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That's not a spanish woman, that's an Iraqi Woman. Sayid's Iraqi Woman. SNAPZ!

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That's not a spanish woman, that's an Iraqi Woman. Sayid's Iraqi Woman. SNAPZ!


Correct. The woman was Sayid's little sweetheart, Nadia.

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OOOOOOOOH SHIT. That was somethin of an episode.


For a recap.


Lockes Flashbacks


- He is preparing to propose to Helen by planning a picnic, Helen likes to read the obits and sees Lockes fathers name. They go to use funeral where Locke says he forgives him. Locke sees two sketchy lookin guys there and a fancy car. When Locke is inspecting a home, he sees the fancy lookin car and goes over to it. His father is in it. He explains to Locke that he faked his death to get away from those two guys, and that there is a bag of money in a safety deposit box and he needs Locke to get it (in compensation, Locke will get a couple hundred thou). Locke does it, runs into the baddies in his home he lies to them about his father, Helen asks him if Locke is lying and Locke says no. Locke gives his father the money, says he didn't do it for the money, says he plans on marrying Helen that night, Helen shows up and then leaves Locke, even after Locke proposes to her saying "You love him more than you love me". She leaves, his father leaves.


The Island:


Hurley, Kate, and Sawyer are playing Texas Holdum. Jack shows up and gives Hurley advice, basically we find out that Jack likes him some poker. Sawyer asks him to sit down, Kate taunts Jack by saying he has no fun, Jack sits. Jack owns them. We find out that he learned the game in Thailand and when Sawyer presses Jack on his wild side, Jack basically says "shut up and play". Eventually Sawyer loses all of his fruit (which they were betting with) and then offers to put up anything, and Jack says put up medicine. Sawyer does, Jack still beats him. Sawyer asks him why Jack didn't ask for the guns and Jack says "when I want guns, I'll get guns". Basically, Jack was the man in the episode, and was really fucking cocky. The whole thing was to keep Jack away from the Hatch. When Jack is goin back to the hatch Kate shows up and wants to know if she can go with him to the hatch cause she wants a shower, Jack says the shower is busted and she looks dejected because she really wanted to spend time with Jack. They get all flirty and Jack offers to take her back to the beach. But then they see a flashing light, go towards it, sees a box of Dharma brand Mac and Cheese and a parachute, so someone was sending down food. Charlie, Sayid and Ana show up and Jack asks them what they found out.


In the Hatch, the emergency doors shut after a distorted countdown in the loudspeaker and flickering lights and Locke is able to get a crowbar under one door. He needs Gales help to lift it up and they are able to get it up enough and put a tool box under it. Locke goes under it legs first and it closes on his legs. At the same time the countdown is on and Locke tells Gale to go and insert the code, which he remembers after hearing it once. Gale does it, the lights go back on and everything goes back to normal, but only after a dark light turns on and shows on the door that Locke is trapped under the image shown on the previous page.


Sayid, Ana and Charlie find the parachute/balloon and a gravesite. Sayid starts to dig it up. When they get back, and after they tell Jack, they go into the Hatch and shove Gale up against the wall. Sayid reveals that they dug up a man, and shows Gale a drivers license that shows a black man named Henry Gale. And we're out.

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That was straight fyah.


Definetly episode of the season and a solid contender for one of their best, period.


I'll argue Locke-centric episodes as the most solid compared to anybody else given what we saw tonight.

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Sure it is.



"Deus Ex Machina"




All motherfucking good-great episodes. "Deus Ex Machina" is probably my favourite Lost episode ever at this point.

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the flashbacks were more about continuing Locke's story, both on the island and before it. The flashbacks didn't necessarily pertain directly to the events on the island, but his was the primary on-island story, so he got flashbacks.

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and we still haven't gotten to how he got in the chair, I thought it was gonna be in this episode after the door came down on his legs...oh well, just means we got at least one more Locke flashback eisode to come, and that's good :D

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Great episode. Show is getting back on track, like I hoped.


This map is going to be great fun. I just need a slightly higher-resolution copy. My job is basically reading old manuscripts with miniscule handwriting, so I can already make out a whole lot of this. If anyone finds a higher-res one, post it, and I'll have something to distract from my thesis for, like, weeks.

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- He is preparing to propose to Helen by planning a picnic, Helen likes to read the obits and sees Lockes fathers name. They go to use funeral where Locke says he forgives him. Locke sees two sketchy lookin guys there and a fancy car. When Locke is inspecting a home, he sees the fancy lookin car and goes over to it. His father is in it. He explains to Locke that he faked his death to get away from those two guys, and that there is a bag of money in a safety deposit box and he needs Locke to get it (in compensation, Locke will get a couple hundred thou). Locke does it, runs into the baddies in his home he lies to them about his father, Helen asks him if Locke is lying and Locke says no. Locke gives his father the money, says he didn't do it for the money, says he plans on marrying Helen that night, Helen shows up and then leaves Locke, even after Locke proposes to her saying "You love him more than you love me". She leaves, his father leaves.


I hate to be a nit-pick... well, actually, I don't, but anyway...


I think it was closer to "You need his love more than you need mine."

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Two questions that came up for me from this episode were:

1. Locke's father scamed the two guys for about 700 thousand. Now there's plenty of scams out there but with the past connections, is Locke's father the real Sawyer???


2. Nobody saw or heard the plane that dropped the supply??? They've made plenty of trips through the jungle at night to and from the hatch that the drop would have been noticed so it is recent. I'm sure if you've been stranded on some island for months, you'd notice an airplane or what sounded like one.


This episode was just awesome. The previews for next week look great. The show is definitly picking up steam for the end of the season.

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Two questions that came up for me from this episode were:

1. Locke's father scamed the two guys for about 700 thousand. Now there's plenty of scams out there but with the past connections, is Locke's father the real Sawyer???


It's been brought up before and it looks like they're heading in that direction.


2. Nobody saw or heard the plane that dropped the supply??? They've made plenty of trips through the jungle at night to and from the hatch that the drop would have been noticed so it is recent. I'm sure if you've been stranded on some island for months, you'd notice an airplane or what sounded like one.


Maybe Dharma owns some stealth jets? :lol:

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They refer to the same "He" in the preview next week that Zeke used when talking to Ethan in "Maternity Leave".


At this point I'm thinking it's either Dr. Degroot (if he isn't Zeke) or Dr. Candle.

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Also, judging by the preview next week the food parachute gets people actin' all crazy-like. Question is, did that food get dropped there on purpose to make everybody act a fool?

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I hate to ask a wicked inconsequential question ... but does anyone know what Locke was listening to right before the hatch started acting up? (The scene shows him on the exercise bike and listening to a record ... he goes & shuts off the record because he hears the background noise ... does anyone know what that is?

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Well, you know what they say about blind squirrels ;)


I've come to a conclusion...


It must suck being a black person on this island. The real Henry Gale is dead (I don't think they would have buried him like that if they killed him). Michael is MIA. Walt is kidnapped. Mr. Eko better watch himself.

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