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It took Lost all of 2 minutes to remind me why it's my favorite show on TV. The whole introduction, up to & including them seeing the plane crash? Just awesome. Not at all what I expected.


I am so sick of Jack ... I just don't like him at all as a character? I don't care for his flashbacks and I feel no sympathy for his wife leaving him. His "alpha male" shtick is just not something that I can get into.


But the Sawyer scenes were, as always, awesome. (His line of "I had asked for that cage" was the line of the night, and the fact that he gave Kate the fish biscuit that he'd worked so hard for was a good nod to him having a soft-spot for her). The Kate scenes were stellar, too ... and not just her in a shower and a spanktacular dress. Her scene with Ben on the beach was wicked chilling, and set the tone for what's going to happen until the long hiatus in a month.


And to expect anything but new questions in a season premier is confusing ... it's the 1st show of the new season, of course they're not going to explain much. They explained the big thing that happened in last season's finale: where the others were taking Jack, Kate & Sawyer ... there was no reason to 'explain' anything else this episode.

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Yeah, I really liked the episode. Of course the beginning was awesome. I do hope that at somepoint they explain the reasons for the Others disguising themselves and they damn well better show how they have all of the background information on the Losties.


I liked the Jack backstory last night, but agree that it's enough of Jack for awhile. At least it gave him a little depth and more of a dark side and a bit more of an understanding why he felt he needed to go to Sydney to get his dad.

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I am so sick of Jack ... I just don't like him at all as a character? I don't care for his flashbacks and I feel no sympathy for his wife leaving him. His "alpha male" shtick is just not something that I can get into.


Thank you, niskie! I wholeheartedly agree! I hate Jack-centric flashbacks. His character is so overbearing and whiney that I just want to pummel him unmercilessly. After last nights episode I'm actually rethinking having Jack in the lead of characters that I want to get killed off (along with Kate and Charlie).

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Wasn't it pretty much confirmed last night that the Others are left over from the Dharma experiments? That's a pretty big thing.



And Juliet knocking Jack out with one punch? Come on.


Come on what? I guess she can't possibly be able to hit hard, or know how to knock someone out because she's a girl. :rolleyes:

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I think that Sawyer getting zapped with enough electricity to make him fly 10 feet across the cage and just shaking it off was a little more unbelievable.

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Wasn't it pretty much confirmed last night that the Others are left over from the Dharma experiments? That's a pretty big thing.



And Juliet knocking Jack out with one punch? Come on.


Come on what? I guess she can't possibly be able to hit hard, or know how to knock someone out because she's a girl. :rolleyes:


Jack hadn't eaten or had any water. Plus, she said he'd be weak and hallucinating from the drugs they gave him. Though you can't tell the amount of time that past during Jack's 'stubbon' period, I'd say this went on for about a day and the episodes pacing seems to back that up. Placed in that position it's completely plausible that Julie knocked him out.

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Prediction: Jack & Juliet become an item. She's clearly unhappy there (she was almost ready to cry during those 1st shots we saw of her), plus Henry/Ben was ready to let her die when Jack opened the door. I think she's going to bond w/ Jack, eventually helping Jack/Kate/Sawyer escape.

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I read an article on Fox News, saying the show is only going for six episodes, then taking a break until February, and then going non-stop. So I guess the next five weeks are going to be build-up, a couple major events and a hopefully great cliffhanger.

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Okay, that premiere was amazing! The way they pull off those paradigm shifts is unreal!


Now, I know we've discussed the flashbacks before, but I still think saying that Lost should stop using flashbacks is like saying that 24 should stop using a real-time format. On to my thoughts...


The opening sequence was awesome... I got suspicious when I didn't see any Lostaways, and it took until the earthquake for me to realize they were on the island. I'm still unsure about Juliet's comment that Dharma was "a long time ago." Obviously, the options are either that these people WERE Dharma or that they came after Dharma. Right now, I'm leaning toward the latter. They definitely had pre-existing contingencies for plane crashes.


I loved what they've done with Jack's storyline. I was slightly worried about the mysterious identity of Sara's lover... I was ready to be critical if they used it only to set up another Lost Connection. Instead, they handled it perfectly. As far as I'm concerned, Jack is still Jack, despite what The Others may think. Ben feels that Juliet broke Jack of his old life, and now they can assimilate him. But I viewed it as Jack reasserting his role as the hero by demonstrating that he still is interested in what's best. Perhaps, The Others view both of those outcomes. And yeah, I can definitely see a little Stockholm syndrome with Jack, and Kate & Sawyer developing a connection through shared experience.



I'm now thinking that the Psychic works for Hanso/Dharma and the whole Eko flashback was a scheme to get him on the plane. After all, the Psychic said right to Eko's face that he collects information and manipulates people. Maybe he's head of intelligence or something.

Written on May 11 by none other than... me!

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That looks to be Ms. Clue, though.


Apparently when Jack confronts his dad in the hospital hallway about talking to his ex you can see Zeke in the background but nothing solid has confirmed this yet.

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I read somewhere else that one of Jack's patients in the episode was none other then Mr. Friendly/Tom, but I didn't see any pics anywhere.


Anybody see anything about that?


Edit: Beat to it by a few seconds.

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I love that The Others are going to be such a huge focal point of this season because it will (hopefully) flesh out some things from even back in season one that we still haven't got closure on.


- What happened with Danielle and her crew? We've (or at least I have) been waiting for a Rousseau flashback episode since season one. Hell, we got a Desmond one, this shouldn't be too much to ask.


- What really went down with the real Henry Gale and his parachute?


- What relationship, if any, did they have with Kelvin and Rusczinski?


- Why the jungle-peoples ruse, fake village and fake hatch? Who are they trying to fool and why?


I read a Damon Lindelof interview pre-premiere that talked about us seeing things from The Others perspective when they first arrived on the island and it included the phrase "who was there before them." That should be some fun.

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I got the feeling that the plane coming down was a huge shock to the Others when it happened. Ben thought quickly and, like a good leader, came up with a quick plan to have Ethan and Goodwin in place as moles and told them he wanted a list in 3 days.


Now, that tells me that they had no idea who was on that plane, and they wanted to find out as much as they could about the passengers. Between that point and where we are now, they have gathered quite a bit of intelligence, as seen from the file on Jack.


However, what if they extracted the factual info from Jack while he was in captivity? They have pages that he can't see, start shooting off a few odd facts that makes him realize they know stuff no one else on the island has been told, and when he asks his question about his wife, the answer is one that he could not possibly check for factuality.




Christian gave them the info and he is not really dead. Hard to tell with this show.

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I was halfway kidding about Christian. I said that because no matter what theories we put forth that could be easily explained, we are usually way off because the show is so hard to figure out. My "theory" was what I posted first, and joked about how off base it could be after that.


And the patient might resemble Tom/Mr. Friendly, but trust me, that ain't M. C. Gainey! M. C. has distinguishable characteristics like his cheekbones and mole on his left cheek. That guy is not him.

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I think that they just do stuff like that to keep the fans so intense about the show. I don't think that he could have been Jack's patient with how long the others have to have been on the island.


My biggest fear right now for the show is that they go and make the Others like the people in the "Village".

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I thought this but wasn't sure. This also further proves (with alot of the other images) how insane some people get over this show.


I thought it was a very good episode. It was well paced, Jacks flashbacks were short and built towards his characters, and we learnt more about the others surroundings without showing us too much.

If it is going to be 6 episodes, then nothing till feb: I hope they end up just sticking with jack/sawyer/kate and going back to the rest in febuary for a few episodes. If they do back and fourth shit we'll get even less info.


I'm also wondering if we are going to find out any more about those children that were originally AL. It seemed we were going to find out more about them from "leaked pictures" etc, but nothing really came of it. Same for the "zombie / savage" kids.

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I get the feeling that a lot of you, when you rent a movie, you watch the first 5 minutes, then FF and watch the last 5 minutes.


How much fun would Citizen Kane have been if you knew right away that Rosebud was a sled? Or, if the first time you watch Star Wars, that Darth was Luke's father?


The fun of this, is the journey. Maybe I'm a little spoiled, since I watched the first 2 seasons via DVD, but I guess I like being left in

the dark.

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It just bothers me that the show has drifted from being a story about its characters to being a story about riddles. I would think you'd notice that even more watching all the episodes quickly on DVD.

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