Guest The Winter Of My Discontent Report post Posted December 28, 2004 'No one who speaks German could be an evil man' Legit though, some good points made, especially in the first post, but come on. Yes, he was. there weren't any good points in the original post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianGuitarist 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Well, good point wasn't the right choice of words. I can see the point you're making and where you're coming from. But that's wrong. Come on. You were right, previous poster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nighthawk 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Ah, here's a subject of some interest to me. I'm unsure of the climate for discussion, but there is a point can be made here. That being, Hitler is on the receiving end of knee jerk reactions. Hitler wasn't so much evil as he was... successful. What kind of standard are you judging evil by? Accomplishment? If one man kills millions, and another man would, but is incapable, is the first man more evil? That would, by extension, relate evil to opportunity and capability. Hitler did some bad things, but he isn't the most evil man ever, or a monster. I think you'd agree that the torture and experimention was a more evil element of the holocaust than the forced labor and gassing, which was something Hitler had little interest or knowledge of. Wouldn't that therefore make those perpetrators more evil than Hitler? The way he's presented has as much to do with the fact that he lost a war as his being more or less evil than someone like Stalin, Pol Pot, or even Andrew Jackson. Study up on a guy called Shiro Ishii. It will give you some food for thought regarding these issues. And, I'm curious, who here has actually read Mein Kampf? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red Baron 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Hitler was a sensative man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyce 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 I know he wasnt evil. No one is evil. Evil is something that surounds somone. You're a fool. Anyone who doesn't think evil exists, and that there are not evil people in the world, is a fool. The worst sort of fool, I would have to say. Jobber is correct - no matter how you define evil, Hitler had it in spades. You must not hate Hitler, or even talk badly of him. You must feel sorry for him. Because he had those awul views on mankind. Feel bad that he's rotting in Hell! Holy shit. I know people who lost family members in the Holocaust. I'd really love to see how they'd react to this statement. You can be upset, but if you werent the one who was in those canps or under his rul;e, then you really cant say much IMO. Hitler wasnt evil, evil was just everywhere he was, and took over his decision making. You are so full of bullshit that I'm shocked you're able to speak from the flies crawling in and out of your mouth. I'm not sure when this bullshit began in our culture where we feel we have to absolve everyone of anything even remotely resembling personal responsibility, but I wish it would go away and never return. It doesn't fucking matter what his beliefs are. It doesn't matter what drugs he was on, if he was a crazy motherfucker in the head, etc. IT DOES NOT MATTER. Whatever his motivations, he took the power that he had, the power to influence and control millions, and he used that power to cause the death of millions of his fellow men AND to exterminate an entire race of people. He is a symbol, and rightfully so, of the darkest point in human history, a reminder of how absolutely vile and depraved and yes, EVIL, humanity can become if we allow ourselves to be. Please, knock it the fuck off. No more of this weeping for the damned. Not when they DESERVE it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Metal Maniac 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 If one man kills millions, and another man would, but is incapable, is the first man more evil? That would, by extension, relate evil to opportunity and capability. Yeah. And? I don't see why that's a problem. It's not really a crime to WANT to do something; it's only a crime once you physically do something in order to make that something happen. Which is to say that Johnny Neo-Nazi may want to kill even more Jews then Hitler did, but he can't, and won't. Thus, he's not as evil, because he hasn't killed (or at least, ordered to be killed) millions and millions of people. I think a large part of evil IS in the act itself; I see how the desire can be a large part, but I don't think that WANTING to do something makes you half as evil as the guy who went out and did it. The way he's presented has as much to do with the fact that he lost a war as his being more or less evil than someone like Stalin, Pol Pot, or even Andrew Jackson. I'd say that's highly debatable. Granted, history IS written by the victors, and had Hitler won WWII, I don't think he would have been seen as "evil" in the history books. But then again, it's quite possible that, even had Hitler won, people would have advanced to the point that they realized that killing races upon races of people (which he probably would have done, if given the chance; he didn't just hate Jews) is wrong, plain and simple, and he would have been deemed evil; assuming, of course, that one was allowed to say that Hitler was evil without getting shot. I mean, if he had won and all, I'd think the world would be a lot more facist. but it's really really hard to argue on maybe's and if's, so I'll state that his loss had an effect on how he is viewed in history, but not so much as to completely reverse what might-have-been, assuming that freedom of speech existed after he "won". Did that make sense? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jobber of the Week 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 I can't even believe someone is trying to justify Hitler and arguing if we should call him evil. Where the hell is INXS? I want to see what happens when he and Slapnuts! agree on something. We may actually open a gateway into some kind of parallel dimension due to the rules of impossibilities being broken. And no, even he isn't going to be silly enough to agree that Hitler was just misunderstood. I hope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prime Time Andrew Doyle 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 This is like the CE folders answer to "Oh Man I am so drunk right now" from HD. This is the type of topic you would try and argue when you were drunk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Adolph Hitler is not a Current Event. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murmuring Beast 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 He was bitter and twisted and was incapable of doing anything worthwhile with power. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CheesalaIsGood 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 And from the AMikeSC file of "Hey you may think this guy sucks but THIS guy is WORSE" file: Good Ole' Joey Stalin! They both killed lots of people, both are dead, and both ruined cool moustaches for guys for what will become centuries. Both are assholes for doing all of the above. Including, the dieing before somebody could kill them part. Dicks. More Anal Cunt references please. Maybe some "Body by Auchwitz" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nl5xsk1 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 I want to see jason TRY to argue this one. I'd like to see Jason choke on a dick. Six million people were killed, most of which were tortured before they were lucky enough to die. Children were taken from their parents. Parents were forced to choose which child lived (for the time being) and which died immediately. Twins, dwarves, and other 'oddities' underwent autopsies WHILE ALIVE to see what made them different. People were sewn together, people were forced into freezing water while naked, people were just fucking tortured, just to see what would happen. All because of Hitler's words and encouragement. Yes, he wasn't the one that was actually Ok-ing all of these deeds, but he's the one that set the table for them to occur. And this jackass says Hitler's not evil. Fuck off, man. Go join a RAC board and spew your Hitler love there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Catcher8C Report post Posted December 28, 2004 I don't think that that much could be held against him. How can a person be evil when they legitamitely believe they are doing the right thing? Was your great-great grandfather evil for whipping the black labor on your plantation? Did he go to hell for that? If anything, Hitler was misguided by the tomes he read in jail prior to the Holocaust, and at best he was just wrong. But not evil. And I'm jewish. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stephen Joseph 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Sadly, Stalin did much the same to the people of the Ukraine and the gypsies, yet history does tend to gloss over those facts post-1942 when he was our ally. Yet, the conversation always revolves around Hitler. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jason Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Well the post-revisionist view on Hitler is that whilst he was obviously to blame for a lot of things, you can't simply call him evil and leave it at that. That would be a very naive view. Hitler was far from the only person to hold anti-semitic views in Europe at the time. In fact if you look at history, England was the first country to make laws denying Jews rights. They're an easy social group to make a scapegoat of. The only difference was that Hitler did his pontificating in front of thousands of people instead of a few. There's also a theory that he wasn't anti-semitic at all, using those popular views and playing on them in order to gain power. If he was anti-anything it was communism. The post-revisionist view also states that Hitler knew nothing (or at least very little) about the Final Solution. This I find harder to believe but theres no doubting it ended up having a mind of it's own and going further than I believe most in the Nazi hierarchy intended. But like I say, as long as it was the Jews, Slavs and gypsies that were being persecuted, most people didn't really mind. Well maybe that's too strong a term to use,but they weren't going to suddenly up in arms in a an attempt to protect them either. Hitler definitely had some right ideas, about having a united country behind a strong leader, but it started snowballing I think. People say the Germans were treated harshly by the Versailles Treaty, and although I think thats wrong (besides maybe the amount of reparations to be paid) the splitting up of the country exposed the hypocrisy of the self-determination that the Allies were trying to promote. There was no doubting if he had stayed with the Rhineland and Sudetenland, no-one probably would have did much. But like I said I think it started snowballing. I don't believe Hitler wanted a World War II (at least not as soon) - he certainly didn't want Britain involved. Like I say, just going 'Hitler was an evil man, end of story' is a naive approach to take to history. It certainly wasn't that simple. It's always tricky to have a view like this as most people automatically label you a fascist without listening to your points intelligently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sideburnious 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Jason, if you saw some of the videos on concentration camps that I have seen, and know that Hitler is responsible for them, theres no way you cant say he's not evil. You can try and say he was a good leader, speaker, etc, but there is no way you cant say he wasn't evil also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nl5xsk1 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Jason, how old are you? Your rants remind me of being 15 and listening to the bonehead skinheads that used to babble about Hitler shortly after learning about him and WW2 in history class. Like I say, just going 'Hitler was an evil man, end of story' is a naive approach to take to history. It certainly wasn't that simple. It's always tricky to have a view like this as most people automatically label you a fascist without listening to your points intelligently. The reason people label you as a facist or racist or anti-Semite is because that's what you sound like when you try to defend Hitler. And most educated people include Pol Pot & Stalin in their discussions of evil, so it's not like anyone is singling out Hitler as the one-and-only. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sideburnious 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 I think we all know that Jason got a book defending Hitler for christmas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B. Brian Brunzell 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Study up on a guy called Shiro Ishii. It will give you some food for thought regarding these issues. Ishii was the Japanese general in charge of the "expiriments" in Manchuria, was he not? And, I'm curious, who here has actually read Mein Kampf? I'm working my way through it. It's not the easiest read, but it's interesting to say the very least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red Baron 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Now we wait until someone ties in George W. Bush is like Hitler comment, and KKK will call someone a hippie, and the thread will be closed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jason Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Hitler much like the other facist/dictator in Italy took his country from a depression state into a high peek. They're economy got better than it had been in recent years for one they had to pay off the treaty of Versie, and the stock market crash which affected several countries. So by building a war machine Hitler was able to pull his country out of the depression he was a national hero. Next on his plate was to get revenge on the treaty of Versie which was very unfair because the other countries on the Axis side were not penalized. Germany kept its honour and fought to the end and they were penalized severely with war costs, smaller army, and other things. The war costs alone just killed their economy, there's a true story about this were a woman went to buy a loaf of bread which costed about 500 dollars German money so she put it in a wheelbarell. Somebody came running down the street grabbed the wheelbarell and dumped the money because the wheelbarell had more meaning than the money. People were burning money to keep warm. So WWI really did a number on them and they only got involved because of Austria-Hungry and the killing of Fran Ferdiniad. So Germany needed to revenge this treaty and try to stop it nobody would deal with them so Hitler took things into his own hands. Hitler invaded Poland and took it. The Russians also helped him and he ended up making a peace treaty with them. He later then destroyed France. Now if Hitler didn't turn on the Russians I can tell you right now Germany would have won WWII. Germany was fighting a two front war at that time plus Russia ended up kicking their ass. Hitler was a military genius at the beginning of WWII because he knew when to attack and where to attack using Blitzkerg(sp?, same technique Japs used on Pearl Harbour). So was Hitler insane or evil I say no much like any other human being he had a grudge he had a grudge aganist Jewish people now before he became Dicator nobody knew his line of work so a Jew could have denied him or fired him out of a job now that isn't a reason to slaughter them all I know. He also wanted to attend a art school, but Jewish people denied him entry. So now if he wasn't denied Hitler wouldn't have become a dictator he would have been an artist. This year I've read a few books in English LOF(Lord Of The Flies) and Macbeth and both show that nobody is clearly evil. They change and every human has the potential to be evil so Hitler wasn't Satan as many of you believe him to be. He was a perfectly normal person then through whatever he decided to commit evil acts that doesn't make him evil. Let's say you were denied something everyday and then you got the power over that person would you not use it. YES, you would because everybody wants revenge everybody has taken revenge no matter what. Okay you may say God has not taken revenge Jesus gave his life for us. I believe in Jesus and God even though there is no proof of they exsisted, God still threatens people in the Bible he tells Abraham to kill his son or else something will happen. What I am trying to proove is that everybody takes revenge and has taken revenge whether your Catholic or whatever it doesn't matter. Hitler chose the path of evil, but I do not think he was as fucked up as people make him out to be. He slaughtered millions of Jews behind his own peoples back using S.S and Gestapo. I'm not justifying this, that was a horrific act nobody deserved that treatment, but I've said it in a previous thread that the Jewish people who survived and are still alive today benefit a lot from that event. Many people see what they went through and give them an education, give them a life. If you look around the world you will see there are many Jewish people as doctors, dentists, and other high paying jobs and due to the Holocaust many of them got those jobs because people felt sorry and disgusted with Hitler so they gave them an oppurtunity they gave them a chance. Hitler committed mortal sins was he sorry for them no he wasn't, but I'm sure he wasn't an evil Santan like man. He had a wife and such so he had some happiness and love in his life. You are classifying him because he slaughtered millions to him he was just getting revenge. To the Germans Jews were dirty rats who made them go into the depression and were the reason why Germany lost WWI. That's why Hitler wanted revenge on them, he just took it a little bit tooooo far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricMM 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 hitler caused the holocaust. hitler is evil. nuff said. just because it was a grudge, doesn't MATTER Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Winter Of My Discontent Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Hitler much like the other facist/dictator in Italy took his country from a depression state into a high peek. They're economy got better than it had been in recent years for one they had to pay off the treaty of Versie, and the stock market crash which affected several countries. So by building a war machine Hitler was able to pull his country out of the depression he was a national hero. Next on his plate was to get revenge on the treaty of Versie which was very unfair because the other countries on the Axis side were not penalized. Germany kept its honour and fought to the end and they were penalized severely with war costs, smaller army, and other things. The war costs alone just killed their economy, there's a true story about this were a woman went to buy a loaf of bread which costed about 500 dollars German money so she put it in a wheelbarell. Somebody came running down the street grabbed the wheelbarell and dumped the money because the wheelbarell had more meaning than the money. People were burning money to keep warm. So WWI really did a number on them and they only got involved because of Austria-Hungry and the killing of Fran Ferdiniad. So Germany needed to revenge this treaty and try to stop it nobody would deal with them so Hitler took things into his own hands. Hitler invaded Poland and took it. The Russians also helped him and he ended up making a peace treaty with them. He later then destroyed France. Now if Hitler didn't turn on the Russians I can tell you right now Germany would have won WWII. Germany was fighting a two front war at that time plus Russia ended up kicking their ass. Hitler was a military genius at the beginning of WWII because he knew when to attack and where to attack using Blitzkerg(sp?, same technique Japs used on Pearl Harbour). So was Hitler insane or evil I say no much like any other human being he had a grudge he had a grudge aganist Jewish people now before he became Dicator nobody knew his line of work so a Jew could have denied him or fired him out of a job now that isn't a reason to slaughter them all I know. He also wanted to attend a art school, but Jewish people denied him entry. So now if he wasn't denied Hitler wouldn't have become a dictator he would have been an artist. This year I've read a few books in English LOF(Lord Of The Flies) and Macbeth and both show that nobody is clearly evil. They change and every human has the potential to be evil so Hitler wasn't Satan as many of you believe him to be. He was a perfectly normal person then through whatever he decided to commit evil acts that doesn't make him evil. Let's say you were denied something everyday and then you got the power over that person would you not use it. YES, you would because everybody wants revenge everybody has taken revenge no matter what. Okay you may say God has not taken revenge Jesus gave his life for us. I believe in Jesus and God even though there is no proof of they exsisted, God still threatens people in the Bible he tells Abraham to kill his son or else something will happen. What I am trying to proove is that everybody takes revenge and has taken revenge whether your Catholic or whatever it doesn't matter. Hitler chose the path of evil, but I do not think he was as fucked up as people make him out to be. He slaughtered millions of Jews behind his own peoples back using S.S and Gestapo. I'm not justifying this, that was a horrific act nobody deserved that treatment, but I've said it in a previous thread that the Jewish people who survived and are still alive today benefit a lot from that event. Many people see what they went through and give them an education, give them a life. If you look around the world you will see there are many Jewish people as doctors, dentists, and other high paying jobs and due to the Holocaust many of them got those jobs because people felt sorry and disgusted with Hitler so they gave them an oppurtunity they gave them a chance. Hitler committed mortal sins was he sorry for them no he wasn't, but I'm sure he wasn't an evil Santan like man. He had a wife and such so he had some happiness and love in his life. You are classifying him because he slaughtered millions to him he was just getting revenge. To the Germans Jews were dirty rats who made them go into the depression and were the reason why Germany lost WWI. That's why Hitler wanted revenge on them, he just took it a little bit tooooo far. This is what happens when one attends a history class but refuses to apply common sense to their new found knowledge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nl5xsk1 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 What I am trying to proove is that everybody takes revenge and has taken revenge whether your Catholic or whatever it doesn't matter. Hitler chose the path of evil, but I do not think he was as fucked up as people make him out to be. He slaughtered millions of Jews behind his own peoples back using S.S and Gestapo. I'm not justifying this, that was a horrific act nobody deserved that treatment, but I've said it in a previous thread that the Jewish people who survived and are still alive today benefit a lot from that event. Many people see what they went through and give them an education, give them a life. If you look around the world you will see there are many Jewish people as doctors, dentists, and other high paying jobs and due to the Holocaust many of them got those jobs because people felt sorry and disgusted with Hitler so they gave them an oppurtunity they gave them a chance. It's getting obvious that you're just flame-baiting at this point, or at least I hope you are. If you really think that Jewish people are succesful because people pitied them for the Holocaust, then you're obviously a simpleton, if not a full-on retard. Second of all, it's Versailles not Versie ... if you want to be taken seriously, the least you could do is learn how to spell what you're trying to sound so knowledgable about. Last of all, your beloved Hitler liked to have women shit on his chest. So, besides being an ignorant evil dickhead, he was also a submissive pervert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jason Report post Posted December 28, 2004 lol..ok, I give up. I don't want to be the most hated poster on the board Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BDC Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Wow, yup, he's gotta be about 15. Horrid punctuation, stupid, stupid points to try and argue... You're going to bring up literature to say that no one is truly evil? The Holocaust was his deal. It started by killing the menally handicapped, the physically handicapped, the elderly, the moved on to every Jew he could get his mitts on, then every Pole and so on and so forth. You don't get it, do you? Just like Stalin, he killed people for being what they were. He committed GENOCIDE, which is arguably the worst thing that could be done. EVER. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kkktookmybabyaway 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 Now we wait until someone ties in George W. Bush is like Hitler comment, and KKK will call someone a hippie, and the thread will be closed. Hippie. We're halfway there... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Salacious Crumb Report post Posted December 28, 2004 I think it was obvious from the thread about parents that Jason is a 13-15 year old kid trying to sound like an adult. I think he has the worst posts on here to read. He seems to think length equals quality. He doesn't really say anything for the paragraphs upon paragraphs he writes for a post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ace309 0 Report post Posted December 28, 2004 I'd assume about 16, which is when my history teacher pulled out the old "Hitler is only a bad man because we won" chestnut. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites