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not only that, but pity sex from Gwen! Before she ever slept with her love Peter!


Is this supposed to be some really bizarre statement on how chicks like the 'bad boys' and not the 'nice guys'?? that's the only possible reason I can think of to write something so ridiculously awful.


Howard Mackie has returned!!!

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How can any writer think that this was a good idea? Did Norman use his mystical goblin totem to seduce Gwen?

Nah, he just used his mystical goblin totem pole.

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JMS has gone fucking nuts.

I guess its about time he had a bad idea on Amazing. I've loved everythng else up to this point.

I haven't liked everything but I think this history twist isn't too bad for the book. It's a somewhat original idea stitched onto an old feud and this is the kick to Spider-Man's balls that Flash Thompson never would have tried. This also does put MJ in a much more flattering light than Gwen, which will pay off in the long run since Gwen is dead and MJ will never die unless Marvel wants to revamp the character's life. Everyone wins out here (even though MJ did hurt Peter in this due to her role in the story). Also, Norman Osborn is now, without a doubt, Spider-Man's nastiest villain after delivering the ultimate slap to his face before things got real nasty publically.


This new nugget of information puts a whole new and sick, sick, sick twist on the Spider-Man and Green Goblin relationship. He killed Gwen and Ben Reiley, which were bofo kills with, especially, the first kill looking worse now after finding out this new bit of info.


JMS went above my expectations, which weren't really high to begin with, but instead he actually managed to impress me with this twist after his terrible Ezikiel story from a couple issues ago. Those stories should be burned in Alan Moore's pipe before they ever get brought up again.

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I hven't followed Amazing S-M since the last Ezequiel storyline, so I have to ask: Is this baby stuff confirmed or is there a chance that Norman is just screwing with Peter's head as he always does?

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Guest Banders Kennany

What was the general consensus of the comix community about that Ezerkiel business? I liked it but only had a few of the issues at the start of the run before I fell out of comics due to the only shop around here closing its golden doors.

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What was the general consensus of the comix community about that Ezerkiel business? I liked it but only had a few of the issues at the start of the run before I fell out of comics due to the only shop around here closing its golden doors.

I thought the first Ezek story or two was ok.

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not only that, but pity sex from Gwen! Before she ever slept with her love Peter!

Was it ever implied that Peter and Gwen did it in the comics before she died?


From what I've heard, Parker didn't lose his virginity to Mary Jane until after he had dropped Ben Reilly down a smokestack, and after making his peace with the Gwen clone that the Jackal created.



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What was the general consensus of the comix community about that Ezerkiel business?  I liked it but only had a few of the issues at the start of the run before I fell out of comics due to the only shop around here closing its golden doors.

I thought the first Ezek story or two was ok.

I like the Ezekiel storyline. I know not everyone does, but I'm a fan of giving Spidey's spider bite something of a reason other than random desire of a radioactive spider to bite a human. I'm also a fan of any Dr. Strange cameo's as well.

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At least Deodato's art has been superb. It would be a great way to end the story with Spidey waking up and it all being a nightmare, then realizing it is a important day like Gwen's b-day or death day.


That would be a cool twist, with JMS intentionally pissing off everyone and then it not mattering.

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from a thread on Newsarama





Norman Osborn

Interesting idea but horrible execution, especially with the stupid ass baby storyline.


If JMS had simply established that Gwen (preferably BEFORE she met Peter) had a one time consentual boink with Norman Osborn that didn't end in pregnancy I would have no problem with it so long as the storyline was used to make Norman more sympathetic (IE the good side of Norman's personality actually loved Gwen but that the evil Goblin side murdered her just to spite the good side, leading to Norman revealing that he never told Peter he boinked Gwen because he honestly loved Gwen and didn't want to sully Gwen's good name). And it would even give a tie-in towards the recent revelation in the pages of "The Pulse" which has Norman going batshit crazy and having an imaginary Gwen talk to him....


But as it is, JMS's story is just God-Awful. Just plain God-Awful.

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After finding out what happens in the last issue, I'm dropping ASM.


Goblin love children, Avengers, talking to bugs...all this crap in under a year.

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