week ago. Would she be feeling the effects of the pregnancy that quickly?


I don't remember if they boned at any other point while on the island.

Jack said something like "maybe a false positive in the 1st week, but not now".

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you know it might be interesting if at some point the show were to time-jump ahead a year or two, a la battlestar galactica, especiall if there's some long term psychological plan a la DHARMA.


I think they'll almost have to with the way the pace has been working out thus far. It's been one and a half seasons and they've been lost for two months at most, which ignoring everything else about the island, doesn't really get across the feeling of hopelessness and doom-and-gloom. The projected five seasons worth of content won't mesh with the actors growing (in Walt's case) and getting older if the show keeps going at this rate (although if you jump ahead I guess it won't mesh then either).


If not something as drastic as a year ahead, maybe a one-to-three month jump every now and then with a recap episode ala "The Other 48 Days." It's something I could see happening as early as the beginning of next season.

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In the flashbacks, they seemed to hint that there was something going on between Sun, and that dude...That look she gave when she hugged Jin, it could have been about that. She did say she never slept with anyone but Jin, how we do know she wasn't lying about THAT part, and had sex with that guy while they were having all those problems? If she did, that would be a lie, and would explain that look since..she just lied about it and all.

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Battlenuts, that wasn't in the episode. Nothing even remotely close to that.


I know, that's what's throwing me off. It's an unsigned diary entry on ABC.com that was linked from the recap. Any idea's on it's significance?

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Gale was invited out to eat cereal with Locke and Jack. He told them that he made a map for Ana-Lucia. He talked about how he got it under there noses because they argued too much. He then "joked" that if he was an Other he would have made a fake map, to lead the search party out to a secluded area, perfect for ambush. This way they would be forced to make a trade, "your people for me". He then looked cockily at them and said "of course if I was one of them...".


Chopped up and nothing exact, but his tone, and the camera work was tremendous.

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upon rewatching,


i love the little shit-eating grin charlie gets when ana lucia mentions Locke and Jack's arguing. His smartass smirks are tremendous.


Also, Gale's comments about how they weren't even curious how the stuff got there may have been a wink wink at the audience, but I felt it could mean something more, like perhaps he's trying to get them to question that stuff because its part of the expirement, to see how they react.


and Gale can't be innocent after his speil, it's just too weird and provoking to be an actual joke from him.

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With regard to the pregnancy stuff, Jack did not mean there could be a false negative during the first week ON THE ISLAND, he meant there could be one during the first week of pregnancy. Also, remember that Sun waited until she started getting sick to get a pregnancy test, and in general morning sickness starts around the first 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. So, there's easily a timeline for this to occur on the island. Remember, Locke began walking immediately after the plane crash... so we could assume Jin was cured quickly as well.


Now, I LOVED the stuff with Henry Gale and I'm currently of the mind that he is actually telling the truth and not one of the others. I was pretty confident in the fact that he could have just assumed the identity of someone flying the balloon. That was until the final scene... where it could be believed he was playing mind games with Jack and Locke, probably as an assignment from his superiors. However, when he began asking questions, the questions that we would find most appropriate, and the questions that NOBODY has asked, I came up with this theory...


Henry Gale and his wife were actually flying the hot air balloon, and they actually crashed on the island. Here's the important part: I believe they were not the victims of the same circumstances that brought the Lostaways, the French chick and her crew, Eko's brother, to the island. Basically, there was no Bermuda triangle, electromagnetic type stuff going on. Henry Gale crashed on the island through "natural" circumstances. And that is why he is logical, that is why, finally, we have someone asking the questions that should have been asked a long time ago. You might ask why does he make those little devious comments, and I would say perhaps he's scared and thinks that playing this "Other" card might make him appear stronger and scare the Lostaways into releasing him. Or maybe he's just a brutally honest person and figures being honest is his best play. And it could just be that the scenes are shot in such a way as to keep us guessing.

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So, there's easily a timeline for this to occur on the island. Remember, Locke began walking immediately after the plane crash... so we could assume Jin was cured quickly as well.
Why would Jin & Sun be having sex immediately after surviving a plane crash & getting stranded on a deserted island? I don't think having sex would be high on my to-do list after getting stranded on a beach & fearing for my life.


However, when he began asking questions, the questions that we would find most appropriate, and the questions that NOBODY has asked, I came up with this theory...
Again, I disagree: the most appropriate question would be, "Where'd you guys get cereal?" not "How long has this been here?".

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Guest Vitamin X
So, there's easily a timeline for this to occur on the island. Remember, Locke began walking immediately after the plane crash... so we could assume Jin was cured quickly as well.
Why would Jin & Sun be having sex immediately after surviving a plane crash & getting stranded on a deserted island? I don't think having sex would be high on my to-do list after getting stranded on a beach & fearing for my life.


Well I don't know about YOU, but it'd be my top priority.


In fact, I'm surprised it isn't higher on yours, either.

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You're right, VX, having sex probably would be pretty high on my list. Just not with my wife.


But since Jin doesn't speak any English, him hitting on Claire, Kate or Shannon would be kind of difficult.

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Guest wildpegasus
So, there's easily a timeline for this to occur on the island. Remember, Locke began walking immediately after the plane crash... so we could assume Jin was cured quickly as well.
Why would Jin & Sun be having sex immediately after surviving a plane crash & getting stranded on a deserted island? I don't think having sex would be high on my to-do list after getting stranded on a beach & fearing for my life.


However, when he began asking questions, the questions that we would find most appropriate, and the questions that NOBODY has asked, I came up with this theory...
Again, I disagree: the most appropriate question would be, "Where'd you guys get cereal?" not "How long has this been here?".


It's been said that in times of great disaster your need for sex increases with the reason being is that the human race needs to survive.

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true, but maybe not amidst burning wreckage, in hearing/viewing distance of a bunch of strangers, or in a jungle with a tree-flattening monster

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They have been on the island about 50-55 days so far. It would have happened a week or two after the crash. Not exactly screwing in the burning rubble.

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I was rewatching some season one shit the other day and it's fun to take things said back then and apply it to now. For example, in Homecoming (aka Death of Ethan) Jack is talking to Kate about using the guns in the case.


"Running around in the jungle with guns, one of us hears something. We're more likely to shoot one another."

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Guest nokia

Links to the preview for the NEXT episode (Lockdown) - both US & Canadian previews (The US one is more revealing)


ABC preview ;

streaming: http://www.lost-france.com/index.php?go=videos&voir=135

download: http://txvoodoo.livejournal.com/tag/lost


CTV preview ;

streaming: http://www.lost-france.com/index.php?go=videos&voir=134

download: http://txvoodoo.livejournal.com/tag/lost


* Can't wait for this one...

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You know what I really want from this show? A nice big meeting of all the crash survivors, where they talk about all the ridiculous shit they've discovered. "I've been seeing weird visions of Walt in the jungle!" "We found another bunker where the Others used to be, with a bunch of theatrical make-up!" "Eko and I ran into the monster in the jungle, and it's definitely a weird smoky thing!" I know they're all trying to survive, blah blah blah, but at this point the characters seem so tremendously uninterested in figuring out what's going on that I'm having a hard time buying everything. If the writing was doing a better job of illustrating that complacency, I'd be fine with it, but it's not. There are just open spaces where there should be...anything.


The more I reflect on this season so far, the more I think the creative team has done a pretty poor job of stringing everything together. We've got broken arcs, characters that don't get nearly the attention they did the first season, and this super-small timeline. I'm really hoping this next episode keeps the momentum from the Gale storyline going and gets us headed somewhere.

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I feel like the series developments are lacking a sort of... visceral movement. There's too much of characters just strolling through the woods looking for something or someone, or sitting or standing in the hatch talking, sitting at the computer, or standing around in the woods talking with the others, etc, and all that.


I'm thinking back to early season 1 and the most memorable moments are... Sayid torturing Saywer against a tree, Sayid being captured by Danielle, Boone and Locke in that airplane accident, Jack and Ethan fighting in the frikken rain, TWICE! trees being pulled out of the ground. Everything was really visceral, and striking. I'm definetly looking forward to this week though, hopefully events happen rather than just doling information.


The only event this season that I feel has actually had a really visceral movement to it imo is when Ana Lucia shot Shannon and Sayid tried to go all nuclear on her. That felt like DAMN SOMETHING HAPPENED! i think some people confuse this sort of movement with "resolving mysteries", i mean ok so a mystery is resolved but is it really that compelling that theyre sitting there listening to someone talk?

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